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Assessment of mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetics receiving insulin or oral antidiabetic agents

Year 2015, Volume: 42 Issue: 4, 399 - 403, 08.01.2016


Objective: Increased mean platelet volume (MPV) is a known risk factor for various acute vascular complications, which is commonly associated with patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). This study was aimed to investigate the association of MPV, Type 2 DM and to know the difference of MPV in patients on oral hypoglycemic drugs and insulin therapy.

Methods: A total of 300 patients were selected and allocated to three subgroups with 100, as DM Group on insulin therapy, DM Group on oral hypoglycemic therapy and non-DM Group (Negative control Group). Investigations like fasting blood glucose, HbA1c and MPV were performed. The results of patient values were evaluated retrospectively.

Results: Results of the study showed that patients with type 2 DM have increased in the MPV. Oral antidiabetic treatment in patients MPV, was found to be higher compared to patients treated with insulin. The mean MPV in Group 1 (on oral hypoglycemic treatment) was 10.07±0.7 fl, in Group 2 (on Insulin therapy) 9.01±0.6 fl and in the controls Group 8.15±0.8 fl.

Conclusion: The outcome of study has shown that values of MPV are increased in patients with, Type 2 DM and are significantly higher in those patients on oral hypoglycemic therapy than patients on insulin therapy. MPV is a simple and cost-effective tool which can be explored for predicting the possibility of vascular events in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. Early initiation of insulin treatment in confirmed cases of Type 2 diabetics not only helps in controlling blood glucose level but also helps in keeping MPV low and thereby preventing possibility of impending vascular events.

Key words: Mean platelet volume, type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin therapy, oral hypoglycemic drugs


  • Mahsud MAJ, Khan A, Hussain J. Hematological changes in tobacco using type 2 diabetic patients. Gomal J Med Sci 2010;8:8-11.
  • King H, Aubert RE, Herman WH. Global burden of diabetes,1995-2025: prevalence, numerical estimates, and projections. Diabetes Care1998;21:1414-1431.
  • Demirtunc R, Duman D, Basar M, et al. The relationship between glycemic control and platelet activity in type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Complications 2009;23:89-94.
  • Hekimsoy Z, Payzinb B, Ornek T, et al. Mean platelet volume in Type 2 diabetic patients. J Diabetes Complications 2004;18:173-176.
  • Zuberi BF, Akhtar N, Afsar S. Comparison of mean platelet volume in patients with diabetes mellitus, impaired fasting glucose and non-diabetic subjects. Singapore Med J 2008;49:114-116.
  • Chamberlain KG, Tong M, Chiu E, et al. The relationship of human platelet density to platelet age: platelet population labeling bymonoamine oxidase inhibition. Blood 1989;73:1218-1225.
  • Martin J. The relationship between megakaryocyte ploidy and platelet volume. Blood Cells 1989;15:108-121.
  • Tavil Y, Sen N, Yazici HU, et al. Mean platelet volume in patients with metabolic syndrome and its relationship with coronary artery disease. Thromb Res 2007;120:245-250.
  • Khandekar MM, Khurana AS, Deshmukh SD, et al. Platelet volume indices in patients with coronary artery disease and acute myocardial infarction: an Indian scenario. J Clin Pathol 2006;59:146-149.
  • O’Malley T, Langhorne P, Elton RA, et al. Platelet size in stroke patients. Stroke 1995;26:995-999.
  • Bock G, Dalla Man C, Campioni M, et al. Pathogenesis of pre-diabetes: mechanisms of fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia in people with impaired fasting glucose and/or impaired glucose tolerance. Diabetes 2006;55:3536-3549.
  • Papanas N, Symeonidis G, Maltezos E, et al. Mean platelet volume in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Platelets 2004; 15:475-478.
  • Hekimsoy Z, Payzin B, Ornek T, et al. Mean platelet volume in Type 2 diabetic patients. J Diabetes Complications 2004; 18:173-176.
  • Kim KY, Kim KE, Kim KH. Mean platelet volume in the normal state and in various clinical disorders. Yonsei Med J 1986;27:219-226.
  • Satman I, Yilmaz T, Sengul A, et al. The TURDEP Group. Population-based study of diabetes and risk characteristics in Turkey: results of the Turkish diabetes epidemiology study (TURDEP). Diabetes Care 2002;25:1551-1556.
  • Khuwaja AK, Rafique G, White F, et al. Macrovascular complications and their associated factors among persons with Type 2 diabetes in Karachi, Pakistan-a multi-center study. J Pak Med Assoc. 2004;54:60-66.
  • Kodiatte TA, Manikyam UK, Rao SB, et al. Mean Platelet Volume in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, J Lab Physicians 2012;4:5-9.
  • Colwell JA, Nesto RW. The platelet in diabetes-focus on revention
  • of ischemic events. Diabetes Care 2003;26:2181-2188.
  • Chang HA, Hwang HS, Park HK, et al. The role of mean platelet volume as a predicting factor of asymptomatic coronary artery disease. Korean J Fam Med 2010;31:600-606.
  • Bae SH, Lee J, Roh KH, et al. J. Platelet activation in patients
  • with diabetic retinopathy. Korean J Ophthalmol 2003;17:140-144.
  • Zuberi BF, Akhtar N, Afsar S. Comparison of mean platelet volume in patients with diabetes mellitus, impaired fasting glucose and non-diabetic subjects. Singapore Med J
  • Jindal S, Gupta S, Gupta R, at al. Platelet indices in diabetes
  • mellitus: indicators of diabetic microvascular complications. Hematology 2011;16:86-89.
  • Arauz-Pacheco C, Parrott MA, Raskin P. The treatment of
  • hypertension in adult patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care 2002;25:134-147.
  • Jabeen F, Fawwad A, Rizvi HA, et al. Role of platelet indices,
  • glycemic control and hs-CRP in pathogenesis of vascular complications in type-2 diabetic patients. Pak J Med Sci 2013;29:152-156.
  • Vernekar PV, Vaidya KA. Comparison of mean platelet volume
  • in type 2 diabetics on insulin therapy and on oral hypoglycaemic
  • agents. J Clin Diagn Res 2013;12:2839-2840.
  • Yenigün EC, Okyay GU, Pirpir A, et al. Increased mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 2014;41:17-22.

Fatih Şahpaz1 Kemal Türker Ulutaş2

Year 2015, Volume: 42 Issue: 4, 399 - 403, 08.01.2016


Amaç: Artmış Ortalama Trombosit Hacmi (OTH), Diabetes Mellitus (DM) hastalarında yaygın vasküler komplikasyonlarla yakından ilişkilidir. Bu çalışma OTH ile insulin tedavisi alan veya oral hipoglisemik tedavi alan hastaları kıyaslamayı amaçlamaktadır. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya randomize olarak seçilen 300 hasta 100 kişilik üç gruba ayrıldı: oral hipoglisemik tedavi alan grup-1, insulin tedavisi alan DM grup-2 ve non-DM sağlıklı grup-3. Tüm hastalardan açlık kan şekeri, HbA1c ve OTH ve biyokimya değerleri retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi.Bulgular: Çalışma sonucu OTH değerlerinin Tip 2 DM olan hastalarda artmış olduğu göstermiştir ve oral antidiyabetik tedavi alan hastalarda, insulin tedavisi alan hastalara göre daha yüksek olarak saptanmıştır. OTH değeri grup 1’de (oral hipoglisemik tedavi alan) 10.07±0.7fl, grup 2’de (İnsülin tedavisi alan) 9.01±0.6fl ve kontrol grubunda 8.15±0.8fl olarak tespit edildi. Sonuç: Çalışma sonucu DM hastası olgularda vasküler hastalık olasılığını tahmin etmek için OTH basit ve düşük maliyetli-etkin bir tanı aracı olarak kullanılabileceğini düşündürmektedir. Tip 2 diyabet doğrulanmış olgularda insulin tedavisinin erken başlanması sadece kan şekeri düzeyini kontrol etmede yardımcı olmaz; aynı zamanda OTH seviyesini düşük tutarak yaklaşan vasküler olayların olma olasılığını önlemeye yardımcı olabilir


  • Mahsud MAJ, Khan A, Hussain J. Hematological changes in tobacco using type 2 diabetic patients. Gomal J Med Sci 2010;8:8-11.
  • King H, Aubert RE, Herman WH. Global burden of diabetes,1995-2025: prevalence, numerical estimates, and projections. Diabetes Care1998;21:1414-1431.
  • Demirtunc R, Duman D, Basar M, et al. The relationship between glycemic control and platelet activity in type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Complications 2009;23:89-94.
  • Hekimsoy Z, Payzinb B, Ornek T, et al. Mean platelet volume in Type 2 diabetic patients. J Diabetes Complications 2004;18:173-176.
  • Zuberi BF, Akhtar N, Afsar S. Comparison of mean platelet volume in patients with diabetes mellitus, impaired fasting glucose and non-diabetic subjects. Singapore Med J 2008;49:114-116.
  • Chamberlain KG, Tong M, Chiu E, et al. The relationship of human platelet density to platelet age: platelet population labeling bymonoamine oxidase inhibition. Blood 1989;73:1218-1225.
  • Martin J. The relationship between megakaryocyte ploidy and platelet volume. Blood Cells 1989;15:108-121.
  • Tavil Y, Sen N, Yazici HU, et al. Mean platelet volume in patients with metabolic syndrome and its relationship with coronary artery disease. Thromb Res 2007;120:245-250.
  • Khandekar MM, Khurana AS, Deshmukh SD, et al. Platelet volume indices in patients with coronary artery disease and acute myocardial infarction: an Indian scenario. J Clin Pathol 2006;59:146-149.
  • O’Malley T, Langhorne P, Elton RA, et al. Platelet size in stroke patients. Stroke 1995;26:995-999.
  • Bock G, Dalla Man C, Campioni M, et al. Pathogenesis of pre-diabetes: mechanisms of fasting and postprandial hyperglycemia in people with impaired fasting glucose and/or impaired glucose tolerance. Diabetes 2006;55:3536-3549.
  • Papanas N, Symeonidis G, Maltezos E, et al. Mean platelet volume in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Platelets 2004; 15:475-478.
  • Hekimsoy Z, Payzin B, Ornek T, et al. Mean platelet volume in Type 2 diabetic patients. J Diabetes Complications 2004; 18:173-176.
  • Kim KY, Kim KE, Kim KH. Mean platelet volume in the normal state and in various clinical disorders. Yonsei Med J 1986;27:219-226.
  • Satman I, Yilmaz T, Sengul A, et al. The TURDEP Group. Population-based study of diabetes and risk characteristics in Turkey: results of the Turkish diabetes epidemiology study (TURDEP). Diabetes Care 2002;25:1551-1556.
  • Khuwaja AK, Rafique G, White F, et al. Macrovascular complications and their associated factors among persons with Type 2 diabetes in Karachi, Pakistan-a multi-center study. J Pak Med Assoc. 2004;54:60-66.
  • Kodiatte TA, Manikyam UK, Rao SB, et al. Mean Platelet Volume in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, J Lab Physicians 2012;4:5-9.
  • Colwell JA, Nesto RW. The platelet in diabetes-focus on revention
  • of ischemic events. Diabetes Care 2003;26:2181-2188.
  • Chang HA, Hwang HS, Park HK, et al. The role of mean platelet volume as a predicting factor of asymptomatic coronary artery disease. Korean J Fam Med 2010;31:600-606.
  • Bae SH, Lee J, Roh KH, et al. J. Platelet activation in patients
  • with diabetic retinopathy. Korean J Ophthalmol 2003;17:140-144.
  • Zuberi BF, Akhtar N, Afsar S. Comparison of mean platelet volume in patients with diabetes mellitus, impaired fasting glucose and non-diabetic subjects. Singapore Med J
  • Jindal S, Gupta S, Gupta R, at al. Platelet indices in diabetes
  • mellitus: indicators of diabetic microvascular complications. Hematology 2011;16:86-89.
  • Arauz-Pacheco C, Parrott MA, Raskin P. The treatment of
  • hypertension in adult patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care 2002;25:134-147.
  • Jabeen F, Fawwad A, Rizvi HA, et al. Role of platelet indices,
  • glycemic control and hs-CRP in pathogenesis of vascular complications in type-2 diabetic patients. Pak J Med Sci 2013;29:152-156.
  • Vernekar PV, Vaidya KA. Comparison of mean platelet volume
  • in type 2 diabetics on insulin therapy and on oral hypoglycaemic
  • agents. J Clin Diagn Res 2013;12:2839-2840.
  • Yenigün EC, Okyay GU, Pirpir A, et al. Increased mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Dicle Tıp Dergisi 2014;41:17-22.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Fatih Şahpaz This is me

Kemal Ulutaş This is me

Publication Date January 8, 2016
Submission Date January 8, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 42 Issue: 4


APA Şahpaz, F., & Ulutaş, K. (2016). Assessment of mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetics receiving insulin or oral antidiabetic agents. Dicle Medical Journal, 42(4), 399-403.
AMA Şahpaz F, Ulutaş K. Assessment of mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetics receiving insulin or oral antidiabetic agents. diclemedj. January 2016;42(4):399-403. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.04.0598
Chicago Şahpaz, Fatih, and Kemal Ulutaş. “Assessment of Mean Platelet Volume in Type 2 Diabetics Receiving Insulin or Oral Antidiabetic Agents”. Dicle Medical Journal 42, no. 4 (January 2016): 399-403.
EndNote Şahpaz F, Ulutaş K (January 1, 2016) Assessment of mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetics receiving insulin or oral antidiabetic agents. Dicle Medical Journal 42 4 399–403.
IEEE F. Şahpaz and K. Ulutaş, “Assessment of mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetics receiving insulin or oral antidiabetic agents”, diclemedj, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 399–403, 2016, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.04.0598.
ISNAD Şahpaz, Fatih - Ulutaş, Kemal. “Assessment of Mean Platelet Volume in Type 2 Diabetics Receiving Insulin or Oral Antidiabetic Agents”. Dicle Medical Journal 42/4 (January 2016), 399-403.
JAMA Şahpaz F, Ulutaş K. Assessment of mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetics receiving insulin or oral antidiabetic agents. diclemedj. 2016;42:399–403.
MLA Şahpaz, Fatih and Kemal Ulutaş. “Assessment of Mean Platelet Volume in Type 2 Diabetics Receiving Insulin or Oral Antidiabetic Agents”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 42, no. 4, 2016, pp. 399-03, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.04.0598.
Vancouver Şahpaz F, Ulutaş K. Assessment of mean platelet volume in type 2 diabetics receiving insulin or oral antidiabetic agents. diclemedj. 2016;42(4):399-403.