Yıl 2001,
Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 1 - 12, 01.01.2001
A. Muhittin Albora
Osman Nuri Uçan
Bu makalede, gravite anomalilerinin ayrım problemi için DiscreteParameter Wavelet Transform DPWT 2-B Multi-Resolution Analizi MRA kullanıldı. Yüzeye yakın kürelerin ortalama derinliklerini bulmak için güç spekturum analizi kullanıldı. Yöntemin geçerliliğini test etmek için sentetik yapılar kullandık ve memnun edici neticeler bulduk. Gömülü cisimlerin ortalama derinliklerinin hesaplanması için güç spektumu kullanıldı
- ABDELRAHMAN, E.M., A.I., BAYOUMI, H.M. EL-ARABY. (1991), "A l e ast squares minimization approach to invert gravity data”, Geophysics, 56, 115-118
- AGARWAL, B.N.P., AND LAL, L.T. (1971), "Application of rational approximation in the ca lc u latio n of the second deriv ativ e of the g ravity field", Geophysics, 36, 571-581.
- A. SPECTOR AND F. S. GRANTI. (1970), "Statistical models for interpreting aeromagnetic data", Geophysics, 35, 293-302.
- BHATTACHARRYYA, B.K., AND NAVOLIO,M.E.(1976), "A Fast Fourier Transform method for rapid computation of gravity and magnetic anomalies due to arbitrary bodies",Geophysics, Prosp., 20, 633-649.
- CHAN Y.T. (1996), "Wavelet Basics",Kluwer Academic Publishers, USA.
- DAUBECHIES,I. (1990), "The Wavelet Transform, Time-Frequency Localization and Signal Analysis", IEEE Trans. On Information Theory, 36.
- E. ISING, (1925), "Zeitschrift Physik", 31, 253.
- GABOR, D. (1946), "Theory of Communications", J.IEEE, 93, 3, 429.
- GRIFFIN, W.P. (1989), "Residual gravity in theory and practice", Geophysics, 14, 39-56.
- GROSSMAN,A.,MORLET,J. (1985), " Mathematics and Physics", 2, L. Streit, Ed., World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
- MALLAT, S. (1989), "A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition the Wavelet Representation", IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. And Machine Intelligence, 31, 679-693.
- PALACKY, G.J.(1986), "Geological background to resistivity mapping, in, Ed., Palacky, G.J., Airborne resistivity mapping",G.S.C. Paper 86-22,19-27.
- PICK, M., PICHA,J., AND VYSKOCIL, V. (1973), "Theory of Earth’s gravity field", Academia
- R.S.PAWLOWSKI, AND R.O. HANSEN, (1990), "Gravity anomaly separatiin by Wiener filtering", Geophysics , 55, 539-548.
- RICHARD C. DOBES, ANIL JAIN, (1989), "Random field models in image analysis", Journal of Applied Statistics, 16, 131-162.
- SHU-KUN HSU, JEAN-CLAUDE S., AND CHUEN-TIEN S. (1996), "High resolution detection of geological boundaries from potential-field anom alies; An enhanced analytical signal technique", Geophysics, 61, 373-386.
- VACLAC B., JAN H., AND KARELS. (1992), "Linear filters for solving the direct problem of potential fields", Geophysics, 57, 1348-1351.
- WATSON, K., (1985), "Remote sensing: A geophysical perspective",Geophysics. 55, 843-850.
- YAOGUO LI., AND DOUGLES W. O. (1998), "Separation of regional and residual magnetic field data",Geophysics, 63, 431-439.
Yıl 2001,
Cilt: 2 Sayı: 1, 1 - 12, 01.01.2001
A. Muhittin Albora
Osman Nuri Uçan
In this paper, 2-D Multi-Resolution Analysis MRA is used to perform Discrete-Parameter Wavelet Transform DPWT and applied to gravity anomaly separation problem. The advantages of this method are that it introduces little distortion to the shape of the original image and that it is not effected significantly by factors such as the overlap power spectra of regional and residual fields. The proposed method is tested using a synthetic example and satisfactory results have been found. Then average depth of the buried objects have been estimated by power spectrum analysis.
- ABDELRAHMAN, E.M., A.I., BAYOUMI, H.M. EL-ARABY. (1991), "A l e ast squares minimization approach to invert gravity data”, Geophysics, 56, 115-118
- AGARWAL, B.N.P., AND LAL, L.T. (1971), "Application of rational approximation in the ca lc u latio n of the second deriv ativ e of the g ravity field", Geophysics, 36, 571-581.
- A. SPECTOR AND F. S. GRANTI. (1970), "Statistical models for interpreting aeromagnetic data", Geophysics, 35, 293-302.
- BHATTACHARRYYA, B.K., AND NAVOLIO,M.E.(1976), "A Fast Fourier Transform method for rapid computation of gravity and magnetic anomalies due to arbitrary bodies",Geophysics, Prosp., 20, 633-649.
- CHAN Y.T. (1996), "Wavelet Basics",Kluwer Academic Publishers, USA.
- DAUBECHIES,I. (1990), "The Wavelet Transform, Time-Frequency Localization and Signal Analysis", IEEE Trans. On Information Theory, 36.
- E. ISING, (1925), "Zeitschrift Physik", 31, 253.
- GABOR, D. (1946), "Theory of Communications", J.IEEE, 93, 3, 429.
- GRIFFIN, W.P. (1989), "Residual gravity in theory and practice", Geophysics, 14, 39-56.
- GROSSMAN,A.,MORLET,J. (1985), " Mathematics and Physics", 2, L. Streit, Ed., World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
- MALLAT, S. (1989), "A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition the Wavelet Representation", IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. And Machine Intelligence, 31, 679-693.
- PALACKY, G.J.(1986), "Geological background to resistivity mapping, in, Ed., Palacky, G.J., Airborne resistivity mapping",G.S.C. Paper 86-22,19-27.
- PICK, M., PICHA,J., AND VYSKOCIL, V. (1973), "Theory of Earth’s gravity field", Academia
- R.S.PAWLOWSKI, AND R.O. HANSEN, (1990), "Gravity anomaly separatiin by Wiener filtering", Geophysics , 55, 539-548.
- RICHARD C. DOBES, ANIL JAIN, (1989), "Random field models in image analysis", Journal of Applied Statistics, 16, 131-162.
- SHU-KUN HSU, JEAN-CLAUDE S., AND CHUEN-TIEN S. (1996), "High resolution detection of geological boundaries from potential-field anom alies; An enhanced analytical signal technique", Geophysics, 61, 373-386.
- VACLAC B., JAN H., AND KARELS. (1992), "Linear filters for solving the direct problem of potential fields", Geophysics, 57, 1348-1351.
- WATSON, K., (1985), "Remote sensing: A geophysical perspective",Geophysics. 55, 843-850.
- YAOGUO LI., AND DOUGLES W. O. (1998), "Separation of regional and residual magnetic field data",Geophysics, 63, 431-439.