Yıl 2004,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 1 - 16, 01.01.2004
Erol Eren
İrem Eren Erdoğmuş
Bu makalenin amacı veritabanlı pazarlamanın bilgi yönetimi aracı olarak kullanılıp kullanılamayaca ını ara tırmak ve Türk hazır giyim endüstrisindeki perakendecilikle ilgili uygulamaları ö renmektir. Bilgi teknolojilerini kullanan perakendeciler bazı verileri topladıktan sonra onları kendilerine yararlı enformasyonlara ve bigilere dönü türerek veritabanlı pazarlama sistemlerini kullanabilirler. Bu ara tırmada hazır giyim perakendecilerinin veritabanlı pazarlama sistemine sahip olup olmadıklarını ve sahiplerse bu sistemi nasıl kurup çalı tırdıkları incelenmektedir. Bilgi teknolojileri alanında çalışan işletmelerin bu araştırma konusu ve sonuçlarına ilgi gösterecekleri kuşkusuzdur
- BATRA, R, DEERE, R., RATNER, B. (1998) The new direct marketing : how to
implement a profit - driven database marketing strategy, 3rded., New York,
McGraw Hill.
- FLETCHER, M. (1995) Marketing management and information technology, 2nded.
New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
- GLAZER, R. (1991). Marketing in an information intensive environment : strategic
implications of knowledge as an asset. Journal of Marketing, 55, pp.1-19.
- HAAG, S. & KEEN, P. (1996) Information technology : tomorrow’s advantage
from today, New York, Mc Graw Hill.
- HANNA, N., GUY, K. & ARNOLD, E. (1995). World Bank discussion papers of
information technology experience of industrial countries and lessons for
developing ones. Washington, D.C.
- JACKSON, R. & WANG, P. (1994). Strategic database marketing. Illinois, NTC
Publishing Group.
- KOTLER, P. (1999). Principles of marketing. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
ORGANIZATION. (2000) [Internet] Avilable Form : <
/papers/secinter.html> [Accessed 21.10.2000]
- NONAKA, I. & TAKEUCHI, H. (1994). The theory of organizational knowledge
creation. Oxford, Oxford Press.
- PALMQUIST, J., KETOLA, T. (1999). Turning data into knowledge. Marketing
Research, 11, 29-34.
- PRUSAK, L. and DAVENPORT, T.H. (1998). Working knowledge : how
organizations manage what they know. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
RAPP, S. & COLLINS, T.L. (1987). Maximarketing. New York, McGraw Hill.
- ROWE, C.W. (1989). A review of direct marketing and how it can be applied to the
wine industry. European Journal of Marketing,. 23 (9), 5-14.
- SVEIBY, K.E. (1997). The new organizational wealth : managing and measuring
knowledge- based assets. San Francisco, Berret-Kohler Publishers.
- TZOKAS, N. & SAREN, M. (2000) [Internet] Transformation in relationship
marketing. Available from: <>
[Accessed 24.03.2000]
- WHEELEN, T.L. & HUNGER, J.D. (2000). Strategic management and business
policy. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
- WREDEN, N. (1999) From Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty. [Internet]
Available From <http : //
99/custcon.html> [Accessed 19.05.2003]
Yıl 2004,
Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 1 - 16, 01.01.2004
Erol Eren
İrem Eren Erdoğmuş
The aim of this article is to learn whether database marketing is used as a tool of knowledge management, and to investigate its applications among Turkish ready to wear retailers. The retailers who use knowledge technologies can collect and turn data into useful information and knowledge, and then use them in database marketing systems. This study investigates whether ready to wear retailers have such database marketing systems, and how they set up and work these systems if they have one. There is no doubt that businesses in the information technologies sector would be interested in the topic and the results.
- BATRA, R, DEERE, R., RATNER, B. (1998) The new direct marketing : how to
implement a profit - driven database marketing strategy, 3rded., New York,
McGraw Hill.
- FLETCHER, M. (1995) Marketing management and information technology, 2nded.
New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
- GLAZER, R. (1991). Marketing in an information intensive environment : strategic
implications of knowledge as an asset. Journal of Marketing, 55, pp.1-19.
- HAAG, S. & KEEN, P. (1996) Information technology : tomorrow’s advantage
from today, New York, Mc Graw Hill.
- HANNA, N., GUY, K. & ARNOLD, E. (1995). World Bank discussion papers of
information technology experience of industrial countries and lessons for
developing ones. Washington, D.C.
- JACKSON, R. & WANG, P. (1994). Strategic database marketing. Illinois, NTC
Publishing Group.
- KOTLER, P. (1999). Principles of marketing. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
ORGANIZATION. (2000) [Internet] Avilable Form : <
/papers/secinter.html> [Accessed 21.10.2000]
- NONAKA, I. & TAKEUCHI, H. (1994). The theory of organizational knowledge
creation. Oxford, Oxford Press.
- PALMQUIST, J., KETOLA, T. (1999). Turning data into knowledge. Marketing
Research, 11, 29-34.
- PRUSAK, L. and DAVENPORT, T.H. (1998). Working knowledge : how
organizations manage what they know. Boston, Harvard Business School Press.
RAPP, S. & COLLINS, T.L. (1987). Maximarketing. New York, McGraw Hill.
- ROWE, C.W. (1989). A review of direct marketing and how it can be applied to the
wine industry. European Journal of Marketing,. 23 (9), 5-14.
- SVEIBY, K.E. (1997). The new organizational wealth : managing and measuring
knowledge- based assets. San Francisco, Berret-Kohler Publishers.
- TZOKAS, N. & SAREN, M. (2000) [Internet] Transformation in relationship
marketing. Available from: <>
[Accessed 24.03.2000]
- WHEELEN, T.L. & HUNGER, J.D. (2000). Strategic management and business
policy. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
- WREDEN, N. (1999) From Customer Satisfaction to Customer Loyalty. [Internet]
Available From <http : //
99/custcon.html> [Accessed 19.05.2003]