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Infectious agents and antibiotic susceptibility in neurosurgery intensive care unit

Year 2009, Volume: 36 Issue: 4, 252 - 257, 01.12.2009


Aim: Knowing the most frequent causative agents and their sensitivities to antibiotics may contribute to use of appropriate antibiotics. In this study, we aimed to investigate the agents and their antibiotic sensitivity which is isolated from intensive care unit of neurosurgery clinic. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was performed from 2001 to 2005 at the Neurosurgery intensive care unit of Dicle University, Diyarbakir. The patients charts who were followed up more than 48 hours in intensive care unit and their culture results were investigated. Results: There was 457 of 2197 patients which were operated in neurosurgery clinic and it was obtained 1155 culture samples from these patients in five years period. 317 positive cultures were obtained from 123 patients including 73 cerebrospinal fluid, 45 wound, 47 deep tracheal aspirate, 96 were urine samples, 27 blood samples and 29 venous catheters samples. Mostly Staphilococcus aureus and coagulase negative staphylococcus (CNS) were growth in cultures. From the cerebrospinal fluidd, blood and wound the most growth bacteria was coagulase negative staphilococcus, from the urine Eschericha coli, from deep tracheal aspiration. Klebsiella pnömonia, and from venous catheters Pseudomonas aureginosa was mostly showed reproduction. Conclusion: S. aureus, CNS and P. aureginosa were mostly isolated bacteria in neurosurgery intensive care unit. Nosocomial intensive care unit infections can be decreased by appropriate preventive measures


  • Laborde G, Grosskopf U, Schmieder K, et al. Nosocomial infections in a neurosurgical intensive care unit. Anaesthe- sist. 1993;42:724-31 [Abstract, Article in German, MED- LINE].
  • O'Shea M, Crandon I, Harding H et al. Infections in neuro- surgical patients admitted to the intensive care unit at the University Hospital of the West Indies. West Indian Med J 2004;53:159-63 [Abstract, MEDLINE].
  • Dettenkofer M, Ebner W, Els T et al. Surveillance of noso- comial infections in a neurology intensive care unit. J Neurol 2001;248:959-964.
  • Derbent A, Balbastı T, Özdamar N, Özenç D. Nöroşirürji yoğun bakım ünitesinde hastalardan izole edilen mikroor- ganizmalar. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 2003;13:165-70.
  • Agarwal R, Gupta D, Ray P, Aggarwal AN, Jindal SK. Epi- demiology, risk factors and outcome of nosocomial infec- tions in a Respiratory Intensive Care Unit in North India. Infect Dis 2006;53:98-105.
  • Girou E, Stephan F, Novara A, Safar M, Fagon JY. Risk factors and outcome of nosocomial infections: results of a matched case-control study of ICU patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;157:1151-1158.
  • Spencer RC. Epidemiology of infection in ICUs. Intensive Care Med 1994;20 (Suppl 4):2-6.
  • Artenstein WA, Kim JH. Antimicrobials for use in neuro- surgical patients. Wilkins HR, Reghancy SS (Eds). Nero- surgery. 2nd ed. New york, Mc Graw Hill 1996:3269- 3283.
  • Holzheimer RG, Quoika P, Patzmann D, Fussle R. Noso- comial infections in general surgery: surveillance report from a German university clinic. Infection 1990;18:219- 225.
  • Dettenkofer M, Ebner W, Hans FJ et al. Nosocomial infec- tions in a neurosurgery intensive care unit. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 1999;14:1303-1308.
  • Widmer AF. Infection control and prevention strategies in the ICU. Intensive Care Med 1994;20 (supl):7-11.
  • Korinek AM. Risk factors for neurosurgical infections af- ter craniotomy: a prospective multicenter study of 2944 patients. Neurosurgery 1997;4:1073-1081.
  • Simmons RL. Wound infection:a review of diagnosis and treatment. INFECT Control, 1982; 3:44-51.
  • Garner JS, Favero MS. CDC guidelines for the prevention and control of nosocomial infections. Guideline for hand- washing and hospital environmental control, 1985. Super- sedes guideline for hospital environmental control pub- lished in 1981. Am J Infect Control 1986;14:110-29.
  • Celikbaş A. Diyabet seyrinde gelişen infeksiyonlarda im- münpatogenez. Klimik Derg 2005;18:17-20.
  • Brachman PS. Epidemiology of nosocomial infectons. Bennett JV, Brachman PS (Eds). Hospital infections. Bos- ton: Little, Brown Company, 1992;3-20.
  • Bullock R, van Delen JR, Ketelbey W et al. A double- blind placebo controlled trial of perioperative prophylactic antibiotics for elective neurosurgery. J Neurosurg 1988;69:687-691.
  • Hossein IK, Hill DW, Hotfield RH. Controversies in the prevention of neurosurgical infection. J Hosp Infect 1999;43:5-11.
  • Dickinson LD, Hoff JD. Infectiosus disease in neurosurgi- cal intensive care. Andrews BT (Ed). Neurosurgical Inten- sive Care. New York, Mc Graw Hill 1993:201-226.
  • Apelgren P, Hellström I,Weitzberg E et al. Risk factors for nosocomial intensive care infection:a long term prospec- tive analysis. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2001;45:710-719.
  • Zolldann D, Thiex R, Hafner H, Waitschies B, Lutticken R, Lemmen SW. Periodic surveillance of nosocomial in- fections in a neurosurgery intensive care unit. Infection 2005;33:115-121.
  • Erbay H, Yalcin AN, Serin S et al. Nosocomial infections in intensive care unit in a Turkish university hospital: a 2- year survey. Intensive Care Med 2003;29:1482-1488.
  • Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Kapil A. Acinetobacter infection in neurosurgical intensive care patients. Natl Med J India 2000;13:296-300.
  • Hader WJ, Steinbok P. The value of routine culturs of the cerebrospinal fluid in patients with external ventricular drains. Neurosurgery 2000,46:1149-1155.
  • Oztoprak N, Cevik MA, Akinci E et al. Risk factors for ICU-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections. Am J Infect Control 2006;34:1-5.
  • Üstün C, Ayaz C, Tekin R, Çelen MK, Güzel A. Beyin cerrahi yoğun bakım ünitesinde alet ilişkili hastane infek- siyonlar. III. Ulusal Yoğun Bakım İnfeksiyonları Sim- pozyumu, 21-24 Haziran 2007, Trabzon. Klimik Derg 2007;20:71 Özel Sayı 2 (P005).
  • Fraenkel DJ, Rickard C,Lipman J. Can we achieve consen- sus on central venous catheter related infections? Anaesth Intensive Care 2000;28-32.

Beyin cerrahisi yogun bakım ünitesi enfeksiyon etkenleri ve antibiyotik duyarlılıkları

Year 2009, Volume: 36 Issue: 4, 252 - 257, 01.12.2009


Amaç: Yogun bakım ünite (YBÜ)\'lerinin sıkça saptananetkenlerinin ve bunların duyarlı oldukları antibiyotiklerinbilinmesi bunlara yönelik uygulanacak tedavilerin planlanmasındayarar saglayabilir. Bu çalısmada nörosirürjiklinigi YBÜ\'sinde alınan kültürlerden izole edilen etkenlerve antibiyotik duyarlılıklarının belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Dicle Üniversitesi Arastırma HastanesiNörorosirurji Klinigi\'nde 2001-2005 yılları arasındadegisik etyolojilerle yatırılıp, nörorosirurji YBÜ\'sinde 48saatten uzun süre takip edilmis hastaların dosyaları retrospektifolarak incelenerek alınan kültürler degerlendirildi. Bulgular: Bes yıllık sürede ameliyat edilen toplam 2197 hastanın 457\'sinin NYBÜ\'sinde izlendigi ve bunlardantoplam 1155 kültür örneginin alındıgı belirlendi.NYBÜ\'sinde izlenen 123 olgudan alınan 317 kültürü pozitif örnegin 73\'ü beyin omurilik sıvısı, 45\'i yara yeri aspiratı, 47\'si derin trakeal aspirat (DTA), 96\'sı idrar, 27\'si kan, 29\'u damar yolu kateter ucu incelemeleriydi. En sık Staphylococcus aureus, koagülaz negatif stafilokok (KNS) bakterileri saptandı. BOS, kan ve yara yeri örneklerinden KNS, idrar örneklerinden Eschericha coli; DTA\'dan Klebsiella pneumoniae; kan kateterlerinden Pseudomonas aureginosa en sık üreyen bakterilerdi. zole edilen Gram pozitif susların hiç birinde vankomisinedirenç saptanmadı. Gram negatif suslarda ise en etkiliantibiyotigin imipenem oldugu belirlendi. Sonuç:Nörosirürji YBÜ\'sinde en sık S aureus, KNS ve P. aureginosa, bakterilerinin izole edildi. Enfeksiyon kontrol önlemlerinin sıkı uygulanmasıyla bu infeksiyon oranlarında düsme saglanabilir.


  • Laborde G, Grosskopf U, Schmieder K, et al. Nosocomial infections in a neurosurgical intensive care unit. Anaesthe- sist. 1993;42:724-31 [Abstract, Article in German, MED- LINE].
  • O'Shea M, Crandon I, Harding H et al. Infections in neuro- surgical patients admitted to the intensive care unit at the University Hospital of the West Indies. West Indian Med J 2004;53:159-63 [Abstract, MEDLINE].
  • Dettenkofer M, Ebner W, Els T et al. Surveillance of noso- comial infections in a neurology intensive care unit. J Neurol 2001;248:959-964.
  • Derbent A, Balbastı T, Özdamar N, Özenç D. Nöroşirürji yoğun bakım ünitesinde hastalardan izole edilen mikroor- ganizmalar. Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 2003;13:165-70.
  • Agarwal R, Gupta D, Ray P, Aggarwal AN, Jindal SK. Epi- demiology, risk factors and outcome of nosocomial infec- tions in a Respiratory Intensive Care Unit in North India. Infect Dis 2006;53:98-105.
  • Girou E, Stephan F, Novara A, Safar M, Fagon JY. Risk factors and outcome of nosocomial infections: results of a matched case-control study of ICU patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1998;157:1151-1158.
  • Spencer RC. Epidemiology of infection in ICUs. Intensive Care Med 1994;20 (Suppl 4):2-6.
  • Artenstein WA, Kim JH. Antimicrobials for use in neuro- surgical patients. Wilkins HR, Reghancy SS (Eds). Nero- surgery. 2nd ed. New york, Mc Graw Hill 1996:3269- 3283.
  • Holzheimer RG, Quoika P, Patzmann D, Fussle R. Noso- comial infections in general surgery: surveillance report from a German university clinic. Infection 1990;18:219- 225.
  • Dettenkofer M, Ebner W, Hans FJ et al. Nosocomial infec- tions in a neurosurgery intensive care unit. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 1999;14:1303-1308.
  • Widmer AF. Infection control and prevention strategies in the ICU. Intensive Care Med 1994;20 (supl):7-11.
  • Korinek AM. Risk factors for neurosurgical infections af- ter craniotomy: a prospective multicenter study of 2944 patients. Neurosurgery 1997;4:1073-1081.
  • Simmons RL. Wound infection:a review of diagnosis and treatment. INFECT Control, 1982; 3:44-51.
  • Garner JS, Favero MS. CDC guidelines for the prevention and control of nosocomial infections. Guideline for hand- washing and hospital environmental control, 1985. Super- sedes guideline for hospital environmental control pub- lished in 1981. Am J Infect Control 1986;14:110-29.
  • Celikbaş A. Diyabet seyrinde gelişen infeksiyonlarda im- münpatogenez. Klimik Derg 2005;18:17-20.
  • Brachman PS. Epidemiology of nosocomial infectons. Bennett JV, Brachman PS (Eds). Hospital infections. Bos- ton: Little, Brown Company, 1992;3-20.
  • Bullock R, van Delen JR, Ketelbey W et al. A double- blind placebo controlled trial of perioperative prophylactic antibiotics for elective neurosurgery. J Neurosurg 1988;69:687-691.
  • Hossein IK, Hill DW, Hotfield RH. Controversies in the prevention of neurosurgical infection. J Hosp Infect 1999;43:5-11.
  • Dickinson LD, Hoff JD. Infectiosus disease in neurosurgi- cal intensive care. Andrews BT (Ed). Neurosurgical Inten- sive Care. New York, Mc Graw Hill 1993:201-226.
  • Apelgren P, Hellström I,Weitzberg E et al. Risk factors for nosocomial intensive care infection:a long term prospec- tive analysis. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2001;45:710-719.
  • Zolldann D, Thiex R, Hafner H, Waitschies B, Lutticken R, Lemmen SW. Periodic surveillance of nosocomial in- fections in a neurosurgery intensive care unit. Infection 2005;33:115-121.
  • Erbay H, Yalcin AN, Serin S et al. Nosocomial infections in intensive care unit in a Turkish university hospital: a 2- year survey. Intensive Care Med 2003;29:1482-1488.
  • Suri A, Mahapatra AK, Kapil A. Acinetobacter infection in neurosurgical intensive care patients. Natl Med J India 2000;13:296-300.
  • Hader WJ, Steinbok P. The value of routine culturs of the cerebrospinal fluid in patients with external ventricular drains. Neurosurgery 2000,46:1149-1155.
  • Oztoprak N, Cevik MA, Akinci E et al. Risk factors for ICU-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections. Am J Infect Control 2006;34:1-5.
  • Üstün C, Ayaz C, Tekin R, Çelen MK, Güzel A. Beyin cerrahi yoğun bakım ünitesinde alet ilişkili hastane infek- siyonlar. III. Ulusal Yoğun Bakım İnfeksiyonları Sim- pozyumu, 21-24 Haziran 2007, Trabzon. Klimik Derg 2007;20:71 Özel Sayı 2 (P005).
  • Fraenkel DJ, Rickard C,Lipman J. Can we achieve consen- sus on central venous catheter related infections? Anaesth Intensive Care 2000;28-32.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Aslan Güzel This is me

Gökhan Aktas This is me

M. Kemal Çelen This is me

Mehmet Tatlı This is me

M. Faruk Geyik This is me

Tuncer Özekinci This is me

Cemal Üstün This is me

Ümit Özkan This is me

Ömer Satıcı This is me

Adnan Ceviz This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2009
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 36 Issue: 4


APA Güzel, A., Aktas, G., Çelen, M. K., Tatlı, M., et al. (2009). Beyin cerrahisi yogun bakım ünitesi enfeksiyon etkenleri ve antibiyotik duyarlılıkları. Dicle Medical Journal, 36(4), 252-257.
AMA Güzel A, Aktas G, Çelen MK, Tatlı M, Geyik MF, Özekinci T, Üstün C, Özkan Ü, Satıcı Ö, Ceviz A. Beyin cerrahisi yogun bakım ünitesi enfeksiyon etkenleri ve antibiyotik duyarlılıkları. diclemedj. December 2009;36(4):252-257.
Chicago Güzel, Aslan, Gökhan Aktas, M. Kemal Çelen, Mehmet Tatlı, M. Faruk Geyik, Tuncer Özekinci, Cemal Üstün, Ümit Özkan, Ömer Satıcı, and Adnan Ceviz. “Beyin Cerrahisi Yogun bakım ünitesi Enfeksiyon Etkenleri Ve Antibiyotik duyarlılıkları”. Dicle Medical Journal 36, no. 4 (December 2009): 252-57.
EndNote Güzel A, Aktas G, Çelen MK, Tatlı M, Geyik MF, Özekinci T, Üstün C, Özkan Ü, Satıcı Ö, Ceviz A (December 1, 2009) Beyin cerrahisi yogun bakım ünitesi enfeksiyon etkenleri ve antibiyotik duyarlılıkları. Dicle Medical Journal 36 4 252–257.
IEEE A. Güzel, “Beyin cerrahisi yogun bakım ünitesi enfeksiyon etkenleri ve antibiyotik duyarlılıkları”, diclemedj, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 252–257, 2009.
ISNAD Güzel, Aslan et al. “Beyin Cerrahisi Yogun bakım ünitesi Enfeksiyon Etkenleri Ve Antibiyotik duyarlılıkları”. Dicle Medical Journal 36/4 (December 2009), 252-257.
JAMA Güzel A, Aktas G, Çelen MK, Tatlı M, Geyik MF, Özekinci T, Üstün C, Özkan Ü, Satıcı Ö, Ceviz A. Beyin cerrahisi yogun bakım ünitesi enfeksiyon etkenleri ve antibiyotik duyarlılıkları. diclemedj. 2009;36:252–257.
MLA Güzel, Aslan et al. “Beyin Cerrahisi Yogun bakım ünitesi Enfeksiyon Etkenleri Ve Antibiyotik duyarlılıkları”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 36, no. 4, 2009, pp. 252-7.
Vancouver Güzel A, Aktas G, Çelen MK, Tatlı M, Geyik MF, Özekinci T, Üstün C, Özkan Ü, Satıcı Ö, Ceviz A. Beyin cerrahisi yogun bakım ünitesi enfeksiyon etkenleri ve antibiyotik duyarlılıkları. diclemedj. 2009;36(4):252-7.