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Dermoid Kist Nedeniyle Tedavi Edilen 114 Olgunun Retrospektif Analizi

Year 2016, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 256 - 260, 01.06.2016


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı; hastanemizde cerrahi tedavi
uygulanan dermoid kist olgularının klinik bulguları, tanı
yöntemleri, tümör belirteç düzeyleri, cerrahi tedavi yaklaşımları
ve nihai patoloji sonuçlarını değerlendirmektir.
Yöntemler: Çalışmamız retrospektif olarak planlanmıştır.
Hastanemiz elektronik kayıt sisteminden dermoid kist nedeniyle
tedavi edilen toplam 114 hasta çalışmaya dâhil
edildi. Hasta dosyalarından demografik verilerin yanı sıra,
pre-operatif klinik bulgular, tümör boyutu, ultrasonografik
özellikleri, tümör belirteç sonuçları, cerrahi tedavi şekli
(laparatomi-laparoskopi), uygulanan cerrahi tedavi şekli
(kistektomi, ooforektomi, salpingo-ooforektomi, total abdominal
histerektomi-salpingo-ooforektomi) ve patoloji
sonuçları not edildi.
Bulgular: Hastalarımızın ortalama yaşı 33,59±12,79 yıl
(11 ile 70 yaş arası) olarak tespit edildi. Hastaneye başvuru
sırasında en sık tespit edilen şikâyetin 32 hastada
(%28,07) tespit edilen karın ağrısı olduğu görüldü. 70
hastanın (%38,59) ise insidental olarak tespit edildiği görüldü.
Ultrasonografik incelemede ortalama kist boyutunun
47,70±48,49 cm2
olduğu tespit edildi (12 ile 300 cm2
arasında). Çalışmaya dâhil edilen 114 hastanın sadece
12’sinde (%10,52) Ca 125,29 hastada (%25,43) ise Ca
19-9 düzeyinin normal değerin üstünde olduğu saptandı.
Nihai patoloji sonuçlarına göre en sık tespit edilen sonuç
103 hastada (%90,4) görülen dermoid kist idi. Diğer histopatolojik
sonuçlar ise immatür teratom, skuamöz hücreli
karsinom ve seröz karsinom idi.
Sonuç: Ovaryan dermoid kistler genelde benign neoplazmlar
olup nadiren malign transformasyon gösterirler.
Tümör belirteçleri bu ayrımı yapmada tam anlamıyla yeterli
olmamaktadır. Ancak özellikle ileri yaşlarda olan hastalarda
malignite yönünden risk artışı olduğundan dikkatli


  • 1. Ozgur T, Atik E, Silfeler DB, Toprak S. Mature cystic teratomas in our series with review of the literature and retrospective analysis. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2012;285:1099-101.
  • 2. Kim MJ, Kim NY, Lee DY, et al. Clinical characteristics of ovarian teratoma: age-focused retrospective analysis of 580 cases. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011;205:32 36.
  • 3. Nacar M, Ozsoy Z, Aliyev N, Koseoglu D. Mature cysticteratomas: Relationship between histopathological contents and clinical features. Niger J Clin Pract 2015;18:236-239.
  • 4. Uysal F, Balsak D, Uysal A, et al. Clinical, diagnostic and anatomical aspects of mature cystic teratomas. Austin J Radiol 2014;1:3-5.
  • 5. Jalencas G, González BE, Guirado L, et al. Ovarian mature teratoma: a ten year experience in our institution. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol 2014;42:518-522.
  • 6. Hursitoglu BS, Demirtas GS, Demirtas O, et al. A clinicopathological evaluation of 194 patients with ovarian teratoma: 7-year experience in a single center. Ginekol Pol 2013;84:108-111.
  • 7. Naqvi KZ, Abdullah A, Jabeen M, et al. Ovarian dermoid causing pilimiction. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2015;25:71- 72.
  • 8. Ertas S, Vural F, Kose G, et al. The predictive value of risk of malignancy index calculation in adnexal masses. J Clin Exp Invest 2013;4:322-325.
  • 9. Demir Y, Ucler R, Alkis I, Bulut G. Accurately localizing the thyroid tissue in mature cystic teratoma of ovary by singlephotone mission computerized tomography/computerized tomography. Indian J Nucl Med 2015;30:364-365.
  • 10. Uzum AK, Iyibozkurt C, Canbaz B, et al. Management and follow-up results of an incidental thyroid carcinoma in a young woman with ovarian teratoma. Gynecol Endocrinol 2013;29:724-726.
  • 11. Tekin YB, Altınbaş ŞK, Dede FS, Dilbaz B. Dermoid kistlerde ultrasonografik tanı doğruluğunu etkileyen parametreler. Dicle Tıp Derg 2014;41:64-70.
  • 12. Pepe F, Lo Monaco S, Rapisarda F, et al. An unusual case of multiple and bilateral ovarian dermoid cysts: Case Rep G Chir 2014;35:75-77.
  • 13. Asal N, Koşar PN, Duymuş M, et al. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging in gynecologic masses. Dicle Tıp Derg 2011;38:412-420.
  • 14. Suh DS, Moon SH, Kim SC, et al. Significant simultaneous changes in serum CA19-9 and CA125 due to prolonged torsion of mature cystic teratoma of theovary. World J Surg Oncol 2014;12:1-4.
  • 15. Frimer M, Seagle B-LL, Chudnoff S, Goldberg GL, Shahabi S. Role of Elevated cancer antigen 19-9 in women with mature cystic teratoma. Reprod Sci 2014;21:1307-1311.
  • 16. Park CH, Jung MH, Ji YI. Risk factors for malignant transformation of mature cystic teratoma. Obstet Gynecol Sci 2015;58:475-480.
  • 17. Chen C, Li JD, Huang H, et al. Diagnostic value of multiple tumor markır detection for mature and immature teratoma of the ovary. Chin J Cancer 2008;27:92-95.
  • 18. Koc S, Tapisiz OL, Turan T, et al. Malignant transformation of mature cystic teratoma of the ovary: a case series. J Exp Ther Oncol 2015;11:11-16.
  • 19. Park JY, Kim DY, Suh DS, et al. Laparoendoscopic singlesite versus conventional laparoscopic surgery for ovarian mature cystic teratoma. Obstet Gynecol Sci 2015;58:294- 301.
  • 20. Perlman S, Kjer JJ. Ovarian damage due to cyst removal. A comparison of endometriomas and dermoid cysts. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2016; 95:285-290.

Retrospective Analysis of 114 Cases Treated for Dermoid Cyst

Year 2016, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 256 - 260, 01.06.2016


Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the clinical findings, tumor markers, surgical treatment ap­proaches and final pathological results of the dermoid cyst subjects treated at our hospital. Methods: The study was planned retrospectively. 114 subjects with dermoid cyst were included from our hos­pitals electronic log system. Along with the demographic data’s, pre-operative clinical findings, tumor sizes, ul­trasonographic characteristics, tumor marker results, surgical treatment method (laparotomy-laparoscopy), administered surgical treatment procedure (cystectomy, oopherectomy, salpingo-oopherectomy, total abdominal hysterectomy-salpingo-oopherectomy) and pathology re­sults were recorded from the patient files. Results: Mean age of the patients was 33.59±12.79 years (11-70). Abdominal pain was observed in 32 patients (%28.07) as the most common complaint during hospi­tal admission. 70 patients (%38.59) were determined in­cidentally. Average cyst size was 47.70±48.49 cm2 dur­ing the ultrasonographic examination. Ca 125 level was higher than normal limits in only 12 (%10.52) patients and Ca 19-9 level was higher in only 29 (%25.43) of patients. The most common final histopathological diagnosis was dermoid cyst in 103 (%90.40) patients. Other histopatho­logical diagnoses were immature teratoma, squamous cell carcinoma and serous carcinoma. Conclusion: Ovarian dermoid cysts are usually benign neoplasms and rarely show malign transformations. Tu­mor markers are not fairly enough to make discrimina­tions. However especially in older patients treatment should be done cautiously due to the raised risk of ma­lignity.


  • 1. Ozgur T, Atik E, Silfeler DB, Toprak S. Mature cystic teratomas in our series with review of the literature and retrospective analysis. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2012;285:1099-101.
  • 2. Kim MJ, Kim NY, Lee DY, et al. Clinical characteristics of ovarian teratoma: age-focused retrospective analysis of 580 cases. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011;205:32 36.
  • 3. Nacar M, Ozsoy Z, Aliyev N, Koseoglu D. Mature cysticteratomas: Relationship between histopathological contents and clinical features. Niger J Clin Pract 2015;18:236-239.
  • 4. Uysal F, Balsak D, Uysal A, et al. Clinical, diagnostic and anatomical aspects of mature cystic teratomas. Austin J Radiol 2014;1:3-5.
  • 5. Jalencas G, González BE, Guirado L, et al. Ovarian mature teratoma: a ten year experience in our institution. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol 2014;42:518-522.
  • 6. Hursitoglu BS, Demirtas GS, Demirtas O, et al. A clinicopathological evaluation of 194 patients with ovarian teratoma: 7-year experience in a single center. Ginekol Pol 2013;84:108-111.
  • 7. Naqvi KZ, Abdullah A, Jabeen M, et al. Ovarian dermoid causing pilimiction. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2015;25:71- 72.
  • 8. Ertas S, Vural F, Kose G, et al. The predictive value of risk of malignancy index calculation in adnexal masses. J Clin Exp Invest 2013;4:322-325.
  • 9. Demir Y, Ucler R, Alkis I, Bulut G. Accurately localizing the thyroid tissue in mature cystic teratoma of ovary by singlephotone mission computerized tomography/computerized tomography. Indian J Nucl Med 2015;30:364-365.
  • 10. Uzum AK, Iyibozkurt C, Canbaz B, et al. Management and follow-up results of an incidental thyroid carcinoma in a young woman with ovarian teratoma. Gynecol Endocrinol 2013;29:724-726.
  • 11. Tekin YB, Altınbaş ŞK, Dede FS, Dilbaz B. Dermoid kistlerde ultrasonografik tanı doğruluğunu etkileyen parametreler. Dicle Tıp Derg 2014;41:64-70.
  • 12. Pepe F, Lo Monaco S, Rapisarda F, et al. An unusual case of multiple and bilateral ovarian dermoid cysts: Case Rep G Chir 2014;35:75-77.
  • 13. Asal N, Koşar PN, Duymuş M, et al. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging in gynecologic masses. Dicle Tıp Derg 2011;38:412-420.
  • 14. Suh DS, Moon SH, Kim SC, et al. Significant simultaneous changes in serum CA19-9 and CA125 due to prolonged torsion of mature cystic teratoma of theovary. World J Surg Oncol 2014;12:1-4.
  • 15. Frimer M, Seagle B-LL, Chudnoff S, Goldberg GL, Shahabi S. Role of Elevated cancer antigen 19-9 in women with mature cystic teratoma. Reprod Sci 2014;21:1307-1311.
  • 16. Park CH, Jung MH, Ji YI. Risk factors for malignant transformation of mature cystic teratoma. Obstet Gynecol Sci 2015;58:475-480.
  • 17. Chen C, Li JD, Huang H, et al. Diagnostic value of multiple tumor markır detection for mature and immature teratoma of the ovary. Chin J Cancer 2008;27:92-95.
  • 18. Koc S, Tapisiz OL, Turan T, et al. Malignant transformation of mature cystic teratoma of the ovary: a case series. J Exp Ther Oncol 2015;11:11-16.
  • 19. Park JY, Kim DY, Suh DS, et al. Laparoendoscopic singlesite versus conventional laparoscopic surgery for ovarian mature cystic teratoma. Obstet Gynecol Sci 2015;58:294- 301.
  • 20. Perlman S, Kjer JJ. Ovarian damage due to cyst removal. A comparison of endometriomas and dermoid cysts. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2016; 95:285-290.
There are 20 citations in total.


Other ID JA62SJ72AZ
Journal Section Research Article

Mesut Polat This is me

Adnan İncebıyık This is me

İlhan Şanverdi This is me

Taylan Şenol This is me

Mehmet Baki Şentürk This is me

Enis Özkaya This is me

Ateş Karateke This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Submission Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 43 Issue: 2


APA Polat, M., İncebıyık, A., Şanverdi, İ., Şenol, T., et al. (2016). Retrospective Analysis of 114 Cases Treated for Dermoid Cyst. Dicle Medical Journal, 43(2), 256-260.
AMA Polat M, İncebıyık A, Şanverdi İ, Şenol T, Şentürk MB, Özkaya E, Karateke A. Retrospective Analysis of 114 Cases Treated for Dermoid Cyst. diclemedj. June 2016;43(2):256-260.
Chicago Polat, Mesut, Adnan İncebıyık, İlhan Şanverdi, Taylan Şenol, Mehmet Baki Şentürk, Enis Özkaya, and Ateş Karateke. “Retrospective Analysis of 114 Cases Treated for Dermoid Cyst”. Dicle Medical Journal 43, no. 2 (June 2016): 256-60.
EndNote Polat M, İncebıyık A, Şanverdi İ, Şenol T, Şentürk MB, Özkaya E, Karateke A (June 1, 2016) Retrospective Analysis of 114 Cases Treated for Dermoid Cyst. Dicle Medical Journal 43 2 256–260.
IEEE M. Polat, A. İncebıyık, İ. Şanverdi, T. Şenol, M. B. Şentürk, E. Özkaya, and A. Karateke, “Retrospective Analysis of 114 Cases Treated for Dermoid Cyst”, diclemedj, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 256–260, 2016.
ISNAD Polat, Mesut et al. “Retrospective Analysis of 114 Cases Treated for Dermoid Cyst”. Dicle Medical Journal 43/2 (June 2016), 256-260.
JAMA Polat M, İncebıyık A, Şanverdi İ, Şenol T, Şentürk MB, Özkaya E, Karateke A. Retrospective Analysis of 114 Cases Treated for Dermoid Cyst. diclemedj. 2016;43:256–260.
MLA Polat, Mesut et al. “Retrospective Analysis of 114 Cases Treated for Dermoid Cyst”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 43, no. 2, 2016, pp. 256-60.
Vancouver Polat M, İncebıyık A, Şanverdi İ, Şenol T, Şentürk MB, Özkaya E, Karateke A. Retrospective Analysis of 114 Cases Treated for Dermoid Cyst. diclemedj. 2016;43(2):256-60.