Year 2021,
Issue: 26, 46 - 64, 25.02.2021
Emre İpekçi
Mehmet Tanyaş
Soğuk zincir lojistiği gıda ve ilaç sektörü başta olmak üzere belirli ısı aralıklarında taşınması gereken ürünlerin
tüketicilere ulaşacağı ana kadar sahip oldukları ısı rejiminin kontrol altında tutulması için yürütülen lojistik süreçlerin genel
adıdır. Isı kontrolü; gıda güvenliği, gıda kayıplarının önüne geçilmesi, aşı ve ilaçların özelliklerini yitirmeden taşınabilmesi
gibi süreçler için bir gerekliliktir. Çalışmada soğuk zincir lojistiği ve uygulama alanları kavramsal çerçevede ele alınmıştır.
Çalışmanın amacı dünya genelindeki güncel soğuk zincir uygulamalarını inceleyerek Türkiye’deki uygulamalar ve
sektörün genel durumunu ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmada Türkiye’de soğuk zincir lojistiğinin genel durumunun
anlaşılabilmesi için SWOT analizi yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. Yapılan analiz neticesinde Türkiye’deki uygulamaların
uluslararası standartlar ile uyumlu hale getirilme çalışmaları olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Fakat kat edilmesi gereken daha çok
mesafe olduğu sonucuna da varılmıştır.
- Adekomaya, Oludaisi - Tamba, Jamiru - Rotimi, Sadiku - Zhongjie, Huan, (2016), “Sustaining
The Shelf Life of Fresh Food in Cold Chain - A Burden on the Environment”, Alexandria
Engineering Journal, 55(2), s.1359–65.
- Al Theeb, Nader - Smadi, Hazem - Al-Hawari, Tarek - Aljarrah, Manar, (2020), Optimization
of Vehicle Routing with Inventory Allocation Problems in Cold Supply Chain Logistics, Computers
& Industrial Engineering, 142, 106341.
- Altuntaş, Mehmet (2019), "Türkiye’de Soğuk Zincir Lojistiği", (Erişim Tarihi:
- Arduino, Giulia - David Carrillo Murillo - Francesco Parola (2015), “Refrigerated Container
Versus Bulk: Evidence from the Banana Cold Chain”, Maritime Policy and Management, 42(3),
s. 228–245.
- Aung, Myo Min - Chang, Yoon. Seok (2014). Temperature Management
for The Quality Assurance of a Perishable Food Supply Chain. Food Control, 40, s. 198-207.
- Baxter, Glenn, ve Kyriakos, Kourousis (2015), “Temperature Controlled Aircraft Unit Load
Devices: The Technological Response to Growing Global Air Cargo Cool Chain Requirements”,
Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 10(1), s. 157-172.
- Bogataj, Marija - Bogataj, Ludvik - Vodopivec, Robert (2005), “Stability of Perishable Goods
in Cold Logistic Chains", International Journal of Production Economics, 93, s. 345-356.
- Boyer, Kenneth K - Prud’homme, Andrea M. - Chung, Wenming (2009), “The Last Mile
Challenge: Evaluating The Effects of Customer Density and Delivery Window Patterns”, Journal
of Business Logistics, 30(1), s. 185-201.
- Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı (2017), Kişi Başına Tarım Alanı, (Erişim Tarihi: 20.01.2020).
C. McKellara Robin - LeBlanc Denyse I. - Rodríguez Fernando Pérez - Delaquis Pascal
(2014), “Comparative simulation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 behaviour in packaged fresh-cut
lettuce distributed in a typical Canadian supply chain in the summer and winter”, Food Control,
35(1), s. 192-199.
- Calanche, J. - Samayoa S. - Alonso, V. - Provincial L. - Roncalés P. - Beltrán, J. A. (2013),
“Assessing the Effectiveness of a Cold Chain For Fresh Fish Salmon (Salmo Salar) and Sardine
(Sardina Pilchardus) in a Food Processing Plant”, Food Control, 33(1), s.126–135.
- Chen, Yu Yi - Yao, Jen Wang - Jinn, Ke Jan (2014), “A Novel Deployment of Smart Cold
Chain System Using 2G-RFID-Sys”, Journal of Food Engineering, 141, s. 113–121.
- Defraeye, Thijs - Cronjé, Paul - Berry, Tarl - Opara, Umezuruike Linus - East, Andrew -
Hertog, Maarten - Verboven, Pieter - Bart, Nicolai (2015), “Towards Integrated Performance
Evaluation of Future Packaging for Fresh Produce in The Cold Chain”, Trends in Food Science and
Technology, 44(2), s. 201–25.
- Deniz Ticaret Odası, (2019), “Denizcilik Sektör Raporu”,
(Erişim Tarihi: 06.05.2020).
- Dünya Gazetesi, (2018), “Her yıl 214 milyar liralık gıda çöpe gidiyor”,
(Erişim Tarihi: 11.05.2020).
- Eldener, Emre (2019), “Gıda ve Soğuk Zincir Lojistiği İçin Eğitime Yatırım Şart”.
- (Erişim Tarihi: 12.05.2020).
- Food and Agriculture Organization, (2011). "Energy-smart" Food for People and Climate:
Issue Paper, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
- Gallo, Andrea - Accorsi, Riccardo - Baruffaldi, Giulia - Manzini, Riccardo, (2017), Designing
Sustainable Cold Chains for Long-Range Food Distribution: Energy-Effective Corridors on the Silk
Road Belt. Sustainability, 9(11), 2044.
- Gunders, Dana ve Bloom, Jonathan (2017), “Wasted: How America is losing up to 40 percent
of its food from farm to fork to landfill”.
- Güngör, Şenay, ve Uysal, Ahmet (2017), “Postyapısalcı Coğrafyalarda İlişkisel Bir Mekân
Olarak Nevşehir’in Kavak Beldesi’ndeki Doğal Soğuk Hava Depoları”. Marmara Coğrafya
Dergisi, (36), s. 218-231.
- Gupta, Vishal Kumar - Chaudhuri, Atanu ve Tiwari - Manoj Kumar. (2019), Modeling for
Deployment of Digital Technologies in The Cold Chain. IFAC-Papers OnLine, 52(13), s. 1192-
- Gustavsson, Jenny - Cederberg, Christel - Sonesson, Ulf - Emanuelsson, Andreas (2013), The
Methodology of the FAO Study: Global Food Losses and Food Waste-extent, Causes and
Prevention”- FAO, 2011.
- Hariga, Moncer - As' ad, Rami - Shamayleh, Abdulrahim (2017), “Integrated Economic and
Environmental Models for a Multi Stage Cold Supply Chain Under Carbon Tax Regulation”,
Journal of Cleaner Production, 166, s. 1357–1371.
Year 2021,
Issue: 26, 46 - 64, 25.02.2021
Emre İpekçi
Mehmet Tanyaş
- Adekomaya, Oludaisi - Tamba, Jamiru - Rotimi, Sadiku - Zhongjie, Huan, (2016), “Sustaining
The Shelf Life of Fresh Food in Cold Chain - A Burden on the Environment”, Alexandria
Engineering Journal, 55(2), s.1359–65.
- Al Theeb, Nader - Smadi, Hazem - Al-Hawari, Tarek - Aljarrah, Manar, (2020), Optimization
of Vehicle Routing with Inventory Allocation Problems in Cold Supply Chain Logistics, Computers
& Industrial Engineering, 142, 106341.
- Altuntaş, Mehmet (2019), "Türkiye’de Soğuk Zincir Lojistiği", (Erişim Tarihi:
- Arduino, Giulia - David Carrillo Murillo - Francesco Parola (2015), “Refrigerated Container
Versus Bulk: Evidence from the Banana Cold Chain”, Maritime Policy and Management, 42(3),
s. 228–245.
- Aung, Myo Min - Chang, Yoon. Seok (2014). Temperature Management
for The Quality Assurance of a Perishable Food Supply Chain. Food Control, 40, s. 198-207.
- Baxter, Glenn, ve Kyriakos, Kourousis (2015), “Temperature Controlled Aircraft Unit Load
Devices: The Technological Response to Growing Global Air Cargo Cool Chain Requirements”,
Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 10(1), s. 157-172.
- Bogataj, Marija - Bogataj, Ludvik - Vodopivec, Robert (2005), “Stability of Perishable Goods
in Cold Logistic Chains", International Journal of Production Economics, 93, s. 345-356.
- Boyer, Kenneth K - Prud’homme, Andrea M. - Chung, Wenming (2009), “The Last Mile
Challenge: Evaluating The Effects of Customer Density and Delivery Window Patterns”, Journal
of Business Logistics, 30(1), s. 185-201.
- Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı (2017), Kişi Başına Tarım Alanı, (Erişim Tarihi: 20.01.2020).
C. McKellara Robin - LeBlanc Denyse I. - Rodríguez Fernando Pérez - Delaquis Pascal
(2014), “Comparative simulation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 behaviour in packaged fresh-cut
lettuce distributed in a typical Canadian supply chain in the summer and winter”, Food Control,
35(1), s. 192-199.
- Calanche, J. - Samayoa S. - Alonso, V. - Provincial L. - Roncalés P. - Beltrán, J. A. (2013),
“Assessing the Effectiveness of a Cold Chain For Fresh Fish Salmon (Salmo Salar) and Sardine
(Sardina Pilchardus) in a Food Processing Plant”, Food Control, 33(1), s.126–135.
- Chen, Yu Yi - Yao, Jen Wang - Jinn, Ke Jan (2014), “A Novel Deployment of Smart Cold
Chain System Using 2G-RFID-Sys”, Journal of Food Engineering, 141, s. 113–121.
- Defraeye, Thijs - Cronjé, Paul - Berry, Tarl - Opara, Umezuruike Linus - East, Andrew -
Hertog, Maarten - Verboven, Pieter - Bart, Nicolai (2015), “Towards Integrated Performance
Evaluation of Future Packaging for Fresh Produce in The Cold Chain”, Trends in Food Science and
Technology, 44(2), s. 201–25.
- Deniz Ticaret Odası, (2019), “Denizcilik Sektör Raporu”,
(Erişim Tarihi: 06.05.2020).
- Dünya Gazetesi, (2018), “Her yıl 214 milyar liralık gıda çöpe gidiyor”,
(Erişim Tarihi: 11.05.2020).
- Eldener, Emre (2019), “Gıda ve Soğuk Zincir Lojistiği İçin Eğitime Yatırım Şart”.
- (Erişim Tarihi: 12.05.2020).
- Food and Agriculture Organization, (2011). "Energy-smart" Food for People and Climate:
Issue Paper, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
- Gallo, Andrea - Accorsi, Riccardo - Baruffaldi, Giulia - Manzini, Riccardo, (2017), Designing
Sustainable Cold Chains for Long-Range Food Distribution: Energy-Effective Corridors on the Silk
Road Belt. Sustainability, 9(11), 2044.
- Gunders, Dana ve Bloom, Jonathan (2017), “Wasted: How America is losing up to 40 percent
of its food from farm to fork to landfill”.
- Güngör, Şenay, ve Uysal, Ahmet (2017), “Postyapısalcı Coğrafyalarda İlişkisel Bir Mekân
Olarak Nevşehir’in Kavak Beldesi’ndeki Doğal Soğuk Hava Depoları”. Marmara Coğrafya
Dergisi, (36), s. 218-231.
- Gupta, Vishal Kumar - Chaudhuri, Atanu ve Tiwari - Manoj Kumar. (2019), Modeling for
Deployment of Digital Technologies in The Cold Chain. IFAC-Papers OnLine, 52(13), s. 1192-
- Gustavsson, Jenny - Cederberg, Christel - Sonesson, Ulf - Emanuelsson, Andreas (2013), The
Methodology of the FAO Study: Global Food Losses and Food Waste-extent, Causes and
Prevention”- FAO, 2011.
- Hariga, Moncer - As' ad, Rami - Shamayleh, Abdulrahim (2017), “Integrated Economic and
Environmental Models for a Multi Stage Cold Supply Chain Under Carbon Tax Regulation”,
Journal of Cleaner Production, 166, s. 1357–1371.