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Yıl 2009, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 188 - 203, 01.07.2009


Yeni ürünlere yönelik talebin hacmi, yeniliklerin kabulü ve yayılması süreciyle ilgilidir. Bazı bireyler yeni teknolojileri kabul etmeye daha eğilimlidir. Literatürde tüketici yenilikçiliğinin tüketici davranış ve özellikleriyle ilişkili olduğu ileri sürülmektedir. Tüketici yenilikçiliğinin hem kişisel hem de belirli bir ürün kategorisi düzeyinde incelenen bir kavram olduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, tüketici yenilikçiliği kavramı hem kişisel özellik hem de belirli bir ürün kategorisi düzeyinde ele alınarak; risk alma eğilimi ve öz saygı gibi kişisel özelliklerle fikir liderliği, uzmanlık ve sosyal kimlik fonksiyonu gibi ürün kategorisine özgü kişisel özelliklerin bu iki yenilikçilik boyutu üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Bulgular, oluşturulan faktörlerin anlamlılığını ortaya koymaktadır.


  • ALBA, J. W., HUTCHINSON, J. W. (1987). Dimensions of consumer expertise. Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (March), 411-435. ss.
  • ANDAÇ, Ş. (2005). İkinci, üçüncü cep dönemi başlayacak, Erişim adresi: <>, [Erişim tari- hi : 28/04/2007].
  • ANDERSON J.C., GERBING DW. (1988) Structural equation modeling in practice: a review and recommend two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103 (3), 411–423. ss.
  • ASSAEL, H. (1992). Consumer behaviour and marketing action, 4th ed. Boston: PWAKent.
  • BATORY, S.S., NEESE, W., BATORY, A.H. (2005). Ethical marketing practices: An Investigation of antecedents, innovativeness and business performance. Journal of American Academy of Business, 6 (2), 135-142. ss.
  • BAYAT, B. (2003). Bireylerin benlik algısı (benlik tasarımları) sistemi ve bu sistemin davranışları üzerindeki rolü. Kamu-Dergisi, 7 (2), 123-137. ss.
  • BEARDEN W., NETEMEYER J. (1999). Handbook of marketing scales. London: SAGE Publiations.
  • BELDONA, S., KLINE, S., MORRISON, A. M. (2004). Utilitarian value in the Internet: Differences between broadband & narrowband users. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 17 (2/3), 63–77. ss.
  • BHATNAGAR, A., MISRA, S., RAO, H.R. (2000). On risk, convenience, and Internet shopping behavior. Communications of the ACM, 43 (11), 98-105. ss.
  • BROCKNER, J. (1988) Self-esteem at work: Research, theory, and practice. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  • BURNS, D.J., KRAMPF R. F. (1991). A semiotic perspective on innovative behavior. In: Developments in Marketing Science, 14. 15th Annual Conference. Academy of Marketing Science, pp. 32-35.
  • CHAUDHURI, H.R., MAJUMDAR, S. (2006). Of Diamonds and desires: Understanding conspicuous consumption from a contemporary marketing perspective. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 2006 (11), 180-198. ss.
  • CHRISTOU, E., AVDIMIOTIS, S., KASSIANIDIS, P., SIAGALA, M. (2004). Examining the factors influencing the adoption of web-based ticketing: Etix and its adopters. In A. J. FREW (Ed.), Information and communication technologies in Tourism 2004. Vienna, Austria: Springer.
  • DNASKY K.H., GAMM L.D., VASEY J.J., BARSUKIEWICH C.K., (1999). Electronic medical cecords: Are physicians ready?. Journal of Healthcare Management, 44 (6), 318-329. ss.
  • DICEKERSON, M.D., GENTRY, J.W. (1983). Characteristics of adopters and non- adopters home computers. Journal of Consumer Research, 10 (September), 225-
  • DOYLE, P. (2003). Değer temelli pazarlama: Şirketinizi büyütmek ve hissedar değeri yaratmak için pazarlama stratejileri (çev. G. BARIŞ). İstanbul: Mediacat.
  • FORNELL, C., Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18, 39–50. ss.
  • FROMKIN H.L. (1971). A social psychological analysis of the adoption and diffusion of new products and practices from a uniqueness motivation perspective (Yay. Haz. David M. Gardner), 2. Annual Conference. Ann Arbor, MI: Association for Consumer Research 1971 içinde,
  • GOLDSMITH, R.E., STITH, M.T., WHITE, J.D. (1987). Race and sex differences in self-identified innovativeness and opinion leadership. Journal of Retailing, 63 (4), 411-425. ss.
  • GOLDSMITH, R.E., HOFACKER, C.F. (1991). Measuring consumer innovativeness. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 19 (3), 209-222. ss.
  • GOLDSMITH, R.E., FLYNN, L.R. (1992). Identifying innovators in consumer product markets. European Journal of Marketing, 26 (12), 42-55. ss.
  • GOLDSMITH, R.E., DE WITT, T.S. (2003). The predictive validity of an opinion leadership scale. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice; 11 (1),
  • GOLDSMITH, R.E., FLYNN, L.R. (1993). Models of enduring product involvement and opinion leadership, in Swift. Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Proceedings, 2, 378-386. ss.
  • GREWAL D, SIRGY J, MANGLEBURG T. (2000). Retail environment, self- congruity, and retail patronage: an integrative model and a research agenda. Journal of Busisness Researsch, 49 (2), 127–130. ss.
  • GREWAL, R., Cline, T. W., Davies, A. (2003). Early-Entrant advantage, word-of- mouth communication, brand similarity, and the consumer decision-making process. Journal of Consumer Psychology , 13 (3). 196-218. ss.
  • GREWAL, R., RAJ, M., KARDES, F.R. (2000). The role of social identity function of attitudes in consumer innovativeness and opinion leadership. Journal of Economic Psychology, 21 (May), 233–
  • HIRUNYAWIPADA, T., PASWAN, A.K. (2006). Consumer innovativeness and perceived risk: implications for high technology product adoption. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23 (4), 182–
  • JORDAN, Y., SIMPSON, M.S. (2006). Consumer innovativeness among females in specific fashion stores in the Menlyn shopping centre. Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 34,
  • KATZ, E., LAZARSFELD, P.F. (1955). Personal influence: The part played by people in the flow of mass communication. Glencoe, Ill. : Free Press.
  • KIRTON, M.J. (1994). A theory of cognitive style: Adaptors and innovators: styles of creativity and problem-solving. Routledge, London.
  • KOTLER, P. (1997). Marketing management: Analysis, planning, implementation and control, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall International Inc.
  • LEE, H.Y., QUA, H., KIMB, Y.S. (2007). A study of the impact of personal innovativeness on online travel shopping behavior—A case study of Korean travelers. Tourism Management, 28, 886–
  • LEUNG, L. (1998). Lifestyles and the use of new media technology in urban China. Telecommunications Policy, 22 (9),
  • LIMAYEM, M., KHALIFA, M., FRINI, A. (2000). What makes consumers buy from the Internet? A longitudinal study of online shopping. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 30 (4), 421-
  • LYONS, B., HENDERSON, K. (2005). Opinion leadership in a computer-mediated environment. Journal of Consumer Behaviour; Sep 2005 (4-5),
  • MALLALLIEU, L., PALAN, K.M. (2006). How good a shopper am I? Conceptualizing teenage girls Perceived Shopping Competence. Academy of Marketing Sciences Review, 5,
  • MASLOW, A.H. (1954). Motivation and Personality. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
  • MIDGLEY D., DOWLING, G.R. (1978). Innovativeness: The concept and its measurement. Journal of Consumer Research; 4,
  • MYERS, J.H., ROBERTSON, T.S. (1972). Dimensions of Opinion Leadership, Journal of Marketing Research, 1972 (Feb),
  • NUNNALY, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory, Mcgraw-Hill, New York.
  • O’CASS, A., LIM, K. (2002). Toward understanding the young Consumer’s Brand Associations and Ethnocentrism in the Lion’s Port. Psychology and Marketing 19 (9),
  • ODABASI, Y., BARIŞ, G. (2002). Tüketici davranışları. İstanbul: Mediacat Kitapları.
  • ARK, C., JUN, J.K., (2003). A cross-cultural comparison of Internet buying behavior effects of internet usage, perceived risks, and innovativeness. International Marketing Review, 20 (5),
  • PEARSON, P.H. (1970). Relationships between global and specified measures of novelty seeking. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 34,
  • RAUB A. (1981). Correlates of Computer Anxiety in College Students, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pennysylvania, Dissertation Abstracts International 42:4775A.
  • ROEHRICH, G. (2004). Consumer innovativeness: concepts and measurements. Journal of Business Research, 57 (6),
  • ROEHRICH, G., FLORENCE, P.V., FERRANDI, J.M. (2002). An exploration of the relationships between innate innovativeness and domain specific innovativeness, Se´rie Recherche, l’Universite´ Pierre Mende`s-France. [Erişim adresi]: <>, [Erişim tarihi: 10.01.2007].
  • ROGERS, E. M. (1995). Diffusion of innovation. 4th Ed. New York. The Free Press.
  • ROGERS, E. M., CARTANO, D. G. (1962). Methods of measuring opinion leadership. Public Opinion Quarterly, 26,
  • SCHAEFER, S.(1999). Product design partitions with complementary components. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 38,
  • STERN, B.B., STEPHEN, J.G. (1988). The Consumer as financial opinion leader. Journal of Retail Banking, 10 (2),
  • STEENKAMP, J.B.E.M., HOFSTEDE, F.T., WEDEL, M. (1999). A cross-national investigation into the individual and national cultural antecedents of consumer innovativeness. Journal of Marketing, 63 (2),
  • THATCHER, J.B., PERREWE, P.L. (2002). An empirical examination of individual traits as antecedents to computer anxiety and computer selfefficacy. MIS Quarterly, 26 (4), 381–
  • THATCHER; J.B., STRITE, M., STEPINA, L.P., LIU, Y. (2003). Culture, overload and personal innovativeness with information technology: Extending the nomological net. The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 44 (1),
  • VISHWANATH, A. (2005). Impact of personality on technology adoption: An Empirical model. Journal of The American Society For Information Science and Technology, 56 (8), 803–
  • WEINER, B. (1986). An attributional theory of motivation and emotion. New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • YENIYURT, S., TOWNSEND, J.Y. (2003). Does culture explain acceptance of new products in a country? An empirical investigation. International Marketing Review, 20 (4),
  • XU, Y., KIM, H., VITHARAN, P. (2004). Building Initial Online Trust: A Social earning Theory Perspective and Application on Brick-and-Click Companies. Unpublished working paper, School of Computing, National University of Singapore.


Yıl 2009, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 188 - 203, 01.07.2009


Amount of the demand for new products is related with adoption and spread of innovations. Some individuals have a greater tendency towards adopting new technologies. The studies in the literature suggest that consumer innovativeness is related with consumer behavior and characteristics. It is seen that consumer innovativeness is a construct investigated at both innate and domain-specific level. In this study, by discussing the concept of consumer innovativeness at both innate and domain-specific levels, it is examined the effects of individual characteristics such as risk taking tendency and self-esteem, and of domain specific characteristics. Findings shows the significance of ctors that are thought to affect both innate and domain-specific innovativeness


  • ALBA, J. W., HUTCHINSON, J. W. (1987). Dimensions of consumer expertise. Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (March), 411-435. ss.
  • ANDAÇ, Ş. (2005). İkinci, üçüncü cep dönemi başlayacak, Erişim adresi: <>, [Erişim tari- hi : 28/04/2007].
  • ANDERSON J.C., GERBING DW. (1988) Structural equation modeling in practice: a review and recommend two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103 (3), 411–423. ss.
  • ASSAEL, H. (1992). Consumer behaviour and marketing action, 4th ed. Boston: PWAKent.
  • BATORY, S.S., NEESE, W., BATORY, A.H. (2005). Ethical marketing practices: An Investigation of antecedents, innovativeness and business performance. Journal of American Academy of Business, 6 (2), 135-142. ss.
  • BAYAT, B. (2003). Bireylerin benlik algısı (benlik tasarımları) sistemi ve bu sistemin davranışları üzerindeki rolü. Kamu-Dergisi, 7 (2), 123-137. ss.
  • BEARDEN W., NETEMEYER J. (1999). Handbook of marketing scales. London: SAGE Publiations.
  • BELDONA, S., KLINE, S., MORRISON, A. M. (2004). Utilitarian value in the Internet: Differences between broadband & narrowband users. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 17 (2/3), 63–77. ss.
  • BHATNAGAR, A., MISRA, S., RAO, H.R. (2000). On risk, convenience, and Internet shopping behavior. Communications of the ACM, 43 (11), 98-105. ss.
  • BROCKNER, J. (1988) Self-esteem at work: Research, theory, and practice. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
  • BURNS, D.J., KRAMPF R. F. (1991). A semiotic perspective on innovative behavior. In: Developments in Marketing Science, 14. 15th Annual Conference. Academy of Marketing Science, pp. 32-35.
  • CHAUDHURI, H.R., MAJUMDAR, S. (2006). Of Diamonds and desires: Understanding conspicuous consumption from a contemporary marketing perspective. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 2006 (11), 180-198. ss.
  • CHRISTOU, E., AVDIMIOTIS, S., KASSIANIDIS, P., SIAGALA, M. (2004). Examining the factors influencing the adoption of web-based ticketing: Etix and its adopters. In A. J. FREW (Ed.), Information and communication technologies in Tourism 2004. Vienna, Austria: Springer.
  • DNASKY K.H., GAMM L.D., VASEY J.J., BARSUKIEWICH C.K., (1999). Electronic medical cecords: Are physicians ready?. Journal of Healthcare Management, 44 (6), 318-329. ss.
  • DICEKERSON, M.D., GENTRY, J.W. (1983). Characteristics of adopters and non- adopters home computers. Journal of Consumer Research, 10 (September), 225-
  • DOYLE, P. (2003). Değer temelli pazarlama: Şirketinizi büyütmek ve hissedar değeri yaratmak için pazarlama stratejileri (çev. G. BARIŞ). İstanbul: Mediacat.
  • FORNELL, C., Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18, 39–50. ss.
  • FROMKIN H.L. (1971). A social psychological analysis of the adoption and diffusion of new products and practices from a uniqueness motivation perspective (Yay. Haz. David M. Gardner), 2. Annual Conference. Ann Arbor, MI: Association for Consumer Research 1971 içinde,
  • GOLDSMITH, R.E., STITH, M.T., WHITE, J.D. (1987). Race and sex differences in self-identified innovativeness and opinion leadership. Journal of Retailing, 63 (4), 411-425. ss.
  • GOLDSMITH, R.E., HOFACKER, C.F. (1991). Measuring consumer innovativeness. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 19 (3), 209-222. ss.
  • GOLDSMITH, R.E., FLYNN, L.R. (1992). Identifying innovators in consumer product markets. European Journal of Marketing, 26 (12), 42-55. ss.
  • GOLDSMITH, R.E., DE WITT, T.S. (2003). The predictive validity of an opinion leadership scale. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice; 11 (1),
  • GOLDSMITH, R.E., FLYNN, L.R. (1993). Models of enduring product involvement and opinion leadership, in Swift. Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Proceedings, 2, 378-386. ss.
  • GREWAL D, SIRGY J, MANGLEBURG T. (2000). Retail environment, self- congruity, and retail patronage: an integrative model and a research agenda. Journal of Busisness Researsch, 49 (2), 127–130. ss.
  • GREWAL, R., Cline, T. W., Davies, A. (2003). Early-Entrant advantage, word-of- mouth communication, brand similarity, and the consumer decision-making process. Journal of Consumer Psychology , 13 (3). 196-218. ss.
  • GREWAL, R., RAJ, M., KARDES, F.R. (2000). The role of social identity function of attitudes in consumer innovativeness and opinion leadership. Journal of Economic Psychology, 21 (May), 233–
  • HIRUNYAWIPADA, T., PASWAN, A.K. (2006). Consumer innovativeness and perceived risk: implications for high technology product adoption. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23 (4), 182–
  • JORDAN, Y., SIMPSON, M.S. (2006). Consumer innovativeness among females in specific fashion stores in the Menlyn shopping centre. Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 34,
  • KATZ, E., LAZARSFELD, P.F. (1955). Personal influence: The part played by people in the flow of mass communication. Glencoe, Ill. : Free Press.
  • KIRTON, M.J. (1994). A theory of cognitive style: Adaptors and innovators: styles of creativity and problem-solving. Routledge, London.
  • KOTLER, P. (1997). Marketing management: Analysis, planning, implementation and control, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall International Inc.
  • LEE, H.Y., QUA, H., KIMB, Y.S. (2007). A study of the impact of personal innovativeness on online travel shopping behavior—A case study of Korean travelers. Tourism Management, 28, 886–
  • LEUNG, L. (1998). Lifestyles and the use of new media technology in urban China. Telecommunications Policy, 22 (9),
  • LIMAYEM, M., KHALIFA, M., FRINI, A. (2000). What makes consumers buy from the Internet? A longitudinal study of online shopping. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 30 (4), 421-
  • LYONS, B., HENDERSON, K. (2005). Opinion leadership in a computer-mediated environment. Journal of Consumer Behaviour; Sep 2005 (4-5),
  • MALLALLIEU, L., PALAN, K.M. (2006). How good a shopper am I? Conceptualizing teenage girls Perceived Shopping Competence. Academy of Marketing Sciences Review, 5,
  • MASLOW, A.H. (1954). Motivation and Personality. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
  • MIDGLEY D., DOWLING, G.R. (1978). Innovativeness: The concept and its measurement. Journal of Consumer Research; 4,
  • MYERS, J.H., ROBERTSON, T.S. (1972). Dimensions of Opinion Leadership, Journal of Marketing Research, 1972 (Feb),
  • NUNNALY, J. C. (1978). Psychometric theory, Mcgraw-Hill, New York.
  • O’CASS, A., LIM, K. (2002). Toward understanding the young Consumer’s Brand Associations and Ethnocentrism in the Lion’s Port. Psychology and Marketing 19 (9),
  • ODABASI, Y., BARIŞ, G. (2002). Tüketici davranışları. İstanbul: Mediacat Kitapları.
  • ARK, C., JUN, J.K., (2003). A cross-cultural comparison of Internet buying behavior effects of internet usage, perceived risks, and innovativeness. International Marketing Review, 20 (5),
  • PEARSON, P.H. (1970). Relationships between global and specified measures of novelty seeking. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 34,
  • RAUB A. (1981). Correlates of Computer Anxiety in College Students, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pennysylvania, Dissertation Abstracts International 42:4775A.
  • ROEHRICH, G. (2004). Consumer innovativeness: concepts and measurements. Journal of Business Research, 57 (6),
  • ROEHRICH, G., FLORENCE, P.V., FERRANDI, J.M. (2002). An exploration of the relationships between innate innovativeness and domain specific innovativeness, Se´rie Recherche, l’Universite´ Pierre Mende`s-France. [Erişim adresi]: <>, [Erişim tarihi: 10.01.2007].
  • ROGERS, E. M. (1995). Diffusion of innovation. 4th Ed. New York. The Free Press.
  • ROGERS, E. M., CARTANO, D. G. (1962). Methods of measuring opinion leadership. Public Opinion Quarterly, 26,
  • SCHAEFER, S.(1999). Product design partitions with complementary components. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 38,
  • STERN, B.B., STEPHEN, J.G. (1988). The Consumer as financial opinion leader. Journal of Retail Banking, 10 (2),
  • STEENKAMP, J.B.E.M., HOFSTEDE, F.T., WEDEL, M. (1999). A cross-national investigation into the individual and national cultural antecedents of consumer innovativeness. Journal of Marketing, 63 (2),
  • THATCHER, J.B., PERREWE, P.L. (2002). An empirical examination of individual traits as antecedents to computer anxiety and computer selfefficacy. MIS Quarterly, 26 (4), 381–
  • THATCHER; J.B., STRITE, M., STEPINA, L.P., LIU, Y. (2003). Culture, overload and personal innovativeness with information technology: Extending the nomological net. The Journal of Computer Information Systems, 44 (1),
  • VISHWANATH, A. (2005). Impact of personality on technology adoption: An Empirical model. Journal of The American Society For Information Science and Technology, 56 (8), 803–
  • WEINER, B. (1986). An attributional theory of motivation and emotion. New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • YENIYURT, S., TOWNSEND, J.Y. (2003). Does culture explain acceptance of new products in a country? An empirical investigation. International Marketing Review, 20 (4),
  • XU, Y., KIM, H., VITHARAN, P. (2004). Building Initial Online Trust: A Social earning Theory Perspective and Application on Brick-and-Click Companies. Unpublished working paper, School of Computing, National University of Singapore.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

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