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Capsular tension ring implantation in cataract patients with pseudoexfoliation

Year 2010, Volume: 37 Issue: 1, 35 - 41, 01.03.2010


Purpose: To investigate the influence of capsular tension ring (CTR) on prevention of intraoperative complications due to zonular weakness and increased capsular fragility during phacoemulsification of cataracts with pseudoexfo­liation. Materials and methods: 148 eyes of 148 patients who had cataract with pseudoexfoliation underwent pha­coemulsification surgery included. 74 eyes of the first group (study group) were implanted with CTR after hy­drodissection, while CTR was not performed in 74 eyes of control group (Group 2). In both groups, intraoperative complications such as zonular dialysis, conversion to ex­tracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) or intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE), posterior capsular rupture, vitreus loss, and early postoperative complications were recorded and compared between two groups. Results: In group 1, no complication occurred in 64 eyes (86.5%) and intraocular lens (IOL) implanted in the bag. In 10 eyes (13.5%) posterior capsule rupture occurred, in 4 of them converted to ECCE, IOL implanted in four eyes. In other 6 eyes, phacoemulsification completed un­derlay viscoelastic. In group 2, no complication occured in 42 eyes and IOL implanted in the bag. In 10 patients (13.5%) zonular dialysis occurred, in 4 of them IOL im­planted in the bag and in 6 of them converted to ICCE and IOL implanted in anterior chamber. Posterior capsule rup­ture occurred in 20 eyes (27.0%), all of them converted to ECCE and IOL was implanted. In 2 eyes capsullorrhexis occurred and converted to ECCE, IOL was implanted in sulcus. Conclusion: In patients with pseudoexfoliation, CTR im­plantation in phacoemulsification simplified the surgery, increased the rate of IOL implanted in the bag and pre­vented complications like IOL desantralization after sur­gery.


  • Linebarger EJ, Hardten DR, Shah GK, Lindstrom LR. Pha- coemulsification and modern cataract surgery. Surv Oph- thalmol 1999;44:123-147.
  • Kelman CD. The history and development of phacoemulsifi- cation. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1994;34:1-12.
  • Fine IH, Hoffman RS: Phacoemulsification in the presence of pseudoexfoliation: challenges and options. J Cataract Re- fract Surgery 1997;23:160-165.
  • Skuta LG, Parrish KR. Zonular dialysis during extracapsu- lar cataract extraction in pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol 1987;105:1318-1319.
  • Hara T, Hara T, Yamada Y: ”Equator ring” for maintenance of the completely circular contour of the capsular bag equator after cataract removal. Ophthalmic Surg 1991;22:358-359.
  • Hara T, Hara T, Sakanishi K, Yamada Y: Efficacy of equa- tor rings in an experimental rabbit study. Arch Ophthalmol 1995;113:1060-1065.
  • Cionni RJ, Osher RH: Management of profound zonular di- alysis or weakness with a new endocapsular ring designed for scleral fixation. J Cataract Refract Surg 1998;24:1299- 1306.
  • Legler UFC, Witschel BM: The capsular ring: a new device for complicated cataract surgery. German J ophthalmol 1994;20:417-420.
  • Menapace R, Findl O, Georgopoulos M, Rainer G, Vass C; Schmettere K. The capsular ring: Designs; applications and techniques. J Cataract Surg 2000;26:898-912 .
  • Cionni RJ, Osher RH, Marques DM, Marques FF, Synder ME, Shapiro S. Modified capsular tension ring for patients with congenital loss of zonular support. J Cataract Surg 2003;29:1668-1673.
  • Gimbel HV, Sun R, Heston JP; Management of zonular dialysis in phacoemulsification and IOL implantation us- ing the capsular tension ring. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 1997;28:273-281.
  • Freyler H, Radax U. pseudoexfoliation syndrome –a risk factor in modern cataract surgery? Klin Monatsbl Augen- heilkd 1994;205:275-279.
  • Schlötzer SU, Naumann OG. A histopatholologic study of zonular instability in pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol 1994;118:730-733.
  • Wirbelauer C, Anders N, Pham DT, Wollensek J, Corneal endothelial cell changes in pseudoexfoliation syndrome af- ter cataract surgery. Arch Ophthalmol 1998;116:145-149.
  • Bayraktar S, Atlan T, Küçüksümer Y, Yılmaz ÖF. Capsular tension ring implantation after capsulorhexis in phacoemül- sification of cataracts associated with pseudoexfoliation syndrome: intraoperative complications and early postoper- ative findings. J Cataract Refract Surg 2001;27:1620-1628.
  • Fine IH. Cortical cleaving hydrodissection. J Cataract Re- fract Surg 1992;18:508-512.
  • Yüksel N, Karabaş VL, Arslan A, Demirci A, ÇağlarY. Ocu- lar hemodynamics in pseudoexfoliation syndrome and pseu- doexfoliation glaucoma. Ophthalmology 2001;108:1043- 1049.
  • Puska P, Tarkanken A. Exfoliation Syndrome as a risk fac- tor for cataract development: five-year follow-up of lens opacities in exfoliation syndrome. J Cataract Refract Surg 2001;27:1992-1998.
  • Ritch R, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U. Exfoliation syndrome. Surv Ophthalmol. 2001;45:265-315.
  • Lumme P, Laatikainen L. Exfoliation syndrome and cata- ract extraction. Am J Ophthalmol 1993;116:51-55.
  • Scorolli L, Campo EC, Bassien L, Meduri RA. Pseudo- exfoliation syndrome: a cohort study on intraoperative complications in cataract surgery. Ophthalmologica 1998; 212:278-280.
  • Guzek JP, Holm M, Cotter JB, et al. Risk factors for intraop- erative complications: 1000 extracapsular cases. Ophthal- mology 1987;94:461-466.
  • Ermiş SS, İnan ÜÜ, Öztürk F: The Effect of Pseudoexfolia- tion syndrome in phacoemulsification cataract surgery and small anterior chamber depth as a risk factor. MN Oftal- moloji Dergisi 2002;4:319-323.
  • Aslan BS, Altıparmak UE, Duman S. Psödoeksfolyatif sendromlu gözlerde fakoemülsifikasyon sırasında kapsül germe halkası uygulanımının cerrahi komplikasyonlara et- kisi. Türk Oftalmoloji Gazetesi 2003;33:596-599.
  • Köz ÖG, Yarangümeli A, Akyol S, Kural G. Kapsül germe halkası ile fakoemülsifikasyon cerrahisi uygulanan psödo- eksfolyasyonlu olgularda glokom ve postoperatif sonuçla- rın ilişkisi. MN Oftalmoloji Dergisi 2004;11:114-117.
  • Fries UK, Ohrloff. C. Ultrasound biomicroscopy image of the capsula supporting ring in pseudophakia. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 1996;209:211-214.
  • Drolsum L, Haaskjold E, Sandvig K. Phacoemulsification in eyes with pseudoexfoliation J Cataract Refract Surg 1998;24:787-792.

Psödoeksfoliasyonlu katarakt hastalarında kapsül germe halkası uygulanması

Year 2010, Volume: 37 Issue: 1, 35 - 41, 01.03.2010


Amaç: Psödoeksfolyasyonlu katarakt olgularında, fako­emülsifikasyon sırasında kapsül germe halkası (KGH) implantasyonunun, zonül zayıflığı ve artmış kapsül fraji­litesine bağlı gelişebilecek komplikasyonları önlemedeki başarısını değerlendirmek. Gereç ve Yöntem: Fakoemülsifikasyon cerrahisi yapılan psödoeksfolyasyonlu 148 hastanın 148 gözü çalışmaya alındı. Grup 1\'deki (çalışma grubu) 74 göze hidrodissek­siyonu takiben KGH uygulandı, kontrol grubundaki (Grup 2) 74 göze ise KGH uygulanmadı. Tüm olgularda ame­liyat sırasında gelişen zonül diyalizi, arka kapsül rüptü­rü, ekstrakapsüler katarakt ekstraksiyonu (EKKE) ya da intrakapsüler katarakt ekstraksiyonu (İKKE)\'ye dönme, vitreus kaybı gibi intraoperatif komplikasyonlarla, erken postoperatif komplikasyonlar kaydedilerek, sonuçların gruplar arası karşılaştırılması yapıldı. Bulgular: Grup 1\'de 74 gözün 64\'ünde (%86.5) kompli­kasyon gelişmedi ve kapsül içi göz içi lens (GİL) kondu, 10 gözde (%13.5) arka kapsül perfore oldu, bunların 4\'ünde EKKE\'ye geçilerek 2\'sine sulkus lensi, 2\'sine ön kamara lensi kondu. Diğer 6 gözde (%8.1) ise; fakoemülsifikasyon tamamlanarak 4 GİL sulkusa, 2 GİL ön kameraya kondu. Grup 2\'de ise 74 gözün 42\'sinde (%56.8) komplikasyon gelişmedi ve hepsine kapsül içi GİL kondu, 10 hastada (%13.5) zonül diyalizi oldu, bunların 4\'ünde hafif diyaliz vardı ve fakoemülsifikasyon tamamlanarak kapsül içi GİL kondu, 6 gözde ileri derecede zonül diyalizi görüldü ve hepsinde İKKE\'ye geçilerek, ön kamara GİL kondu. Yirmi gözde (%27) arka kapsül perforasyonu gelişti, hepsinde EKKE\'ye geçildi, EKKE\'ye geçilen 14 gözde (%18.9) sul­kusa, 6 gözde ön kameraya GİL implantasyonu yapıldı, 2 gözde kapsüloreksis perifere kaçtığı için EKKE\'ye geçildi ve GİL kondu. Sonuç: Psödoeksfolyasyonlu hastalarda katarakt cerra­hisinde KGH kullanımının; zonül hasarını engelleyip fako­emülsifikasyonu kolaylaştırdığı, kapsül içi GİL implantas­yonu oranını arttırdığı, cerrahi sonrası GİL desantralizas­yonu oluşumunu önemli ölçüde engellediği görüldü.


  • Linebarger EJ, Hardten DR, Shah GK, Lindstrom LR. Pha- coemulsification and modern cataract surgery. Surv Oph- thalmol 1999;44:123-147.
  • Kelman CD. The history and development of phacoemulsifi- cation. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1994;34:1-12.
  • Fine IH, Hoffman RS: Phacoemulsification in the presence of pseudoexfoliation: challenges and options. J Cataract Re- fract Surgery 1997;23:160-165.
  • Skuta LG, Parrish KR. Zonular dialysis during extracapsu- lar cataract extraction in pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol 1987;105:1318-1319.
  • Hara T, Hara T, Yamada Y: ”Equator ring” for maintenance of the completely circular contour of the capsular bag equator after cataract removal. Ophthalmic Surg 1991;22:358-359.
  • Hara T, Hara T, Sakanishi K, Yamada Y: Efficacy of equa- tor rings in an experimental rabbit study. Arch Ophthalmol 1995;113:1060-1065.
  • Cionni RJ, Osher RH: Management of profound zonular di- alysis or weakness with a new endocapsular ring designed for scleral fixation. J Cataract Refract Surg 1998;24:1299- 1306.
  • Legler UFC, Witschel BM: The capsular ring: a new device for complicated cataract surgery. German J ophthalmol 1994;20:417-420.
  • Menapace R, Findl O, Georgopoulos M, Rainer G, Vass C; Schmettere K. The capsular ring: Designs; applications and techniques. J Cataract Surg 2000;26:898-912 .
  • Cionni RJ, Osher RH, Marques DM, Marques FF, Synder ME, Shapiro S. Modified capsular tension ring for patients with congenital loss of zonular support. J Cataract Surg 2003;29:1668-1673.
  • Gimbel HV, Sun R, Heston JP; Management of zonular dialysis in phacoemulsification and IOL implantation us- ing the capsular tension ring. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 1997;28:273-281.
  • Freyler H, Radax U. pseudoexfoliation syndrome –a risk factor in modern cataract surgery? Klin Monatsbl Augen- heilkd 1994;205:275-279.
  • Schlötzer SU, Naumann OG. A histopatholologic study of zonular instability in pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Am J Ophthalmol 1994;118:730-733.
  • Wirbelauer C, Anders N, Pham DT, Wollensek J, Corneal endothelial cell changes in pseudoexfoliation syndrome af- ter cataract surgery. Arch Ophthalmol 1998;116:145-149.
  • Bayraktar S, Atlan T, Küçüksümer Y, Yılmaz ÖF. Capsular tension ring implantation after capsulorhexis in phacoemül- sification of cataracts associated with pseudoexfoliation syndrome: intraoperative complications and early postoper- ative findings. J Cataract Refract Surg 2001;27:1620-1628.
  • Fine IH. Cortical cleaving hydrodissection. J Cataract Re- fract Surg 1992;18:508-512.
  • Yüksel N, Karabaş VL, Arslan A, Demirci A, ÇağlarY. Ocu- lar hemodynamics in pseudoexfoliation syndrome and pseu- doexfoliation glaucoma. Ophthalmology 2001;108:1043- 1049.
  • Puska P, Tarkanken A. Exfoliation Syndrome as a risk fac- tor for cataract development: five-year follow-up of lens opacities in exfoliation syndrome. J Cataract Refract Surg 2001;27:1992-1998.
  • Ritch R, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U. Exfoliation syndrome. Surv Ophthalmol. 2001;45:265-315.
  • Lumme P, Laatikainen L. Exfoliation syndrome and cata- ract extraction. Am J Ophthalmol 1993;116:51-55.
  • Scorolli L, Campo EC, Bassien L, Meduri RA. Pseudo- exfoliation syndrome: a cohort study on intraoperative complications in cataract surgery. Ophthalmologica 1998; 212:278-280.
  • Guzek JP, Holm M, Cotter JB, et al. Risk factors for intraop- erative complications: 1000 extracapsular cases. Ophthal- mology 1987;94:461-466.
  • Ermiş SS, İnan ÜÜ, Öztürk F: The Effect of Pseudoexfolia- tion syndrome in phacoemulsification cataract surgery and small anterior chamber depth as a risk factor. MN Oftal- moloji Dergisi 2002;4:319-323.
  • Aslan BS, Altıparmak UE, Duman S. Psödoeksfolyatif sendromlu gözlerde fakoemülsifikasyon sırasında kapsül germe halkası uygulanımının cerrahi komplikasyonlara et- kisi. Türk Oftalmoloji Gazetesi 2003;33:596-599.
  • Köz ÖG, Yarangümeli A, Akyol S, Kural G. Kapsül germe halkası ile fakoemülsifikasyon cerrahisi uygulanan psödo- eksfolyasyonlu olgularda glokom ve postoperatif sonuçla- rın ilişkisi. MN Oftalmoloji Dergisi 2004;11:114-117.
  • Fries UK, Ohrloff. C. Ultrasound biomicroscopy image of the capsula supporting ring in pseudophakia. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 1996;209:211-214.
  • Drolsum L, Haaskjold E, Sandvig K. Phacoemulsification in eyes with pseudoexfoliation J Cataract Refract Surg 1998;24:787-792.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Banu Torun Acar This is me

Suphi Acar This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2010
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 37 Issue: 1


APA Acar, B. T., & Acar, S. (2010). Psödoeksfoliasyonlu katarakt hastalarında kapsül germe halkası uygulanması. Dicle Medical Journal, 37(1), 35-41.
AMA Acar BT, Acar S. Psödoeksfoliasyonlu katarakt hastalarında kapsül germe halkası uygulanması. diclemedj. March 2010;37(1):35-41.
Chicago Acar, Banu Torun, and Suphi Acar. “Psödoeksfoliasyonlu Katarakt hastalarında kapsül Germe Halkası Uygulanması”. Dicle Medical Journal 37, no. 1 (March 2010): 35-41.
EndNote Acar BT, Acar S (March 1, 2010) Psödoeksfoliasyonlu katarakt hastalarında kapsül germe halkası uygulanması. Dicle Medical Journal 37 1 35–41.
IEEE B. T. Acar and S. Acar, “Psödoeksfoliasyonlu katarakt hastalarında kapsül germe halkası uygulanması”, diclemedj, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 35–41, 2010.
ISNAD Acar, Banu Torun - Acar, Suphi. “Psödoeksfoliasyonlu Katarakt hastalarında kapsül Germe Halkası Uygulanması”. Dicle Medical Journal 37/1 (March 2010), 35-41.
JAMA Acar BT, Acar S. Psödoeksfoliasyonlu katarakt hastalarında kapsül germe halkası uygulanması. diclemedj. 2010;37:35–41.
MLA Acar, Banu Torun and Suphi Acar. “Psödoeksfoliasyonlu Katarakt hastalarında kapsül Germe Halkası Uygulanması”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 37, no. 1, 2010, pp. 35-41.
Vancouver Acar BT, Acar S. Psödoeksfoliasyonlu katarakt hastalarında kapsül germe halkası uygulanması. diclemedj. 2010;37(1):35-41.