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Year 2005, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 220 - 236, 01.07.2005


Be eri sermaye, becerilerin gerekli oldu u bilgi temelli ekonomilerde firma ve ülkeler açısından önemlidir. Bu yüzden, e itim yatırımları be eri sermaye birikiminin sa lanmasında ve olası sermaye kayıplarının önlenmesinde bir kamu politikası olarak ele alınır. Politikalar ve reformlar, yüksek kaliteli e itim, ilk formasyon ve i e itim programları olarak belirlenen ilk ö renmeyi hızlandırmak ve beceri birikimini sa lamak amacıyla düzenlenmi tir. Kamu sektörü endüstrile menin en yüksek oldu u ülkelerde bütün e itimin finansmanında önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. lk, orta, lise ve yüksek e itim kurumlarına yönelik kamu harcamaları bu alandaki özel harcamalardan daha yüksektir


  • ACEMOGLU, D. (2001). Human Capital Policies and the Distribution of Income: A Framework for Analysis and Literature Review, Treasury Working Paper, March. Available from: < 2001/ twp01-3.pdf> [Accessed February 18, 2003].
  • (1997) Training and Innovation in an Imperfect Labor Market, Review of Economic Studies, volume 64, July, pp. 445-464.
  • AHN, S. & HEMMINGS, P. (2000) Policy Influences on Economic Growth in OECD Countries: An Evaluation of the Evidence, OECD Economic Department Working Papers, 246 (19 June), Available from: <> [Accessed February 18, 2003].
  • ASHTON, D. & GREEN, F. (1997) Human Capital and Economic Growth, Options Politiques, po/archive/jul97/ashton.pdf> [Accessed January 23, 2003]. Available from:
  • BARRO, R., J. & SALA-I -MARTIN X.(1995) Economic Growth, New York,:McGraw-Hill.
  • BARRO, R. J. (2001) Education and Economic Growth, Available from: <http://> [Accessed January 30, 2003].
  • (1997) Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • BECKER, G. Human Capital, The Concise Encyclopaedia of Economics, Available from: <>, [Accessed January 24, 2003].
  • BECKER, G. S. (1993) Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education, Third Edition, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
  • BIRDSALL, N. (2001) Human Capital and the Quality of Growth, Development Outreach, Winter, World Bank Institute, Available from: <http://www.> [Accessed January 24, 2003].
  • BLÖNDAL, S. (2002) Investment in Human Capital through Post-Compulsory Education: The Impact of Government Financing, OECD Headquarters, Meeting of National Economic Research Organizations, July 1, Paris, Available from: < > [Accessed March
  • BLÖNDAL, S., FIELD, S. & GIROUARD, N. (2002) Investment In Human Capital Through Upper-Secondary And Tertiary Education, OECD Economic Studies, No. pdf/M00039000/M00039266pdf> Accessed March 03,2003. Available from:
  • CASS, D. (1965) Optimum Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation, Review of Economic Studies 32(3), pp. 233-240.
  • GALOR, O. & WEIL D. N. (1998) Population, Technology, and Growth: From the Malthusian Regime to the Demographic Transition, (August 19), Available from: [Accessed January 24, 2003].
  • HECKMAN, J. J. (2000a) Policies to Foster Human Capital, JCPR: Policy Brief, Vol.2, No.1, University of Chicago, Available from: < policybriefs/ Vol2_num1.html> [Accessed February 18, 2003].
  • (2000b) Policies to Foster Human Capital, The Harris School Working Paper Series, Supplement 14, Available from: http://www. [Accessed January 30,2003].
  • KOOPMANS, T. C. (1965) On the Concept of Optimal Economic Growth in the Econometric Approach to Development Planning , Amsterdam: North Holland. Role of Human Capital in Economic Development: Some Myths and Realities, Available chap1.PDF> [Accessed February 18, 2003].
  • KRUEGER, A. B. & LINDAHL, M. (2001) Education for Growth: Why and for Whom? Journal of Economic Literature, December, 39(4), pp.1101-1136.
  • MANKIW, G. N. (1995) The Growth of Nations, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1.OECD, (2004), Education at a Glance, OECD Indicators, Available from: < >[Accessed March 30, 2005].
  • OECD (2004), OECD Employment Outlook, Paris, July 2004, Available from:< > [Accessed March 26, 2005]
  • (2003), Education at a Glance, Available from: < dataoecd/0/40/14165184.xls > [Accessed March 31, 2005].
  • (2002a) Education at a Glance, OECD Indicators, Paris, Available from: <> [ Accessed March 20, 2003].
  • (2002b) OECD Employment Outlook, July, Available from: <http://www.> [Accessed February 18, 2003].
  • (2001a) The Well-Being of Nations: The Role of Human and Social Capital,Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, Paris, Available from: <> [Accessed January 30, 2003].
  • (2001b) Education at a Glance, OECD Indicators, Paris, Available from: < > [Accessed March 25, 2005]
  • (1998) Human Capital Investment: An International Comparison, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, Paris.
  • PISSARIDES, C. A. (2000) Human Capital and Growth: A Synthesis Report, OECD Development Centre Technical Papers, No. 168, November, Available from: <> [Accessed January
  • TEMPLE, J. (2001) Growth Effects of Education and Social Capital in the OECD Countries, <> [Accessed January 30, 2003]. June, Available from:
  • RAMSEY, F. (1928) A Mathematical Theory of Saving, Economic Journal, 38, pp.543-559.
  • REDDING, S. (1996) The Low-skill, Low Quality Trap: Strategic Complementarities between Human Capital and R&D, Economic Journal, 106, pp.458-470.
  • ROMER, P. M. (2000) Should the Government Subsidize Supply or Demand in the Market for Scientists and Engineers, NBER Working Paper, No. 7723, June.
  • (1994) The Origins of Endogenous Growth, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol.8, No.1, Winter, pp.3-22.
  • (1993) Idea Gaps and Object Gaps in Economic Development, Journal of Monetary Economics, 32(3), December.
  • (1990) Endogenous Technological Change, Journal of Political Economy, 98(5) Part 2, pp. 71-102.
  • (1986) Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth, Journal of Political Economy, 94, pp.1002-1037.
  • RUSTINCHINI, A. & SCHMITZ, J. A. (1991) Research and Imitation in Long-run Growth, Journal of Monetary Economics, 27(2), pp.271-292.
  • SOLOW, R. M. (1956) A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70(1), pp. 65-94.
  • UNESCAP, (2002) Role of Human Capital in Economic Development: Some Myths and Realities, Available from:< 2174/ chap1.pdf > [Accessed March 20, 2003].


Year 2005, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 220 - 236, 01.07.2005


Human capital is important for firms and nations in the knowledge based economy that needs skills. Thus, investment in education is a public policy to support human capital formation and offset the magnitude of capital looses. Policies and reforms designed to foster early learning which are determined as a high quality of education, early intervention and job training programs and promote skill formation. The public sector plays an important role in the funding of all education in major industrialized countries. Public spending on primary, secondary, post-secondary and tertiary educational institutions is higher than private spending.


  • ACEMOGLU, D. (2001). Human Capital Policies and the Distribution of Income: A Framework for Analysis and Literature Review, Treasury Working Paper, March. Available from: < 2001/ twp01-3.pdf> [Accessed February 18, 2003].
  • (1997) Training and Innovation in an Imperfect Labor Market, Review of Economic Studies, volume 64, July, pp. 445-464.
  • AHN, S. & HEMMINGS, P. (2000) Policy Influences on Economic Growth in OECD Countries: An Evaluation of the Evidence, OECD Economic Department Working Papers, 246 (19 June), Available from: <> [Accessed February 18, 2003].
  • ASHTON, D. & GREEN, F. (1997) Human Capital and Economic Growth, Options Politiques, po/archive/jul97/ashton.pdf> [Accessed January 23, 2003]. Available from:
  • BARRO, R., J. & SALA-I -MARTIN X.(1995) Economic Growth, New York,:McGraw-Hill.
  • BARRO, R. J. (2001) Education and Economic Growth, Available from: <http://> [Accessed January 30, 2003].
  • (1997) Determinants of Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Empirical Study, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • BECKER, G. Human Capital, The Concise Encyclopaedia of Economics, Available from: <>, [Accessed January 24, 2003].
  • BECKER, G. S. (1993) Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to Education, Third Edition, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
  • BIRDSALL, N. (2001) Human Capital and the Quality of Growth, Development Outreach, Winter, World Bank Institute, Available from: <http://www.> [Accessed January 24, 2003].
  • BLÖNDAL, S. (2002) Investment in Human Capital through Post-Compulsory Education: The Impact of Government Financing, OECD Headquarters, Meeting of National Economic Research Organizations, July 1, Paris, Available from: < > [Accessed March
  • BLÖNDAL, S., FIELD, S. & GIROUARD, N. (2002) Investment In Human Capital Through Upper-Secondary And Tertiary Education, OECD Economic Studies, No. pdf/M00039000/M00039266pdf> Accessed March 03,2003. Available from:
  • CASS, D. (1965) Optimum Growth in an Aggregative Model of Capital Accumulation, Review of Economic Studies 32(3), pp. 233-240.
  • GALOR, O. & WEIL D. N. (1998) Population, Technology, and Growth: From the Malthusian Regime to the Demographic Transition, (August 19), Available from: [Accessed January 24, 2003].
  • HECKMAN, J. J. (2000a) Policies to Foster Human Capital, JCPR: Policy Brief, Vol.2, No.1, University of Chicago, Available from: < policybriefs/ Vol2_num1.html> [Accessed February 18, 2003].
  • (2000b) Policies to Foster Human Capital, The Harris School Working Paper Series, Supplement 14, Available from: http://www. [Accessed January 30,2003].
  • KOOPMANS, T. C. (1965) On the Concept of Optimal Economic Growth in the Econometric Approach to Development Planning , Amsterdam: North Holland. Role of Human Capital in Economic Development: Some Myths and Realities, Available chap1.PDF> [Accessed February 18, 2003].
  • KRUEGER, A. B. & LINDAHL, M. (2001) Education for Growth: Why and for Whom? Journal of Economic Literature, December, 39(4), pp.1101-1136.
  • MANKIW, G. N. (1995) The Growth of Nations, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1.OECD, (2004), Education at a Glance, OECD Indicators, Available from: < >[Accessed March 30, 2005].
  • OECD (2004), OECD Employment Outlook, Paris, July 2004, Available from:< > [Accessed March 26, 2005]
  • (2003), Education at a Glance, Available from: < dataoecd/0/40/14165184.xls > [Accessed March 31, 2005].
  • (2002a) Education at a Glance, OECD Indicators, Paris, Available from: <> [ Accessed March 20, 2003].
  • (2002b) OECD Employment Outlook, July, Available from: <http://www.> [Accessed February 18, 2003].
  • (2001a) The Well-Being of Nations: The Role of Human and Social Capital,Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, Paris, Available from: <> [Accessed January 30, 2003].
  • (2001b) Education at a Glance, OECD Indicators, Paris, Available from: < > [Accessed March 25, 2005]
  • (1998) Human Capital Investment: An International Comparison, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, Paris.
  • PISSARIDES, C. A. (2000) Human Capital and Growth: A Synthesis Report, OECD Development Centre Technical Papers, No. 168, November, Available from: <> [Accessed January
  • TEMPLE, J. (2001) Growth Effects of Education and Social Capital in the OECD Countries, <> [Accessed January 30, 2003]. June, Available from:
  • RAMSEY, F. (1928) A Mathematical Theory of Saving, Economic Journal, 38, pp.543-559.
  • REDDING, S. (1996) The Low-skill, Low Quality Trap: Strategic Complementarities between Human Capital and R&D, Economic Journal, 106, pp.458-470.
  • ROMER, P. M. (2000) Should the Government Subsidize Supply or Demand in the Market for Scientists and Engineers, NBER Working Paper, No. 7723, June.
  • (1994) The Origins of Endogenous Growth, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol.8, No.1, Winter, pp.3-22.
  • (1993) Idea Gaps and Object Gaps in Economic Development, Journal of Monetary Economics, 32(3), December.
  • (1990) Endogenous Technological Change, Journal of Political Economy, 98(5) Part 2, pp. 71-102.
  • (1986) Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth, Journal of Political Economy, 94, pp.1002-1037.
  • RUSTINCHINI, A. & SCHMITZ, J. A. (1991) Research and Imitation in Long-run Growth, Journal of Monetary Economics, 27(2), pp.271-292.
  • SOLOW, R. M. (1956) A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70(1), pp. 65-94.
  • UNESCAP, (2002) Role of Human Capital in Economic Development: Some Myths and Realities, Available from:< 2174/ chap1.pdf > [Accessed March 20, 2003].
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Meriç Subaşı Ertekin This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Ertekin, M. S. (2005). PUBLIC SPENDING ON HUMAN CAPITAL IN MAJOR INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 6(2), 220-236.