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Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field on the Lens of the Rats

Year 2008, Volume: 35 Issue: 4, 249 - 253, 01.12.2008


The present aim of the study is to evaluate the effects of extremely low frequency magnetic field (ELF MF) on lens epithelial cells. Twenty adult female Spraque Dawley rats were divided into two groups, each containing 10 rats. The experimental group received magnetic field 2 hours/day for 7 days. The second group receiving standard laboratory care, was used as a control. The specimens were evaluated for cataractogenesis alteretion of lens and histological changes in lens epithelial cells. On biomicroscopic examination, no pathological damage to the lens was detected. In addition, on microscopic examination of materials in the controls, there were also no changes in lens fibrils and lens epithelial cells. In experimental group, however, only a slight pleomorphism was determined at the surface of epithelial cells. In the study, it is cocluded that ELF MF exposure do might not lead to histopathological alterations of the lens fibrils and lens epithelial cells.


  • Funk RH. Effects of electromagnetic fields on cells: physiological and therapeutical approaches and molecular mechanisms of interaction. A review. Cells Tissues Organs 2006; 182: 59-78.
  • Dawson TW. Electric fields in the human body due to electrostatic discharges. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2004; 51: 1460-1468.
  • Özçetin H: Lens. In: Özçetin H. Katarakt ve Tedavisi. SCALA Basım, Yayım, Tanıtım Ltd.Şti, İstanbul 2005: 3-30.
  • Elder JA. Ocular effects of radiofrequency energy. Bioelectromagnetics 2003; 6: 148-161.
  • Balci M, Devrim E, Durak I. Effects of mobile phones on oxidant/antioxidant balance in cornea and lens of rats. Curr Eye Res 2007; 32: 21- 25.
  • Özgüner F, Mollaoğlu H. Manyetik alanın organizma üzerindeki biyolojik etkileri. S.D.Ü. Tıp Fak. Derg 2006; 13: 38-41.
  • Ferrufino-Ponce ZK, Henderson BA. Radiotherapy and cataract formation. Semin Ophthalmol 2006; 21: 171-180.
  • Ozguner F, Oktem F, Ayata A, Koyu A, Yilmaz HR. A novel antioxidant agent caffeic acid phenethyl ester prevents long-term mobile phone exposureinduced
  • Prognostic value of malondialdehyde, N-acetyl- - Dglucosaminidase and nitric oxide determination. Molec. Cellular Biochem 2005; 277: 73-80.
  • rat. 9. Sert C, Akdag MZ, Bashan M, et al. ELF magnetic field effects on fatty-acid composition of phospholipid fraction and reproduction of rats testes. Electromag Biol Med 2002; 21: 19-29.
  • Juutilainen J, Matilainen P, Saarikoski S, et al. Early pregnancy loss and exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics 1993; 14: 229-236.
  • Sert C, Akdag MZ, Çelik MS, Dasdag S: Effects of whole body chronic 50 Hz sinusoidal weak magnetic field exposure on the rat pituitary hormones. Biochem Arch 1999; 15: 311-315.
  • Harakawa S, Inoue N, Hori T, et al. Effects of a 50 Hz Electric Field on Plasma Lipid Peroxide Level and Antioxidant Activity in Rats. Bioelectromagnetics 2005; 26: 589-594.
  • Laval J. Role of DNA repair enzymes in the cellular resistance to oxidative stress. Pathol Biol (Paris) 1996; 44: 14-24.
  • Lalo UV, Pankratov YO, Mikhailik OM. Steady magnetic field effect on lipid peroxidation kinetics. Redox Rep 1994; 1: 71-75.
  • Mani V, Lisi A, Pozzi D, et al. Effects of extremely low frequency (50 Hz) magnetic field on morphological and biochemical properties of human keratinocytes. Bioelectromagnetics 2002; 23: 298-305.
  • Zmyslony M, Jajte J, Rajkowska E, Szmigielsky S. Weak (5 mT) static magnetic field stimulates lipid peroxidation in isolated rat liver microsomes in vitro. Electro Magnetobiol 1998; 17: 109-113.
  • Al-Akhras MA, Elbetieha A, Al-Omari MHI, et al. Effect of extremely low frequency magnetic field on fertility of adult male and female rats. Bioelectromagnetics 2001; 22: 340-344.
  • Martinez Soriano F, GimenezGonzalez M, Armanazas E, RuizTorner A. Pineal ‘synaptic ribbons’ and serum melatonin levels in the rat following the pulse action of 52-Gs (50-Hz) magnetic fields: an evaluative analysis over 21 days. Acta Anat 1992; 143: 289-293.
  • Dasdag S, Akdag MZ, Ulukaya E, Uzunlar AK, Yegin D. Mobile phone exposure does not induce apoptosis on spermatogenesis in rats. Arch Med Res 2008; 39: 40-44.
  • Elbetieha A, Al-Akhras MA, Darmani H. Long-term exposure of male and female mice to 50 Hz magnetic fi eld: Effect on fertility. Bioelectromagnetics 2002; 23: 168-172.
  • Piatigorsky J. Lens differentiation in vertebrates. A review of cellular and molecular features. Differentiation 1981; 19: 134-153.
  • Yao K, Wang KJ, Sun ZH, et al. Low radiation power
  • proliferation of rabbit lens epithelial cells by upregulating P27Kip1 expression. Mol Vis 2004; 10: 138-143. inhibits
  • the 23. Spector A. Oxidative stress-induced cataract: mechanism of action. FASEB J 1995; 9: 1173-1182.
  • Kleiman NJ, Wang R, Spector A. Ultraviolet light induced DNA damage and repair in bovine lens epithelial cells. Current Eye Res 1990; 9: 1185-1193.
  • Kosmadaki MG, Gilchrest BA. The role of telomeres in skin aging/ photoaging. Miron 2004; 35: 155-159.
  • Colitz CM, Barden CA, Lu P, Chandler HL. Ultraviolet irradiation up-regulates telomerase transcription and activity in lens epithelial cells. Vet Ophthalmol 2006; 9: 379-385.
  • Irmak MK, Fadillioglu E, Gulec M, et al. Effects of electromagnetic radiation from a cellular telephone on the oxidant and antioxidant levels in rabbits. Cell Biochem Funct 2002; 20: 279-283.
  • Ozguner F, Bardak Y, Comlekci S. Protective effects of melatonin and caffeic acid phenethyl ester against retinal oxidative stress in longterm use of mobile phone: a comparative study. Mol Cell Biochem 2006; 282: 83-88.
  • Baillie HD, Heaton AG. Thermal and nonthermal cataractogenesis by microwaves. Non- ionizing Radiat 1979; 1: 159.

Çok Düsük Frekanslı Manyetik Alanın Ratlarda Lens Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2008, Volume: 35 Issue: 4, 249 - 253, 01.12.2008


Bu çalısmanın amacı çok düsük frekanslı manyetik alanın (ELF MF) lens fibrilleri ve lens epitel hücreleri üzerine etkisini degerlendirmektir. Yirmi adet eriskin, disi Spraque Dawley rat, her birisi 10 rattan olusan 2 grupa ayrıldı. Deney grubu, günde 2 saat olmak üzere 7 gün ELF MF aldı. _kinci grup standart laboratuar sartlarına alınarak, kontrol grubu olarak kullanıldı. Materyaller lenste kataraktöz degisiklik ve lens epitel hücrelerinde histolojik degisiklikler yönünden degerlendirildi. Biomikroskopik muayenede lenste patoloji saptanmadı. Materyallerin mikroskopik incelemesinde, kontrol grubunda lens fibrilleri ve lens epitel hücrelerinde degisiklik saptanmadı. Deney grubunda ise yüzeyel epitel hücre konturlarında hafif pleomorfizm dısında patoloji saptanmadı. Çalısmada, ELF MF\'nin lens fibrillerinde ve epitelinde belirgin bir histopatolojik degisiklige yol açmayabilecegi sonucuna varıldı.


  • Funk RH. Effects of electromagnetic fields on cells: physiological and therapeutical approaches and molecular mechanisms of interaction. A review. Cells Tissues Organs 2006; 182: 59-78.
  • Dawson TW. Electric fields in the human body due to electrostatic discharges. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2004; 51: 1460-1468.
  • Özçetin H: Lens. In: Özçetin H. Katarakt ve Tedavisi. SCALA Basım, Yayım, Tanıtım Ltd.Şti, İstanbul 2005: 3-30.
  • Elder JA. Ocular effects of radiofrequency energy. Bioelectromagnetics 2003; 6: 148-161.
  • Balci M, Devrim E, Durak I. Effects of mobile phones on oxidant/antioxidant balance in cornea and lens of rats. Curr Eye Res 2007; 32: 21- 25.
  • Özgüner F, Mollaoğlu H. Manyetik alanın organizma üzerindeki biyolojik etkileri. S.D.Ü. Tıp Fak. Derg 2006; 13: 38-41.
  • Ferrufino-Ponce ZK, Henderson BA. Radiotherapy and cataract formation. Semin Ophthalmol 2006; 21: 171-180.
  • Ozguner F, Oktem F, Ayata A, Koyu A, Yilmaz HR. A novel antioxidant agent caffeic acid phenethyl ester prevents long-term mobile phone exposureinduced
  • Prognostic value of malondialdehyde, N-acetyl- - Dglucosaminidase and nitric oxide determination. Molec. Cellular Biochem 2005; 277: 73-80.
  • rat. 9. Sert C, Akdag MZ, Bashan M, et al. ELF magnetic field effects on fatty-acid composition of phospholipid fraction and reproduction of rats testes. Electromag Biol Med 2002; 21: 19-29.
  • Juutilainen J, Matilainen P, Saarikoski S, et al. Early pregnancy loss and exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields. Bioelectromagnetics 1993; 14: 229-236.
  • Sert C, Akdag MZ, Çelik MS, Dasdag S: Effects of whole body chronic 50 Hz sinusoidal weak magnetic field exposure on the rat pituitary hormones. Biochem Arch 1999; 15: 311-315.
  • Harakawa S, Inoue N, Hori T, et al. Effects of a 50 Hz Electric Field on Plasma Lipid Peroxide Level and Antioxidant Activity in Rats. Bioelectromagnetics 2005; 26: 589-594.
  • Laval J. Role of DNA repair enzymes in the cellular resistance to oxidative stress. Pathol Biol (Paris) 1996; 44: 14-24.
  • Lalo UV, Pankratov YO, Mikhailik OM. Steady magnetic field effect on lipid peroxidation kinetics. Redox Rep 1994; 1: 71-75.
  • Mani V, Lisi A, Pozzi D, et al. Effects of extremely low frequency (50 Hz) magnetic field on morphological and biochemical properties of human keratinocytes. Bioelectromagnetics 2002; 23: 298-305.
  • Zmyslony M, Jajte J, Rajkowska E, Szmigielsky S. Weak (5 mT) static magnetic field stimulates lipid peroxidation in isolated rat liver microsomes in vitro. Electro Magnetobiol 1998; 17: 109-113.
  • Al-Akhras MA, Elbetieha A, Al-Omari MHI, et al. Effect of extremely low frequency magnetic field on fertility of adult male and female rats. Bioelectromagnetics 2001; 22: 340-344.
  • Martinez Soriano F, GimenezGonzalez M, Armanazas E, RuizTorner A. Pineal ‘synaptic ribbons’ and serum melatonin levels in the rat following the pulse action of 52-Gs (50-Hz) magnetic fields: an evaluative analysis over 21 days. Acta Anat 1992; 143: 289-293.
  • Dasdag S, Akdag MZ, Ulukaya E, Uzunlar AK, Yegin D. Mobile phone exposure does not induce apoptosis on spermatogenesis in rats. Arch Med Res 2008; 39: 40-44.
  • Elbetieha A, Al-Akhras MA, Darmani H. Long-term exposure of male and female mice to 50 Hz magnetic fi eld: Effect on fertility. Bioelectromagnetics 2002; 23: 168-172.
  • Piatigorsky J. Lens differentiation in vertebrates. A review of cellular and molecular features. Differentiation 1981; 19: 134-153.
  • Yao K, Wang KJ, Sun ZH, et al. Low radiation power
  • proliferation of rabbit lens epithelial cells by upregulating P27Kip1 expression. Mol Vis 2004; 10: 138-143. inhibits
  • the 23. Spector A. Oxidative stress-induced cataract: mechanism of action. FASEB J 1995; 9: 1173-1182.
  • Kleiman NJ, Wang R, Spector A. Ultraviolet light induced DNA damage and repair in bovine lens epithelial cells. Current Eye Res 1990; 9: 1185-1193.
  • Kosmadaki MG, Gilchrest BA. The role of telomeres in skin aging/ photoaging. Miron 2004; 35: 155-159.
  • Colitz CM, Barden CA, Lu P, Chandler HL. Ultraviolet irradiation up-regulates telomerase transcription and activity in lens epithelial cells. Vet Ophthalmol 2006; 9: 379-385.
  • Irmak MK, Fadillioglu E, Gulec M, et al. Effects of electromagnetic radiation from a cellular telephone on the oxidant and antioxidant levels in rabbits. Cell Biochem Funct 2002; 20: 279-283.
  • Ozguner F, Bardak Y, Comlekci S. Protective effects of melatonin and caffeic acid phenethyl ester against retinal oxidative stress in longterm use of mobile phone: a comparative study. Mol Cell Biochem 2006; 282: 83-88.
  • Baillie HD, Heaton AG. Thermal and nonthermal cataractogenesis by microwaves. Non- ionizing Radiat 1979; 1: 159.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Ugur Keklikçi This is me

Veysi Akpolat This is me

Selver Özekinci3 This is me

Kaan Ünlü This is me

M. Salih Çelik This is me

Selçuk Tunik This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2008
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 35 Issue: 4


APA Keklikçi, U., Akpolat, V., Özekinci3, S., Ünlü, K., et al. (2008). Çok Düsük Frekanslı Manyetik Alanın Ratlarda Lens Üzerine Etkileri. Dicle Medical Journal, 35(4), 249-253.
AMA Keklikçi U, Akpolat V, Özekinci3 S, Ünlü K, Çelik MS, Tunik S. Çok Düsük Frekanslı Manyetik Alanın Ratlarda Lens Üzerine Etkileri. diclemedj. December 2008;35(4):249-253.
Chicago Keklikçi, Ugur, Veysi Akpolat, Selver Özekinci3, Kaan Ünlü, M. Salih Çelik, and Selçuk Tunik. “Çok Düsük Frekanslı Manyetik Alanın Ratlarda Lens Üzerine Etkileri”. Dicle Medical Journal 35, no. 4 (December 2008): 249-53.
EndNote Keklikçi U, Akpolat V, Özekinci3 S, Ünlü K, Çelik MS, Tunik S (December 1, 2008) Çok Düsük Frekanslı Manyetik Alanın Ratlarda Lens Üzerine Etkileri. Dicle Medical Journal 35 4 249–253.
IEEE U. Keklikçi, V. Akpolat, S. Özekinci3, K. Ünlü, M. S. Çelik, and S. Tunik, “Çok Düsük Frekanslı Manyetik Alanın Ratlarda Lens Üzerine Etkileri”, diclemedj, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 249–253, 2008.
ISNAD Keklikçi, Ugur et al. “Çok Düsük Frekanslı Manyetik Alanın Ratlarda Lens Üzerine Etkileri”. Dicle Medical Journal 35/4 (December 2008), 249-253.
JAMA Keklikçi U, Akpolat V, Özekinci3 S, Ünlü K, Çelik MS, Tunik S. Çok Düsük Frekanslı Manyetik Alanın Ratlarda Lens Üzerine Etkileri. diclemedj. 2008;35:249–253.
MLA Keklikçi, Ugur et al. “Çok Düsük Frekanslı Manyetik Alanın Ratlarda Lens Üzerine Etkileri”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 35, no. 4, 2008, pp. 249-53.
Vancouver Keklikçi U, Akpolat V, Özekinci3 S, Ünlü K, Çelik MS, Tunik S. Çok Düsük Frekanslı Manyetik Alanın Ratlarda Lens Üzerine Etkileri. diclemedj. 2008;35(4):249-53.