Research Article
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Year 2024, , 249 - 271, 02.07.2024


Today, there is a paradigm shift from traditional competitiveness to green competitiveness. This change forces organizations to change their strategies. Organizations that leave the traditional understanding start to develop green strategies. Businesses that establish environmental strategies which their competitors are unable to replicate can gain a sustainable competitive advantage and ultimately profit in the long term. Thus, organizations gain competitive advantage through green intellectual capital. The main purpose of this study is to conduct a content analysis of the green intellectual capital elements of the enterprises in the BIST Sustainability 25 Index. The companies included in this index are those with high overall sustainability scores and transparently disclose information on their social, environmental and managerial performance to the public. Another objective of the study is to create a conceptual framework for the concept of green intellectual capital and to systematically analyze the studies on the concept in the literature. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the enterprises in the index disclose their activities related to green structural capital and green relational capital, which are green intellectual capital dimensions, more than green human capital.


  • Abrudan, D. B., Rafi, N., Daianu, D. C., & Kalyar, M. N. (2022). Linking green intellectual capital with green innovation: Examining the roles of green dynamic capabilities and motivation to achieve legitimacy. Agricultural Economics, 68(7), 250-258.
  • Ahmed, A., Bhatti, S.H., Golgeci, I. & Arslan, A. (2022). Digital platform capability and organizational agility of emerging market manufacturing SMEs: The mediating role of intellectual capital and the moderating role of environmental dynamism. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77, 1-13.
  • Ahmed, N. U., Montagno, R. V, & Firenze, R. J. (1998). Organizational performance and environmental consciousness: An empirical study. Management Decision, 36(2), 57–62.
  • Albejaidi, F. (2022). Empirical evidence on influence of green intellectual capital upon environmental performance of educational institutions and health organizations. Gomal University Journal of Research, 38(1), 1-10.
  • Ali, M., Puah, C. H., Ali, A., Raza, S. A., & Ayob, N. (2022). Green intellectual capital, green HRM and green social identity toward sustainable environment: a new integrated framework for Islamic banks. International Journal of Manpower, 43(3), 614-638.
  • Ali, W., Wen, J., Hussain, H., Khan, N.A., Younas, M.W., & Jamil, I. (2021). Does green intellectual capital matter for green innovation adoption? Evidence from the manufacturing SMEs of Pakistan. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 22(5), 868-888.
  • Allameh, S. M. (2018). Antecedents and consequences of intellectual capital the role of social capital, knowledge sharing. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 19(5), 858–874.
  • Alt, E., Díez-de-Castro, E. P., & Lloréns-Montes, F. J. (2015). Linking employee stakeholders to environmental performance: the role of proactive environmental strategies and shared vision. Journal of Business Ethics, 128, 167-181.
  • Asiaei, K., Jusoh, R., Barani, O., & Asiaei, A. (2022a). How does green intellectual capital boost performance? The mediating role of environmental performance measurement systems. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(4), 1587-1606.
  • Asiaei, K., Bontis, N., Alizadeh, R., & Yaghoubi, M. (2022b). Green intellectual capital and environmental management accounting: Natural resource orchestration in favor of environmental performance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(1), 76-93.
  • Astuti, P., & Datrini, L. (2021). Green competitive advantage: Examining the role of environmental consciousness and green intellectual capital. Management Science Letters, 11(4), 1141-1152.
  • Begum, S., Ashfaq, M., Asiaei, K., & Shahzad, K. (2023). Green intellectual capital and green business strategy: The role of green absorptive capacity. Business Strategy and the Environment.1-17.
  • Berry, M. A., & Rondinelli, D. A. (1998). Proactive corporate management: Environmental new industrial revolution. Academy of Management, 12(2), 38–50.
  • Bombiak, E. (2022). Green intellectual capital as a support for corporate environmental development—Polish company experience. Energies, 15(9), 3004.
  • Bontis, N. (1999). Managing organizational knowledge by diagnosing intellectual capital. International Journal of Technology Management, 18(5–8), 433–462.
  • Bontis, N. (2001). Assessing knowledge assets: a review of the models used to measure intellectual capital. International Journal of Management Reviews, 3(1), 41-60.
  • Can Saglam, Y. (2023). Does green intellectual capital matter for reverse logistics competency? The role of regulatory measures. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 1-21.
  • Can Saglam, Y., Yildiz Çankaya, S. & Sezen, B. (2021). Proactive risk mitigation strategies and supply chain risk management performance: An empirical analysis for manufacturing firms in Turkey. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 32(6), 1224-1244.
  • Capello, R. & Faggian, A. (2005). Collective learning and relational capital in local innovation processes, Regional Studies, 39(1), 75–87.
  • Capello, R. (2002). Spatial and sectoral characteristics of relational capital in innovation activity. European Planning Studies, 10(2), 177–200.
  • Chang, C. H., & Chen, Y. S. (2012). The determinants of green intellectual capital. Management Decision, 50(1), 74–94.
  • Chaudhry, N., Bilal, A., Awan, M., & Bashir, A. (2016). The role of environmental consciousness, green intellectual capital management and competitive advantage on financial performance of the firms: An evidence from manufacturing sector of Pakistan. Journal of Quality and Technology Management, 12(2), 51–70.
  • Chen, Y. S. (2008). The positive effect of green intellectual capital on competitive advantages of firms. Journal of business ethics, 77, 271-286.
  • Chen, Y. S., & Chang, C. H. (2013). Enhance environmental commitments and green intangible assets toward green competitive advantages: An analysis of structural equation modeling (SEM). Quality & Quantity, 47(1), 529–543.
  • Chukwuka, L., Okegbe, T.O., Amahalu, N.N., & Obi, J.C. (2022). Firm characteristics and corporate reserve of quoted oil and gas firms in Nigeria. International Journal of Research. 9(1), 299-309.
  • Curado, C., & Bontis, N. (2006). The knowledge-based view of the firm and its theoretical precursor. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 3(4), 367-381.
  • Dameri, R. P., & Ricciardi, F. (2015). Smart city intellectual capital: An emerging view of territorial systems innovation management. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 16(4), 860–887.
  • Dang, V.T., & Wang, J. (2022). Building competitive advantage for hospitality companies: The roles of green innovation strategic orientation and green intellectual capital. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102, 103161.
  • Delgado-Verde, M., Amores-Salvadó, J., Martín-de Castro, G., & Navas-López, J. E. (2014). Green intellectual capital and environmental product innovation: The mediating role of green social capital. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 12(3), 261-275.
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  • Ghosh, A., & Haque, S. (2023). Can the components of green intellectual capital influence employee green behavior? An empirical analysis on Indian energy sector using the partial least squares method. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 24(3), 632-652.
  • Haldorai, K., Kim, W. G., & Garcia, R. F. (2022). Top management green commitment and green intellectual capital as enablers of hotel environmental performance: the mediating role of green human resource management. Tourism Management, 88, 1-11.
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Year 2024, , 249 - 271, 02.07.2024


Günümüzde, geleneksel rekabet edebilirlikten yeşil rekabet edebilirliğe doğru bir paradigma değişimi yaşanmaktadır. Bu değişim, örgütleri stratejilerinde değişiklik yapmaya zorlamaktadır. Geleneksel anlayıştan çıkan örgütler yeşil stratejiler geliştirmeye başlamaktadır. Yeşil rekabet avantajını elde eden örgütler rakiplerine karşı taklit edilemeyecek çevre stratejileri geliştirerek sürdürülebilir fayda elde etmektedir. Böylelikle, örgütler rekabet avantajını yeşil entelektüel sermaye yoluyla elde etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı; BİST Sürdürülebilirlik 25 Endeksinde yer alan işletmelerin yeşil entelektüel sermaye unsurlarına yönelik bir içerik analizi yapmaktır. Bu endekste yer alan işletmeler, genel sürdürülebilirlik notu yüksek olan ve sosyal, çevresel ve yönetsel performanslarına ilişkin bilgileri şeffaf bir şekilde kamuoyuyla paylaşmaktadırlar. Çalışmanın bir diğer amacı ise yeşil entelektüel sermaye kavramına ilişkin kavramsal bir çerçeve oluşturmak ve literatürde kavram ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaları sistematik olarak analiz etmektir. Çalışmada ulaşılan sonuçlara göre; endekste yer alan işletmelerin yeşil entelektüel sermaye boyutlarından yeşil yapısal sermaye ve yeşil ilişkisel sermayeye ilişkin faaliyetlerini, yeşil beşerî sermayeye göre daha çok açıkladıkları sonucuna ulaşılmaktadır.


  • Abrudan, D. B., Rafi, N., Daianu, D. C., & Kalyar, M. N. (2022). Linking green intellectual capital with green innovation: Examining the roles of green dynamic capabilities and motivation to achieve legitimacy. Agricultural Economics, 68(7), 250-258.
  • Ahmed, A., Bhatti, S.H., Golgeci, I. & Arslan, A. (2022). Digital platform capability and organizational agility of emerging market manufacturing SMEs: The mediating role of intellectual capital and the moderating role of environmental dynamism. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77, 1-13.
  • Ahmed, N. U., Montagno, R. V, & Firenze, R. J. (1998). Organizational performance and environmental consciousness: An empirical study. Management Decision, 36(2), 57–62.
  • Albejaidi, F. (2022). Empirical evidence on influence of green intellectual capital upon environmental performance of educational institutions and health organizations. Gomal University Journal of Research, 38(1), 1-10.
  • Ali, M., Puah, C. H., Ali, A., Raza, S. A., & Ayob, N. (2022). Green intellectual capital, green HRM and green social identity toward sustainable environment: a new integrated framework for Islamic banks. International Journal of Manpower, 43(3), 614-638.
  • Ali, W., Wen, J., Hussain, H., Khan, N.A., Younas, M.W., & Jamil, I. (2021). Does green intellectual capital matter for green innovation adoption? Evidence from the manufacturing SMEs of Pakistan. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 22(5), 868-888.
  • Allameh, S. M. (2018). Antecedents and consequences of intellectual capital the role of social capital, knowledge sharing. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 19(5), 858–874.
  • Alt, E., Díez-de-Castro, E. P., & Lloréns-Montes, F. J. (2015). Linking employee stakeholders to environmental performance: the role of proactive environmental strategies and shared vision. Journal of Business Ethics, 128, 167-181.
  • Asiaei, K., Jusoh, R., Barani, O., & Asiaei, A. (2022a). How does green intellectual capital boost performance? The mediating role of environmental performance measurement systems. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(4), 1587-1606.
  • Asiaei, K., Bontis, N., Alizadeh, R., & Yaghoubi, M. (2022b). Green intellectual capital and environmental management accounting: Natural resource orchestration in favor of environmental performance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 31(1), 76-93.
  • Astuti, P., & Datrini, L. (2021). Green competitive advantage: Examining the role of environmental consciousness and green intellectual capital. Management Science Letters, 11(4), 1141-1152.
  • Begum, S., Ashfaq, M., Asiaei, K., & Shahzad, K. (2023). Green intellectual capital and green business strategy: The role of green absorptive capacity. Business Strategy and the Environment.1-17.
  • Berry, M. A., & Rondinelli, D. A. (1998). Proactive corporate management: Environmental new industrial revolution. Academy of Management, 12(2), 38–50.
  • Bombiak, E. (2022). Green intellectual capital as a support for corporate environmental development—Polish company experience. Energies, 15(9), 3004.
  • Bontis, N. (1999). Managing organizational knowledge by diagnosing intellectual capital. International Journal of Technology Management, 18(5–8), 433–462.
  • Bontis, N. (2001). Assessing knowledge assets: a review of the models used to measure intellectual capital. International Journal of Management Reviews, 3(1), 41-60.
  • Can Saglam, Y. (2023). Does green intellectual capital matter for reverse logistics competency? The role of regulatory measures. Journal of Intellectual Capital. 1-21.
  • Can Saglam, Y., Yildiz Çankaya, S. & Sezen, B. (2021). Proactive risk mitigation strategies and supply chain risk management performance: An empirical analysis for manufacturing firms in Turkey. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 32(6), 1224-1244.
  • Capello, R. & Faggian, A. (2005). Collective learning and relational capital in local innovation processes, Regional Studies, 39(1), 75–87.
  • Capello, R. (2002). Spatial and sectoral characteristics of relational capital in innovation activity. European Planning Studies, 10(2), 177–200.
  • Chang, C. H., & Chen, Y. S. (2012). The determinants of green intellectual capital. Management Decision, 50(1), 74–94.
  • Chaudhry, N., Bilal, A., Awan, M., & Bashir, A. (2016). The role of environmental consciousness, green intellectual capital management and competitive advantage on financial performance of the firms: An evidence from manufacturing sector of Pakistan. Journal of Quality and Technology Management, 12(2), 51–70.
  • Chen, Y. S. (2008). The positive effect of green intellectual capital on competitive advantages of firms. Journal of business ethics, 77, 271-286.
  • Chen, Y. S., & Chang, C. H. (2013). Enhance environmental commitments and green intangible assets toward green competitive advantages: An analysis of structural equation modeling (SEM). Quality & Quantity, 47(1), 529–543.
  • Chukwuka, L., Okegbe, T.O., Amahalu, N.N., & Obi, J.C. (2022). Firm characteristics and corporate reserve of quoted oil and gas firms in Nigeria. International Journal of Research. 9(1), 299-309.
  • Curado, C., & Bontis, N. (2006). The knowledge-based view of the firm and its theoretical precursor. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 3(4), 367-381.
  • Dameri, R. P., & Ricciardi, F. (2015). Smart city intellectual capital: An emerging view of territorial systems innovation management. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 16(4), 860–887.
  • Dang, V.T., & Wang, J. (2022). Building competitive advantage for hospitality companies: The roles of green innovation strategic orientation and green intellectual capital. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102, 103161.
  • Delgado-Verde, M., Amores-Salvadó, J., Martín-de Castro, G., & Navas-López, J. E. (2014). Green intellectual capital and environmental product innovation: The mediating role of green social capital. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 12(3), 261-275.
  • Dewi, R.R; Murwaningsari, E; Mayangsari, S. (2021). Green intellectual capital on value relevance in Indonesia’s manufacturing companies, Accounting Finance Review, 6(3), 120 – 136.
  • Dzinkowski, R. (2000). The value of intellectual capital. The Journal of Business Strategy, 2(4), 3–4.
  • Elias, J., & Scarbrough, H. (2004). Evaluating human capital: An exploratory study of management practice. Human resource management journal, 14(4), 21-40.
  • Galunic, D. C., & Rodan, S. (1998). Resource combinations in the firm: Knowledge structures and the potential for Schumpeterian innovation. Strategic Management Journal, 19, 1193–1201.
  • Gharib, M., Alam, M. S., Hawaldar, I. T., Murshed, M., Khan, U., Alvarado, R., & Rehman, I. U. (2023). Roles of green intellectual capital facets on environmental sustainability in Oman. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 36(3), 1-19.
  • Ghosh, A., & Haque, S. (2023). Can the components of green intellectual capital influence employee green behavior? An empirical analysis on Indian energy sector using the partial least squares method. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 24(3), 632-652.
  • Haldorai, K., Kim, W. G., & Garcia, R. F. (2022). Top management green commitment and green intellectual capital as enablers of hotel environmental performance: the mediating role of green human resource management. Tourism Management, 88, 1-11.
  • Hart, S. L. (1995). A natural-resource-based view of the firm. Academic Management Review, 20, 986–1014.
  • Hart, S. L., & Dowell, G. (2011). A natural-resource-based view of the firm: Fifteen years after. Journal of Management, 37(5), 1464–1479.
  • Huang, C. & Kung, F. (2011). Environmental consciousness and intellectual capital management: Evidence from Taiwan’s manufacturing industry. Management Decision, 49(9), 1405-1425.
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There are 87 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Finance
Journal Section Research Article

Şükran Sırkıntıoğlu Yıldırım 0000-0002-3578-4074

Publication Date July 2, 2024
Submission Date October 18, 2023
Acceptance Date February 8, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024
