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Investigation of relationship between workaholism and obsession in public and private sector workers

Year 2012, , 75 - 79, 01.03.2012


Amaç: Bu çalışmada özel sektörde faaliyet gösteren serbest muhasebeci-mali müşavirler ve kamuda çalışan memur-lardan oluşan bir grupta işkoliklik ve obsesyon düzeylerinin ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Gereç ve yöntem: İşkoliklik ve obsesyon düzeylerini belirlemek için iki ayrı ölçek kullanılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamın-da toplam 260 çalışana bu ölçekler ve demografik veri formu uygulanmıştır. Toplam 170 kişinin verileri değerlendir-meye tabi tutulmuştur. Verilerin analizinde, parametrik testler ve korelasyon analizi kullanılmıştır. İstatistikî anlamlılık düzeyi p


  • Scott KS, Moore KS, Miceli MP. An exploration of the meaning and consequences of workaholics’. Human Rela- tions 1997;50(2):287-314.
  • Spence J, Robbins A. ‘Workaholism: Definition, measure- ment, and preliminary results. J Personality Assessment 1992;58 (1):160-179.
  • Harpaz I, Snir R. Workaholism, its definition and nature. Hu- man Relations 2003;56(2):291-320.
  • Burke RJ. Workaholism in organizations: Psychological and physical well-being consequences. Stress Medicine 2000;16(1):11-16.
  • McMillan L, O’Driscoll M, Brady E. The Impact of work- aholics on relationships. British J Guide Counseling 2004;32(2):117-32.
  • Oates W. Confessions of a workaholic: The facts about work addiction. World Publishing New York 1971. (Republished by the Wayne E. Oates Institute in 2004).
  • Burke RJ, Oberklaid F, Burgess Z. “Workaholism among Australian women psychologists: Antecedents and conse- quences. Women Management Rev 2004;19(5): 252-9.
  • Garson B. Work addiction in the age of information technolo- gy: an analysis. IIMB Management Review 2005;17(1):15- 21.
  • Kaplan HI, Sadock BJ. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Be- havioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry, Tenth Edition, Phila- delphia/USA. 1998:604-611.
  • Chamberlin CM, Zhang N. Workaholism, health, and self- acceptance. J Counseling & Development 2009;87(1):159- 69.
  • Tarisa TW, Geurts SAE, Schaufeli WB, Blonk RWB, La- gerveld SE. All day and all of the night: The relative contri- bution of two dimensions of workaholism to well-being in self-employed workers. Work & Stress 2008;22(2):153-65.
  • Porter G. Workaholic tendencies and the high potential for stress among co-workers. Int J Stress Management 2001;8(2):147-64.
  • Robinson BE. Chained to the desk: A guidebook for worka- holics, their partners, and children, and the clinicians who treat them, New York University Press 1998.
  • Metin ÜB. The antecedents and consequences of burnout, work engagement, and workholism. A thesis submitted to the graduate school of social sciences of Middle East Tech- nical University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of science in the Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2010. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Naktiyok A, Karabey CN. İşkoliklik ve tükenmişlik sendro- mu. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 2005;19(1):179-88.
  • Schaufeli WB, Taris TW. Workaholism, burnout, and work engagement: Three of a kind or three different kinds of em- ployee well-being?. Applied Psychology: An International Review 2008;57(2):173-203.
  • Bayraktaroğlu S, Kutanis RÖ, Dosaliyeva D. İşkoliklik ve örgütsel bağlılık: Bankacılık sektöründe karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma 17. Ulusal yönetim ve organizasyon kongresi 21-23 Mayıs 2009, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi: 553- 558.
  • Ersoy KM. Reliability and validity of the workaholism bat- tery (Work-Bat): Turkish form. Social Behavior and Per- sonality 2005;33(6):609-18.
  • Beşiroğlu L, Ağargün MY, Boysan M, Eryonucu B, Güleç M, Selvi Y. Obsesif-kompulsif belirtilerin değerlendirilme- si: Padua envanteri’nin Türk toplumunda geçerlik ve güve- nilirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2005;16(3):179-89.
  • Summers SL, Sweeney JT. The effect of the busy season workload on public accountants’ job burnout. Behavioral Research In Accounting 2002;14(2):223-45.
  • Gülseren L, Eğrilmez A, Gülseren Ş, Kültür S. Obsesif kompulsif bozukluk tanısı konmuş bir grup hastada kom- pulsiyonların biçim ve içerikleri. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 1995;6(1):35-40.
  • Noshirvani HF, Kasvikis Y, Marks IM, Tsakiris F, Monteiro WO. Gender-divergent aetiological factors in obsessive- compulsive disorder. Br J Psychiatry1991;158(2):260-3.
  • Burke KC, Burke JD Jr, Regier DA, Rae DS. Age at onset of selected mental disorders in five community populations. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1990;47(4):511-8.
  • Kıvırcık Akdede BB, Alptekin K, Akvardar Y, Kitiş A. Obsesif kompulsif bozuklukta yaşam kalitesi: Bilişsel iş- levler ve klinik bulgular ile ilişkisi. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2005;16(1):13-9.

Investigation of relationship between workaholism and obsession in public and private sector workers

Year 2012, , 75 - 79, 01.03.2012


Objectives: In this study, the relationship between levels of workaholism and obsession was investigated in a group that was composed of independent accountant-financial advisers and civil servants. Materials and methods: Two different scales were used in order to determine the workaholism and obsession lev-els. These two scales and a form to collect demographical variables were administered to 260 workers. Among them the data obtained from 170 workers were evaluated. Parametric tests and correlation analysis were used to analyze the data. The level of statistical significance was accepted as p


  • Scott KS, Moore KS, Miceli MP. An exploration of the meaning and consequences of workaholics’. Human Rela- tions 1997;50(2):287-314.
  • Spence J, Robbins A. ‘Workaholism: Definition, measure- ment, and preliminary results. J Personality Assessment 1992;58 (1):160-179.
  • Harpaz I, Snir R. Workaholism, its definition and nature. Hu- man Relations 2003;56(2):291-320.
  • Burke RJ. Workaholism in organizations: Psychological and physical well-being consequences. Stress Medicine 2000;16(1):11-16.
  • McMillan L, O’Driscoll M, Brady E. The Impact of work- aholics on relationships. British J Guide Counseling 2004;32(2):117-32.
  • Oates W. Confessions of a workaholic: The facts about work addiction. World Publishing New York 1971. (Republished by the Wayne E. Oates Institute in 2004).
  • Burke RJ, Oberklaid F, Burgess Z. “Workaholism among Australian women psychologists: Antecedents and conse- quences. Women Management Rev 2004;19(5): 252-9.
  • Garson B. Work addiction in the age of information technolo- gy: an analysis. IIMB Management Review 2005;17(1):15- 21.
  • Kaplan HI, Sadock BJ. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Be- havioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry, Tenth Edition, Phila- delphia/USA. 1998:604-611.
  • Chamberlin CM, Zhang N. Workaholism, health, and self- acceptance. J Counseling & Development 2009;87(1):159- 69.
  • Tarisa TW, Geurts SAE, Schaufeli WB, Blonk RWB, La- gerveld SE. All day and all of the night: The relative contri- bution of two dimensions of workaholism to well-being in self-employed workers. Work & Stress 2008;22(2):153-65.
  • Porter G. Workaholic tendencies and the high potential for stress among co-workers. Int J Stress Management 2001;8(2):147-64.
  • Robinson BE. Chained to the desk: A guidebook for worka- holics, their partners, and children, and the clinicians who treat them, New York University Press 1998.
  • Metin ÜB. The antecedents and consequences of burnout, work engagement, and workholism. A thesis submitted to the graduate school of social sciences of Middle East Tech- nical University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of science in the Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2010. Ankara, Turkey.
  • Naktiyok A, Karabey CN. İşkoliklik ve tükenmişlik sendro- mu. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 2005;19(1):179-88.
  • Schaufeli WB, Taris TW. Workaholism, burnout, and work engagement: Three of a kind or three different kinds of em- ployee well-being?. Applied Psychology: An International Review 2008;57(2):173-203.
  • Bayraktaroğlu S, Kutanis RÖ, Dosaliyeva D. İşkoliklik ve örgütsel bağlılık: Bankacılık sektöründe karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma 17. Ulusal yönetim ve organizasyon kongresi 21-23 Mayıs 2009, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi: 553- 558.
  • Ersoy KM. Reliability and validity of the workaholism bat- tery (Work-Bat): Turkish form. Social Behavior and Per- sonality 2005;33(6):609-18.
  • Beşiroğlu L, Ağargün MY, Boysan M, Eryonucu B, Güleç M, Selvi Y. Obsesif-kompulsif belirtilerin değerlendirilme- si: Padua envanteri’nin Türk toplumunda geçerlik ve güve- nilirliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2005;16(3):179-89.
  • Summers SL, Sweeney JT. The effect of the busy season workload on public accountants’ job burnout. Behavioral Research In Accounting 2002;14(2):223-45.
  • Gülseren L, Eğrilmez A, Gülseren Ş, Kültür S. Obsesif kompulsif bozukluk tanısı konmuş bir grup hastada kom- pulsiyonların biçim ve içerikleri. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 1995;6(1):35-40.
  • Noshirvani HF, Kasvikis Y, Marks IM, Tsakiris F, Monteiro WO. Gender-divergent aetiological factors in obsessive- compulsive disorder. Br J Psychiatry1991;158(2):260-3.
  • Burke KC, Burke JD Jr, Regier DA, Rae DS. Age at onset of selected mental disorders in five community populations. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1990;47(4):511-8.
  • Kıvırcık Akdede BB, Alptekin K, Akvardar Y, Kitiş A. Obsesif kompulsif bozuklukta yaşam kalitesi: Bilişsel iş- levler ve klinik bulgular ile ilişkisi. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2005;16(1):13-9.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Abdurrahim Emhan This is me

Mehmet Mete This is me

Ali Emhan This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2012
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2012


APA Emhan, A., Mete, M., & Emhan, A. (2012). Investigation of relationship between workaholism and obsession in public and private sector workers. Dicle Medical Journal, 39(1), 75-79.
AMA Emhan A, Mete M, Emhan A. Investigation of relationship between workaholism and obsession in public and private sector workers. diclemedj. March 2012;39(1):75-79. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.01.0098
Chicago Emhan, Abdurrahim, Mehmet Mete, and Ali Emhan. “Investigation of Relationship Between Workaholism and Obsession in Public and Private Sector Workers”. Dicle Medical Journal 39, no. 1 (March 2012): 75-79.
EndNote Emhan A, Mete M, Emhan A (March 1, 2012) Investigation of relationship between workaholism and obsession in public and private sector workers. Dicle Medical Journal 39 1 75–79.
IEEE A. Emhan, M. Mete, and A. Emhan, “Investigation of relationship between workaholism and obsession in public and private sector workers”, diclemedj, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 75–79, 2012, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.01.0098.
ISNAD Emhan, Abdurrahim et al. “Investigation of Relationship Between Workaholism and Obsession in Public and Private Sector Workers”. Dicle Medical Journal 39/1 (March 2012), 75-79.
JAMA Emhan A, Mete M, Emhan A. Investigation of relationship between workaholism and obsession in public and private sector workers. diclemedj. 2012;39:75–79.
MLA Emhan, Abdurrahim et al. “Investigation of Relationship Between Workaholism and Obsession in Public and Private Sector Workers”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 39, no. 1, 2012, pp. 75-79, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.01.0098.
Vancouver Emhan A, Mete M, Emhan A. Investigation of relationship between workaholism and obsession in public and private sector workers. diclemedj. 2012;39(1):75-9.