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The effects of different nutrition models on physical growth of the first 12 months of life

Year 2010, Volume: 37 Issue: 4, 339 - 345, 01.12.2010


Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different feeding type on the physical growth of infants in the first 12 months of life. Materials and methods: Seventy-five infants who visited the children outpatient clinics or/and vaccination clinics regularly were recruited for the study. They were classified into breast feeding group (N=28, 14 male and 14 female), Formula feeding group (N=22, 11 male, 11 female), and mixed feeding group (N=25, 14 male, 11 female) accord­ing to the feedings types before 6-months-old. The growth indices were measured and standardized growth charts for Turkish children were used for comparison. Results: The body weight and lengths of infants in the all three groups showed no statistical difference for the first 4 months according to the feeding types (p>0.05). How­ever, growth of the infants with formula feeding and mixed feeding began to exceed the breast feed group gradually from the 4 months on. The differences of weight are sta­tistically significant from 6-12 month and 4-12 month re­spectively, compared with breast feeding group (p


  • WHO CDD Programme, UNICEF; Breastfeeding Counsel- ling, A Training Course; Trainer’s Guide, PartI, Session 1–9.(available from:http:// health/documents/pdfs/bc_trainers_guide.pdf )
  • Günay S, Demirkol M, Gülbin G, Hüner G. Beslenme ve Beslenme Bozuklukları. Neyzi O, Ertuğrul T . Pediatri Cilt I, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 3. Baskı, Istanbul, Nobel Kitapevi 2004; 183–198.
  • Coskun T. Anne Sütü ile Beslenmenin Yararları. Katkı Pedi- atri Dergisi 2003; 2: 199–202.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı. Çocuk Sağlığı Programları Kitabı. Ankara, Sağlık Bakanlığı Matbaası 1995: 2–10.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Temel Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Mü- dürlüğü; Türkiye’ye Özgü Beslenme Rehberi. Ankara, Ma- yıs 2004: 1-54.
  • Cooney K, Pathak U, Watson A. Infant growth charts. Arch Dis Child 1994;71: 159-61.
  • Evliyaoğlu N. Sağlam Çocuk izlemi. Türk Ped Arş 2007; 42;6-10.
  • Yurdakök K. Büyümenin izlenmesi. Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Der- gisi 1995; 4: 101-6.
  • Garner P, Panpanich R, Logan S. Is routine growth monitor- ing effective? A systematic review of trials. Arch Dis Child 2000; 82: 197-201.
  • Cole TJ, Paul AA, Whithead RG. Weight reference charts for British long-trem breastfed infants. Acta Paediatr 2002; 91: 1296-99.
  • Emamghorashi F, Heydari ST. Growth of infants in relation to type of feding in Jahrom, Islamic Republic of Iran. East Mediter Health J 2007; 13: 846-54.
  • Dewey KG. Growth characteristics of breastfed compared to formula-fed infants. Biol Neonate 1998; 74: 94-105.
  • Neyzi O, Binyıldız P, Alp H. Percentile growth charts for Turkish children ( 0-36 months). İstanbul Tıp Fak Mecm 1978; 41:3-22.
  • van Dijk CE, Innıs SM. Growth-curve standarts and the as- sessment of early excess weight gain in infancy. Pediatrics 2009; 123: 102-8.
  • Agostoni C, Grandi F, Gianni ML, et al. Growth patterns of breast fed and Formula fed infants in thefirst 12 months of life: an Italian study. Arch Dis Child 1999; 81: 395-99.
  • He M, Mei J, Jiang Z, et al. Growth of infants during the first 18 months of life in urban and rural areas of southern China. J Paediatr Child Health 2001;37:456-64.
  • Nelson SE, Rogers RR, Ziegler EE, Fomon SJ. Gain in weight and length during early infancy. Early Hum Dev 1989; 19:223–39
  • Donma MM, Donma O. Infant feeding and growth: a study on Turkish infants from birth to 6 months.Pediatr Int 1999;41:542-48.
  • Dewey KG, Heinig MJ, Nommsen LA, Lönnerdal B. Growth of Breast-fed and Formula-fed infants from 0to 18 months: The DARLİNG Study: Pediatrics 1992; 89:1035–141.
  • Roelants M, Hauspie R, Hoppenbrouwers K. Breastfeeding, growth and growth standards: Performance of the WHO growth standards for monitoring growth of Belgian chil- dren.Ann Hum Biol 2010 ;37:2-9.
  • Liu W, Yang F, Liu DH, et al. Effects of different feeding types on the physical growth of infants. Sichuan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban 2009 ;40 :548-51.
  • Tantracheewathorn S. Growth of breast-fed and formula-fed infants compared with national growth references of Thai children. J Med Assoc Thai. 2005; 88:168-175.
  • Donma MM, Donma O. The influence of feeding patterns on head circumference among Turkish infants during the first 6 months of life. Brain Dev 1997 ;19:393-4.
  • Nancy FB, William WW, Judy MH, E. O’Brian S, Kenneth JE. Infant feding mod affects early growth and body com- position. Pediatrics 2000;106:1355–66 .
  • Mamabolo RL, Alberts M, Mbenyane GX, et al. Feeding practices and growth of infants from birth to 12 months in the central region of the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Nutrition 2004 ;20:327-33.
  • Dewey KG. Growth characteristics of breast-fed compared to formula-fed infants. Biol Neonate 1998;74: 94–105.
  • Auestad N, Scott DT, Janowsky JS, et al. Visual, cognitive, and language assessments at 39 months: a follow-up study of children fed formulas containing long-chain polyunsatu- rated fatty acids to 1 year of age. Pediatrics 2003;112:177- 83.
  • Singhal A. The early origins of atherosclerosis. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2009;646:51-8.
  • Shehadeh N, Weitzer-Kish H, Shamir R, Shihab S, Weiss R. Impact of early postnatal weight gain and feeding patterns on body mass index in adolescence. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2008;21:9-15.
  • Baird J, Poole J, Robinson S, et al. Southampton Women’s Survey Study Group. Milk feeding and dietary patterns pre- dict weight and fat gains in infancy. Paediatr Perinat Epide- miol 2008;22:575-86.
  • Lönnerdal B. Personalizing nutrient intakes of formula-fed infants: breast milk as a model. Nestle Nutr Workshop Ser Pediatr Program 2008;62:189-98.
  • Morgan JB, Lucas A, Fewtrell MS. Does weaning influ- ence growth and health up to 18 months? Arch Dis Child 2004;89:728-33.

Farklı beslenme modellerinin hayatın ilk 12 ayındaki fiziksel büyüme üzerine etkileri

Year 2010, Volume: 37 Issue: 4, 339 - 345, 01.12.2010


Amaç: Bu çalışmada amacımız, hayatın ilk 6 ayındaki farklı beslenme modellerinin bebeğin ilk yılı sonundaki fiziksel büyümesine olan etkisini araştırmaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: Hastanemiz, Aşı ve Sağlam çocuk polikliniğine Şubat 2008-Kasım 2009 tarihleri arasında düzenli olarak başvuran olgular, büyüme- gelişme ve aşı dosyaları incelendi. İncelenen olgularda, sadece anne sütü (AS) ile beslenenler, anne sütü ile birlikte mama alanlar ve yalnızca mama ile beslenen bebeklerin büyü­me ve gelişmeleri ülkemiz için geliştirilmiş gelişme kriter­lerine göre değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya, 28 olgu (14 kız, 14 erkek) sadece anne sütü ile beslenen, 25 (14 kız, 11 erkek) olgu anne sütü ile beraber mama ile beslenen ve 22 (11 kız, 11 er­kek) olgu olmak üzere toplam 75 bebek alındı. Olgularımı­zın beslenme şekillerine göre boy uzaması ve ilk 4 aydaki vücut ağırlıklarında her üç grup arasında fark görülmedi.(p>0.05) Ancak 4. aydan sonra anne sütü alanlarda diğer iki gruba göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı daha az tartı al­dığı görüldü (p


  • WHO CDD Programme, UNICEF; Breastfeeding Counsel- ling, A Training Course; Trainer’s Guide, PartI, Session 1–9.(available from:http:// health/documents/pdfs/bc_trainers_guide.pdf )
  • Günay S, Demirkol M, Gülbin G, Hüner G. Beslenme ve Beslenme Bozuklukları. Neyzi O, Ertuğrul T . Pediatri Cilt I, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 3. Baskı, Istanbul, Nobel Kitapevi 2004; 183–198.
  • Coskun T. Anne Sütü ile Beslenmenin Yararları. Katkı Pedi- atri Dergisi 2003; 2: 199–202.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı. Çocuk Sağlığı Programları Kitabı. Ankara, Sağlık Bakanlığı Matbaası 1995: 2–10.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Temel Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Mü- dürlüğü; Türkiye’ye Özgü Beslenme Rehberi. Ankara, Ma- yıs 2004: 1-54.
  • Cooney K, Pathak U, Watson A. Infant growth charts. Arch Dis Child 1994;71: 159-61.
  • Evliyaoğlu N. Sağlam Çocuk izlemi. Türk Ped Arş 2007; 42;6-10.
  • Yurdakök K. Büyümenin izlenmesi. Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Der- gisi 1995; 4: 101-6.
  • Garner P, Panpanich R, Logan S. Is routine growth monitor- ing effective? A systematic review of trials. Arch Dis Child 2000; 82: 197-201.
  • Cole TJ, Paul AA, Whithead RG. Weight reference charts for British long-trem breastfed infants. Acta Paediatr 2002; 91: 1296-99.
  • Emamghorashi F, Heydari ST. Growth of infants in relation to type of feding in Jahrom, Islamic Republic of Iran. East Mediter Health J 2007; 13: 846-54.
  • Dewey KG. Growth characteristics of breastfed compared to formula-fed infants. Biol Neonate 1998; 74: 94-105.
  • Neyzi O, Binyıldız P, Alp H. Percentile growth charts for Turkish children ( 0-36 months). İstanbul Tıp Fak Mecm 1978; 41:3-22.
  • van Dijk CE, Innıs SM. Growth-curve standarts and the as- sessment of early excess weight gain in infancy. Pediatrics 2009; 123: 102-8.
  • Agostoni C, Grandi F, Gianni ML, et al. Growth patterns of breast fed and Formula fed infants in thefirst 12 months of life: an Italian study. Arch Dis Child 1999; 81: 395-99.
  • He M, Mei J, Jiang Z, et al. Growth of infants during the first 18 months of life in urban and rural areas of southern China. J Paediatr Child Health 2001;37:456-64.
  • Nelson SE, Rogers RR, Ziegler EE, Fomon SJ. Gain in weight and length during early infancy. Early Hum Dev 1989; 19:223–39
  • Donma MM, Donma O. Infant feeding and growth: a study on Turkish infants from birth to 6 months.Pediatr Int 1999;41:542-48.
  • Dewey KG, Heinig MJ, Nommsen LA, Lönnerdal B. Growth of Breast-fed and Formula-fed infants from 0to 18 months: The DARLİNG Study: Pediatrics 1992; 89:1035–141.
  • Roelants M, Hauspie R, Hoppenbrouwers K. Breastfeeding, growth and growth standards: Performance of the WHO growth standards for monitoring growth of Belgian chil- dren.Ann Hum Biol 2010 ;37:2-9.
  • Liu W, Yang F, Liu DH, et al. Effects of different feeding types on the physical growth of infants. Sichuan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban 2009 ;40 :548-51.
  • Tantracheewathorn S. Growth of breast-fed and formula-fed infants compared with national growth references of Thai children. J Med Assoc Thai. 2005; 88:168-175.
  • Donma MM, Donma O. The influence of feeding patterns on head circumference among Turkish infants during the first 6 months of life. Brain Dev 1997 ;19:393-4.
  • Nancy FB, William WW, Judy MH, E. O’Brian S, Kenneth JE. Infant feding mod affects early growth and body com- position. Pediatrics 2000;106:1355–66 .
  • Mamabolo RL, Alberts M, Mbenyane GX, et al. Feeding practices and growth of infants from birth to 12 months in the central region of the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Nutrition 2004 ;20:327-33.
  • Dewey KG. Growth characteristics of breast-fed compared to formula-fed infants. Biol Neonate 1998;74: 94–105.
  • Auestad N, Scott DT, Janowsky JS, et al. Visual, cognitive, and language assessments at 39 months: a follow-up study of children fed formulas containing long-chain polyunsatu- rated fatty acids to 1 year of age. Pediatrics 2003;112:177- 83.
  • Singhal A. The early origins of atherosclerosis. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2009;646:51-8.
  • Shehadeh N, Weitzer-Kish H, Shamir R, Shihab S, Weiss R. Impact of early postnatal weight gain and feeding patterns on body mass index in adolescence. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2008;21:9-15.
  • Baird J, Poole J, Robinson S, et al. Southampton Women’s Survey Study Group. Milk feeding and dietary patterns pre- dict weight and fat gains in infancy. Paediatr Perinat Epide- miol 2008;22:575-86.
  • Lönnerdal B. Personalizing nutrient intakes of formula-fed infants: breast milk as a model. Nestle Nutr Workshop Ser Pediatr Program 2008;62:189-98.
  • Morgan JB, Lucas A, Fewtrell MS. Does weaning influ- ence growth and health up to 18 months? Arch Dis Child 2004;89:728-33.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Emin Özkaya This is me

Soner Sazak This is me

Ahmet Güzelçicek This is me

Nedim I Samancı This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2010
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 37 Issue: 4


APA Özkaya, E., Sazak, S., Güzelçicek, A., Samancı, N. I. (2010). Farklı beslenme modellerinin hayatın ilk 12 ayındaki fiziksel büyüme üzerine etkileri. Dicle Medical Journal, 37(4), 339-345.
AMA Özkaya E, Sazak S, Güzelçicek A, Samancı NI. Farklı beslenme modellerinin hayatın ilk 12 ayındaki fiziksel büyüme üzerine etkileri. diclemedj. December 2010;37(4):339-345.
Chicago Özkaya, Emin, Soner Sazak, Ahmet Güzelçicek, and Nedim I Samancı. “Farklı Beslenme Modellerinin hayatın Ilk 12 ayındaki Fiziksel büyüme üzerine Etkileri”. Dicle Medical Journal 37, no. 4 (December 2010): 339-45.
EndNote Özkaya E, Sazak S, Güzelçicek A, Samancı NI (December 1, 2010) Farklı beslenme modellerinin hayatın ilk 12 ayındaki fiziksel büyüme üzerine etkileri. Dicle Medical Journal 37 4 339–345.
IEEE E. Özkaya, S. Sazak, A. Güzelçicek, and N. I. Samancı, “Farklı beslenme modellerinin hayatın ilk 12 ayındaki fiziksel büyüme üzerine etkileri”, diclemedj, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 339–345, 2010.
ISNAD Özkaya, Emin et al. “Farklı Beslenme Modellerinin hayatın Ilk 12 ayındaki Fiziksel büyüme üzerine Etkileri”. Dicle Medical Journal 37/4 (December 2010), 339-345.
JAMA Özkaya E, Sazak S, Güzelçicek A, Samancı NI. Farklı beslenme modellerinin hayatın ilk 12 ayındaki fiziksel büyüme üzerine etkileri. diclemedj. 2010;37:339–345.
MLA Özkaya, Emin et al. “Farklı Beslenme Modellerinin hayatın Ilk 12 ayındaki Fiziksel büyüme üzerine Etkileri”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 37, no. 4, 2010, pp. 339-45.
Vancouver Özkaya E, Sazak S, Güzelçicek A, Samancı NI. Farklı beslenme modellerinin hayatın ilk 12 ayındaki fiziksel büyüme üzerine etkileri. diclemedj. 2010;37(4):339-45.