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Prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. and other intestinal parasites in children with diarrhea

Year 2011, , 70 - 75, 01.03.2011


Objectives: This study was planned to determine the role of Cryptosporidium sp. and other intestinal parasites in the diarrheal diseases in children with 0-15 years old Van district. Materials and methods: In this study, stool samples of 450 children were examined for parasites. In the study, nativ-lugol, formaldehyde-ethyl acetate sedimentation methods and trichrome staining methods were used to detect parasites in stool samples. Additionally, sedimentation methods and modified acid fast staining method were used to detect the Cryptosporidium oocysts. Results: Parasites were found in 154 (34.2%) among 450 children\'s with diarrhea. In this study; the ratios of parasites were as follow: Giardia intestinalis 13.5%, Blastocystis hominis 10%, Entamoeba coli 3.78%, Cryptosporidium spp. 2.2%, Hymenolepis nana 1.33 %ve Ascaris lumbricoides 1.11%.Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar 0.89%, Chilomastix mesnili 1.78%, Iodamoeba butschlii 0.89%, Entamoeba hartmanni 0.89%, Trichomonas hominis 0.67%, Enteromonas hominis 0.67%, Conclusion: In the investigate, it was found that Giardia intestinalis and Blastocystis hominis were most prominent agents in children with diarrhea in our vicinity and Cryptosporidium spp also was an important agent which should be investigated carefully in especially risk group in routine laboratory studies.


  • Current WL, Bick PH. Immunology of Cryptosporidium sp. Pathol Immunopathol Res 1989; 8: 141-160.
  • Spano F, Crisanti A. Cryptosporidium parvum: the many se- crets of a small genome, Int J Parasitol. 2000; 30: 553-565.
  • Cacciò SM, Thompson RC, McLauchlin J, Smith HV. Unrav- elling Cryptosporidium and Giardia epidemiology. Trends Parasitol. 2005; 21: 430-437.
  • Mackenzie WR, Schell WL, Blair KA et al. Massive out- break of waterborne Cryptosporidium infection in Milwau- kee, Wisconsin: recurrence of illness and risk of secondary transmission. Clin Infect. Dis 1995; 21: 57–62.
  • Xiao L, Fayer R, Ryan U, Upton SJ. Cryptosporidium Taxon- omy: Recent Advances and Implications for Public Health. Clın Microbiol Rev 2004; 17: 72-97.
  • MacPherson DW, McQueen R. Cryptosporidiosis Multi-at- tribute evaluation of six diagnosis methods. J Clin Micro- biol 1993; 31: 198-202.
  • Casemore DP. Laboratory methods for diagnosing cryptospo- ridiosis. J Clin Pathol 1991; 44: 445-451.
  • Kehl KSC, Cicirello H, Havens PL. Comparision of four dif- ferent methods for detection of Cryptosporidium species. J Clin Microbiol 1995; 33; 416-418.
  • Ok ÜZ, Girginkardeşler N, Kilimcioğlu A, Limoncu E. Dış- kı İnceleme Yöntemleri, Bölüm 1, Parazit Hastalıklarında Tanı, Editörler: Özcel MA, Altıntaş N, 1. Baskı, İzmir, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 1997: 45-50.
  • Hunter PR, Nichols G. Epidemiology and clinical features of Cryptosporidium infection in immunocompromised pa- tients. Clin Microbiol Rev 2002; 15: 145-154.
  • Fichtenbaum CJ, Ritchie DJ, Powderly WG. Use of paro- momoycin for treatment of cryptosporidiosis in patients with AIDS. Clin Infect Diseases 1993; 16: 298-300.
  • Hojlygn N, Molback K, Jepsen S. Cryptosporidium sp. A frequent cause of diarrhae in Liberian children. J Clin Mi- crobiol 1986; 23: 1109-1113.
  • Jokipii L, Pohjola A, Jokipii A. A freguent finding in pa- tients with gastrointestinal symptoms. Lancet 1983; 13: 358-360.
  • Al-Braiken FA, Amin A, Beeching NJ, Hommel M, Hart CA. Detection of Cryptosporidium among diarrhoeic and asymptomatic children in Jeddah, Suudi Arabia. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2003; 97: 505-510.
  • Miller SA, Rosaria CL, Rojas E, Scorza KV. İntestinal para- sitic infection and associated symptoms in children attent- ing day care centres in Trujillo, Venezuela. Trop Med Int Health 2003; 8: 342-347.
  • Gödekmerdan A, Kalkan A, Özkeklikçi A, Erensoy A, Kı- lıç SS. İshalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium görülme sıklığı. Türkiye Parazitol Derg 1999; 23: 122-125.
  • Üner A, Daldal N, Özbel Y, Tappeh KH. Çocuklarda Cr- yptosporidium aranması. Türkiye Parazitol Derg 1991; 15: 42-48.
  • Otağ F, Aslan G, Emekdaş G, Aydin E, Ozkan AT, Ceber K. Investigation of Cryptosporidium oocysts in elementary school students in Mersin. Türkiye Parazitol Derg 2007; 31: 17-19.
  • Sönmez Tamer G, Balıkçı E, Erbay A. Lösemi ve lenfoma tanısı alan çocuklarda cryptosporidiosis prevalansı. Türkiye Parazitol Derg 2008; 32: 192-197.
  • Fayer R, Ungar BLP. Cryptosporidium sp and cryptospori- diosis. Microbiol Rev 1986; 50: 458-483.
  • Ungar BLP. Infectious Diseases and Their Etiologic Agents. In Principle and Practice of Infectious Diseases. Editors, Mandell GL, Bennnet JE, Dolin R, Fourth Edition, New York, Churchill Livingstone Company, volume 2, section H 1995: 1254-1257.
  • Marshall AR, Al-Jumaili IJ, Fenwick GA, Bint AJ, Record CO. Cryptosporidiosis in patients at a large teaching hospi- tal. J Clin Microbiol 1987; 25: 172-173.
  • Markell EK, Voge M, John DT. Medical Parasitology. 7th Edition, Philadelphia,WB saunders Company, 1992: 85- 88.
  • Menon SB, Abdullah SM, Muhamud F, Singh B. Intestinal parasites in Malaysian children with cancer. J Trop Pediatr 1999; 45: 241-242.
  • El-Mahallalawy HA, El-Din NH, Salah F, El-Arousy M, El-Naga SA. Epidemiologic profile of symptomatic gas- roenteritis in pediatric oncology patients receiving chemo- therapy. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2004; 42: 338-342.
  • Sönmez Tamer G, Gülenç S. Dışkıda Cryptosporidium spp. antijenlerinin ELISA ile araştırılması. Türkiye Parazitol Derg 2008; 32: 198-201.
  • Yılmaz H, Taş Cengiz Z, Cicek M. Investigation of cryp- tosporidiosis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and microscopy in children with diarrhea. Saudi Med J 2008; 29: 526-529.

İshalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium spp. ve diğer barsak parazitlerinin yaygınlığı

Year 2011, , 70 - 75, 01.03.2011


Amaç: Bu çalışma, Van yöresinde 0-15 yaş grubu ishalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium spp. ve diğer barsak parazitlerinin ishalle seyreden hastalıklardaki rolünü belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirildi. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmada, 450 çocuğun dışkı örnekleri parazitolojik yönden incelendi. Araştırmada, dışkı örneklerine nativ-lugol, formol-etil asetat ile sedimentasyon ve trichrome boyama yöntemleri uygulandı. Ayrıca Cryptosporidium spp. ookistlerinin teşhisi için sedimentasyon yönteminden sonra modifiye asit fast boyama yöntemi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Toplam 450 ishalli çocuğun 154 (% 34.2)\'ünde parazit saptandı. Bu çalışmada bulunan parazit oranları aşağıdaki gibidir; Giardia intestinalis % 13.5, Blastocystis hominis % 10, Entamoeba coli % 3.78, Cryptosporidium spp. % 2.2, Chilomastix mesnili % 1.78, Hymenolepis nana % 1.33 ve Ascaris lumbricoides % 1.11, Iodamoeba butschlii % 0.89, Entamoeba hartmanni %0.89, Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba dispar % 0.89, Trichomonas hominis %0.67 ve Enteromonas hominis % 0.67. Sonuç: Çalışmada, çocuklarda seyreden ishallerde en sık etkenler Giardia intestinalis ve Blastocystis hominis olmakla birlikte, Cryptosporidium\'un da önemli bir etken olduğu ve rutin laboratuarda özellikle risk gruplarının bu parazit yönünden dikkatle incelenmesinin gerektiği kanaatine varıldı.


  • Current WL, Bick PH. Immunology of Cryptosporidium sp. Pathol Immunopathol Res 1989; 8: 141-160.
  • Spano F, Crisanti A. Cryptosporidium parvum: the many se- crets of a small genome, Int J Parasitol. 2000; 30: 553-565.
  • Cacciò SM, Thompson RC, McLauchlin J, Smith HV. Unrav- elling Cryptosporidium and Giardia epidemiology. Trends Parasitol. 2005; 21: 430-437.
  • Mackenzie WR, Schell WL, Blair KA et al. Massive out- break of waterborne Cryptosporidium infection in Milwau- kee, Wisconsin: recurrence of illness and risk of secondary transmission. Clin Infect. Dis 1995; 21: 57–62.
  • Xiao L, Fayer R, Ryan U, Upton SJ. Cryptosporidium Taxon- omy: Recent Advances and Implications for Public Health. Clın Microbiol Rev 2004; 17: 72-97.
  • MacPherson DW, McQueen R. Cryptosporidiosis Multi-at- tribute evaluation of six diagnosis methods. J Clin Micro- biol 1993; 31: 198-202.
  • Casemore DP. Laboratory methods for diagnosing cryptospo- ridiosis. J Clin Pathol 1991; 44: 445-451.
  • Kehl KSC, Cicirello H, Havens PL. Comparision of four dif- ferent methods for detection of Cryptosporidium species. J Clin Microbiol 1995; 33; 416-418.
  • Ok ÜZ, Girginkardeşler N, Kilimcioğlu A, Limoncu E. Dış- kı İnceleme Yöntemleri, Bölüm 1, Parazit Hastalıklarında Tanı, Editörler: Özcel MA, Altıntaş N, 1. Baskı, İzmir, Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 1997: 45-50.
  • Hunter PR, Nichols G. Epidemiology and clinical features of Cryptosporidium infection in immunocompromised pa- tients. Clin Microbiol Rev 2002; 15: 145-154.
  • Fichtenbaum CJ, Ritchie DJ, Powderly WG. Use of paro- momoycin for treatment of cryptosporidiosis in patients with AIDS. Clin Infect Diseases 1993; 16: 298-300.
  • Hojlygn N, Molback K, Jepsen S. Cryptosporidium sp. A frequent cause of diarrhae in Liberian children. J Clin Mi- crobiol 1986; 23: 1109-1113.
  • Jokipii L, Pohjola A, Jokipii A. A freguent finding in pa- tients with gastrointestinal symptoms. Lancet 1983; 13: 358-360.
  • Al-Braiken FA, Amin A, Beeching NJ, Hommel M, Hart CA. Detection of Cryptosporidium among diarrhoeic and asymptomatic children in Jeddah, Suudi Arabia. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2003; 97: 505-510.
  • Miller SA, Rosaria CL, Rojas E, Scorza KV. İntestinal para- sitic infection and associated symptoms in children attent- ing day care centres in Trujillo, Venezuela. Trop Med Int Health 2003; 8: 342-347.
  • Gödekmerdan A, Kalkan A, Özkeklikçi A, Erensoy A, Kı- lıç SS. İshalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium görülme sıklığı. Türkiye Parazitol Derg 1999; 23: 122-125.
  • Üner A, Daldal N, Özbel Y, Tappeh KH. Çocuklarda Cr- yptosporidium aranması. Türkiye Parazitol Derg 1991; 15: 42-48.
  • Otağ F, Aslan G, Emekdaş G, Aydin E, Ozkan AT, Ceber K. Investigation of Cryptosporidium oocysts in elementary school students in Mersin. Türkiye Parazitol Derg 2007; 31: 17-19.
  • Sönmez Tamer G, Balıkçı E, Erbay A. Lösemi ve lenfoma tanısı alan çocuklarda cryptosporidiosis prevalansı. Türkiye Parazitol Derg 2008; 32: 192-197.
  • Fayer R, Ungar BLP. Cryptosporidium sp and cryptospori- diosis. Microbiol Rev 1986; 50: 458-483.
  • Ungar BLP. Infectious Diseases and Their Etiologic Agents. In Principle and Practice of Infectious Diseases. Editors, Mandell GL, Bennnet JE, Dolin R, Fourth Edition, New York, Churchill Livingstone Company, volume 2, section H 1995: 1254-1257.
  • Marshall AR, Al-Jumaili IJ, Fenwick GA, Bint AJ, Record CO. Cryptosporidiosis in patients at a large teaching hospi- tal. J Clin Microbiol 1987; 25: 172-173.
  • Markell EK, Voge M, John DT. Medical Parasitology. 7th Edition, Philadelphia,WB saunders Company, 1992: 85- 88.
  • Menon SB, Abdullah SM, Muhamud F, Singh B. Intestinal parasites in Malaysian children with cancer. J Trop Pediatr 1999; 45: 241-242.
  • El-Mahallalawy HA, El-Din NH, Salah F, El-Arousy M, El-Naga SA. Epidemiologic profile of symptomatic gas- roenteritis in pediatric oncology patients receiving chemo- therapy. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2004; 42: 338-342.
  • Sönmez Tamer G, Gülenç S. Dışkıda Cryptosporidium spp. antijenlerinin ELISA ile araştırılması. Türkiye Parazitol Derg 2008; 32: 198-201.
  • Yılmaz H, Taş Cengiz Z, Cicek M. Investigation of cryp- tosporidiosis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and microscopy in children with diarrhea. Saudi Med J 2008; 29: 526-529.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Mutalip Çiçek This is me

Hasan Yılmaz This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2011
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2011


APA Çiçek, M., & Yılmaz, H. (2011). İshalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium spp. ve diğer barsak parazitlerinin yaygınlığı. Dicle Medical Journal, 38(1), 70-75.
AMA Çiçek M, Yılmaz H. İshalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium spp. ve diğer barsak parazitlerinin yaygınlığı. diclemedj. March 2011;38(1):70-75. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.04.0184
Chicago Çiçek, Mutalip, and Hasan Yılmaz. “İshalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium Spp. Ve diğer Barsak Parazitlerinin yaygınlığı”. Dicle Medical Journal 38, no. 1 (March 2011): 70-75.
EndNote Çiçek M, Yılmaz H (March 1, 2011) İshalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium spp. ve diğer barsak parazitlerinin yaygınlığı. Dicle Medical Journal 38 1 70–75.
IEEE M. Çiçek and H. Yılmaz, “İshalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium spp. ve diğer barsak parazitlerinin yaygınlığı”, diclemedj, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 70–75, 2011, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.04.0184.
ISNAD Çiçek, Mutalip - Yılmaz, Hasan. “İshalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium Spp. Ve diğer Barsak Parazitlerinin yaygınlığı”. Dicle Medical Journal 38/1 (March 2011), 70-75.
JAMA Çiçek M, Yılmaz H. İshalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium spp. ve diğer barsak parazitlerinin yaygınlığı. diclemedj. 2011;38:70–75.
MLA Çiçek, Mutalip and Hasan Yılmaz. “İshalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium Spp. Ve diğer Barsak Parazitlerinin yaygınlığı”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 38, no. 1, 2011, pp. 70-75, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.04.0184.
Vancouver Çiçek M, Yılmaz H. İshalli çocuklarda Cryptosporidium spp. ve diğer barsak parazitlerinin yaygınlığı. diclemedj. 2011;38(1):70-5.