Research Article
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Evaluation Of The Causes Of Blindness In Patients Admitted To The Health Board Of A Hospital Servicing Souteastern Anatolia

Year 2019, , 209 - 214, 11.06.2019


We aimed to reveal the causes of blindness in patients who applied to a health
board of our hospital which provides service to a socioeconomically depressed

Methods: We
retrospectively reviewed the records of 314 patients who were blind in at least
one eye were recorded among 2214 patients who were referred to our hospital's
health board between February 2016 and January 2018 for evaluation by the
health board to receive a disability report from our hospital.

Results: In
this study, we determined that 185 (58.9%) patients were female, 129 (41.1%) patients
were male and the mean patient age was 70.84 ± 19.15 years. The most common
causes of blindness were cataract seen in 104 (33.1%) patients, phthisis eyes
in 53 (16.9%) patients, optic atrophy in 40 (12.7%) patients, corneal opacities
in 35 (11.1%) patients and diabetic retinopathy in 20 (6.4%) patients.

Both in our study and in other studies conducted in our region, preventable
blindness such as cataract, phthisis and corneal opacity have been detected at
high rates. Therefore we believe that more awareness and effort may be needed
to reduce such preventable blindness in our region.


  • 1. Swanson MW, McGwin G. Visual impairment and functional status from the 1995 National Health Interview Survey on Disability. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2004; 11: 227–39.
  • 2. Resnikoff S, Pascolini D, Etya'ale D, et all. Global data on visual impairment in the year 2002. Bull World Healt Organ. 2004; 82: 844-51.
  • 3. Pizzarello L, Abiose A, Ffytche T, et all. VISION 2020: The Right to Sight: a global initiative to eliminate avoidable blindness. Arch Ophthalmol. 2004; 122: 615–20.
  • 4. Özürlülük Ölçütü, Sınıflandırması ve Özürlülere Verilecek Sağlık Kurulu Raporları Hakkında Yönetmelik. Kurum ve Kuruluş Yönetmeliği (Özürlüler İdaresi Başkanlığı) Resmi Gazete Tarihi: 16.07.2006 Sayısı: 26230.
  • 5. Arslan Ş, Kutsal Y. Yaşlılarda Özürlülüğün değerlendirimine yönelik çok merkezli epidemiyolojik çalışma. Turkish Journal Of Geriatrics. 1999; 2: 103–14.
  • 6. WHO Technical Report Series 835. Aging and working capacity 1993: 1-49.
  • 7. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü " Dünya Engellilik Raporu Yönetici Özeti ". 2011.
  • 8. T. B. Ö. İ. TC Başbakanlık Özürlüler İdaresi Başkanlığı. Türkiye Özürlüler Araştırması. 2002.
  • 9. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, Maliye Bakanlığı, Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı ve Sağlık Bakanlığından: Özürlülük Ölçütü, Sınıflandırması ve Özürlülere Verilecek Sağlık Kurulu Raporları Hakkında Yönetmelik. 30 Mart 2013 tarihli 28603 sayılı Resmi Gazete, Ankara. ( [Erişim Tarihi: 17.02.2014].
  • 10. Üstün T, Chatterji S, Bickenbach J, Kostanjsek N & Schneider M. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: A new tool for understanding disability and health. Disabil Rehabil. 2003; 25: 565-71.
  • 11. Cheng F, Shan L, Song W, Fan P & Yuan H. Distance- and near-visual impairment in rural Chinese adults in Kailu; Inner Mongolia. Acta Ophthalmol. 2016; 94: 407–13.
  • 12. Zhang Y, Wang H, Liu J, et all. Prevalence of blindness and low vision: a study in the rural Heilongjiang Province of China. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2012; 40: 484–9.
  • 13. Li J, Zhong H, Cai N, et all. The prevalence and causes of visual impairment in an elderly Chinese Bai ethnic rural population: the Yunnan minority eye study. Invest Ophthalmol. Vis Sci 2012; 53: 4498–504.
  • 14. Lu H, Guan H, Dai Z, et all. Prevalence of blindness and moderate and severe visual impairment among adults aged 50 years or above in Qidong City of Jiangsu Province: the China Nine-Province Survey. [Zhonghua yan ke za zhi] Chinese journal of ophthalmology. 2012; 48: 205–10.
  • 15. Wei M, Chen H, Fan Y & Pathai S. Prevalence and causes of visual impairment and blindness in Sichuan province of China. Int J Ophthalmol. 2010; 3: 83–8.
  • 16. Pascolini D & Mariotti S. Global estimates of visual impairment: 2010. Br J Ophthalmol. 2012; 96: 614–8.
  • 17. Negrel A, Minassian D & Sayek F. Blindness and low vision in southeast Turkey. Ophthalm Epidemiol. 1996; 3: 127–34.
  • 18. Ceyhan D, Yaşar T, Demirok A, et all. Sağlık Kurulu Raporlarına Göre Van Bölgesinde Görme Özürlülük Nedenleri. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology. 2012; 42(2);131-134.
  • 19. Temel A. Low vision aids (evaluation of 185 patients). Ophthal Physiol Opt. 1989; 9: 327-31.
  • 20. Olcaysu O, Kıvanç S, Altun A, et all. Causes of disability, low vision and blindness in old age. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics. 2014; 17: 44-9.
  • 21. Foster P, Oen F, Machin D, et all. The prevalence of glaucoma in Chinese residents of Singapore: A cross-sectional population survey of the Tanjong Pagar district. Arch Ophthalmology. 2000; 118: 1105-11.
  • 22. Hennis A, Wu S, Nemesure B, et all. & Barbados Eye Studies Group. Nine-year incidence of visual impairment in the Barbados Eye Studies. Ophthalmology. 2009; 116: 1461-8.
  • 23. Buch H, Vinding T, La Cour M, Appleyard M, Jensen G & Nielsen N. Prevalence and causes of visual impairment and blindness among 9980 Scandinavian adults: the Copenhagen City Eye Study. Ophthalmology. 2004; 111: 53-61.
  • 24. Huang S, Zheng Y, Foster P, Huang W, He M & Liwan Eye S. Prevalence and causes of visual impairment in Chinese adults in urban southern China. Arch Ophthalmol. 2009; 127: 136-67.
  • 25. Salomao S, Mitsuhiro M & Belfort R. Visual impairment and blindness: an overview of prevalence and causes in Brazil. An Acad Bras Cienc. 2009; 81: 539-49.
  • 26. Zhu R, Shi J, Yang M & Guan H. Prevalences and causes of vision impairment in elderly Chinese: a socioeconomic perspective of a comparative report nested in Jiangsu Eye Study. International journal of ophthalmology. 2016; 9: 1051-56.
  • 27. Keklikci U, Sakalar Y, Unlu K, Bozarslan B, Dag U. Açık Göz Yaralanmalarında Aile Faktörünün Etkisi. Turk J Ophthalmol. 2007; 37: 474-9.
Year 2019, , 209 - 214, 11.06.2019



  • 1. Swanson MW, McGwin G. Visual impairment and functional status from the 1995 National Health Interview Survey on Disability. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2004; 11: 227–39.
  • 2. Resnikoff S, Pascolini D, Etya'ale D, et all. Global data on visual impairment in the year 2002. Bull World Healt Organ. 2004; 82: 844-51.
  • 3. Pizzarello L, Abiose A, Ffytche T, et all. VISION 2020: The Right to Sight: a global initiative to eliminate avoidable blindness. Arch Ophthalmol. 2004; 122: 615–20.
  • 4. Özürlülük Ölçütü, Sınıflandırması ve Özürlülere Verilecek Sağlık Kurulu Raporları Hakkında Yönetmelik. Kurum ve Kuruluş Yönetmeliği (Özürlüler İdaresi Başkanlığı) Resmi Gazete Tarihi: 16.07.2006 Sayısı: 26230.
  • 5. Arslan Ş, Kutsal Y. Yaşlılarda Özürlülüğün değerlendirimine yönelik çok merkezli epidemiyolojik çalışma. Turkish Journal Of Geriatrics. 1999; 2: 103–14.
  • 6. WHO Technical Report Series 835. Aging and working capacity 1993: 1-49.
  • 7. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü " Dünya Engellilik Raporu Yönetici Özeti ". 2011.
  • 8. T. B. Ö. İ. TC Başbakanlık Özürlüler İdaresi Başkanlığı. Türkiye Özürlüler Araştırması. 2002.
  • 9. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı, Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı, Maliye Bakanlığı, Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı ve Sağlık Bakanlığından: Özürlülük Ölçütü, Sınıflandırması ve Özürlülere Verilecek Sağlık Kurulu Raporları Hakkında Yönetmelik. 30 Mart 2013 tarihli 28603 sayılı Resmi Gazete, Ankara. ( [Erişim Tarihi: 17.02.2014].
  • 10. Üstün T, Chatterji S, Bickenbach J, Kostanjsek N & Schneider M. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: A new tool for understanding disability and health. Disabil Rehabil. 2003; 25: 565-71.
  • 11. Cheng F, Shan L, Song W, Fan P & Yuan H. Distance- and near-visual impairment in rural Chinese adults in Kailu; Inner Mongolia. Acta Ophthalmol. 2016; 94: 407–13.
  • 12. Zhang Y, Wang H, Liu J, et all. Prevalence of blindness and low vision: a study in the rural Heilongjiang Province of China. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 2012; 40: 484–9.
  • 13. Li J, Zhong H, Cai N, et all. The prevalence and causes of visual impairment in an elderly Chinese Bai ethnic rural population: the Yunnan minority eye study. Invest Ophthalmol. Vis Sci 2012; 53: 4498–504.
  • 14. Lu H, Guan H, Dai Z, et all. Prevalence of blindness and moderate and severe visual impairment among adults aged 50 years or above in Qidong City of Jiangsu Province: the China Nine-Province Survey. [Zhonghua yan ke za zhi] Chinese journal of ophthalmology. 2012; 48: 205–10.
  • 15. Wei M, Chen H, Fan Y & Pathai S. Prevalence and causes of visual impairment and blindness in Sichuan province of China. Int J Ophthalmol. 2010; 3: 83–8.
  • 16. Pascolini D & Mariotti S. Global estimates of visual impairment: 2010. Br J Ophthalmol. 2012; 96: 614–8.
  • 17. Negrel A, Minassian D & Sayek F. Blindness and low vision in southeast Turkey. Ophthalm Epidemiol. 1996; 3: 127–34.
  • 18. Ceyhan D, Yaşar T, Demirok A, et all. Sağlık Kurulu Raporlarına Göre Van Bölgesinde Görme Özürlülük Nedenleri. Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology. 2012; 42(2);131-134.
  • 19. Temel A. Low vision aids (evaluation of 185 patients). Ophthal Physiol Opt. 1989; 9: 327-31.
  • 20. Olcaysu O, Kıvanç S, Altun A, et all. Causes of disability, low vision and blindness in old age. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics. 2014; 17: 44-9.
  • 21. Foster P, Oen F, Machin D, et all. The prevalence of glaucoma in Chinese residents of Singapore: A cross-sectional population survey of the Tanjong Pagar district. Arch Ophthalmology. 2000; 118: 1105-11.
  • 22. Hennis A, Wu S, Nemesure B, et all. & Barbados Eye Studies Group. Nine-year incidence of visual impairment in the Barbados Eye Studies. Ophthalmology. 2009; 116: 1461-8.
  • 23. Buch H, Vinding T, La Cour M, Appleyard M, Jensen G & Nielsen N. Prevalence and causes of visual impairment and blindness among 9980 Scandinavian adults: the Copenhagen City Eye Study. Ophthalmology. 2004; 111: 53-61.
  • 24. Huang S, Zheng Y, Foster P, Huang W, He M & Liwan Eye S. Prevalence and causes of visual impairment in Chinese adults in urban southern China. Arch Ophthalmol. 2009; 127: 136-67.
  • 25. Salomao S, Mitsuhiro M & Belfort R. Visual impairment and blindness: an overview of prevalence and causes in Brazil. An Acad Bras Cienc. 2009; 81: 539-49.
  • 26. Zhu R, Shi J, Yang M & Guan H. Prevalences and causes of vision impairment in elderly Chinese: a socioeconomic perspective of a comparative report nested in Jiangsu Eye Study. International journal of ophthalmology. 2016; 9: 1051-56.
  • 27. Keklikci U, Sakalar Y, Unlu K, Bozarslan B, Dag U. Açık Göz Yaralanmalarında Aile Faktörünün Etkisi. Turk J Ophthalmol. 2007; 37: 474-9.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Articles

Seyfettin Erdem This is me 0000-0001-5742-1293

Publication Date June 11, 2019
Submission Date November 14, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Erdem, S. (2019). Evaluation Of The Causes Of Blindness In Patients Admitted To The Health Board Of A Hospital Servicing Souteastern Anatolia. Dicle Medical Journal, 46(2), 209-214.
AMA Erdem S. Evaluation Of The Causes Of Blindness In Patients Admitted To The Health Board Of A Hospital Servicing Souteastern Anatolia. diclemedj. June 2019;46(2):209-214. doi:10.5798/dicletip.539931
Chicago Erdem, Seyfettin. “Evaluation Of The Causes Of Blindness In Patients Admitted To The Health Board Of A Hospital Servicing Souteastern Anatolia”. Dicle Medical Journal 46, no. 2 (June 2019): 209-14.
EndNote Erdem S (June 1, 2019) Evaluation Of The Causes Of Blindness In Patients Admitted To The Health Board Of A Hospital Servicing Souteastern Anatolia. Dicle Medical Journal 46 2 209–214.
IEEE S. Erdem, “Evaluation Of The Causes Of Blindness In Patients Admitted To The Health Board Of A Hospital Servicing Souteastern Anatolia”, diclemedj, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 209–214, 2019, doi: 10.5798/dicletip.539931.
ISNAD Erdem, Seyfettin. “Evaluation Of The Causes Of Blindness In Patients Admitted To The Health Board Of A Hospital Servicing Souteastern Anatolia”. Dicle Medical Journal 46/2 (June 2019), 209-214.
JAMA Erdem S. Evaluation Of The Causes Of Blindness In Patients Admitted To The Health Board Of A Hospital Servicing Souteastern Anatolia. diclemedj. 2019;46:209–214.
MLA Erdem, Seyfettin. “Evaluation Of The Causes Of Blindness In Patients Admitted To The Health Board Of A Hospital Servicing Souteastern Anatolia”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 46, no. 2, 2019, pp. 209-14, doi:10.5798/dicletip.539931.
Vancouver Erdem S. Evaluation Of The Causes Of Blindness In Patients Admitted To The Health Board Of A Hospital Servicing Souteastern Anatolia. diclemedj. 2019;46(2):209-14.