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Frequency of Stent Placement after Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in a University and a State Hospital

Year 2016, Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 39 - 42, 01.03.2016


Objective: The aim of this study was to compare frequency of ureteral stent placement after ureteroscopic lithotripsy in a university and a state hospital of two different cities, which are endemic in terms of stone and often ureterolithotripsy was performed for urolithiasis treatment.
Methods: The patients who applied in to urology clinic of Inonu University Turgut Ozal Medical Center (TOMC) and urology clinic of Osmaniye State Hospital (OSH) between January 2014 and May 2014 were evaluated retrospectively. The patients who underwent ureteroscopic lithotripsy due to ureteral stone, were evaluated stone locations, stone sizes, grades of pelvicaliectasia and ureteral stent placement status.
Results: About 92 patients were enrolled into the study from the both hospital. After the endoscopic ureteral stone treatment, Double J stent was placed in 85 patients in TOMC (92.3%) and 82 patients in OSH (89.1%). Stent implantation rate in the university hospital was higher than the state hospital but this was not statistically significant. There was a statistically meaningful difference in mean operative time between the 2 groups.
Conclusion: Double J stent placament is recently performed too often after the endoscopic ureteral stone treatment. According to our study, university hospitals have a higher rate of incidence of double j stent placement according to state hospitals. It can be reason for that, university hospitals as the last line treatment centers, more complicated cases that refer to these centers. But in this matter, prospective, multicenter and larger series studies are needed.
Key words: Double J stent, ureterolithotripsy, DJS, ureterorenoscopy


  • Bagley DH. Indications of ureteropyeloscopy. In Huffman Bagley DHLyon ES.eds Ureteroscopy Philadelphia WB Saunders, 1988 b, PP51-72.
  • Weimin Yu, Cheng F, Zhang X, et al. Retrograde ureteroscopic
  • treatment for upper ureteral stones: A 5 Year Retrospective study. J Endourol 2010;24:1753-1757.
  • Manan A, Anwar MS, Shah AA, et al. Efficacy of pneumatic lithoclast in the management of ureteric calculi. www.sims.
  • Gerber GS, Stockton BR. Use of stents after ureteroscopic stone removal. J Endourol 2006;20:383-385.
  • Knoll T. Arbeitskreis Harnsteine der Akademie der Deutschen
  • Urologen, Arbeitskreis Endourologie und Steinerkrankung der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft fuer Urologie. S2 guidelines on diagnostic, therapy and metaphylaxis of urolithiasis : part 1: diagnostic and therapy. Urologe A 2009;48:917-924.
  • Preminger GM, Tiselius HG, Assimos DG, et al. Guideline for
  • the management of ureteral calculi. J Urol 2007;178:2418-2434.
  • Strope SA, Wolf JS Jr, Hollenbeck BK. Changes in gender distribution of urinary stone disease. Urology 2010;75:543-546.
  • Efekli A, Tok A, Altunrende F, et al. Life style and nutritional habits in cases with urinary stone disease. Türk Üroloji Dergisi 2005;31:113-118.
  • Byrni RR, Auge BK, Kourambas J, et al. Routine Ureteral Stenting is Not Necessary after Ureteroscopy and Ureteropyeloscopy: A Randomized Trial. J Endourol 2002;16:9-13.
  • Srivastava A, Gupta R, Kumar A et al. Routine Stenting after Ureteroscopy for Distal Ureteral Calculi Is Unnecessary: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Endourol 2003;17:871-874.
  • Lingeman JE, Preminger GM, Berger Y, et al: Use of a temporary ureteral drainage stent after uncomplicated ureteroscopy:Results from a Phase II Clinical Trial. J Urol 2003;169:1682-1688.
  • Chen YT, Chen J, Wong WY, et al. Is ureteral stenting necessary after uncomplicated ureteroscopic lithotripsy? a prospective, randomized controlled trial. J Urol 2002;167:1977-1980.
  • Novac C, Pricop C, Costache C, et al. Ureteral stenting after
  • retrograde ureteroscopy. Experience of Iasi urological department.
  • Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi 2003;107:153-156.

Bir Üniversite ve Devlet Hastanesi Üreteroskopik Litotripsi Sonrası Stent Yerleştirilme Sıklığı

Year 2016, Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 39 - 42, 01.03.2016


Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, taş hastalığının endemik olduğu ve sık üreterorenoskopi yapılan iki farklı şehirdeki üniversite hastanesi ve devlet hastanesinde yapılan üreterorenoskopik litotripsi sonrası üreteral stent yerleştirme sıklığının karşılaştırılmasıdır.Yöntemler: İki bin on dört Ocak ayı ile 2014 Mayıs tarihleri arasında İnönü üniveritesi Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Hastanesi (TÖTM) ve Osmaniye Devlet Hastanesi (ODH) üroloji kliniklerine başvuran hastalar retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Üreteral taşa bağlı olarak üreteroskopik litotripsi yapılan hastalar taş lokalizasyonu, boyutu, ektazi dereceleri ve stent yerleştirilme durumuna göre değerlendirildi.Bulgular: Her iki hastaneden 92 şer hasta çalışmaya alındı. Endoskopik üreteral taş tedavisi sonrası TÖTM’de 85 ve ODH’de 82 hastaya DJ stent yerleştirildi. Üniversite hastanesinde stent yerleştirilme sıklığı devlet hastanesinde yüksek çıksa da istatiksel anlamlılık yoktu. Her iki grup arasında ortalama operasyon süreleri arasında istatiksel anlamlılık vardı.Sonuç: Endoskopik üreter taşı tedavisi sonrası DJ stent yerleştirilmesi çok sık uygulanmaktadır. Bizim çalışmamıza göre üniversite hastanelerinde devlet hastanelerine göre daha sık DJ stent yerleştirilmesi yapılmaktadır. Bunun nedeni üniversite hastanelerinin son basamak merkezler olmasından dolayı daha komplike hastaların bu merkezlere refere edilmesi olabilir. Bu durumun daha net aydınlatılabilmesi için, prospektif, çok merkezli ve daha geniş serili çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır


  • Bagley DH. Indications of ureteropyeloscopy. In Huffman Bagley DHLyon ES.eds Ureteroscopy Philadelphia WB Saunders, 1988 b, PP51-72.
  • Weimin Yu, Cheng F, Zhang X, et al. Retrograde ureteroscopic
  • treatment for upper ureteral stones: A 5 Year Retrospective study. J Endourol 2010;24:1753-1757.
  • Manan A, Anwar MS, Shah AA, et al. Efficacy of pneumatic lithoclast in the management of ureteric calculi. www.sims.
  • Gerber GS, Stockton BR. Use of stents after ureteroscopic stone removal. J Endourol 2006;20:383-385.
  • Knoll T. Arbeitskreis Harnsteine der Akademie der Deutschen
  • Urologen, Arbeitskreis Endourologie und Steinerkrankung der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft fuer Urologie. S2 guidelines on diagnostic, therapy and metaphylaxis of urolithiasis : part 1: diagnostic and therapy. Urologe A 2009;48:917-924.
  • Preminger GM, Tiselius HG, Assimos DG, et al. Guideline for
  • the management of ureteral calculi. J Urol 2007;178:2418-2434.
  • Strope SA, Wolf JS Jr, Hollenbeck BK. Changes in gender distribution of urinary stone disease. Urology 2010;75:543-546.
  • Efekli A, Tok A, Altunrende F, et al. Life style and nutritional habits in cases with urinary stone disease. Türk Üroloji Dergisi 2005;31:113-118.
  • Byrni RR, Auge BK, Kourambas J, et al. Routine Ureteral Stenting is Not Necessary after Ureteroscopy and Ureteropyeloscopy: A Randomized Trial. J Endourol 2002;16:9-13.
  • Srivastava A, Gupta R, Kumar A et al. Routine Stenting after Ureteroscopy for Distal Ureteral Calculi Is Unnecessary: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Endourol 2003;17:871-874.
  • Lingeman JE, Preminger GM, Berger Y, et al: Use of a temporary ureteral drainage stent after uncomplicated ureteroscopy:Results from a Phase II Clinical Trial. J Urol 2003;169:1682-1688.
  • Chen YT, Chen J, Wong WY, et al. Is ureteral stenting necessary after uncomplicated ureteroscopic lithotripsy? a prospective, randomized controlled trial. J Urol 2002;167:1977-1980.
  • Novac C, Pricop C, Costache C, et al. Ureteral stenting after
  • retrograde ureteroscopy. Experience of Iasi urological department.
  • Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi 2003;107:153-156.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Huseyin Celik This is me

Ahmet Camtosun This is me

Caner Ediz This is me

Ibrahim Topcu This is me

Ramazan Altintas This is me

Cemal Tasdemir This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2016
Submission Date March 28, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 43 Issue: 1


APA Celik, H., Camtosun, A., Ediz, C., Topcu, I., et al. (2016). Frequency of Stent Placement after Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in a University and a State Hospital. Dicle Medical Journal, 43(1), 39-42.
AMA Celik H, Camtosun A, Ediz C, Topcu I, Altintas R, Tasdemir C. Frequency of Stent Placement after Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in a University and a State Hospital. diclemedj. March 2016;43(1):39-42. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2016.01.0635
Chicago Celik, Huseyin, Ahmet Camtosun, Caner Ediz, Ibrahim Topcu, Ramazan Altintas, and Cemal Tasdemir. “Frequency of Stent Placement After Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in a University and a State Hospital”. Dicle Medical Journal 43, no. 1 (March 2016): 39-42.
EndNote Celik H, Camtosun A, Ediz C, Topcu I, Altintas R, Tasdemir C (March 1, 2016) Frequency of Stent Placement after Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in a University and a State Hospital. Dicle Medical Journal 43 1 39–42.
IEEE H. Celik, A. Camtosun, C. Ediz, I. Topcu, R. Altintas, and C. Tasdemir, “Frequency of Stent Placement after Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in a University and a State Hospital”, diclemedj, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 39–42, 2016, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2016.01.0635.
ISNAD Celik, Huseyin et al. “Frequency of Stent Placement After Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in a University and a State Hospital”. Dicle Medical Journal 43/1 (March 2016), 39-42.
JAMA Celik H, Camtosun A, Ediz C, Topcu I, Altintas R, Tasdemir C. Frequency of Stent Placement after Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in a University and a State Hospital. diclemedj. 2016;43:39–42.
MLA Celik, Huseyin et al. “Frequency of Stent Placement After Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in a University and a State Hospital”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 43, no. 1, 2016, pp. 39-42, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2016.01.0635.
Vancouver Celik H, Camtosun A, Ediz C, Topcu I, Altintas R, Tasdemir C. Frequency of Stent Placement after Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in a University and a State Hospital. diclemedj. 2016;43(1):39-42.