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Year 2013, Issue: 9, 84 - 97, 01.06.2013


Bu çalışma, Kürtlerin müzikleri içinde ya da dışında kullandıkları zılgıtı, „toplumsal cinsiyet davranışları ‟ve „Kürt kimliği‟ çerçevesinde ele almak için oluşturuldu. Zılgıt, ya da Kürtçesiyle tilili, Orta Doğu kadınının derin keder ya da neşe içeren duygularını, genelde müzik içinde ama bazı zamanlarda da müzik dışında, dillerinin ağızlarının içinde hızlı bir biçimde oynatarak çıkardıkları sesin adıdır. „Zılgıt‟ ya da „tilili‟, özellikle Mezopotamya ve Kuzey Irak Kürtleri tarafından icra edildiği için, ağırlıklı olarak Kürt kimliğinin bir sembolüdür. Ayrıca yine kadınlar tarafından icra edildiği için kadın cinsel kimliğinin de bir sembolüdür. Kısacası zılgıtın Kürtler tarafından icra edilmesi etnik kimliğin, kadınlar tarafından icra edilmesi cinsel kimliğin bir göstergesidir. Dolayısıyla zılgıtın analizi için toplumsal cinsiyet teorilerinin yanısıra, etnisite ve kültürel kimlik teorilerinden de yardım alınmıştır.


  • Abt, Dean (2000). “Music Videos: The Effect of Visual Dimension”, Popular Music and Communication, Edited by James Lull, translated by Turgut İblağ, Çivi Yazıları Publications, İstanbul.
  • Allinson, Christine, Kreyenbroek, Philip. (2008). Kurdish Identity and Culture, Avesta Publishers, İstanbul.
  • Al-Salihi, Nureddin (2002). “Music in Kurdistan”, Kurdish Music, Dances and Songs, edited by Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Publishers, Ankara, 143-203.
  • Baily, John (1997). “The Role of Music in the Creation an Afghan National Identity 1923-73”, Ethnicity, Identity and Music, Edited by. M. Stokes, Berg Publishers, UK&USA, 45-60.
  • Bayrak, Mehmet (2002). “Alevi Kurd‟s Music and Religious Songs”, Kurdish Music, Dances and Songs, Edited by Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Publishers, Ankara, 230- 237.
  • Bohlman, Philip V. (1988). The Study of Folk Music in The Modern World, Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
  • Çağlayan, Handan. (2007), Mothers, Fellows, Goddesses, İletişim Publishers, İstanbul.
  • Direk, Zeynep. (2007), The Materialism of Body and Community Gender: Having Gender, Yapı Kredi Publishers, İstanbul.
  • Engels, Friedrich. (2005), The Origin of Family, Personal Property and Government. Translated by Kenan Somer, Ankara: Sol Publishers.
  • Hall, Stuart. (2000), “Who Needs „Identity‟?”, Cultural Identity, edited by Stuart Hall, Paul de Gay, Sage Publication, London.
  • Kayan, Zahir. (2002), “The Tradition of Dengbej in Kurd Folk Dance”, Kurdish Music, Dances and Songs, Ed. By Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Publishers, Ankara, 510- 514.
  • Kızıldemir, Zülfü. (2002), “Social Communication Role of Kurdish Folk Songs”, Kurdish Music, Dances and Songs, Edited by Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Publishers, Ankara, 385-412.
  • Mach, Zdzislaw. (1997), “National Anthems: The Case of Chopin as a National Composer”, Ethnicity, Identity, Music, Edited by Martin Stokes, Berg Publishers, UK&USA, 61-70.
  • McClary, Susan. (2002), Music, Gender, Sexuality, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis & London.
  • Memiş, Ekrem. (2002), Middle East: Hot Spot, Çizgi Bookshop Publishers, Konya.
  • Mustan Dönmez, Banu. (2008), “Anatolia Death Dirges as a Musical Communication Form”, Cumhuriyet University Journal of Social Sciences, Volume: 32, No: 1, 139-148,
  • Mustan Dönmez, Banu. (2010), “Woman and Music Practices with regard to Hidden and Open Domination Strategies”, “Woman” as 3. International Science Category: The Woman Symposium in Literature, Language, Culture and Art Studies, Aybil Publishers, Konya,79-86.
  • Nezan, Kendal. (2008), “Kurds, Current Condition and Historical Background”, Kurdish Identification and Culture, Edited by Kreyenbroek, Philip; Allison, Christine, Avesta Publishers, İstanbul.
  • Nikitine, Basil. (2008), The Kurds, Translated by E. Karahan, H. Akkuş, N. Uğurlu, İstanbul: Örgün Publisher.
  • O‟Flynn, John. (2007), “National Identity and Music in Transition: Issues of Autenticity in a Global Setting”, Music, National Identity and the Politics of Location, Edited by Biddle, Ian; Knights, Vanessa, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampsire&Burlington, p.19-38.
  • Özoğlu, Hakan. (2005), Kurdish Notables and Ottoman State. Translated by N.Ö. Gündoğan-A.Z. Gündoğan, Kitap Publisher, İstanbul.
  • Püsküllüoğlu, Ali. (2004), Turkish Dictionary, Doğan Publisher, İstanbul.
  • Shiloah, Amnon, (2002). “Kurdish Music, Dances and Songs”, Kurdish Music, Dances and Songs, Edited by Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Publishers, Ankara, p.61-68.
  • Stokes, Martin (1997). “Introduction”, Ethnicity, Identity and Music, Edited by Martin Stokes, Berg Publishers, UK&USA, p.1-27.
  • Yaşın Dökmen, Zehra. (2004), Social Gender. Sistem Publishers, İstanbul. INTERVIEWS
  • ÇAKMAK, Serpil. 23.11.2010 dated interview, a girl student from Diyarbakır, originally being Kurdish and exerting roasting; a student in Music Department, in Fine Arts Academy in İnönü University.
  • DEMİR, Mustafa. 17-01-2011 dated interview, a boy student from Diyarbakır,originally being Kurdish ; a student in Music Department, in Fine Arts Academy in İnönü University.
  • MUSTAN, Seçil. 2002 dated interview, an English Teacher from Manisa; she told her experience with roasting that she heard. INTERNET
  • protested violance-h-12589.html
  •ğan spoke in Diyarbakır-hani-zilgit
  • Seçil Mustan, an English Teacher from Manisa, TURKEY; she told her experience with zılgıt that she experienced, 2004 dated interview.
  • Mustafa Demir, a boy student from Diyarbakır; originally being Kurdish; a student in Music Department, in Fine Arts and Design Faculty in Inonu University, 17-01-2011 dated interview.
  • Çakmak, Serpil. 23.11.2010 dated interview, a girl student from Diyarbakır, originally being Kurdish and performing zılgıt; a student in Music Department, in Fine Arts Academy in Inonu University.


Year 2013, Issue: 9, 84 - 97, 01.06.2013


This study is constituted to handle the zılgıt that Kurdish use in or out their music with the framework of gender behaivour and Kurdish identity. Zılgıt or in Kurdish mean tilili is the name of the sound telling middle East women‟s emotions including deep sorrow and hilarity, generally in music but sometimes without music by dancing their tongue in their mouth in a quick way. Zılgıt or tilili is predominantly the symbol of Kurdish identity as performed specially by Mesopotamia and North Iraq Kurdish. Furthermore, it is the symbol of woman gender as performed by women. In brief, the performing of zılgıt by Kurdish is the symbol of ethnic identity, the performing of zılgıt by women is the symbol of gender identity. Consequently, the assistance has been taken not only from gender identity but also from cultural and ethnic theories for analyzing of zılgıt


  • Abt, Dean (2000). “Music Videos: The Effect of Visual Dimension”, Popular Music and Communication, Edited by James Lull, translated by Turgut İblağ, Çivi Yazıları Publications, İstanbul.
  • Allinson, Christine, Kreyenbroek, Philip. (2008). Kurdish Identity and Culture, Avesta Publishers, İstanbul.
  • Al-Salihi, Nureddin (2002). “Music in Kurdistan”, Kurdish Music, Dances and Songs, edited by Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Publishers, Ankara, 143-203.
  • Baily, John (1997). “The Role of Music in the Creation an Afghan National Identity 1923-73”, Ethnicity, Identity and Music, Edited by. M. Stokes, Berg Publishers, UK&USA, 45-60.
  • Bayrak, Mehmet (2002). “Alevi Kurd‟s Music and Religious Songs”, Kurdish Music, Dances and Songs, Edited by Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Publishers, Ankara, 230- 237.
  • Bohlman, Philip V. (1988). The Study of Folk Music in The Modern World, Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
  • Çağlayan, Handan. (2007), Mothers, Fellows, Goddesses, İletişim Publishers, İstanbul.
  • Direk, Zeynep. (2007), The Materialism of Body and Community Gender: Having Gender, Yapı Kredi Publishers, İstanbul.
  • Engels, Friedrich. (2005), The Origin of Family, Personal Property and Government. Translated by Kenan Somer, Ankara: Sol Publishers.
  • Hall, Stuart. (2000), “Who Needs „Identity‟?”, Cultural Identity, edited by Stuart Hall, Paul de Gay, Sage Publication, London.
  • Kayan, Zahir. (2002), “The Tradition of Dengbej in Kurd Folk Dance”, Kurdish Music, Dances and Songs, Ed. By Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Publishers, Ankara, 510- 514.
  • Kızıldemir, Zülfü. (2002), “Social Communication Role of Kurdish Folk Songs”, Kurdish Music, Dances and Songs, Edited by Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Publishers, Ankara, 385-412.
  • Mach, Zdzislaw. (1997), “National Anthems: The Case of Chopin as a National Composer”, Ethnicity, Identity, Music, Edited by Martin Stokes, Berg Publishers, UK&USA, 61-70.
  • McClary, Susan. (2002), Music, Gender, Sexuality, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis & London.
  • Memiş, Ekrem. (2002), Middle East: Hot Spot, Çizgi Bookshop Publishers, Konya.
  • Mustan Dönmez, Banu. (2008), “Anatolia Death Dirges as a Musical Communication Form”, Cumhuriyet University Journal of Social Sciences, Volume: 32, No: 1, 139-148,
  • Mustan Dönmez, Banu. (2010), “Woman and Music Practices with regard to Hidden and Open Domination Strategies”, “Woman” as 3. International Science Category: The Woman Symposium in Literature, Language, Culture and Art Studies, Aybil Publishers, Konya,79-86.
  • Nezan, Kendal. (2008), “Kurds, Current Condition and Historical Background”, Kurdish Identification and Culture, Edited by Kreyenbroek, Philip; Allison, Christine, Avesta Publishers, İstanbul.
  • Nikitine, Basil. (2008), The Kurds, Translated by E. Karahan, H. Akkuş, N. Uğurlu, İstanbul: Örgün Publisher.
  • O‟Flynn, John. (2007), “National Identity and Music in Transition: Issues of Autenticity in a Global Setting”, Music, National Identity and the Politics of Location, Edited by Biddle, Ian; Knights, Vanessa, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampsire&Burlington, p.19-38.
  • Özoğlu, Hakan. (2005), Kurdish Notables and Ottoman State. Translated by N.Ö. Gündoğan-A.Z. Gündoğan, Kitap Publisher, İstanbul.
  • Püsküllüoğlu, Ali. (2004), Turkish Dictionary, Doğan Publisher, İstanbul.
  • Shiloah, Amnon, (2002). “Kurdish Music, Dances and Songs”, Kurdish Music, Dances and Songs, Edited by Mehmet Bayrak, Özge Publishers, Ankara, p.61-68.
  • Stokes, Martin (1997). “Introduction”, Ethnicity, Identity and Music, Edited by Martin Stokes, Berg Publishers, UK&USA, p.1-27.
  • Yaşın Dökmen, Zehra. (2004), Social Gender. Sistem Publishers, İstanbul. INTERVIEWS
  • ÇAKMAK, Serpil. 23.11.2010 dated interview, a girl student from Diyarbakır, originally being Kurdish and exerting roasting; a student in Music Department, in Fine Arts Academy in İnönü University.
  • DEMİR, Mustafa. 17-01-2011 dated interview, a boy student from Diyarbakır,originally being Kurdish ; a student in Music Department, in Fine Arts Academy in İnönü University.
  • MUSTAN, Seçil. 2002 dated interview, an English Teacher from Manisa; she told her experience with roasting that she heard. INTERNET
  • protested violance-h-12589.html
  •ğan spoke in Diyarbakır-hani-zilgit
  • Seçil Mustan, an English Teacher from Manisa, TURKEY; she told her experience with zılgıt that she experienced, 2004 dated interview.
  • Mustafa Demir, a boy student from Diyarbakır; originally being Kurdish; a student in Music Department, in Fine Arts and Design Faculty in Inonu University, 17-01-2011 dated interview.
  • Çakmak, Serpil. 23.11.2010 dated interview, a girl student from Diyarbakır, originally being Kurdish and performing zılgıt; a student in Music Department, in Fine Arts Academy in Inonu University.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Banu Mustan Dönmez This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 9


APA Mustan Dönmez, B. (2013). BEHAIVOUR of WOMEN in the MIDDLE EAST within the FRAMEWORK OF GENDER IDENTITY and KURDISH MUSICAL EXCLAMATION: “ZILGIT‟‟ or “TİLİLİ‟‟. Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(9), 84-97.

Dicle University
Journal of Social Sciences Institute (DUSBED)