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Yıl 2005, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 175 - 189, 01.07.2005


Şirket Girişimciliği üzerine yürütülen çalışmalar son yıllarda hızlı bir artış göstermektedir. Literatürde genel kabul gören şirket girişimciliği boyutlarının- risk alma, proaktiflik, yenilikçilik eğilimi- örgütlerde ürün ve hizmet kalitesindeki geliştirmelerin yanı sıra firmaların karlılık, satışlar ve pazar paylarındaki artış gibi başarı kriterlerine önemli katkıları olduğu belirtilmektedir. Bu etkilerin Türk KOBİ'lerindeki durumunu tespit amacıyla, bu tür firmaların yoğunlukta olduğu Ankara OSTİM Sanayi bölgesindeki ihracat yönelimli firmalardan anket yoluyla toplamış olduğumuz veriler hiyerarşik regresyon yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular yorumlanarak girişimci, yönetici ve araştırmacılar için öneriler sunulmuştur.


  • ANTONCIC, B., HISRICH, R.D. (2001) Intrapreneurship: Construct Refınement and Cross-Cultural Valıdatıon, Journal of Business Venturing 16, 495–527.
  • AZULAY, I., LERNER, M. VE TISHLER, A. (2002) Converting Military Technology Through Corporate Entrepreneurship, Research Policy 31 419–435.
  • BARRINGER, B. R., BLUEDORN, A. C. (1999) The Relationship Between Corporate Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management, Strategic Management Journal, 20: 421–444.
  • BARON, R.M., KENNY, D.A. (1986. The Moderator- Mediator Distinction in Social Pschology Research: Conceptual, Strategic and Statistical Considerations, Journal of Personality and Social Pschology, 51 (6) 1173-1182.
  • BATEMAN, T.S., CRANT M.J.(1993) The Proactive Component of Organizational Behavior, A Meassure and Correlates, Journal of Organizational Behavior 14:103-118.
  • BLOCK, Z., MACMILLAN, I. (1993) Corporate Venturing. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Press.
  • CALANTONE, R.J., CAVUSGIL, S. T., ZHAO, Y. (2002) Learning Orientation, Firm Innovation Capability, and Firm Performance, Industrial Marketing Management 31 515– 524.
  • COVIN, J. G., MILES, M. P. (1999) Corporate Entrepreneurship and The Pursuit Of Competitive Advantage. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 23(3): 47–63.
  • COVIN, J. G., D. P. SLEVIN (1989). Strategic Management Of Small Firms in Hostile And Benign Environments, Strategic Management Journal, 10(1), 75– 87.
  • COVIN, J. G., SLEVIN, D. P. (1991) A Conceptual Model Of Entrepreneurship As Firm Behavior. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 7 –25.
  • DEM RCAN , N. (2003) Örgütsel Güvenin Bir Ara De i ken Olarak Örgütsel Ba lılık Üzerine Etkisi, Doktora Tezi, GYTE Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • DENISON, D. R., MISHRA, A. K., (1995) “Toward a Theory of Organizational Culture and Effectiveness”, Organizational Science, Vol:6, No:2.
  • DOUGHERTY, D., HARDY, C. (1996) Sustained Product Innovation in Large, Mature Organizations: Overcoming Innovation-To-Organization Problems, Academy of Management Journal, 39 5, 1065-1083
  • ERGÜN E. (2003) letmelerdeki Kültürel Özelliklerin Örgüt Performansına Etkisi Üzerine Bir Uygulama, Doktora Tezi, GYTE Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • ERGÜN, E., BULUT Ç., ALPKAN, L., DEM RCAN, N., “Connecting the Link between Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovative Perfromance”, Global Business and Technology Association, Cape Town, South Africa, June, 2004.
  • FISHER, C.J. (1997) Corporate Culture And Perceived Business Performance: A Study of The Relationship Between The Culture Of An Organization And Perceptions of Its Financial and Qualitative Performance, California School of Professional Psychology - Los Angeles, PhD, 1997.
  • GUTH, W.D., GINSBERG, A. (1990) Guest Editors’ Introduction: Corporate Entrepreneurship. Strategic Management Journal, 11: 5–15.
  • HISRICH, ROBERT D. (1986) Entrepreneurship, Intrapeneurship, and Venture Capital, Lexington Books, Lexington, MA.
  • HITT, M. A., IRELAND, R. D., LEE, H. (2000) Technological Learning, Knowledge Management, Firm Growth And Performance. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 17: 231–246.
  • HORNSBY,J. S., KURATKO,D. F., ZAHRA S. A. (2002) Middle Managers’ Perception Of The Internal Environment For Corporate Entrepreneurship: Assessing A Measurement Scale, Journal of Business Venturing 17 253–273
  • KEMELGOR, B. (2002) A Comparative Analysis Of Corporate Entrepreneurial Orientatation Between Selected Firms in The Netherlands And The USA, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 14, 67-87.
  • LIU, S. S., LUO, X., SHI Y. (2002) Integrating Customer Orientation, Corporate Entrepreneurship, And Learning Orientation n Organizations-in-Transition: An Empirical Study, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 19 367–382.
  • LUMPKIN, G.T., DESS, G.G. (1996) Clarifying The Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct And Linking It To Performance. Academy of Management Review, 21(1): 135–172.
  • MILLER, D. (1983). The Correlates of Entrepreneurship in Three Types of Firms, Management Science, 29, 770–791.
  • MUELLER, S.L., THOMAS, A.S.(2000) Culture And Entrepreneurıial Potential: A Nine Country Study of Locus of Control And Innovativeness, Journal of Business Venturing 16, 51–75.
  • NAMAN, J., SLEVIN, D. (1993). Entrepreneurship And The concept of Fit: A Model And Empirical Tests. Strategic Management Journal, 14, 137-153.
  • NEELY, A. VE HII, J. (1998) Innovation and Business Performance: Aliterature Review, The Judge Institute of Management Studies, University of Cambridge.
  • OS AD, (2005). [ nternet] <>. [Eri im tarihi : 01/03/2005]
  • OSTİM. (2005). [ nternet] <>. [Eri im tarihi : 01/03/2005]
  • PINCHOT, III.G. (1985) Intrapreneuring: Why You Don't Have to Leave the Corporation to Become and Entrepreneur, New York, NY Harper and Row Publishers.
  • PITTAWAY, L. (2001) Corporate Enterprise: A New Reality For Hospitality Organisations? Hospitality Management, 20, 379–393.
  • STOPFORD, J., BADEN–FULLER, C. (1994). Creating Corporate Entrepreneurship. Strategic Management Journal, 15: 521–536.
  • YILMAZ, C. (1999) Salesforce Cooperation: The Impact of Relational, Task, Organizational and Personal Factors, PhD Thesis, Texas Tech University.
  • ZAHRA, S.A., GARVIS, D.M. (2000) International Corporate Entrepreneurship And Firm Performance: The Moderating Effect Of International Environmental Hostility, Journal of Business Venturing 15, 469–492.
  • ZAHRA, S.A. (1991) Predictors And Financial Outcomes of Corporate Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Business Venturing, 6(4): 259–285.
  • (1993) Environment, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Financial Performance: A Taxonomic Approach, Journal of Business Venturing, 8(4): 319- 340.
  • ZAHRA, S., NEUBAUM, D. O., HUSE, M. (2000) Entrepreneurship in Medium- Size Companies: Exploring the Effects of Ownership and Governance Systems, Journal of Management , Vol. 26, No. 5, 947–976


Yıl 2005, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 175 - 189, 01.07.2005


The studies on Corporate Entrepreneurship CE have grown rapidly during the last decade. CE with its three main dimensions- Risk Taking, Proactiveness, and Innovativeness- according to the past literature contributes a lot to the qualitative and quantitative performance of the SMEs in developed nations. In this study, our aim is to explore the nature of the CE- performance relationships in an emerging market, Turkey. Data collected from manufacturing and exporting SMEs in OSTIM which is one of the greatest industrial regions of Turkey, have been examined via hierarchical regression analyzes. Findings are interpreted and suggestions for entrepreneurs, managers, and researchers are provided


  • ANTONCIC, B., HISRICH, R.D. (2001) Intrapreneurship: Construct Refınement and Cross-Cultural Valıdatıon, Journal of Business Venturing 16, 495–527.
  • AZULAY, I., LERNER, M. VE TISHLER, A. (2002) Converting Military Technology Through Corporate Entrepreneurship, Research Policy 31 419–435.
  • BARRINGER, B. R., BLUEDORN, A. C. (1999) The Relationship Between Corporate Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management, Strategic Management Journal, 20: 421–444.
  • BARON, R.M., KENNY, D.A. (1986. The Moderator- Mediator Distinction in Social Pschology Research: Conceptual, Strategic and Statistical Considerations, Journal of Personality and Social Pschology, 51 (6) 1173-1182.
  • BATEMAN, T.S., CRANT M.J.(1993) The Proactive Component of Organizational Behavior, A Meassure and Correlates, Journal of Organizational Behavior 14:103-118.
  • BLOCK, Z., MACMILLAN, I. (1993) Corporate Venturing. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business Press.
  • CALANTONE, R.J., CAVUSGIL, S. T., ZHAO, Y. (2002) Learning Orientation, Firm Innovation Capability, and Firm Performance, Industrial Marketing Management 31 515– 524.
  • COVIN, J. G., MILES, M. P. (1999) Corporate Entrepreneurship and The Pursuit Of Competitive Advantage. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 23(3): 47–63.
  • COVIN, J. G., D. P. SLEVIN (1989). Strategic Management Of Small Firms in Hostile And Benign Environments, Strategic Management Journal, 10(1), 75– 87.
  • COVIN, J. G., SLEVIN, D. P. (1991) A Conceptual Model Of Entrepreneurship As Firm Behavior. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 7 –25.
  • DEM RCAN , N. (2003) Örgütsel Güvenin Bir Ara De i ken Olarak Örgütsel Ba lılık Üzerine Etkisi, Doktora Tezi, GYTE Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • DENISON, D. R., MISHRA, A. K., (1995) “Toward a Theory of Organizational Culture and Effectiveness”, Organizational Science, Vol:6, No:2.
  • DOUGHERTY, D., HARDY, C. (1996) Sustained Product Innovation in Large, Mature Organizations: Overcoming Innovation-To-Organization Problems, Academy of Management Journal, 39 5, 1065-1083
  • ERGÜN E. (2003) letmelerdeki Kültürel Özelliklerin Örgüt Performansına Etkisi Üzerine Bir Uygulama, Doktora Tezi, GYTE Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • ERGÜN, E., BULUT Ç., ALPKAN, L., DEM RCAN, N., “Connecting the Link between Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovative Perfromance”, Global Business and Technology Association, Cape Town, South Africa, June, 2004.
  • FISHER, C.J. (1997) Corporate Culture And Perceived Business Performance: A Study of The Relationship Between The Culture Of An Organization And Perceptions of Its Financial and Qualitative Performance, California School of Professional Psychology - Los Angeles, PhD, 1997.
  • GUTH, W.D., GINSBERG, A. (1990) Guest Editors’ Introduction: Corporate Entrepreneurship. Strategic Management Journal, 11: 5–15.
  • HISRICH, ROBERT D. (1986) Entrepreneurship, Intrapeneurship, and Venture Capital, Lexington Books, Lexington, MA.
  • HITT, M. A., IRELAND, R. D., LEE, H. (2000) Technological Learning, Knowledge Management, Firm Growth And Performance. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 17: 231–246.
  • HORNSBY,J. S., KURATKO,D. F., ZAHRA S. A. (2002) Middle Managers’ Perception Of The Internal Environment For Corporate Entrepreneurship: Assessing A Measurement Scale, Journal of Business Venturing 17 253–273
  • KEMELGOR, B. (2002) A Comparative Analysis Of Corporate Entrepreneurial Orientatation Between Selected Firms in The Netherlands And The USA, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 14, 67-87.
  • LIU, S. S., LUO, X., SHI Y. (2002) Integrating Customer Orientation, Corporate Entrepreneurship, And Learning Orientation n Organizations-in-Transition: An Empirical Study, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 19 367–382.
  • LUMPKIN, G.T., DESS, G.G. (1996) Clarifying The Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct And Linking It To Performance. Academy of Management Review, 21(1): 135–172.
  • MILLER, D. (1983). The Correlates of Entrepreneurship in Three Types of Firms, Management Science, 29, 770–791.
  • MUELLER, S.L., THOMAS, A.S.(2000) Culture And Entrepreneurıial Potential: A Nine Country Study of Locus of Control And Innovativeness, Journal of Business Venturing 16, 51–75.
  • NAMAN, J., SLEVIN, D. (1993). Entrepreneurship And The concept of Fit: A Model And Empirical Tests. Strategic Management Journal, 14, 137-153.
  • NEELY, A. VE HII, J. (1998) Innovation and Business Performance: Aliterature Review, The Judge Institute of Management Studies, University of Cambridge.
  • OS AD, (2005). [ nternet] <>. [Eri im tarihi : 01/03/2005]
  • OSTİM. (2005). [ nternet] <>. [Eri im tarihi : 01/03/2005]
  • PINCHOT, III.G. (1985) Intrapreneuring: Why You Don't Have to Leave the Corporation to Become and Entrepreneur, New York, NY Harper and Row Publishers.
  • PITTAWAY, L. (2001) Corporate Enterprise: A New Reality For Hospitality Organisations? Hospitality Management, 20, 379–393.
  • STOPFORD, J., BADEN–FULLER, C. (1994). Creating Corporate Entrepreneurship. Strategic Management Journal, 15: 521–536.
  • YILMAZ, C. (1999) Salesforce Cooperation: The Impact of Relational, Task, Organizational and Personal Factors, PhD Thesis, Texas Tech University.
  • ZAHRA, S.A., GARVIS, D.M. (2000) International Corporate Entrepreneurship And Firm Performance: The Moderating Effect Of International Environmental Hostility, Journal of Business Venturing 15, 469–492.
  • ZAHRA, S.A. (1991) Predictors And Financial Outcomes of Corporate Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Business Venturing, 6(4): 259–285.
  • (1993) Environment, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Financial Performance: A Taxonomic Approach, Journal of Business Venturing, 8(4): 319- 340.
  • ZAHRA, S., NEUBAUM, D. O., HUSE, M. (2000) Entrepreneurship in Medium- Size Companies: Exploring the Effects of Ownership and Governance Systems, Journal of Management , Vol. 26, No. 5, 947–976
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Lütfihak Alpkan Bu kişi benim

Ercan Ergün Bu kişi benim

Çağrı Bulut Bu kişi benim

Cengiz Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Alpkan, L., Ergün, E., Bulut, Ç., Yılmaz, C. (2005). ŞİRKET GİRİŞİMCİLİĞİNİN ŞİRKET PERFORMANSINA ETKİLERİ. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 6(2), 175-189.