Writing Rules

1. At the beginning of the article, there should be a Turkish Abstract and an English Abstract consisting of at least 400 and maximum 500 words in a single paragraph summarizing the examined subject in a short and understandable way. In the Self/Abstract section; the basic methodological framework of the research such as subject, scope, importance, purpose and method should be stated; The results that reached and the resources which utilized should not be mentioned.

2. Journal of Religion and Science requires the use of ISNAD Citation Style in citation and bibliography.


3.  The content of the article should not exceed 10,000 words.

4. The text font should be Palatino Linotype and its size should be 10 pt and footnotes 8 pt.

5. The articles include Turkish and English titles and abstract (minimum 400 words, maximum 500 words), keywords (at least 5 concepts, should be listed from general to specific and the first word should be the name of the relevant department) and bibliography prepared in ISNAD style.

6. The titles should be in accordance with the academic style, as short as possible and reflect the subject.

7. The editor, reserves the right to make minor changes related to spelling of articles etc.. In terms of spelling and punctuation, the Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as a basis, except for special cases necessitated by the article or subject.

8. The author should be consistent in using diacritical letters and words with transcripts.

9. The sources, including articles written in Arabic, should be written with Latin alphabet and care should be taken regarding its compliance, accuracy and accessibility to ISNAD.

10. In Arabic articles should be written Turkish and English abstract.

11. Traditional Arabic writing style should be used for articles that written in Arabic and for Arabic quotations in articles written in Turkish or English.

12. In the author's information should be included the author's title, institution (University, Faculty and Department), city, e-mail address and ORCID number

Contact: dinbil@alparslan.edu.tr

Religion and Science-Muş Alparslan University Faculty of Islamic Sciences Journal is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).