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Our clinical experience on anorectal malformations: Analysis of 115 cases

Year 2014, Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 294 - 297, 01.06.2014


Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate our results on children with anorectal malformations (ARM) and associated anomalies. Methods: A total of 115 children who treated and followed in our clinic between 2000 and 2006 were retrospectively evaluated. Physical examination including perineal region, laboratory exams, abdominal X-ray, ultrasonography, echocardiography, and voiding cystourethrography when necessary were done to determine the type of ARM and associated anomalies. The patients were classified according to type of ARM and other pathologies. Results: Of the patients, 40.8% had high type ARM, 31.3% had low type, 17.3% had intermediate type, 9.5% had ectopic anterior located anus, and 0.86% had cloacal malformation. Associated anomalies were seen in 48.6% of patients. Associated anomalies were most commonly seen in high type of ARM patients (59.5%). Colostomy was performed in 80 patients; right transverse loop colostomy was performed in 56 (70%) cases, while high sigmoid colostomy was performed in 24 remaining cases. Stoma prolapse was developed in 17.8% of patients who underwent right transverse loop colostomy. Conclusion: It is crucial to examine perineal area carefully during the first admission and follow-up to determine the type of ARM and associated anomalies. It is beneficial to perform ultrasonography, echocardiography, distal colostogram, X-ray, and voiding cystourethrography when necessary. High divergent sigmoid colostomy may decrease complication rate in ARM patients.


  • Wijers CH, de Blaauw I, Marcelis CL, et al. Research per- spectives in the etiology of congenital anorectal malforma- tions using data of the International Consortium on Anorec- tal Malformations: evidence for risk factors across differ- ent populations. Pediatr Surg Int 2010;26:1093-1099. Doi: 10.1007/s00383-010-2688-2690.
  • Marc A Levitt, Alberto Peña. Anorectal malformations. Or- phanet J Rare Dis 2007;2:33. Doi: 10.1186/1750-1172-2-33
  • Stephens FD, Smith ED. Classification, identification and as- sesment of surgical treatment of anorectal anomalies. Pedi- atr Surg Int 1986;1: 200-205.
  • Boocock GR and Donnai D. Anorectal malformations: fa- milial aspects and associated anomalies. Arch Dis Child 1987;62:576-579.
  • Naveli Y, Friedman A. Familial imperforate anus. Am J Dis Child 1976;130:441-442.
  • Murken JD, Albert A. Genetic counseling in cases of anal and rectal atresia. Prog Pediatr Surg 1976;9:115-118.
  • Carter TC, Kay DM, Brown ML, et al. Anorectal atresia and variants at predicted regulatory sites in candidate genes. Ann Hum Genet 2013;77:31-46. doi: 10.1111/j.1469- 1809.2012.00734.
  • Berdon WE. The radiologic evaluation of imperforate anus. Radiology 1968;90:466.
  • Boraedis AG, Gershon-Cohen J. Aeration of respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts during the first minute of neonatal life. Radiology 1956;67:407.
  • Hassink EA, Rieu PN, Hamel BC, et al. Additional con- genital defects in anorectal malformations, Eur J Pediatr 1996;155:477-482.
  • Hoekstra WJ, Scholtmeijer RJ, Molenaar JC, et al. Urogeni- tal tract abnormalities associated with congenital anorectal anomalies. J Urol 1983;130:962-963.
  • Mittal A, Airon RK, Magu S, et al. Associated anoma- lies with anorectal malformations, Indian J Pediatr 2004;71:509-514.
  • Nah SA, Ong CC, Lakshmi NK, et al. Anomalies associated with anorectal malformations according to the Krickenbeck anatomic classification. J Pediatr Surg 2012;47:2273-2278. doi: 10.1016/j.
  • Adkins JC, Kiesewettr WB. Imperforate anus. Surg Clin North Am 1976;5:379-394.
  • Parrott TS. Urologic implications of anorectal malforma- tions. Urol Clin North Am 1985;12:13-21.
  • Rich MA, Brock WA, Pena A. Spectrum of genitourinary malformations in patients with imperforate anus. Pediatr Surg Int 1988;3:110-113.
  • Cuschieri A. EUOROCAT Working Group, Anorectal anomalies associated with or as part of other anomalies, Am J Med Genet 2002;110:122-130.
  • Çiğdem MK, Önen A, Duran H. The mechanical complica- tions of colostomy in infants and children, Pediatr Surg Int 2006;22:671-676.
  • Bischoff A, Levitt MA, Peña A. Update on the management of anorectal malformations. Pediatr Surg Int 2013;29:899- 904. doi: 10.1007/s00383-013-3355-z.
  • Nour S, Stringer MD, Beck J. Colostomy complications in infants and children. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1996;78:526- 530.
  • Wilkins S, Pena A. the role of colostomy in the management of anorectal malformations. Pediatr Surg Int. 1988;3:105.
  • Stephens FD, Smith ED. Imperforate rectum: A new surgi- cal technique. Med J Aust 1953 202-206.
  • Pena A. Surgical management of anorectal malformations: A unified concept. Pediatr Surg Int 1988;3.88.
  • Georgeson KE, Inge TH, Albanese CT. Laparoscopically assisted anorectal pull-trough for high imperforate anus- a new tech-nique. J Pediatr Surg 2000;35:927-931.

Anorektal malformasyonlu olgularda klinik deneyimimiz: 115 olgunun analizi

Year 2014, Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 294 - 297, 01.06.2014


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, anorektal malformasyonlu (ARM) hastalar ile ilgili deneyimlerimizi ve bunlarla beraber görülen anomalileri sunmayı amaçladık. Yöntemler: 2000-2006 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde ARM nedeniyle takip ve tedavi edilen 115 olgu geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Olgularda genel sistem muayenesi, perineal muayene, laboratuar, direk grafi, ultrasonografi, ekokardiyografi ve gereğinde işeme sistoüretrografisi yapılarak ARM tipi ve ek anomaliler araştırıldı. Olgular ARM çeşidi ve sistem patolojisine göre sınıflandırıldı. Bulgular: Olguların %40,8\'i yüksek tip, %31,3\'ü alçak tip, %17,3\'ü intermedier tip, %9,5\'i anteriyor yerleşimli ektopik anüs ve %0,86\'sı kloakal malformasyon idi. Tüm olguların %48,6\'sında ek anomaliye rastlandı. Ek anomali en sık yüksek tipte (%59,5) görüldü. Kolostomi yapılan 80 olgunun, 56\'sına (%70) sağ transvers loop kolostomi, kalan 24 (%30) olguya ise yüksek sigmoid kolostomi yapıldı. Sağ transvers loop kolostomi yapılan olguların %17,8\'sinde kolostomi prolapsusu saptandı. Sonuçlar: ARM\'li hastaların ilk başvuru ve sonraki takibinde perine muayenesinin dikkatli yapılması ve ek anomali açısından detaylı tetkik edilmesi faydalıdır. Bu olgularda ekokardiyografi, ultrasonografi, distal kolostogram, tüm vücut grafisi ve bazı olgularda işeme sistoüretrografisi faydalıdır. Anorektal malformasyonlu tek seans planlanmayan hastalara yüksek ayrık sigmoid kolostomi uygulaması komplikasyonları azaltabilir.


  • Wijers CH, de Blaauw I, Marcelis CL, et al. Research per- spectives in the etiology of congenital anorectal malforma- tions using data of the International Consortium on Anorec- tal Malformations: evidence for risk factors across differ- ent populations. Pediatr Surg Int 2010;26:1093-1099. Doi: 10.1007/s00383-010-2688-2690.
  • Marc A Levitt, Alberto Peña. Anorectal malformations. Or- phanet J Rare Dis 2007;2:33. Doi: 10.1186/1750-1172-2-33
  • Stephens FD, Smith ED. Classification, identification and as- sesment of surgical treatment of anorectal anomalies. Pedi- atr Surg Int 1986;1: 200-205.
  • Boocock GR and Donnai D. Anorectal malformations: fa- milial aspects and associated anomalies. Arch Dis Child 1987;62:576-579.
  • Naveli Y, Friedman A. Familial imperforate anus. Am J Dis Child 1976;130:441-442.
  • Murken JD, Albert A. Genetic counseling in cases of anal and rectal atresia. Prog Pediatr Surg 1976;9:115-118.
  • Carter TC, Kay DM, Brown ML, et al. Anorectal atresia and variants at predicted regulatory sites in candidate genes. Ann Hum Genet 2013;77:31-46. doi: 10.1111/j.1469- 1809.2012.00734.
  • Berdon WE. The radiologic evaluation of imperforate anus. Radiology 1968;90:466.
  • Boraedis AG, Gershon-Cohen J. Aeration of respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts during the first minute of neonatal life. Radiology 1956;67:407.
  • Hassink EA, Rieu PN, Hamel BC, et al. Additional con- genital defects in anorectal malformations, Eur J Pediatr 1996;155:477-482.
  • Hoekstra WJ, Scholtmeijer RJ, Molenaar JC, et al. Urogeni- tal tract abnormalities associated with congenital anorectal anomalies. J Urol 1983;130:962-963.
  • Mittal A, Airon RK, Magu S, et al. Associated anoma- lies with anorectal malformations, Indian J Pediatr 2004;71:509-514.
  • Nah SA, Ong CC, Lakshmi NK, et al. Anomalies associated with anorectal malformations according to the Krickenbeck anatomic classification. J Pediatr Surg 2012;47:2273-2278. doi: 10.1016/j.
  • Adkins JC, Kiesewettr WB. Imperforate anus. Surg Clin North Am 1976;5:379-394.
  • Parrott TS. Urologic implications of anorectal malforma- tions. Urol Clin North Am 1985;12:13-21.
  • Rich MA, Brock WA, Pena A. Spectrum of genitourinary malformations in patients with imperforate anus. Pediatr Surg Int 1988;3:110-113.
  • Cuschieri A. EUOROCAT Working Group, Anorectal anomalies associated with or as part of other anomalies, Am J Med Genet 2002;110:122-130.
  • Çiğdem MK, Önen A, Duran H. The mechanical complica- tions of colostomy in infants and children, Pediatr Surg Int 2006;22:671-676.
  • Bischoff A, Levitt MA, Peña A. Update on the management of anorectal malformations. Pediatr Surg Int 2013;29:899- 904. doi: 10.1007/s00383-013-3355-z.
  • Nour S, Stringer MD, Beck J. Colostomy complications in infants and children. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1996;78:526- 530.
  • Wilkins S, Pena A. the role of colostomy in the management of anorectal malformations. Pediatr Surg Int. 1988;3:105.
  • Stephens FD, Smith ED. Imperforate rectum: A new surgi- cal technique. Med J Aust 1953 202-206.
  • Pena A. Surgical management of anorectal malformations: A unified concept. Pediatr Surg Int 1988;3.88.
  • Georgeson KE, Inge TH, Albanese CT. Laparoscopically assisted anorectal pull-trough for high imperforate anus- a new tech-nique. J Pediatr Surg 2000;35:927-931.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Hanifi Okur This is me

Murat Kemal Çiğdem This is me

Abdurrahman Önen This is me

Selçuk Otçu This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 41 Issue: 2


APA Okur, M. H., Çiğdem, M. K., Önen, A., Otçu, S. (2014). Anorektal malformasyonlu olgularda klinik deneyimimiz: 115 olgunun analizi. Dicle Medical Journal, 41(2), 294-297.
AMA Okur MH, Çiğdem MK, Önen A, Otçu S. Anorektal malformasyonlu olgularda klinik deneyimimiz: 115 olgunun analizi. diclemedj. June 2014;41(2):294-297. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.02.0419
Chicago Okur, Mehmet Hanifi, Murat Kemal Çiğdem, Abdurrahman Önen, and Selçuk Otçu. “Anorektal Malformasyonlu Olgularda Klinik Deneyimimiz: 115 Olgunun Analizi”. Dicle Medical Journal 41, no. 2 (June 2014): 294-97.
EndNote Okur MH, Çiğdem MK, Önen A, Otçu S (June 1, 2014) Anorektal malformasyonlu olgularda klinik deneyimimiz: 115 olgunun analizi. Dicle Medical Journal 41 2 294–297.
IEEE M. H. Okur, M. K. Çiğdem, A. Önen, and S. Otçu, “Anorektal malformasyonlu olgularda klinik deneyimimiz: 115 olgunun analizi”, diclemedj, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 294–297, 2014, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.02.0419.
ISNAD Okur, Mehmet Hanifi et al. “Anorektal Malformasyonlu Olgularda Klinik Deneyimimiz: 115 Olgunun Analizi”. Dicle Medical Journal 41/2 (June 2014), 294-297.
JAMA Okur MH, Çiğdem MK, Önen A, Otçu S. Anorektal malformasyonlu olgularda klinik deneyimimiz: 115 olgunun analizi. diclemedj. 2014;41:294–297.
MLA Okur, Mehmet Hanifi et al. “Anorektal Malformasyonlu Olgularda Klinik Deneyimimiz: 115 Olgunun Analizi”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 41, no. 2, 2014, pp. 294-7, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.02.0419.
Vancouver Okur MH, Çiğdem MK, Önen A, Otçu S. Anorektal malformasyonlu olgularda klinik deneyimimiz: 115 olgunun analizi. diclemedj. 2014;41(2):294-7.