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Tear levels of IL-16 in vernal keratoconjunctivitis

Year 2013, , 422 - 425, 01.09.2013


Objective: Vernal keratoconjunctivitis is more common in children and young adults having an atopic background. The aim of the present study was to determine the interleukin-16 (IL-16) levels in tear fluids of patients with vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC). Methods: Tear fluid samples were collected from 20 patients with VKC and 10 healthy subjects. Tear fluid samples were collected with microcapillary tubes for hematocrit at the lateral canthus of patients in the supine position without any anesthesia. Tear levels of IL-16 were measured by ELISA kit. Results: The mean levels of IL-16 among the patients (514±135 pg/ml) was significantly higher than among controls (358±139 pg/ml) (p=0.04). Conclusions: These results considered that IL-16 have significant effect on the pathogenetic process of vernal keratoconjunctivitis.


  • Kumar S. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis: A major review. Acta Ophthalmol 2009;87:133-147.
  • Center DM, Cruikshank WW. Modulation of lymphocyte migration by human lymphokines. Identification and char- acterization of chemoattractant activity for lymphocytes from mitogen-stimulated monuclear cells. J. Immunol 1982;128:2563-2568.
  • Wu D.M.H, Zhang Y, Parada N.A, et al. Processing and re- lease of interleukin-16 from CD4+ but not CD8+ T cells is activation dependent. J Immunol 1999;162:1287-1293.
  • Bonini S, Bonini S, Lambiase A, et al. Vernal keratoconjunc- tivitis revisited. A case series of 195 patients with long-term follow up. Ophthalmology 2000;107:1157-1163.
  • Bellini A. Yoshimura H, Vitori E, Marini M, Mattoli SJ. Bronchial epithelial cells of patients with asthma release chemoattractant factors for T lymphocytes. J. Allergy Clin Immunol 1993;92:412–424.
  • Cruikshank W.W, Kornfeld H, and Center DM. Interleu- kin-16 J Leukoc Biol 2000;67:757–766.
  • Tomaç N. Allerjik Konjonktivitler. T Klin J Med Sci 2004;24:396-410.
  • Irani AMA, Butrus SI, Tabbora KF, Schwartz LB. Human conjunktival mast cells: distribution of MCt and MCtc in vernal conjunctivitis and giant papillary conjunctivitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1990;86:34-40
  • Leonardi A. The central role of conjunctival mast cells in the pathogenesis of ocular allergy. Curr Allergy Astma Rep 2002;2:325-331.
  • Center DM, Kornfeld H, Cruikshank W.W. Interleu- kin 16 and its functions as a CD4 ligand. Immunol To- day1996;17:476–481.
  • Baier M, Bannert N, Werner A, et al. Molecular cloning, sequence, expression, and processing of the interleukin 16 precursor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1997;94:5273-5277.
  • Keane J, Nicoll J, Kim S, et al. Conservation of structure and function between human and murine IL-16. J Immunol 1998;160:5945-5954.
  • Chupp GL, Wright EA, Wu D, et al. Tissue and T cell distribution of precursor and mature IL-16. J Immunol 1998;161:3114-3119.
  • Wu DM, Zhang Y, Parada NA, et al. Processing and release of IL-16 from CD4+ but not CD8+ T cells is activation de- pendent. J Immunol 1999;162:1287-1293.
  • Hessel EM, Cruikshank WW, Van Ark I, et al. Involvement of IL-16 in the induction of airway hyper-responsiveness and up-regulation of IgE in a murine model of allergic asth- ma. J Immunol 1998;160:2998-3005.
  • Laberge S, Cruikshank WW, Kornfeld H, Center DM. His- tamine-induced secretion of lymphocyte chemoattractant factor from CD8+ T cells is independent of transcription and translation. Evidence for constitutive protein synthesis and storage. J Immunol 1995;155:2902-2910.
  • Laberge S, Cruikshank WW, Beer DJ, Center DM. Secre- tion of IL-16 (lymphocyte chemoattractant factor) from serotonin stimulated CD8+ T cells in vitro. J Immunol 1996;156:310-315.
  • Lim KG, Wan HC, Bozza PT. Human eosinophils elabo- rate the lymphocyte chemoattractants. IL-16 (lympho- cyte chemoattractant factor) and RANTES. J Immunol 1996;156:2566-2570.
  • Rumsaeng V, Cruikshank WW, Foster B, et al. Human mast cells produce the CD4+ T lymphocyte chemoattractant fac- tor, IL-16. J Immunol 1997;159:2904-2910.
  • Cruikshank WW, Long A, Tarpy RE, et al. Early identifica- tion of interleukin-16 (lymphocyte chemoattractant factor) and macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha (MIP1 al- pha) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of antigen-challenged asthmatics. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1995;13:738-747.
  • Center DM, Kornfeld H, Wu MJ, et al. Cytokine binding to CD4+ inflammatory cells: implications for asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994;150:59-62.
  • Laberge S, Ernst P, Ghaffar O, et al. Increased expression of interleukin-16 in bronchial mucosa of subjects with atopic asthma. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1997;17:193-202.
  • Franz JK, Kolb SA, Hummel KM, et al. Interleukin-16, pro- duced by synovial fibroblasts, mediates chemoattraction for CD4+ T lymphocytes in rheumatoid arthritis. Eur J Immu- nol 1998;28:2661-2671.
  • Biddison WE, Taub DD, Cruikshank WW, et al. Chemokine and matrix metalloproteinase secretion by myelin proteo- lipid protein-specific CD8+ T cells: potential roles in in- flammation. J Immunol 1997;158:3046-3053.
  • Schluesener HJ, Seid K, Kretzschmar J, Meyermann R. Leukocyte chemotactic factor, a natural ligand to CD4+, is expressed by lymphocytes and microglial cells of the MS plaque. J Neurosci Res 1996;44:606-611.
  • Yoshimoto T, Wang CR, Yoneto T, et al. Role of IL-16 in de- layed-type hypersensitivity reaction. Blood 2000;95:2869- 2874.
  • Cruikshank W.W, Long A, Tarpy R, et al. Early identifi- cation of IL-16 (lymphocyte chemoattractant factor) and macrophage inflammatory protein 1a (MIP1a) in bron- choalveolar lavage fluid of antigen challenged asthmatics. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1995;13:738–747.
  • Hingorani M, Calder VL, Buckley RJ, Lightman SL. The role of conjunctival epithelial cells in chronic ocular aller- gic disease. Exp Eye Res 1998;67:491-500.
  • Bradding P, Feather IH, Wilson S, et al. Immunolocalisation of cytokines in the nasal mucosa of normal and perennial rhinitis subject. J Immunol 1993;151:3853-3865.

Vernal keratokonjonktivitte gözyaşı interlökin-16 düzeyleri

Year 2013, , 422 - 425, 01.09.2013


Amaç: Vernal keratokonjonktivit genellikle atopik öyküye sahip çocuklarda ve genç erişkinlerde gözlenir. Bu çalışmada vernal konjonktivitli hastalarda gözyaşı İnterlökin-16 (IL-16) düzeyini incelenmesi amaçlandı. Yöntemler: Vernal konjonktivitli 20 hasta ile 10 sağlıklı bireyden gözyaşı örnekleri alındı. Örnekler hematokrit tüpleri topikal anestezi damlatılmaksızın lateral kantus kenarına yerleştirilerek alındı. Gözyaşı IL-16 düzeyleri ELISA yöntemi ile incelendi. Bulgular: Vernal keratokonjonktivit grubunda IL-16 düzeyleri (514±135 pg/ml) kontrol grubuna göre (358±139 pg/ml) anlamlı derecede yüksek bulundu (p=0,04). Sonuç: Çalışma sonuçları IL-16\'nın vernal keratokonjonktivitin patogenezinde rolü olabileceğini düşündürmektedir.


  • Kumar S. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis: A major review. Acta Ophthalmol 2009;87:133-147.
  • Center DM, Cruikshank WW. Modulation of lymphocyte migration by human lymphokines. Identification and char- acterization of chemoattractant activity for lymphocytes from mitogen-stimulated monuclear cells. J. Immunol 1982;128:2563-2568.
  • Wu D.M.H, Zhang Y, Parada N.A, et al. Processing and re- lease of interleukin-16 from CD4+ but not CD8+ T cells is activation dependent. J Immunol 1999;162:1287-1293.
  • Bonini S, Bonini S, Lambiase A, et al. Vernal keratoconjunc- tivitis revisited. A case series of 195 patients with long-term follow up. Ophthalmology 2000;107:1157-1163.
  • Bellini A. Yoshimura H, Vitori E, Marini M, Mattoli SJ. Bronchial epithelial cells of patients with asthma release chemoattractant factors for T lymphocytes. J. Allergy Clin Immunol 1993;92:412–424.
  • Cruikshank W.W, Kornfeld H, and Center DM. Interleu- kin-16 J Leukoc Biol 2000;67:757–766.
  • Tomaç N. Allerjik Konjonktivitler. T Klin J Med Sci 2004;24:396-410.
  • Irani AMA, Butrus SI, Tabbora KF, Schwartz LB. Human conjunktival mast cells: distribution of MCt and MCtc in vernal conjunctivitis and giant papillary conjunctivitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1990;86:34-40
  • Leonardi A. The central role of conjunctival mast cells in the pathogenesis of ocular allergy. Curr Allergy Astma Rep 2002;2:325-331.
  • Center DM, Kornfeld H, Cruikshank W.W. Interleu- kin 16 and its functions as a CD4 ligand. Immunol To- day1996;17:476–481.
  • Baier M, Bannert N, Werner A, et al. Molecular cloning, sequence, expression, and processing of the interleukin 16 precursor. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1997;94:5273-5277.
  • Keane J, Nicoll J, Kim S, et al. Conservation of structure and function between human and murine IL-16. J Immunol 1998;160:5945-5954.
  • Chupp GL, Wright EA, Wu D, et al. Tissue and T cell distribution of precursor and mature IL-16. J Immunol 1998;161:3114-3119.
  • Wu DM, Zhang Y, Parada NA, et al. Processing and release of IL-16 from CD4+ but not CD8+ T cells is activation de- pendent. J Immunol 1999;162:1287-1293.
  • Hessel EM, Cruikshank WW, Van Ark I, et al. Involvement of IL-16 in the induction of airway hyper-responsiveness and up-regulation of IgE in a murine model of allergic asth- ma. J Immunol 1998;160:2998-3005.
  • Laberge S, Cruikshank WW, Kornfeld H, Center DM. His- tamine-induced secretion of lymphocyte chemoattractant factor from CD8+ T cells is independent of transcription and translation. Evidence for constitutive protein synthesis and storage. J Immunol 1995;155:2902-2910.
  • Laberge S, Cruikshank WW, Beer DJ, Center DM. Secre- tion of IL-16 (lymphocyte chemoattractant factor) from serotonin stimulated CD8+ T cells in vitro. J Immunol 1996;156:310-315.
  • Lim KG, Wan HC, Bozza PT. Human eosinophils elabo- rate the lymphocyte chemoattractants. IL-16 (lympho- cyte chemoattractant factor) and RANTES. J Immunol 1996;156:2566-2570.
  • Rumsaeng V, Cruikshank WW, Foster B, et al. Human mast cells produce the CD4+ T lymphocyte chemoattractant fac- tor, IL-16. J Immunol 1997;159:2904-2910.
  • Cruikshank WW, Long A, Tarpy RE, et al. Early identifica- tion of interleukin-16 (lymphocyte chemoattractant factor) and macrophage inflammatory protein 1 alpha (MIP1 al- pha) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of antigen-challenged asthmatics. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1995;13:738-747.
  • Center DM, Kornfeld H, Wu MJ, et al. Cytokine binding to CD4+ inflammatory cells: implications for asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994;150:59-62.
  • Laberge S, Ernst P, Ghaffar O, et al. Increased expression of interleukin-16 in bronchial mucosa of subjects with atopic asthma. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1997;17:193-202.
  • Franz JK, Kolb SA, Hummel KM, et al. Interleukin-16, pro- duced by synovial fibroblasts, mediates chemoattraction for CD4+ T lymphocytes in rheumatoid arthritis. Eur J Immu- nol 1998;28:2661-2671.
  • Biddison WE, Taub DD, Cruikshank WW, et al. Chemokine and matrix metalloproteinase secretion by myelin proteo- lipid protein-specific CD8+ T cells: potential roles in in- flammation. J Immunol 1997;158:3046-3053.
  • Schluesener HJ, Seid K, Kretzschmar J, Meyermann R. Leukocyte chemotactic factor, a natural ligand to CD4+, is expressed by lymphocytes and microglial cells of the MS plaque. J Neurosci Res 1996;44:606-611.
  • Yoshimoto T, Wang CR, Yoneto T, et al. Role of IL-16 in de- layed-type hypersensitivity reaction. Blood 2000;95:2869- 2874.
  • Cruikshank W.W, Long A, Tarpy R, et al. Early identifi- cation of IL-16 (lymphocyte chemoattractant factor) and macrophage inflammatory protein 1a (MIP1a) in bron- choalveolar lavage fluid of antigen challenged asthmatics. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 1995;13:738–747.
  • Hingorani M, Calder VL, Buckley RJ, Lightman SL. The role of conjunctival epithelial cells in chronic ocular aller- gic disease. Exp Eye Res 1998;67:491-500.
  • Bradding P, Feather IH, Wilson S, et al. Immunolocalisation of cytokines in the nasal mucosa of normal and perennial rhinitis subject. J Immunol 1993;151:3853-3865.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Onur Çatak This is me

Orhan Aydemir This is me

Bilal Üstündağ This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2013


APA Çatak, O., Aydemir, O., & Üstündağ, B. (2013). Vernal keratokonjonktivitte gözyaşı interlökin-16 düzeyleri. Dicle Medical Journal, 40(3), 422-425.
AMA Çatak O, Aydemir O, Üstündağ B. Vernal keratokonjonktivitte gözyaşı interlökin-16 düzeyleri. diclemedj. September 2013;40(3):422-425. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2013.03.0302
Chicago Çatak, Onur, Orhan Aydemir, and Bilal Üstündağ. “Vernal Keratokonjonktivitte gözyaşı interlökin-16 düzeyleri”. Dicle Medical Journal 40, no. 3 (September 2013): 422-25.
EndNote Çatak O, Aydemir O, Üstündağ B (September 1, 2013) Vernal keratokonjonktivitte gözyaşı interlökin-16 düzeyleri. Dicle Medical Journal 40 3 422–425.
IEEE O. Çatak, O. Aydemir, and B. Üstündağ, “Vernal keratokonjonktivitte gözyaşı interlökin-16 düzeyleri”, diclemedj, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 422–425, 2013, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2013.03.0302.
ISNAD Çatak, Onur et al. “Vernal Keratokonjonktivitte gözyaşı interlökin-16 düzeyleri”. Dicle Medical Journal 40/3 (September 2013), 422-425.
JAMA Çatak O, Aydemir O, Üstündağ B. Vernal keratokonjonktivitte gözyaşı interlökin-16 düzeyleri. diclemedj. 2013;40:422–425.
MLA Çatak, Onur et al. “Vernal Keratokonjonktivitte gözyaşı interlökin-16 düzeyleri”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 40, no. 3, 2013, pp. 422-5, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2013.03.0302.
Vancouver Çatak O, Aydemir O, Üstündağ B. Vernal keratokonjonktivitte gözyaşı interlökin-16 düzeyleri. diclemedj. 2013;40(3):422-5.