Writing Rules

1. SAMPLE ARTICLE TEMPLATE can be used in the articles submitted to the journal. The article template is available at hear. You can click here for the Copyright Transfer Form, which should be sent with the article. The plagiarism report must be sent by the author along with the article.
2. Title, Name, Surname, Institution Information, Contact Information, ORCID, Turkish and English Title should all be entered by the author on the title page at the start of the Sample Article Template.
3. Scientific articles and their annexes (photos, figures, tables, etc.) must be written in Microsoft Word 2010 or an above program. Cambria Font, 11 points, 1.5 line spacing (Abstract and Keywords, 9 points 1 line gap) must be applied. When used different fonts, supporting fonts should be added.
4. Page settings of the text should be 2.5 cm at the top, 2.5 cm to the left, right, and bottom; 6 nk between paragraphs and 1.5 cm for line spacing.
5. The Turkish title of the article should be on the first page in the middle, at the top, bold and in a size 11 font. Just below it, there should be a bold, center-aligned English title.
6. Headings and paragraph headings in the article should begin with a 1.25 cm indent.
7. The article's headings and subheadings should be written in bold, with the initial letter of each word capitalized.
8. The entire text should be justified, with the exception of the article title.
9. In the bibliography, the second line should begin 1.25 cm in from the first line.
10. Footnotes should be justified, in Cambria font, with single line spacing, and 8 points.
11. Studies should be uploaded to the journal's website at the following address https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/dinveinsan
12. A 250-word Abstract in Turkish and foreign languages, together with a maximum of five Keywords, should appear at the start of the study.
• The relevant editor can make the necessary spelling corrections himself. He has the option to correct the summary written in a foreign language if he so chooses.
• The publication ethics of the journal are outlined under the heading "Ethical Guidelines":
• Following the initial review by the technical editorial board, each article submitted to our journal is sent to two separate reviewers who are not members of the editorial board. The editorial board reevaluates the article following the referees' good feedback, and after the required copyright and ethical paperwork are received, the article is sent to the editing and layout stage for publishing. It is placed in the order of publishing after the necessary preparations.
• Every article submitted to our journal is evaluated by a program that detects plagiarism. Articles that fall below the minimal standards will not be reviewed. Programs such as intihal.net, iThenticate and Turnitin are used for plagiarism detection. Through these techniques, it is confirmed that the articles have not been published anywhere before and are plagiarism-free. Nonetheless, the author is entirely responsible for any plagiarism and related issues.
• The opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal are those of the authors. All legal responsibility of the articles belongs to the authors.
• No royalties are paid for published articles. The published article cannot be withdrawn.
• Papers sent to the journal should not exceed 20 pages. The authors are expected to publish no more than one article in the same issue.
• Papers should be submitted via electronically. The deadline for the June Issue is 15 April and 15 October for the December Issue.
• The studies should be organized in the following order:


Turkish Abstract



• Footnotes in articles should be given in the text (APA-7) and prepared in accordance with the requirements for references in academic articles (see, Reference style).
• The American Psychological Association (APA-7) style had to used in the citation system and bibliography of the articles sent to the journal. For detailed information, the page https://apastyle.apa.org/ should be examined.

Last Update Time: 3/21/24, 9:51:26 AM

Journal of Religion and Human 
It is an international scientific and peer-reviewed journal that has been operating since 2021 within the Faculty of Divinity of Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University.
It is published twice a year (June-December).