Yıl 2000,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 18 - 27, 01.01.2000
Nilüfer Gözaçan
Reza Zıaratı
This paper outlines the outcome of the pilot programme initiated by YÖK Yüksek Öğretim Kurulu - The Council of Higher Education adapting the British quality assurance system of higher education to Turkey. The details of the British system of quality assurance are presented. Special references are made to models used in Europe and in the United States of America.
- World Competitiveness Report (1997), International Institution o f Management (IMD), Switzerland.
- TUSIAD Raporu (1994) - Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Yükseköğretim, Bilim ve Teknoloji.
- GÖZAÇAN BO RAH AN, N , Z IA R A T I, R. (1997), Quality Assurance and Control Report, Doğuş University.
- The Feasibility o f Establishing a System o f Quality Assessment in Universities in Turkey (1998), Ankara: HEFC/YÖK (Turkish Higher Education Council) Publication.
- Graduate Standards Programme, Interim Report (1995) Executive Sum m ary, HEQC ISBN 1 858824 256 8.
- Quality Assessment between October 1996 and September 1998 (1998) HEFC Circular 26/95.
- ZIARATI, R. (1996), "An Overview of Current Education Development and Their Influence on Education and Training, Keynote Presentation", BTEC Conference, London, UK. [A section of the Paper on Quality Assurance and External Examination was forwarded by DFEE to selected universities and Government agencies for comments].
- HEQC Consultative Document (1995), The Future Development o f External Examiner System.
- IEE Report. (1998), Comparison o f Accreditation Practices in the USA and the UK.
- ZIARATI, R., SALT, J. (1992), "Developing a System for External Activities - A Competitive Edge", PICKUP National Conference fo r Higher Education, Nottingham University.
Yıl 2000,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 18 - 27, 01.01.2000
Nilüfer Gözaçan
Reza Zıaratı
Bu tez YÖK Yüksek Öğrenim Kurulu tarafından başlatılan Pilot Programın sonucunun anahatlarını vermektedir. Türkiye’deki Yüksek Öğrenim sisteminin İngiliz kalite garantisine adaptasyonunu içermektedir. İngiliz kalite garantisi sisteminin detayları sunulmuştur. Avrupa’da ve ABD’de kullanılan modellere özel referanslar verilmiştir
- World Competitiveness Report (1997), International Institution o f Management (IMD), Switzerland.
- TUSIAD Raporu (1994) - Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Yükseköğretim, Bilim ve Teknoloji.
- GÖZAÇAN BO RAH AN, N , Z IA R A T I, R. (1997), Quality Assurance and Control Report, Doğuş University.
- The Feasibility o f Establishing a System o f Quality Assessment in Universities in Turkey (1998), Ankara: HEFC/YÖK (Turkish Higher Education Council) Publication.
- Graduate Standards Programme, Interim Report (1995) Executive Sum m ary, HEQC ISBN 1 858824 256 8.
- Quality Assessment between October 1996 and September 1998 (1998) HEFC Circular 26/95.
- ZIARATI, R. (1996), "An Overview of Current Education Development and Their Influence on Education and Training, Keynote Presentation", BTEC Conference, London, UK. [A section of the Paper on Quality Assurance and External Examination was forwarded by DFEE to selected universities and Government agencies for comments].
- HEQC Consultative Document (1995), The Future Development o f External Examiner System.
- IEE Report. (1998), Comparison o f Accreditation Practices in the USA and the UK.
- ZIARATI, R., SALT, J. (1992), "Developing a System for External Activities - A Competitive Edge", PICKUP National Conference fo r Higher Education, Nottingham University.