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Yıl 2004, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 213 - 218, 01.07.2004


Afro-Amerikan oyun yazarı Ed Bullins, 1960’larda politik görü leriyle öne çıkmı , önemli bir yazardır. 1974-75 yılları Tiyatro Ele tirmenleri’nin En yi Oyun Ödülünü kazanan The Taking of Miss Janie adlı oyununda, Bullins, bir yandan altmı lı yıllara damgasını vuran çe itli olay ve dü ünceleri dramatize ederken, di er yandan ırklar arasındaki ili kileri inceler. Oyunun geneline hakim olan iddet ve yıkıcılı ın yarattı ı karamsar havaya ra men, bu çalı ma, oyundaki sevgi ve insanlık adına umut veren anlara dikkat çekecektir


  • BERNSTEIN, S.J. (1980) The Strands Entwined: A New Direction in American Drama. Boston, Northeastern UP.
  • BULLINS, Ed. (1992) The Taking of Miss Janie. Black Thunder: An Anthology of Contemporary African American Drama. (Ed. W. B. BRANCH) New York, Penguin Books.
  • CARBY, H. V. (1987) Reconstructing Womanhood. Oxford, Oxford UP.
  • CLURMAN, H. (1992) A Review of The Taking of Miss Janie. Black Literature Criticism. Ed. J.P. DRAPER. Detroit, Gale Research Inc. pp.326-330.
  • Di GAETANI, J. L. (1991) A Search for a Postmodern Theater: Interviews with Contemporary Playwrights. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press.
  • ELLISON, R. (1986) On Initiation Rites and Power. Going to the Territory. New York, Random House, Inc. pp. 59-72
  • JOHNSON, B.E. (1990) The Re(a)d and the Black. Reading Black, Reading Feminist: A Critical Anthology. (Ed. H. L. GATES, Jr.) New York, Penguin Books. pp.142-154.
  • KEYSSAR, H. (1981) The Curtain and the Veil: Strategies in Drama. New York, Burt Franklin and Co. Inc.
  • SANDERS, L. C. (1988) The Development of Black Theater in America. From Shadows to Selves. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State UP.
  • SEGAL, L. (1990) Changing Masculinities, Changing Men. New Jersey, Rutgers UP.

Deconstructing Stereotypes : Ed Bullins' the Taking of Miss Janie

Yıl 2004, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2, 213 - 218, 01.07.2004


African-American playwright Ed Bullins is one of the most significant figures to emerge from the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s. His 1975 play The Taking of Miss Janie is a dramatic portrait of the specific events and ideas that created the 1960s, and their impact on the individual consciousnesses of the characters. The play brings into the foreground many issues related to race and ethnicity in America. Even though the general tone of The Taking of Miss Janie is one of violence and gloom, this reading focuses on those moments where love and human affection outshine the sense of destruction predominant in the play.


  • BERNSTEIN, S.J. (1980) The Strands Entwined: A New Direction in American Drama. Boston, Northeastern UP.
  • BULLINS, Ed. (1992) The Taking of Miss Janie. Black Thunder: An Anthology of Contemporary African American Drama. (Ed. W. B. BRANCH) New York, Penguin Books.
  • CARBY, H. V. (1987) Reconstructing Womanhood. Oxford, Oxford UP.
  • CLURMAN, H. (1992) A Review of The Taking of Miss Janie. Black Literature Criticism. Ed. J.P. DRAPER. Detroit, Gale Research Inc. pp.326-330.
  • Di GAETANI, J. L. (1991) A Search for a Postmodern Theater: Interviews with Contemporary Playwrights. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press.
  • ELLISON, R. (1986) On Initiation Rites and Power. Going to the Territory. New York, Random House, Inc. pp. 59-72
  • JOHNSON, B.E. (1990) The Re(a)d and the Black. Reading Black, Reading Feminist: A Critical Anthology. (Ed. H. L. GATES, Jr.) New York, Penguin Books. pp.142-154.
  • KEYSSAR, H. (1981) The Curtain and the Veil: Strategies in Drama. New York, Burt Franklin and Co. Inc.
  • SANDERS, L. C. (1988) The Development of Black Theater in America. From Shadows to Selves. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State UP.
  • SEGAL, L. (1990) Changing Masculinities, Changing Men. New Jersey, Rutgers UP.
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Çiğdem Pala Mull Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2004
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Mull, Ç. P. (2004). Deconstructing Stereotypes : Ed Bullins’ the Taking of Miss Janie. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 5(2), 213-218.