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Year 2020, Issue: 25, 64 - 77, 19.10.2020


Farkında olalım veya olmayalım, hem ferdi hem de özellikle sosyal alanda sağduyusuz eylemek ve söylemek mümkün değildir. Öte yandan, ortak alanda sergilenen eylem ve söylemler belli düşünsel süreçleri zorunlu olarak içerdiğine göre öyleyse marazi durumlar hariç sağduyusuz bir düşünme sürecinden de söz edilemez. Çünkü sağduyu ortak, genel ve geçer aklın iri, diri ve dingin yanına karşılık gelir. Yani, sağduyu ilk bakışta aklın nazari ve ameli işlevli olmazsa olmaz ilintisel bir modu olarak görülür. Fakat Reid için sağduyu çoğu durumlarda insan rasyonalitesinin teminatı olup hem muhteva, hem önem hem de işlev bakımlarından akıl’ın ta kendisidir. Reid’in kurucusu ve kodlayıcısı olduğu sağduyu felsefesi, İskoçya, Fransa ve Amerika merkezli tarihsel müşahhas etkilere sahip olmasına rağmen hep geri planda kaldı. Bunda maalesef sağduyu kavram ve olgusunun pejoratif değerlendirilip yargısız infaz yapılarak olumsuzlanmasının yanısıra bir Alamancı İskoç olan Humecu Kant’ın etkisi vardır. Biz burada doğumunun 310. seneyi devriyesinde Thomas Reid’in d. 07 Mayıs 1710 – ö. 7 Ekim 1796 sağduyu felsefesinin kısa takdimini yapıp filozoflar üzerinden küresel etkilerinden söz edeceğiz. Ennihaye makalemiz: Bir giriş, birbirleriyle bağlantılı üç bölüm, i.e. i. Thomas Reid’in sağduyu felsefesine dair kısa bir değerlendirme; ii. Thomas Reid’in felsefi mirasının tarihsel etkilerine kısa bir bakış; and iii. Reid’in sağduyu felsefesi üzerine yapılan çağdaş çalışmalardan bazılarının kısa takdimi , ve sonuç kısmından oluşmaktadır


  • Açıköz, H. Mustafa, (1995), An Investigation An Investigation of the Question of Human Agency and Freedom in Thomas Reid’s Philosophy of Action, Aberdeen, Britain, published in Turkish as Sağduyu Eylem Felsefesi (Common Sense Philosophy of Action), (2017), 2. Baskı, Elis Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Açıköz, H. Mustafa, (1996), “18. Yüzyıl İskoç Felsefe Geleneğinde İki Filozof Portresi ve Düşündürdükleri - (Reflections over Two Philosophers Portraits of the 18th Centre Scotish Philosophical Tradition)”, Muğla Üni., Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 2, ss; 1-24, Muğla - 2000.
  • Açıköz, H. Mustafa, (2010), Untold Story of Scottish Common Sense and Ancient Greek Philosophies, in Philosophical Essays -II-, Araştırma, Ankara.
  • Ardley, G, (1976), Hume's Common Sense Critics in Revue Internationale De Philosophie, Vol; 30.
  • Ayer, A. J., (1969), Metaphysics and Common Sense, London.
  • Broadie, Alexander (1990), The Tradition of Scottish Philosophy, Edinburgh.
  • Brody, B, (1969), in his introduction to Thomas Reid's Essays on the Active Powers of the Human Mind, MIT Press, USA.
  • Brody, B., (1976), Hume, Reid, and Kant on Causality, in T. Reid: Citical Interpretations, Ed. by Barker, S. F and Beauchamp, T. L, USA.
  • Beanblossom, R E, (1978), Russell's Indebtedness to Reid, The Monist.
  • Barker, S F and Beachamp, T L, (1976), editors, THOMAS REID: Critical Interpretations', Philadelphia.
  • Chisholm, R M, (1976),Person and Object, London.
  • Dalgarno, Melvin and Mattews, Eric, (1989), (editors), The Philosophy of Thomas Reid, Netherlands.
  • Elmer, H. D., (1981), Thomas Reid's Lectures on Natural Theology, America.
  • Flew, Antony, (1984), A Dictionary of Philosophy, UK.
  • Fraser, Campbell, (1898), Thomas Reid, UK.
  • Grave, S. A, (1960), Common Sense, in Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, London.
  • Grave, S. A, (1960), The Scottish Philosophy of Common Sense, Oxford.
  • Hamilton, W, (1863), The Works of Thomas Reid, 6th ed., Edinburgh.
  • Hume, David, (1989), A Treatise of Human Nature, int., by L. A. Selby-Bigge, second ed. by P. H. Nidditch, Oxford.
  • Hume, David, (1975), Enquires Concerning Human Understanding and Concerning the Principles of Morals, sec. VIII, third ed. by P. H. Nidditch, Oxford.
  • Immerwahr, J, (1978), The development of Reid's Realism, The Monist, Vol.61, USA.
  • Kant, Immanuel, (1953), Prolegomena, trns. and ed. by P. G. Lucas, Manchester.
  • Lehrer, K, Reid's Influence on Contemporary American and British Philosophy, in 'T REID: Critical Interpretations', ed. by S F Barker and T L Beauchamp, (1976), Philadelphia.
  • Lehrer, Keith, (1989), Thomas Reid, London - New York.
  • Madden, E H, (1983), The Metaphilosophy of Common Sense, American Philosophical Quarterly, V.20, N.1, January
  • Marcil-Lacoste, L, (1982), Claude Buffier and Thomas Reid: Two Common-Sense Philosophers, Ontario.
  • Moore, G. E, (1959), A Defence of Common Sense, in Philosophical Papers, London.
  • Parkinson, G H R (ed.), (1988), Encyclopedia of Philosophy, UK.
  • Priest, S, (1990), The British Empiricists, UK.
  • Priestly, J, (1775), An Examination of Dr. Reid's Inquiry, 2nd ed., London.
  • Reid, Thomas, (1970), An Inquiry into the Human Mind, edited with an introduction by Duggan, T. , USA.
  • Thomas Reid's Inquiry and Essays, ed. by R. E. Beanblossom and K. Lehrer, (1983), USA.
  • Reid, Thomas, (1969), Essays on the Active Powers of Human Mind, int. by Brody B, MIT.
  • Reid, Thomas, (1969), Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, int. by Brody B, MIT.
  • Reid Thomas, (1990), Practical Ethics, ed. with an int. by Haakkonssen, K., Oxford.
  • REID'S MANUSCRIPTS: As far as historians of the philosophy are concerned, Aberdeen University has the honour and priviledge of keeping the manuscripts of Thomas Reid (1710-1796) known as the Birkwood Collection (MSS. 2131/1-8). The collection comprises over 800 items relating to the writings and teachings of Thomas Reid. The manuscripts range from fair copies of papers on specific topics to miscellaneous research notes, abstracts of works read and occasional mathemetical calculations.
  • Sidgwick, H, (1895), The Philosophy of Common Sense, Mind, 4.
  • Somerville, J, (1986), Moore's Conception of Common Sense in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol.xlvii.
  • Stroud, B, (1990), Hume, reprint, London.
  • Sorley, W. R., (1951), A History of English Philosophy, UK.
  • Unger, P, (1982), Toward a Psychology of Common Sense, A P Q, 19.
  • Vernier, P, (1976), Thomas Reid on the Foundations of knowledge and his Answer to Skepticism, in T. Reid; Critical Interpretations, Philosophical Monographys, USA.


Year 2020, Issue: 25, 64 - 77, 19.10.2020


Without referring to common sense it is impossible to act and talk both individually and socially, whether we are aware of it or not. Both action itself and act of speech brought about at the conventional realms necessarily require rational processes excluding some unhealty irational cases so that without applying common sense none can talk of rational process in any action of an agent. Thus common sense equated or matched with huge, live and matured sides of a shared, general, sound and valid conventional reason. Initially, common sense seems an inevitable accidential mode of theoretical and applicable functions of the mind. For Reid common sense in large is equated to reasion or mind as to its content, function and importance so that it is a multi functional safe heaven of human rationality. Although common sense philosophy, founded and codified by Reid, has been obvious historical impact over the philosophers of Scotland, France and America, it unfortunatelly ignored. Because notion and phenemon of common sense deliberately and unjustly negativated, for instance, Kant, as a Scotish Germanian Humeist, has an absurd and unjust role in this process. Herein we shall briefly introduce Thomas Reid’s common sense philosophy and its global influences over philosophers at 310th anniversary of his birth i.e. b. 7th May of 1710 – d. 7th October of 1796 . Thus our article composed of: An introduction, three interconnected sections i.e. i. a brief overview of: Thomas Reid’s common sense philosophy; ii. historical impacts of Thomas Reid’s legacy; and iii. the selected contemporary works done on Reid’s common sense philosophy , and conclusion


  • Açıköz, H. Mustafa, (1995), An Investigation An Investigation of the Question of Human Agency and Freedom in Thomas Reid’s Philosophy of Action, Aberdeen, Britain, published in Turkish as Sağduyu Eylem Felsefesi (Common Sense Philosophy of Action), (2017), 2. Baskı, Elis Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Açıköz, H. Mustafa, (1996), “18. Yüzyıl İskoç Felsefe Geleneğinde İki Filozof Portresi ve Düşündürdükleri - (Reflections over Two Philosophers Portraits of the 18th Centre Scotish Philosophical Tradition)”, Muğla Üni., Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt: 1, Sayı: 2, ss; 1-24, Muğla - 2000.
  • Açıköz, H. Mustafa, (2010), Untold Story of Scottish Common Sense and Ancient Greek Philosophies, in Philosophical Essays -II-, Araştırma, Ankara.
  • Ardley, G, (1976), Hume's Common Sense Critics in Revue Internationale De Philosophie, Vol; 30.
  • Ayer, A. J., (1969), Metaphysics and Common Sense, London.
  • Broadie, Alexander (1990), The Tradition of Scottish Philosophy, Edinburgh.
  • Brody, B, (1969), in his introduction to Thomas Reid's Essays on the Active Powers of the Human Mind, MIT Press, USA.
  • Brody, B., (1976), Hume, Reid, and Kant on Causality, in T. Reid: Citical Interpretations, Ed. by Barker, S. F and Beauchamp, T. L, USA.
  • Beanblossom, R E, (1978), Russell's Indebtedness to Reid, The Monist.
  • Barker, S F and Beachamp, T L, (1976), editors, THOMAS REID: Critical Interpretations', Philadelphia.
  • Chisholm, R M, (1976),Person and Object, London.
  • Dalgarno, Melvin and Mattews, Eric, (1989), (editors), The Philosophy of Thomas Reid, Netherlands.
  • Elmer, H. D., (1981), Thomas Reid's Lectures on Natural Theology, America.
  • Flew, Antony, (1984), A Dictionary of Philosophy, UK.
  • Fraser, Campbell, (1898), Thomas Reid, UK.
  • Grave, S. A, (1960), Common Sense, in Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, London.
  • Grave, S. A, (1960), The Scottish Philosophy of Common Sense, Oxford.
  • Hamilton, W, (1863), The Works of Thomas Reid, 6th ed., Edinburgh.
  • Hume, David, (1989), A Treatise of Human Nature, int., by L. A. Selby-Bigge, second ed. by P. H. Nidditch, Oxford.
  • Hume, David, (1975), Enquires Concerning Human Understanding and Concerning the Principles of Morals, sec. VIII, third ed. by P. H. Nidditch, Oxford.
  • Immerwahr, J, (1978), The development of Reid's Realism, The Monist, Vol.61, USA.
  • Kant, Immanuel, (1953), Prolegomena, trns. and ed. by P. G. Lucas, Manchester.
  • Lehrer, K, Reid's Influence on Contemporary American and British Philosophy, in 'T REID: Critical Interpretations', ed. by S F Barker and T L Beauchamp, (1976), Philadelphia.
  • Lehrer, Keith, (1989), Thomas Reid, London - New York.
  • Madden, E H, (1983), The Metaphilosophy of Common Sense, American Philosophical Quarterly, V.20, N.1, January
  • Marcil-Lacoste, L, (1982), Claude Buffier and Thomas Reid: Two Common-Sense Philosophers, Ontario.
  • Moore, G. E, (1959), A Defence of Common Sense, in Philosophical Papers, London.
  • Parkinson, G H R (ed.), (1988), Encyclopedia of Philosophy, UK.
  • Priest, S, (1990), The British Empiricists, UK.
  • Priestly, J, (1775), An Examination of Dr. Reid's Inquiry, 2nd ed., London.
  • Reid, Thomas, (1970), An Inquiry into the Human Mind, edited with an introduction by Duggan, T. , USA.
  • Thomas Reid's Inquiry and Essays, ed. by R. E. Beanblossom and K. Lehrer, (1983), USA.
  • Reid, Thomas, (1969), Essays on the Active Powers of Human Mind, int. by Brody B, MIT.
  • Reid, Thomas, (1969), Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, int. by Brody B, MIT.
  • Reid Thomas, (1990), Practical Ethics, ed. with an int. by Haakkonssen, K., Oxford.
  • REID'S MANUSCRIPTS: As far as historians of the philosophy are concerned, Aberdeen University has the honour and priviledge of keeping the manuscripts of Thomas Reid (1710-1796) known as the Birkwood Collection (MSS. 2131/1-8). The collection comprises over 800 items relating to the writings and teachings of Thomas Reid. The manuscripts range from fair copies of papers on specific topics to miscellaneous research notes, abstracts of works read and occasional mathemetical calculations.
  • Sidgwick, H, (1895), The Philosophy of Common Sense, Mind, 4.
  • Somerville, J, (1986), Moore's Conception of Common Sense in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol.xlvii.
  • Stroud, B, (1990), Hume, reprint, London.
  • Sorley, W. R., (1951), A History of English Philosophy, UK.
  • Unger, P, (1982), Toward a Psychology of Common Sense, A P Q, 19.
  • Vernier, P, (1976), Thomas Reid on the Foundations of knowledge and his Answer to Skepticism, in T. Reid; Critical Interpretations, Philosophical Monographys, USA.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Hacı Mustafa Açıköz This is me

Publication Date October 19, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 25


APA Açıköz, H. M. (2020). A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF REID’S PHILOSOPHY AND ITS HISTORICAL IMPACTS AT HIS 310TH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY. Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(25), 64-77.

Dicle University
Journal of Social Sciences Institute (DUSBED)