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Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome (cerebral hemiatrophy): Radiological findings

Year 2014, Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 375 - 379, 01.06.2014


Objective: The aim of this study was to present cross- sectional cranial imaging findings of cases with Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome (DDMS). Methods: The findings of 16 cases in whom unilateral cerebral hemispheric atrophy was detected at computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging were retrospectively evaluated. The cases consisted of 8 females and 8 males, the ages ranged between 5 and 53 (mean:24). Six of the cases were children and 10 were males. Five of the patients had CT and 13 had MRI scan. The images were retrospectively evaluated and cerebral parenchymal findings and compensatory cranial findings were noted. Results: All cases had unilateral cerebral hemispheric atrophy, ipsilateral cortical sulcal and lateral ventricular dilatation. Together with hemispheric atrophy ipsilateral atrophy of corpus callosum in 6 cases (37.5%), ipsilateral thalamic atrophy in 13 cases (81%), ipsilateral parahippocampal atrophy in 8 cases (50%), ipsilateral cerebral pedincular atrophy in 7 cases (44%) and ipsilateral pontine atrophy in 3 cases (19%) were detected. Gliotic signal changes were observed in 13 cases (81%). Of compensatory findings, unilateral calvarial thickening was focal in 4 cases (25%), and diffuse in 12 cases (75%). There was expansion in ipsilateral half of frontal sinus in 15 cases (94%) and expansion in temporal bone aeration in 5 cases (31%). Conclusion: DDMS is a syndrome presenting with findings of cerebral hemiatrophy and calvarial hypertrophy. Cross-sectional radiological imaging findings may be variable among cases.


  • Hori M, Mizuno M, Katagiri N, et al. Dyke-Davidoff-Mas- son Syndrome Demonstrated by Current MR images. A Case Report. Neuroradiol J 2009;22:546-549.
  • Dyke CG, Davidoff LM, Masson CB. Cerebral hemiatrophy with homolateral hypertrophy of the skull and sinuses. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1933;57:588-600.
  • Sener RN, Jinkins JR. MR of craniocerebral hemiatrophy. Clin Imaging 1992;16:93-97.
  • Tasdemir HA, Incesu L, Yazicioglu AK, et al. Dyke-Dav- idoff-Masson syndrome. Clin Imaging 2002;26:13-17.
  • Pinto WB, de Souza PV, Pedroso JL, Barsottini OG. Dyke- Davidoff-Masson syndrome: a combination of clinical and radiological signs not to be missed. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2013;71:911.
  • Singh P, Saggar K, Ahluwalia A. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome: Classical imaging findings. J Pediatr Neurosci 2010;5:124-125.
  • Atalar MH, Icagasioglu D, Tas F. Cerebral hemiatrophy (Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome) in childhood: clinico- radiological analysis of 19 cases. Pediatr Int 2007;49:70- 75.
  • Unal O, Tombul T, Cirak B, et al. Left hemisphere and male sex dominance of cerebral hemiatrophy (Dyke-Davidoff- Masson Syndrome). Clin Imaging. 2004;28:163-165.
  • Aguiar PH, Liu CW, Leitão H, et al. MR and CT imaging in the Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome. Report of three cases and contribution to pathogenesis and differential di- agnosis. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 1998;56:803-807.
  • Kantarci M, Ceviz N, Onbas O, et al. Time-of-Flight MR Angiography of Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Syndrome: Clini- cal and Radiological Correlations. Rivista di Neuroradiolo- gia 2004;17:17-24.

Dyke-Davidoff-Masson sendromu (serebral hemiatrofi): Radyolojik bulgular

Year 2014, Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 375 - 379, 01.06.2014


Amaç: Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Sendromu (DDMS) olan olguların kesitsel kranial görüntüleme bulgularının sunulması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntemler: Bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) ve/veya manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) ile unilateral serebral hemisferik atrofisi saptanmış olan 16 olgunun bulguları retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Olguların 8\'i kadın ve 8\'i erkek olup, yaşları 5 ile 53 (ortalama: 24) arasında değişiyordu. Olguların 6\'sı çocuk ve 10\'u erişkindi. Olguların 5\'inde BT ve 13\'ünde MRG tetkiki yapılmıştı. Olguların görüntüleri retrospektif olarak incelenerek serebral parankimal bulgular ve kompansatuar kranial bulgular not edildi. Bulgular: Tüm olgularda unilateral serebral hemisfer atrofisi, ipsilateral kortikal sulkuslarda ve lateral ventrikülde genişleme mevcuttu. Hemisferik atrofi ile birlikte 6 olguda (%37,5) korpus kallozumun ipsilateral atrofisi, 13 olguda (%81) ipsilateral talamik atrofi, 8 olguda (%50) ipsilateral parahipokampal atrofi, 7 olguda (%44) ipsilateral serebral pedinkülde atrofi ve 3 olguda (%19) ipsilateral pons atrofisi saptandı. Olguların 13 tanesinde (%81) gliotik sinyal değişiklikleri gözlendi. Kompansatuar bulgulardan unilateral kalvariyal kalınlaşma 4 olguda (%25) fokal, 12 olguda (%75) diffüz olarak izlendi. Frontal sinüs ipsilateral yarımında genişleme 15 olguda (%94) ve ipsilateral temporal kemik havalanmasında artış ise 5 olguda (%31) mevcuttu. Sonuçlar: DDMS, serebral hemiatrofi ve kalvarial hipertrofi bulguları ile kendini gösteren bir sendromdur. Kesitsel radyolojik görüntüleme bulguları olgular arasında çeşitlilik gösterebilir.


  • Hori M, Mizuno M, Katagiri N, et al. Dyke-Davidoff-Mas- son Syndrome Demonstrated by Current MR images. A Case Report. Neuroradiol J 2009;22:546-549.
  • Dyke CG, Davidoff LM, Masson CB. Cerebral hemiatrophy with homolateral hypertrophy of the skull and sinuses. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1933;57:588-600.
  • Sener RN, Jinkins JR. MR of craniocerebral hemiatrophy. Clin Imaging 1992;16:93-97.
  • Tasdemir HA, Incesu L, Yazicioglu AK, et al. Dyke-Dav- idoff-Masson syndrome. Clin Imaging 2002;26:13-17.
  • Pinto WB, de Souza PV, Pedroso JL, Barsottini OG. Dyke- Davidoff-Masson syndrome: a combination of clinical and radiological signs not to be missed. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 2013;71:911.
  • Singh P, Saggar K, Ahluwalia A. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome: Classical imaging findings. J Pediatr Neurosci 2010;5:124-125.
  • Atalar MH, Icagasioglu D, Tas F. Cerebral hemiatrophy (Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome) in childhood: clinico- radiological analysis of 19 cases. Pediatr Int 2007;49:70- 75.
  • Unal O, Tombul T, Cirak B, et al. Left hemisphere and male sex dominance of cerebral hemiatrophy (Dyke-Davidoff- Masson Syndrome). Clin Imaging. 2004;28:163-165.
  • Aguiar PH, Liu CW, Leitão H, et al. MR and CT imaging in the Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome. Report of three cases and contribution to pathogenesis and differential di- agnosis. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 1998;56:803-807.
  • Kantarci M, Ceviz N, Onbas O, et al. Time-of-Flight MR Angiography of Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Syndrome: Clini- cal and Radiological Correlations. Rivista di Neuroradiolo- gia 2004;17:17-24.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Yaşar Bükte This is me

Aslıhan Semiz Oysu This is me

Faysal Ekici This is me

Zakir Sakcı This is me

Salih Hattapoğlu This is me

Elif Fidan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 41 Issue: 2


APA Bükte, Y., Oysu, A. S., Ekici, F., Sakcı, Z., et al. (2014). Dyke-Davidoff-Masson sendromu (serebral hemiatrofi): Radyolojik bulgular. Dicle Medical Journal, 41(2), 375-379.
AMA Bükte Y, Oysu AS, Ekici F, Sakcı Z, Hattapoğlu S, Fidan E. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson sendromu (serebral hemiatrofi): Radyolojik bulgular. diclemedj. June 2014;41(2):375-379. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.02.0434
Chicago Bükte, Yaşar, Aslıhan Semiz Oysu, Faysal Ekici, Zakir Sakcı, Salih Hattapoğlu, and Elif Fidan. “Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Sendromu (serebral hemiatrofi): Radyolojik Bulgular”. Dicle Medical Journal 41, no. 2 (June 2014): 375-79.
EndNote Bükte Y, Oysu AS, Ekici F, Sakcı Z, Hattapoğlu S, Fidan E (June 1, 2014) Dyke-Davidoff-Masson sendromu (serebral hemiatrofi): Radyolojik bulgular. Dicle Medical Journal 41 2 375–379.
IEEE Y. Bükte, A. S. Oysu, F. Ekici, Z. Sakcı, S. Hattapoğlu, and E. Fidan, “Dyke-Davidoff-Masson sendromu (serebral hemiatrofi): Radyolojik bulgular”, diclemedj, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 375–379, 2014, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.02.0434.
ISNAD Bükte, Yaşar et al. “Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Sendromu (serebral hemiatrofi): Radyolojik Bulgular”. Dicle Medical Journal 41/2 (June 2014), 375-379.
JAMA Bükte Y, Oysu AS, Ekici F, Sakcı Z, Hattapoğlu S, Fidan E. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson sendromu (serebral hemiatrofi): Radyolojik bulgular. diclemedj. 2014;41:375–379.
MLA Bükte, Yaşar et al. “Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Sendromu (serebral hemiatrofi): Radyolojik Bulgular”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 41, no. 2, 2014, pp. 375-9, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.02.0434.
Vancouver Bükte Y, Oysu AS, Ekici F, Sakcı Z, Hattapoğlu S, Fidan E. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson sendromu (serebral hemiatrofi): Radyolojik bulgular. diclemedj. 2014;41(2):375-9.