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Diyareli Hastalarda Patojenik E. coli Serogruplarının Araştırılması

Year 2016, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 205 - 211, 01.06.2016


Amaç: Diyare ile ilişkili hastalıklar başta gelişmekte olan
ülkeler olmak üzere birçok ülkede ciddi bir sağlık problemidir.
Diyare ile ilişkili hastalıkların gerçek nedeni, birincil
ve ikincil sağlık hizmetlerinin düşük bütçelerinin yanı sıra
sanitasyon ve kötü hijyen olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada,
bölgemizdeki ishalli hastalardan alınan dışkı örneklerinde,
başta ishal oluşturan Escherichia coli suşları
olmak üzere bakteriyel enteropatojenlerin varlığının tespit
edilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Yöntemler: İshal şikayeti olan 343 hastadan dışkı örnekleri
toplandı. Toplanan dışkı örnekleri ilk olarak makroskobik
ve mikroskobik incelemeye tabi tutuldu. Ardından, örneklerin
EMB Agar, MacConkey Agar and Selenite F besiyerlerine
ekim işlemleri gerçekleştirildi. Son olarak, E.coli
bakterileri spesifik antiserumlar kullanılarak tanımlandı.
Bulgular: Parazitolojik ve bakteriyolojik incelemeye tabi
tutulan 343 dışkı örneğinin 156’sı kadın, 187’si erkek hastalara
aitti. 262 dışkı örneğinde (%76,4) yalnızca E.coli
bakterisi tespit edildi. E.coli tespit edilen 262 hastanın
77’sinde (%29,4) lateks aglütinasyon yöntemi ile sınıflandırma
yapıldı. En çok tespit edilen EHEC, EPEC, ETEC
ve EIEC suşları sırasıyla O26, O55, O128 ve O152 alt serotipleri
olarak tanımlandı. Bu çalışmada, E.coli O157:H7
suşu tespit edilmedi.
Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, sadece O antiserumunun kullanılması
tüm patojenik bakterilerin tanımlanması için yeterli
olmamaktadır. Ancak, bölgemizdeki bakteriyel serogrupların
tanımlanması, konu hakkında klinisyenlerin dikkatini
çekecek ve doğru tanı ve tedavi konusunda daha doğru
sonuçlara ulaşılmasına olanak sağlayacaktır. İshal oluşturan
E.coli suşlarının sebep olduğu infeksiyonların önüne
geçebilmenin en temel yolu, hijyen kurallarına özen


  • 1. Assis FE, Wolf S, Surek M, et al. Impact of Aeromonas and diarrheagenic Escherichia coli screening in patients with diarrhea in Paraná, southern Brazil. J Infect Dev Ctries 2014;8:1609-1614.
  • 2. World Health Organization. Diarrheal Diseases. Geneva: WHO. Available: diseases/diarrhoeal/en/index.html Accessed: 12 January 2015.
  • 3. Sjöling A, Sadeghipoorjahromi L, Novak D, et al. Detection of major diarrheagenic bacterial pathogens by multiplex PCR panels. Microbiol Res 2014;5013:151-157.
  • 4. Marcos LA, DuPont HL. Advances in defining etiology and new therapeutic approaches in acute diarrhea. J Infect 2007;55:385-393.
  • 5. Tan J, File T, Salata R, et al. Infectious diseases. Expert guide series. The American College of Physicians. Philadelphia: Versa Press 2008;95.
  • 6. Rey A, Verjan N, Ferguson HW, et al. Pathogenesis of Aeromonas hydrophila strain KJ99 infection and its extracellular products in two species of fish. Vet Rec 2009;164:493–499.
  • 7. Chen Y, Chen X, Zheng S, et al. Serotypes, genotypes and antimicrobial resistance patterns of human diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli isolates circulating in southeastern China. Clin Microbiol Infect 2014;20:52-58.
  • 8. Turk H, Findik D. Investigation of rotavirus and adenovirus antigens in patients with acute gastroenteritis. J Clin Exp Invest 2014;5:256-260.
  • 9. Leclerc H, Schwartzbrod L, Dei-Cas E. Microbial agents associated with waterborne diseases. Crit Rev Microbiol 2002;28:371-409.
  • 10. Guerrant RL, Hughes JM, Lima NL, et al. Diarrhea in developed and developing countries: magnitude, special settings, and etiologies. Rev Infect Dis 1990;1:41-50.
  • 11. Bayram Y, Parlak M, Çıkman A. The prevalence of Giardia intestinalis and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar in Van Regional Training and Research Hospital: A four-year monitoring. Dicle Med J 2013;40:40-44.
  • 12. Robins-Browne RM, Levine MM, Rowe B, et al. Failure to detect conventional enterotoxins in classical enteropathogenic (serotyped) Escherichia coli strains of proven pathogenicity. Infect Immun 1982;38:798-801.
  • 13. Atmar RL, Estes MK. Diagnosis of noncultivatable gastroenteritis viruses, the human caliciviruses. Clin Microbiol Rev 2001;14:15-37.
  • 14. Liptakova A, Siegfried L, Rosocha J, et al. A family outbreak of haemolyticuraemic syndrome and haemorrhagic colitis caused by verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157 from unpasteurised cow’s milk in. Clin Microbiol Infect 2004;10:576-578.
  • 15. Havelaar AH, Van Duynhoven YT, Nauta MJ, et al. Disease burden in The Netherlands due to infections with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157. Epidemiol Infect 2004;132:467-484.
  • 16. Shazberg G, Wolk M, Schmidt H, et al. Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli serotype O126:H27, Israel Emerg Infect Dis 2003;9:1170-1173.
  • 17. Pabst WL, Altwegg M, Kind C, et al. Prevalence of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli among children with and without diarrhea in Switzerland. J Clin Microbiol 2003;41:2289-2293.
  • 18. Vila J, Vargas M, Casals C, et al. Antimicrobial resistance of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli isolated from children under the age of 5 years from Ifakara, Tanzania. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1999;43:3022-3024.
  • 19. Muller D, Greune L, Heusipp G. Identification of unconventional intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli isolates expressing intermediate virulence factor profiles by using a novel single-step multiplex PCR. Appl Environ Microbiol 2007;73:3380–3390.
  • 20. Aslani MM, Ahrabi SS, Alikhani YM, et al. Molecular detection and antimicrobial resistance of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrheal cases. Saudi Med J 2008;29:388–392.
  • 21. Oktun M, Yuce K. İzmir bölgesinde ishallerde dört Bakteriyel etken: Salmonella türleri, Shigella türleri, enteropatojen Escherichia coli ve ısıya duyarlı toksin üreten enterotoksijen Escherichia coli. Infeksiyon Derg 1995;9:357-360.
  • 22. Erensoy T, Tokbas A. İzmir’deki sürgün olgularından soyutlanan enteropatojen Escherichia coli kökenleri. Infeksiyon Derg 1993;7:41-46.
  • 23. Bhattacharya SK. Progress in the prevention and control of diarrhoeal diseases since Independence. Natl Med J India 2003;2:15-19.
  • 24. Bodhidatta L, Vithayasai N, Eimpokalarp B, et al. Bacterial enteric pathogens in children with acute dysentery in Thailand: increasing importance of quinolone-resistant Campylobacter. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2002;33:752-757.
  • 25. Tilak GP, Mudaliar JL. Role of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in paediatric diarrhoe as in South India. Mater Sociomed 2002;24:178-181.

The Investigation of Pathogenic E. coli serogroups in Patients with Diarrhea

Year 2016, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 205 - 211, 01.06.2016


Objective: Diarrheal diseases express a major health problem especially in developing countries. The real reasons of diarrheal disease are largely due to low hy­giene or sanitation as well as low budgets of primary and secondary health care. In this study, it was aimed to determine the presence of bacterial enteropathogens especially diarrheagenic Escherichia coli serogroups in stool samples taken from patients with diarrhea in our geographic region. Methods: 343 stool samples were collected from the pa­tients who were diarrhea. Stool samples were subjected to macroscopic and microscopic examinations, and then were cultured into EMB Agar, MacConkey Agar and Sel­enite F to isolate and distinguish E.coli from other intes­tinal pathogens. Finally, all isolated E.coli species were identified by using specific antisera. Results: 343 (156 female, 187 male) stool samples were bacteriologically and parasitologically examined. Only E. coli presence was detected in 262 (76.4%) samples. 77 (29.4%) of total isolated 262 E.coli strains were identified with latex agglutination test. Most common EHEC, EPEC, ETEC and EIEC strains were detected as following; O26, O55, O128 and O152 respectively. E.coli O157:H7 se­rovar was not detected. Conclusion: As a consequent, just usage of O antisera (except H7) is not adequate to detect all the pathogenic bacteria. However, determination of bacterial serogroups which often seen in a region may lead to draw the atten­tion of the clinicians on these bacteria and provide an op­portunity for more accurate diagnosis and treatment. The main way to prevent diarrheal E. coli infections is to obey the hygiene rules.


  • 1. Assis FE, Wolf S, Surek M, et al. Impact of Aeromonas and diarrheagenic Escherichia coli screening in patients with diarrhea in Paraná, southern Brazil. J Infect Dev Ctries 2014;8:1609-1614.
  • 2. World Health Organization. Diarrheal Diseases. Geneva: WHO. Available: diseases/diarrhoeal/en/index.html Accessed: 12 January 2015.
  • 3. Sjöling A, Sadeghipoorjahromi L, Novak D, et al. Detection of major diarrheagenic bacterial pathogens by multiplex PCR panels. Microbiol Res 2014;5013:151-157.
  • 4. Marcos LA, DuPont HL. Advances in defining etiology and new therapeutic approaches in acute diarrhea. J Infect 2007;55:385-393.
  • 5. Tan J, File T, Salata R, et al. Infectious diseases. Expert guide series. The American College of Physicians. Philadelphia: Versa Press 2008;95.
  • 6. Rey A, Verjan N, Ferguson HW, et al. Pathogenesis of Aeromonas hydrophila strain KJ99 infection and its extracellular products in two species of fish. Vet Rec 2009;164:493–499.
  • 7. Chen Y, Chen X, Zheng S, et al. Serotypes, genotypes and antimicrobial resistance patterns of human diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli isolates circulating in southeastern China. Clin Microbiol Infect 2014;20:52-58.
  • 8. Turk H, Findik D. Investigation of rotavirus and adenovirus antigens in patients with acute gastroenteritis. J Clin Exp Invest 2014;5:256-260.
  • 9. Leclerc H, Schwartzbrod L, Dei-Cas E. Microbial agents associated with waterborne diseases. Crit Rev Microbiol 2002;28:371-409.
  • 10. Guerrant RL, Hughes JM, Lima NL, et al. Diarrhea in developed and developing countries: magnitude, special settings, and etiologies. Rev Infect Dis 1990;1:41-50.
  • 11. Bayram Y, Parlak M, Çıkman A. The prevalence of Giardia intestinalis and Entamoeba histolytica/dispar in Van Regional Training and Research Hospital: A four-year monitoring. Dicle Med J 2013;40:40-44.
  • 12. Robins-Browne RM, Levine MM, Rowe B, et al. Failure to detect conventional enterotoxins in classical enteropathogenic (serotyped) Escherichia coli strains of proven pathogenicity. Infect Immun 1982;38:798-801.
  • 13. Atmar RL, Estes MK. Diagnosis of noncultivatable gastroenteritis viruses, the human caliciviruses. Clin Microbiol Rev 2001;14:15-37.
  • 14. Liptakova A, Siegfried L, Rosocha J, et al. A family outbreak of haemolyticuraemic syndrome and haemorrhagic colitis caused by verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157 from unpasteurised cow’s milk in. Clin Microbiol Infect 2004;10:576-578.
  • 15. Havelaar AH, Van Duynhoven YT, Nauta MJ, et al. Disease burden in The Netherlands due to infections with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O157. Epidemiol Infect 2004;132:467-484.
  • 16. Shazberg G, Wolk M, Schmidt H, et al. Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli serotype O126:H27, Israel Emerg Infect Dis 2003;9:1170-1173.
  • 17. Pabst WL, Altwegg M, Kind C, et al. Prevalence of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli among children with and without diarrhea in Switzerland. J Clin Microbiol 2003;41:2289-2293.
  • 18. Vila J, Vargas M, Casals C, et al. Antimicrobial resistance of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli isolated from children under the age of 5 years from Ifakara, Tanzania. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1999;43:3022-3024.
  • 19. Muller D, Greune L, Heusipp G. Identification of unconventional intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli isolates expressing intermediate virulence factor profiles by using a novel single-step multiplex PCR. Appl Environ Microbiol 2007;73:3380–3390.
  • 20. Aslani MM, Ahrabi SS, Alikhani YM, et al. Molecular detection and antimicrobial resistance of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from diarrheal cases. Saudi Med J 2008;29:388–392.
  • 21. Oktun M, Yuce K. İzmir bölgesinde ishallerde dört Bakteriyel etken: Salmonella türleri, Shigella türleri, enteropatojen Escherichia coli ve ısıya duyarlı toksin üreten enterotoksijen Escherichia coli. Infeksiyon Derg 1995;9:357-360.
  • 22. Erensoy T, Tokbas A. İzmir’deki sürgün olgularından soyutlanan enteropatojen Escherichia coli kökenleri. Infeksiyon Derg 1993;7:41-46.
  • 23. Bhattacharya SK. Progress in the prevention and control of diarrhoeal diseases since Independence. Natl Med J India 2003;2:15-19.
  • 24. Bodhidatta L, Vithayasai N, Eimpokalarp B, et al. Bacterial enteric pathogens in children with acute dysentery in Thailand: increasing importance of quinolone-resistant Campylobacter. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2002;33:752-757.
  • 25. Tilak GP, Mudaliar JL. Role of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in paediatric diarrhoe as in South India. Mater Sociomed 2002;24:178-181.
There are 25 citations in total.


Other ID JA29FV78FE
Journal Section Research Article

Zakir Zeki Çalık This is me

Murat Karameşe This is me

Osman Aktaş This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Submission Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 43 Issue: 2


APA Çalık, Z. Z., Karameşe, M., & Aktaş, O. (2016). The Investigation of Pathogenic E. coli serogroups in Patients with Diarrhea. Dicle Medical Journal, 43(2), 205-211.
AMA Çalık ZZ, Karameşe M, Aktaş O. The Investigation of Pathogenic E. coli serogroups in Patients with Diarrhea. diclemedj. June 2016;43(2):205-211.
Chicago Çalık, Zakir Zeki, Murat Karameşe, and Osman Aktaş. “The Investigation of Pathogenic E. Coli Serogroups in Patients With Diarrhea”. Dicle Medical Journal 43, no. 2 (June 2016): 205-11.
EndNote Çalık ZZ, Karameşe M, Aktaş O (June 1, 2016) The Investigation of Pathogenic E. coli serogroups in Patients with Diarrhea. Dicle Medical Journal 43 2 205–211.
IEEE Z. Z. Çalık, M. Karameşe, and O. Aktaş, “The Investigation of Pathogenic E. coli serogroups in Patients with Diarrhea”, diclemedj, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 205–211, 2016.
ISNAD Çalık, Zakir Zeki et al. “The Investigation of Pathogenic E. Coli Serogroups in Patients With Diarrhea”. Dicle Medical Journal 43/2 (June 2016), 205-211.
JAMA Çalık ZZ, Karameşe M, Aktaş O. The Investigation of Pathogenic E. coli serogroups in Patients with Diarrhea. diclemedj. 2016;43:205–211.
MLA Çalık, Zakir Zeki et al. “The Investigation of Pathogenic E. Coli Serogroups in Patients With Diarrhea”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 43, no. 2, 2016, pp. 205-11.
Vancouver Çalık ZZ, Karameşe M, Aktaş O. The Investigation of Pathogenic E. coli serogroups in Patients with Diarrhea. diclemedj. 2016;43(2):205-11.