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Farelerde lornoksikam ile parasetamol\'ün preemptif analjezik etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması

Year 2011, , 301 - 304, 01.09.2011


Amaç: Preemptif analjezi, ağrılı uyarıdan önce bir anal­jezik rejiminin uygulanarak periferik ve santral nosisep­siyonun bloke edilmesi anlamına gelmektedir. Biz bu deneysel çalışmamızda fareler üzerinde parasetamol ile lornoksikamın preemptif analjezik özelliklerini karşılaştır­mayı amaçladık. Gereç ve yöntem: Fareler üç gruba ayrıldı. Farelerin sağ ön ayağına formalin enjeksiyonundan önce birinci gruba intraperitoneal serum fizyolojik, ikinci gruba lornoksikam ve üçüncü gruba parasetamol enjekte edildi. İşlem sonra­sı 60 dk boyunca farelerin ağrı cevabı kaydedildi. Bulgular: İlk 10 dk\'da lornoksikamın kontrol grubuna göre daha etkin olduğu görünürken, ve 0-60. dk dikkate alındığında parasetamolün lornoksikamdan ve kontrol grubundan daha etkin bir analjezi sağladığı gö­rülmüştür. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda akut fazda lornoksikamın parase­tamole göre anlamlı fayda sağlamasına karşın tonik fazda ve toplam sürede parasetamol daha etkin bulunmuştur.


  • Dahl JB, Kehlet H. The value of pre-emptive analge- sia in the treatment of postoperative pain. Br J Anaesth 1993;70(4):434-9.
  • Wall PD. The prevention of postoperative pain. Pain 1988;33(3):289-90.
  • Rosenow DE, Albrechtsen M, Stolke D. A comparison of pa- tient controlled analgesia with lornoxicarn versus morphine in patients undergoing lumber disk surgery. Anesth Analg 1998; 86(10):1045-50.
  • Sener M, Yilmazer C, Yilmaz I, Caliskan E, Donmez A, Ar- slan G. Patient-controlled analgesia with lornoxicam vs. dipyrone for acute postoperative pain relief after septorhi- noplasty: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled study. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2008; 25(2):177-82.
  • Flouvat B, Leneveu A, Fitoussi S, Delhotal-Landes B, Gendron A. Bioequivalence study comparing a new parac- etamol solution for injection and propacetamol after single intravenous infusion in healthy subjects. Int J Clin Pharma- col Ther 2004;42(1):50-7.
  • Shibata M, Ohkubo T, Takashi H, Inoki R. Modified forma- lin test, characteristic biphasic pain response. Pain 1989; 38(3):347-52.
  • Li GY, Yang BX, Liu H. Analgesic actions after local periph- eral administration of Lornoxicam in a model of formalin test in the rat. Sichuan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban 2005; 36(6): 703-5.
  • Woolf CJ, Chong MS. Preemptive analgesia treating postop- ertive pain by preventing the establishment of central sensi- tization. Anest Analg 1993;77:362-79.
  • Campbell WB. Lipid-drived autocoids: eicosanoids and plateled activating factor. In: Goodman AG, Roll TW,.Neis AS, Taylor P edds. Goodman and Gilman’s the pharmaco- logical basis of therapeutics, eight (international) edition. New York Mc Grow-Hill, 1991: 600-617.
  • Abbott FV, Ocvirk R, Najafee R, Franklin KB. Improving the efficiency of the formalin test. Pain 1999;83(5):561-9.
  • Arici S, Gurbet A, Turker G, Yavaşcaoglu B, Sahin S. Pre- emptive analgesic effects of intravenous paracetamol in to- tal abdominal hysterectomy. Agri. 2009;21(1):54-61.
  • Kokhno VN, Shmerko PS, Shakhtarin IIu. Impact of pre- emptive analgesia on postoperative pain syndrome in lap- aroscopic surgery. Anesteziol Reanimatol 2009;6(1):68-70.
  • Liu ZF, Wang XJ, Wang XC, Zhu L, Qiao Q. Clinical study of preoperative analgesia for liposuction. Zhonghua Zheng Xing Wai Ke Za Zhi 2007;23(2):128-9.
  • Borisov DB, Levin AV, Vyl’iurov IV, Sokolov AV, Nedashk- ovski Ä EV. Efficiency of preemptive intravenous paraceta- mol analgesia in abdominal surgery. Anesteziol Reanimatol 2007;5(1):38-40.
  • Toygar P, Akkaya T, Ozkan D, Ozel O, Uslu E Does iv par- acetamol have preemptive analgesic effect on lumber disc surgeries? Agri 2008;20(1):14-9.
  • Bruno E.Porcellini A, Farronato GP, et al. II dolore post- estrattivo. Trattamento analgesico con piroxicam. Dental Cadmos 1987;14(1):61-8.
  • Marcucci M.Panelli G.Cambini S. Clinical experience in the treatment of dental pain. Clin J Pain 1991;75:72-76
  • Yegül İ. Ağrı ve tedavisi, 1993, s1-15.
  • Yücel A, Özyalçm S. Çocukluk çağında ağrı, 2002; s17-9
  • Hein A, Norlander C, Blom L, Jakobsson J. Is pain pro- phylaxis in minor gynaecological surgery of clinical value? a double-blind placebo controlled study of paracetamol 1 g versus lornoxicam 8 mg given orally. Ambul Surg 2001;9(1):91-4.
  • Akcali GE, Iskender A, Demiraran Y, Kayikci A, Yalcin GS, Cam K, Balcioglu YO. Randomized comparison of efficacy of paracetamol, lornoxicam, and tramadol repre- senting three different groups of analgesics for pain con- trol in extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy. J Endourol 2010;24(5):615-20.
  • Raj P, Prithvi A. Ağrı taksonomisi, Editor. Erdine S, Ağrı, 2000; s12-9.
  • Özyalçın S. Preemptif analjezi. Ağrı Dergisi 1998;7(1):5- 10.

The Comparison of efficacy of lornoxicam and paracetamol for preemptive analgesia in mice

Year 2011, , 301 - 304, 01.09.2011


Objectives: Preemptive analgesia means that block the peripheral and central nociception as an analgesic regime apply before the painful stimulus. We aimed compared preemptive analgesic properties of lornoxicam with par­acetamol on mice in this experimental study. Materials and methods: Experimental mice were divided into three groups. Before the formalin injection in the right front foot of mice, saline administered in first group, lor­noxicam administered in second group and paracetamol in third group intraperitoneally. Responses to pain of mice were recorded after the procedure during the 60 min. Results: While appears to be lornoxicam more effective than the control group in the first 10 minutes, paracetamol provided more effective analgesia lornoxicam and control group within 11-60th min. and 0-60th min. Conclusion: Although lornoxicam provided significant benefit in acute phase, paracetamol was found more ef­fective in tonic phase and total time in this study.


  • Dahl JB, Kehlet H. The value of pre-emptive analge- sia in the treatment of postoperative pain. Br J Anaesth 1993;70(4):434-9.
  • Wall PD. The prevention of postoperative pain. Pain 1988;33(3):289-90.
  • Rosenow DE, Albrechtsen M, Stolke D. A comparison of pa- tient controlled analgesia with lornoxicarn versus morphine in patients undergoing lumber disk surgery. Anesth Analg 1998; 86(10):1045-50.
  • Sener M, Yilmazer C, Yilmaz I, Caliskan E, Donmez A, Ar- slan G. Patient-controlled analgesia with lornoxicam vs. dipyrone for acute postoperative pain relief after septorhi- noplasty: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled study. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2008; 25(2):177-82.
  • Flouvat B, Leneveu A, Fitoussi S, Delhotal-Landes B, Gendron A. Bioequivalence study comparing a new parac- etamol solution for injection and propacetamol after single intravenous infusion in healthy subjects. Int J Clin Pharma- col Ther 2004;42(1):50-7.
  • Shibata M, Ohkubo T, Takashi H, Inoki R. Modified forma- lin test, characteristic biphasic pain response. Pain 1989; 38(3):347-52.
  • Li GY, Yang BX, Liu H. Analgesic actions after local periph- eral administration of Lornoxicam in a model of formalin test in the rat. Sichuan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban 2005; 36(6): 703-5.
  • Woolf CJ, Chong MS. Preemptive analgesia treating postop- ertive pain by preventing the establishment of central sensi- tization. Anest Analg 1993;77:362-79.
  • Campbell WB. Lipid-drived autocoids: eicosanoids and plateled activating factor. In: Goodman AG, Roll TW,.Neis AS, Taylor P edds. Goodman and Gilman’s the pharmaco- logical basis of therapeutics, eight (international) edition. New York Mc Grow-Hill, 1991: 600-617.
  • Abbott FV, Ocvirk R, Najafee R, Franklin KB. Improving the efficiency of the formalin test. Pain 1999;83(5):561-9.
  • Arici S, Gurbet A, Turker G, Yavaşcaoglu B, Sahin S. Pre- emptive analgesic effects of intravenous paracetamol in to- tal abdominal hysterectomy. Agri. 2009;21(1):54-61.
  • Kokhno VN, Shmerko PS, Shakhtarin IIu. Impact of pre- emptive analgesia on postoperative pain syndrome in lap- aroscopic surgery. Anesteziol Reanimatol 2009;6(1):68-70.
  • Liu ZF, Wang XJ, Wang XC, Zhu L, Qiao Q. Clinical study of preoperative analgesia for liposuction. Zhonghua Zheng Xing Wai Ke Za Zhi 2007;23(2):128-9.
  • Borisov DB, Levin AV, Vyl’iurov IV, Sokolov AV, Nedashk- ovski Ä EV. Efficiency of preemptive intravenous paraceta- mol analgesia in abdominal surgery. Anesteziol Reanimatol 2007;5(1):38-40.
  • Toygar P, Akkaya T, Ozkan D, Ozel O, Uslu E Does iv par- acetamol have preemptive analgesic effect on lumber disc surgeries? Agri 2008;20(1):14-9.
  • Bruno E.Porcellini A, Farronato GP, et al. II dolore post- estrattivo. Trattamento analgesico con piroxicam. Dental Cadmos 1987;14(1):61-8.
  • Marcucci M.Panelli G.Cambini S. Clinical experience in the treatment of dental pain. Clin J Pain 1991;75:72-76
  • Yegül İ. Ağrı ve tedavisi, 1993, s1-15.
  • Yücel A, Özyalçm S. Çocukluk çağında ağrı, 2002; s17-9
  • Hein A, Norlander C, Blom L, Jakobsson J. Is pain pro- phylaxis in minor gynaecological surgery of clinical value? a double-blind placebo controlled study of paracetamol 1 g versus lornoxicam 8 mg given orally. Ambul Surg 2001;9(1):91-4.
  • Akcali GE, Iskender A, Demiraran Y, Kayikci A, Yalcin GS, Cam K, Balcioglu YO. Randomized comparison of efficacy of paracetamol, lornoxicam, and tramadol repre- senting three different groups of analgesics for pain con- trol in extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy. J Endourol 2010;24(5):615-20.
  • Raj P, Prithvi A. Ağrı taksonomisi, Editor. Erdine S, Ağrı, 2000; s12-9.
  • Özyalçın S. Preemptif analjezi. Ağrı Dergisi 1998;7(1):5- 10.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Soner Oflazoğlu This is me

Levent Şahin This is me

Ömer Aktaş This is me

Mehrican Şahin This is me

Sibel Oba This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2011
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2011


APA Oflazoğlu, S., Şahin, L., Aktaş, Ö., Şahin, M., et al. (2011). Farelerde lornoksikam ile parasetamol\’ün preemptif analjezik etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması. Dicle Medical Journal, 38(3), 301-304.
AMA Oflazoğlu S, Şahin L, Aktaş Ö, Şahin M, Oba S. Farelerde lornoksikam ile parasetamol\’ün preemptif analjezik etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması. diclemedj. September 2011;38(3):301-304. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2011.03.0036
Chicago Oflazoğlu, Soner, Levent Şahin, Ömer Aktaş, Mehrican Şahin, and Sibel Oba. “Farelerde Lornoksikam Ile parasetamol\’ün Preemptif Analjezik etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması”. Dicle Medical Journal 38, no. 3 (September 2011): 301-4.
EndNote Oflazoğlu S, Şahin L, Aktaş Ö, Şahin M, Oba S (September 1, 2011) Farelerde lornoksikam ile parasetamol\’ün preemptif analjezik etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması. Dicle Medical Journal 38 3 301–304.
IEEE S. Oflazoğlu, L. Şahin, Ö. Aktaş, M. Şahin, and S. Oba, “Farelerde lornoksikam ile parasetamol\’ün preemptif analjezik etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması”, diclemedj, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 301–304, 2011, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2011.03.0036.
ISNAD Oflazoğlu, Soner et al. “Farelerde Lornoksikam Ile parasetamol\’ün Preemptif Analjezik etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması”. Dicle Medical Journal 38/3 (September 2011), 301-304.
JAMA Oflazoğlu S, Şahin L, Aktaş Ö, Şahin M, Oba S. Farelerde lornoksikam ile parasetamol\’ün preemptif analjezik etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması. diclemedj. 2011;38:301–304.
MLA Oflazoğlu, Soner et al. “Farelerde Lornoksikam Ile parasetamol\’ün Preemptif Analjezik etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 38, no. 3, 2011, pp. 301-4, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2011.03.0036.
Vancouver Oflazoğlu S, Şahin L, Aktaş Ö, Şahin M, Oba S. Farelerde lornoksikam ile parasetamol\’ün preemptif analjezik etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması. diclemedj. 2011;38(3):301-4.