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The effects of smoking on tendon thickness and degeneration in young amateur sportspeople

Year 2009, Volume: 36 Issue: 1, 16 - 22, 01.03.2009


The aim of this study was to assess the effects of smoking on tendinopathies detected by ultrasound in active amateur sportspeople. Fourteen male, 19 female, total 33 amateur sportspeople (mean age, 20.5±2.5) were investigated. Both patellar and Achilles tendons were imaged by high resolution ultrasound. The antero-posterior thicknesses and pathologies (if present) of the tendons were determined. Twenty two (66.7%) of the sportsmen were nonsmokers and 11 (33.3%) were smokers. The mean number of cigarettes smoked in a day was 9.4±4.5; mean duration of cigarette smoking was 3.7±1.6 years. 17 tendinopathies (12.9% of tendons) were detected in 12 sportsmen (36.4% of sportsmen). No significant difference was found between the smoker and nonsmoker groups according to the incidence of tendinopathies (p>0.05). The thickness of the tendons did not differ according to smoking status for both patellar and Achilles tendons (p>0.05 for all comparisons). In conclusion, the tendon thickness and incidence of tendinous degeneration do not differ between smoker and nonsmoker sportsmen. Keywords: Ultrasonography, musculoskeletal ultrasound, patellar, Achilles tendon, smoking.


  • 1. Kane SM, Dave A, Haque A, Langston K. The incidence of rotator cuff disease in smoking and non-smoking patients: a cadaveric study. Orthopedics 2006; 29: 363-366.
  • 2. Almekinders LC, Deol G. The effects of aging, antiinflamatory drugs and ultrasound on the in vitro response of tendon tissue. Am J Sports Med 1999;27:417-421.
  • 3. Richards PJ, Win T, Jones PW. The distribution of microvascular response in Achilles tendonopathy assessed by colour and power Doppler. Skeletal Radiol 2005;34:336-342.
  • 4. Leung JL, Griffith JF. Sonography of chronic Achilles tendinopathy: A case-control study. J Clin Ultrasound 2008;36:27-32.
  • 5. Cook JL, Khan KM, Harcourt PR, et al. Patellar tendon ultrasonography in asymptomatic active athletes reveals hypoechoic regions: a study of 320 tendons. Clin J Sports Med 1998;8:73-77.
  • 6. Cook JL, Khan KM, Kiss ZS, et al. Asymptomatic hypoechoic regions on patellar tendon ultrasound: A 4-year clinical and ultrasound follow up of 46 tendons. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2001;11:321-327.
  • 7. Unal B, Bilgili MYK, Yılmaz S, Caglayan O, Kara S. Smoking prevents the expected postprandial increase in intestinal blood flow. J Ultrasound Med 2004;23:647-653.
  • 8. Mallon WJ, Misamore G, Snead DS, Denton P. The impact of preoperative smoking habits on the results of rotator cuff repair. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2004;13:129-132.
  • 9. Yılmaz G, İbiş S, Sevindi T. The Evaluation of the Usage of Cigarette and Alcohol Among the Students of Physical Education and Sports High School Department of Gazi University. J Dependence 2007;8:85-90.
  • 10. Cook JL, Khan KM, Kiss ZS, Purdam CR, Griffiths L. Prospective imaging study of asymptomatic patellar tendinopathy in elite junior basketball players. J Ultrasound Med 2000;19:473- 479.
  • 11. Khan KM, Bonar F, Desmond PM, et al. Patellar tendinosis (jumper's knee): findings at histopathologic examination, US, and MR imaging. Victorian Institute of Sport Tendon Study Group. Radiology 1996;200:821-827.
  • 12. Fredberg U, Bolvig L. Significance of ultrasonographically detected asymptomatic tendinosis in the patellar and Achilles tendons of elite soccer players. Am J Sports Med 2002;30: 488-491.
  • 13. Ohberg L, Lorentzon R, Alfredson H. Neovascularisation in Achilles tendons with painful tendinosis but not in normal tendons: an ultrasonographic investigation. Knee Surg Sports, Traumatol Arthrosc 2001; 9: 233-38.
  • 14. van Snellenberg W, Wiley JP, Brunet G. Achilles tendon pain intensity and level of neovascularization in athletes as determined by color Doppler ultrasound. 1: Scand J Med Sci, Sports 2007;17:530-534.
  • 15. Zanetti M, Metzdorf A, Kundert HP, et al. Achilles tendons: clinical relevance of neovascularization diagnosed with power Doppler US. Radiology 2003;227:556-560.
  • 16. Peace KA, Lee JC, Healy J. Imaging the infrapatellar tendon in the elite athlete. Clin Radiol 2006; 61: 570-578.
  • 17. Gibbon WW, Cooper JR, Radcliffe GS. Sonographic incidence of tendon microtears in athletes with chronic Achilles tendinosis: Br J Sports Med 1999;33:129-130.
  • 18. Holmes GB, Lin J. Etiologic factors associated with symptomatic achilles tendinopathy. Foot Ankle Int 2006;27:952-959.
  • 19. Jacobovicz J, Tolazzi ARD, Timi JR Doppler Ultrasound Evaluation of Facial Transverse and Infraorbital arteries: Influence of Smoking and Aging Process. Aesth Plast Surg 2007;31:526-531.
  • 20. Sighinolfi MC, Mofferdin A, De Stefani S, et al. Immediate Improvement in Penile Hemodynanics after Cessation of Smoking: Previous Results. Urology 2007;69:163-165.
  • 21. Morita A. Tobacco smoke causes premature skin aging Journal of Dermatological Science 2007;48:169-175.
  • 22. Matheson PJ, Wilson MA, Garrison N. Regulation of intestinal blood flow. J Surg Res 2000; 93:182-196.

gı ve dejenerasyonu üzerine etkileri

Year 2009, Volume: 36 Issue: 1, 16 - 22, 01.03.2009


Bu çalısmanın amacı, sigara içiminin aktif amatör sporcularda ultrasonografi ile saptanan tendinopatiler üzerindeki etkilerini degerlendirmektir. On dördü erkek, 19\'u kadın, toplam 33 amatör sporcu (ortalama yas 20.5±2.5 yıl) incelendi. Patellar ve asil tendonları yüksek çözünürlüklü ultrason ile görüntülendi. Tendonların ön-arka kalınlıkları ölçüldü ve –varsa- tendinopati sıklıkları belirlendi. Sporcuların 22 (%66.7)\'si sigara içmeyen, 11\'i (%33.3) sigara içen kisilerdi. Günlük ortalama içilen sigara sayısı 9.4±4.5; ortalama sigara içme süresi 3.7±1.6 yıl idi. Toplam olarak 12 sporcuda (%36.4), 17 adet tendinopati (tendonların %12.8\'u) saptandı. Sigara içen ve içmeyen gruplar arasında tendinopati sıklıgı bakımından fark gözlenmedi (p>0.05). Tendon kalınlıgı hem patellar hem de Asil tendonları için sigara içip içmeme durumuna baglı bir degisiklik göstermedi (p>0.05). Sonuç olarak, tendon kalınlıgı ve tendon dejenerasyon sıklıgı sigara içen ve içmeyen sporcular arasında bir farklılık göstermemektedir.


  • 1. Kane SM, Dave A, Haque A, Langston K. The incidence of rotator cuff disease in smoking and non-smoking patients: a cadaveric study. Orthopedics 2006; 29: 363-366.
  • 2. Almekinders LC, Deol G. The effects of aging, antiinflamatory drugs and ultrasound on the in vitro response of tendon tissue. Am J Sports Med 1999;27:417-421.
  • 3. Richards PJ, Win T, Jones PW. The distribution of microvascular response in Achilles tendonopathy assessed by colour and power Doppler. Skeletal Radiol 2005;34:336-342.
  • 4. Leung JL, Griffith JF. Sonography of chronic Achilles tendinopathy: A case-control study. J Clin Ultrasound 2008;36:27-32.
  • 5. Cook JL, Khan KM, Harcourt PR, et al. Patellar tendon ultrasonography in asymptomatic active athletes reveals hypoechoic regions: a study of 320 tendons. Clin J Sports Med 1998;8:73-77.
  • 6. Cook JL, Khan KM, Kiss ZS, et al. Asymptomatic hypoechoic regions on patellar tendon ultrasound: A 4-year clinical and ultrasound follow up of 46 tendons. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2001;11:321-327.
  • 7. Unal B, Bilgili MYK, Yılmaz S, Caglayan O, Kara S. Smoking prevents the expected postprandial increase in intestinal blood flow. J Ultrasound Med 2004;23:647-653.
  • 8. Mallon WJ, Misamore G, Snead DS, Denton P. The impact of preoperative smoking habits on the results of rotator cuff repair. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2004;13:129-132.
  • 9. Yılmaz G, İbiş S, Sevindi T. The Evaluation of the Usage of Cigarette and Alcohol Among the Students of Physical Education and Sports High School Department of Gazi University. J Dependence 2007;8:85-90.
  • 10. Cook JL, Khan KM, Kiss ZS, Purdam CR, Griffiths L. Prospective imaging study of asymptomatic patellar tendinopathy in elite junior basketball players. J Ultrasound Med 2000;19:473- 479.
  • 11. Khan KM, Bonar F, Desmond PM, et al. Patellar tendinosis (jumper's knee): findings at histopathologic examination, US, and MR imaging. Victorian Institute of Sport Tendon Study Group. Radiology 1996;200:821-827.
  • 12. Fredberg U, Bolvig L. Significance of ultrasonographically detected asymptomatic tendinosis in the patellar and Achilles tendons of elite soccer players. Am J Sports Med 2002;30: 488-491.
  • 13. Ohberg L, Lorentzon R, Alfredson H. Neovascularisation in Achilles tendons with painful tendinosis but not in normal tendons: an ultrasonographic investigation. Knee Surg Sports, Traumatol Arthrosc 2001; 9: 233-38.
  • 14. van Snellenberg W, Wiley JP, Brunet G. Achilles tendon pain intensity and level of neovascularization in athletes as determined by color Doppler ultrasound. 1: Scand J Med Sci, Sports 2007;17:530-534.
  • 15. Zanetti M, Metzdorf A, Kundert HP, et al. Achilles tendons: clinical relevance of neovascularization diagnosed with power Doppler US. Radiology 2003;227:556-560.
  • 16. Peace KA, Lee JC, Healy J. Imaging the infrapatellar tendon in the elite athlete. Clin Radiol 2006; 61: 570-578.
  • 17. Gibbon WW, Cooper JR, Radcliffe GS. Sonographic incidence of tendon microtears in athletes with chronic Achilles tendinosis: Br J Sports Med 1999;33:129-130.
  • 18. Holmes GB, Lin J. Etiologic factors associated with symptomatic achilles tendinopathy. Foot Ankle Int 2006;27:952-959.
  • 19. Jacobovicz J, Tolazzi ARD, Timi JR Doppler Ultrasound Evaluation of Facial Transverse and Infraorbital arteries: Influence of Smoking and Aging Process. Aesth Plast Surg 2007;31:526-531.
  • 20. Sighinolfi MC, Mofferdin A, De Stefani S, et al. Immediate Improvement in Penile Hemodynanics after Cessation of Smoking: Previous Results. Urology 2007;69:163-165.
  • 21. Morita A. Tobacco smoke causes premature skin aging Journal of Dermatological Science 2007;48:169-175.
  • 22. Matheson PJ, Wilson MA, Garrison N. Regulation of intestinal blood flow. J Surg Res 2000; 93:182-196.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Banu Alıcıoglu This is me

Enis Ulucam This is me

Bulent Sabri Cıgalı This is me

Ali Yılmaz This is me

Oguz Taskınalp This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2009
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 36 Issue: 1


APA Alıcıoglu, B., Ulucam, E., Cıgalı, B. S., Yılmaz, A., et al. (2009). gı ve dejenerasyonu üzerine etkileri. Dicle Medical Journal, 36(1), 16-22.
AMA Alıcıoglu B, Ulucam E, Cıgalı BS, Yılmaz A, Taskınalp O. gı ve dejenerasyonu üzerine etkileri. diclemedj. March 2009;36(1):16-22.
Chicago Alıcıoglu, Banu, Enis Ulucam, Bulent Sabri Cıgalı, Ali Yılmaz, and Oguz Taskınalp. “Gı Ve Dejenerasyonu üzerine Etkileri”. Dicle Medical Journal 36, no. 1 (March 2009): 16-22.
EndNote Alıcıoglu B, Ulucam E, Cıgalı BS, Yılmaz A, Taskınalp O (March 1, 2009) gı ve dejenerasyonu üzerine etkileri. Dicle Medical Journal 36 1 16–22.
IEEE B. Alıcıoglu, E. Ulucam, B. S. Cıgalı, A. Yılmaz, and O. Taskınalp, “gı ve dejenerasyonu üzerine etkileri”, diclemedj, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 16–22, 2009.
ISNAD Alıcıoglu, Banu et al. “Gı Ve Dejenerasyonu üzerine Etkileri”. Dicle Medical Journal 36/1 (March 2009), 16-22.
JAMA Alıcıoglu B, Ulucam E, Cıgalı BS, Yılmaz A, Taskınalp O. gı ve dejenerasyonu üzerine etkileri. diclemedj. 2009;36:16–22.
MLA Alıcıoglu, Banu et al. “Gı Ve Dejenerasyonu üzerine Etkileri”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, 2009, pp. 16-22.
Vancouver Alıcıoglu B, Ulucam E, Cıgalı BS, Yılmaz A, Taskınalp O. gı ve dejenerasyonu üzerine etkileri. diclemedj. 2009;36(1):16-22.