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Regmatojen Retina Dekolmanı Tedavisinde Pnömatik Retinopeksi Başarısına Etki Eden Faktörler

Year 2016, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 305 - 309, 01.06.2016


Amaç: Regmatojen retina dekolmanı tedavisinde pnömatik
retinopeksi başarısına etki eden faktörleri sunmak.
Yöntemler: Yirmi dokuz kadın, 61 erkek hastanın 90
gözü çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların yaşı, cinsiyeti,
semptom süresi, başvuru zamanındaki en iyi düzeltilmiş
görme keskinliği (EİDGK), lens durumu, operasyon öncesi
yırtık sayısı ve yeri, dekolman boyutu, makula tutulumu,
verilen tamponad madde, komplikasyon varlığı ve anatomik
başarı verileri operasyon öncesi, pnömatik retinopeksi
sonrası 3. ay ve son kontrolde değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Tek uygulama başarısı 55 (%61,1) hasta olarak
saptanmıştır. Başvuruda, pnömatik retinopeksi sonrası 3.
ayda ve son muayenede ortanca EİDGK değerleri sırasıyla:
1,3 Logmar, 0,5 Logmar ve 0,6 Logmar olarak saptanmıştır
(p<0,001). Tek uygulamanın 3. aydaki anatomik
başarısı ile yaş, semptom süresi, dekolman kadran boyutu,
kullanılan tamponad, operasyon öncesi EİDGK, makula
tutulumu, operasyon öncesi yırtık sayısı, komplikasyon
varlığı ve spesifik komplikasyonların ilişkisi yönünden istatistiksel
olarak bir anlamlılık saptanmadı. Dekolman boyutu
ile anatomik başarı arasında ise istatistiksel olarak
bir anlamlılık vardı (p=0,03).
Sonuç: Pnömatik retinopeksi uygun hasta grubunda denenebilecek
anatomik ve fonksiyonel olarak başarılı bir
tedavi seçeneğidir. Üç saat kadranı altındaki dekolmanlarda
daha başarılı sonuçlar elde edilmiştir


  • 1. Haimann MH, Burton TC, Brown CK, et al. Epidemiology of retinal Detachment. Arch Ophthalmol 1982;100:289-292.
  • 2. Laatikainen L, Tolppanen EM, Harju H, et al. Epidemiology of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in a Finnish population. Acta Ophthalmol 1985;63:59-64.
  • 3. Sasaki K, Ideta H, Yonemoto J et al. Epidemiologic characteristics of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in Kumamoto, Japan. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1995;233:772- 776.
  • 4. Kenneth M P Yee, J Sebag. Long-term results of office-based pneumatic retinopexy using pure air. Br J Ophthalmol. 2011;95:1728-1730.
  • 5. Dominguez DA. Cirugia precoz y ambulatoria del desprendimiento de retina. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol 1985;48:47-54.
  • 6. Hilton GF, Grizzard WS. Pneumatic retinopexy. A two-step outpatient operation without conjunctival incision. Ophthalmology 1986;93:626-641.
  • 7. Grizzard WS, Hilton GF et al. Pneumatic retinopexy failures: cause, prevention, timing, and management. Ophthalmology 1995;102:929-936.
  • 8. Darin R. Goldman, MD,1,2 Chirag P. Shah, MD, MPH et al. Expanded Criteria for Pneumatic Retinopexy and Potential Cost Savings. Ophthalmology 2014;121:318-326.
  • 9. Chan CK, Lin SG, Nuthi AS, Salib DM. Pneumatic retinopexy for the repair of retinal detachments: a comprehensive review (1986–2007). Surv Ophthalmol 2008;53:443-478.
  • 10. Tornambe PE, Hilton GF: The Retinal Detachment Study Group. Pneumatic retinopexy, a multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial comparing pneumatic retinopexy with scleral buckling. Ophthalmol 1989;96:772-784.
  • 11. Campo RV, Sipperley JO, Sneed SR, et al. Pars plana vitrectomy without scleral buckle for pseudophakic retinal detachments. Ophthalmology 1999;106:1811-1815.
  • 12. Brinton DA, Hilton GF: Pneumatic retinopexy and alternative retinal detachment techniques, in Ryan SJ, Wilkinson CP (eds): Retina, vol. 3. St. Louis, MO, Mosby Inc, ed 3 2001, pp. 2047-2062.
  • 13. Hilton GF, Das T, Majji AB, Jalali S: Pneumatic retinopexyprinciples and practice. Indian J Ophthalmol 1996;4:131-143.
  • 14. Rootman DB, Luu S. Predictors of treatment failure for pneumatic retinopexy. Can J Ophthalmol 2013;48:549-552.
  • 15. Hilton GF, Tornambe PE. Pneumatic Retinopexy: An analysis of intraoperative and postoperative complications. The Retinal Detachment Study Group. Retina 1991;11:285-394.
  • 16. Michael J. Davis, Sachin S. Mudvari, et al. Clinical Characteristics Affecting the Outcome of Pneumatic Retinopexy. Arch Ophthalmol 2011;129:163-166.
  • 17. Tornambe PE: Pneumatic retinopexy: The evolution of case selection and surgical technique, a twelve-year study of 302 eyes. Trans Am Ophth Soc 1997;95:551-578.

The Factors Affecting Success of Pneumatic Retinopexy in Treatment of Retinal Detachment

Year 2016, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 305 - 309, 01.06.2016


Objective: To present the factors that influence the suc­cess rate of pneumatic retinopexy on rhegmatogenous retinal detachment treatment. Methods: Ninety eyes of 29 female and 61 male patient were included to the study. The patient’s age, sex, du­ration of symptoms, the best corrected visual acuities (BCVA) on the time of application, lens status, preopera­tive retinal tear number and location, retinal detachment size, macular involvement, tamponade type, coexisting complications, and anatomic success rates were record­ed at preoperative, postoperative 3rd months and final examination. Results: Only one treatment session success number was 55 over 90 (61.1%) patients. Median preoperative, postoperative 3rd month and final examination Log­MAR BCVA values were 1.3, 0.5 and 0.5 respectively.(p=0.0001) Preoperative and postoperative other param­eters was not revealed significant differences with one treatment session. However there was a significant posi­tive correlation between the detachment size and ana­tomical success. (p=0.03, r=0.324) Conclusion: Pneumatic retinopexy is an alternative treat­ment option for the anatomical and functional success in retinal detachment at suitable patients. In our study the success rate was higher in patients with less than 3 clock dial retinal detachment patients.


  • 1. Haimann MH, Burton TC, Brown CK, et al. Epidemiology of retinal Detachment. Arch Ophthalmol 1982;100:289-292.
  • 2. Laatikainen L, Tolppanen EM, Harju H, et al. Epidemiology of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in a Finnish population. Acta Ophthalmol 1985;63:59-64.
  • 3. Sasaki K, Ideta H, Yonemoto J et al. Epidemiologic characteristics of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in Kumamoto, Japan. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1995;233:772- 776.
  • 4. Kenneth M P Yee, J Sebag. Long-term results of office-based pneumatic retinopexy using pure air. Br J Ophthalmol. 2011;95:1728-1730.
  • 5. Dominguez DA. Cirugia precoz y ambulatoria del desprendimiento de retina. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol 1985;48:47-54.
  • 6. Hilton GF, Grizzard WS. Pneumatic retinopexy. A two-step outpatient operation without conjunctival incision. Ophthalmology 1986;93:626-641.
  • 7. Grizzard WS, Hilton GF et al. Pneumatic retinopexy failures: cause, prevention, timing, and management. Ophthalmology 1995;102:929-936.
  • 8. Darin R. Goldman, MD,1,2 Chirag P. Shah, MD, MPH et al. Expanded Criteria for Pneumatic Retinopexy and Potential Cost Savings. Ophthalmology 2014;121:318-326.
  • 9. Chan CK, Lin SG, Nuthi AS, Salib DM. Pneumatic retinopexy for the repair of retinal detachments: a comprehensive review (1986–2007). Surv Ophthalmol 2008;53:443-478.
  • 10. Tornambe PE, Hilton GF: The Retinal Detachment Study Group. Pneumatic retinopexy, a multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial comparing pneumatic retinopexy with scleral buckling. Ophthalmol 1989;96:772-784.
  • 11. Campo RV, Sipperley JO, Sneed SR, et al. Pars plana vitrectomy without scleral buckle for pseudophakic retinal detachments. Ophthalmology 1999;106:1811-1815.
  • 12. Brinton DA, Hilton GF: Pneumatic retinopexy and alternative retinal detachment techniques, in Ryan SJ, Wilkinson CP (eds): Retina, vol. 3. St. Louis, MO, Mosby Inc, ed 3 2001, pp. 2047-2062.
  • 13. Hilton GF, Das T, Majji AB, Jalali S: Pneumatic retinopexyprinciples and practice. Indian J Ophthalmol 1996;4:131-143.
  • 14. Rootman DB, Luu S. Predictors of treatment failure for pneumatic retinopexy. Can J Ophthalmol 2013;48:549-552.
  • 15. Hilton GF, Tornambe PE. Pneumatic Retinopexy: An analysis of intraoperative and postoperative complications. The Retinal Detachment Study Group. Retina 1991;11:285-394.
  • 16. Michael J. Davis, Sachin S. Mudvari, et al. Clinical Characteristics Affecting the Outcome of Pneumatic Retinopexy. Arch Ophthalmol 2011;129:163-166.
  • 17. Tornambe PE: Pneumatic retinopexy: The evolution of case selection and surgical technique, a twelve-year study of 302 eyes. Trans Am Ophth Soc 1997;95:551-578.
There are 17 citations in total.


Other ID JA28JU55BB
Journal Section Research Article

Kemal Yüksel This is me

Yasin Şakir Göker This is me

Mehmet Özveren This is me

H.uğur Çelik This is me

Ahmet Taylan Yazıcı This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Submission Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 43 Issue: 2


APA Yüksel, K., Göker, Y. Ş., Özveren, M., Çelik, H., et al. (2016). The Factors Affecting Success of Pneumatic Retinopexy in Treatment of Retinal Detachment. Dicle Medical Journal, 43(2), 305-309.
AMA Yüksel K, Göker YŞ, Özveren M, Çelik H, Yazıcı AT. The Factors Affecting Success of Pneumatic Retinopexy in Treatment of Retinal Detachment. diclemedj. June 2016;43(2):305-309.
Chicago Yüksel, Kemal, Yasin Şakir Göker, Mehmet Özveren, H.uğur Çelik, and Ahmet Taylan Yazıcı. “The Factors Affecting Success of Pneumatic Retinopexy in Treatment of Retinal Detachment”. Dicle Medical Journal 43, no. 2 (June 2016): 305-9.
EndNote Yüksel K, Göker YŞ, Özveren M, Çelik H, Yazıcı AT (June 1, 2016) The Factors Affecting Success of Pneumatic Retinopexy in Treatment of Retinal Detachment. Dicle Medical Journal 43 2 305–309.
IEEE K. Yüksel, Y. Ş. Göker, M. Özveren, H. Çelik, and A. T. Yazıcı, “The Factors Affecting Success of Pneumatic Retinopexy in Treatment of Retinal Detachment”, diclemedj, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 305–309, 2016.
ISNAD Yüksel, Kemal et al. “The Factors Affecting Success of Pneumatic Retinopexy in Treatment of Retinal Detachment”. Dicle Medical Journal 43/2 (June 2016), 305-309.
JAMA Yüksel K, Göker YŞ, Özveren M, Çelik H, Yazıcı AT. The Factors Affecting Success of Pneumatic Retinopexy in Treatment of Retinal Detachment. diclemedj. 2016;43:305–309.
MLA Yüksel, Kemal et al. “The Factors Affecting Success of Pneumatic Retinopexy in Treatment of Retinal Detachment”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 43, no. 2, 2016, pp. 305-9.
Vancouver Yüksel K, Göker YŞ, Özveren M, Çelik H, Yazıcı AT. The Factors Affecting Success of Pneumatic Retinopexy in Treatment of Retinal Detachment. diclemedj. 2016;43(2):305-9.