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Year 2010, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 138 - 155, 01.01.2010


Cinsiyet, özellikle tüketici davranışlarının belirlenmesine yönelik olarak geleneksel pazarlamada uzun süreden beri kullanılmakta olan bir bölümlendirme değişkenidir. Ancak günümüzün hızla değişen dünyasında tüketici davranışlarını anlamada geleneksel kalıpların dışına çıkılması zorunluluğu doğmuştur. Bu noktada “cinsiyet kimliği” son dönemde adından sıkça bahsettirmekle beraber pazarlamacılara tüketici davranışlarının karmaşıklığını çözmede yardımcı olabilecek bir kavram olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, reklamların ve cinsiyet kimliği rolünün tüketicilerin satın alma davranışları üzerindeki etkisi ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır. Reklamlara ilişkin anket uygulamasıyla tüketicilerin cinsiyet kimliklerinin reklamlara verdikleri tepkiyi ve sosyo-ekonomik statü düzeylerinin cinsiyet kimliklerini etkileyip etkilemedikleri incelenmiş ve gerekli analizler yapılarak bazı anlamlı ilişkilerin varlığına ulaşılmıştır.


  • AIKEEN L. R. (1963). The relationship of dress to selected measures of personality in undergraduate women. The Journal of Social Psychology, 59, 119–128.
  • BALCI A. (2006). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma, yöntem, teknik ve ilkeler ( Ankara: Pegema.
  • BEM S. L. (1974). The measurement of psychological androgny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42 (April), 155–162.
  • BEM S. L. (1981). Gender schema theory: A cognitive account of sex typing. Psychological Review, 88 (July), 354–364.
  • BOZKURT İ. (2004). İletişim odaklı pazarlama: Tüketiciden müşteri yaratmak. İstanbul: MediaCat Akademi.
  • COLEMAN R. P. (1983). The continuing significance of social class to marketing. Journal of Consumer Research, 10 (Dec) , 265–280.
  • COUGHLIN M., ve O’CONNOR P.J. (1985). Gender role portrayals in advertising: An individual differences analysis. Association for Consumer Research, 12, 238–241.
  • DÖKMEN Z. Y. (1991). Bem cinsiyet rolü envanterinin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Ankara Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(1), 81–89.
  • EAGLY A. H. (1987). Sex differences in social behavior: A social role interpretation. Hillsdale: Erlbaum.
  • EDENA K. M., ve MCCORMICK C. B. (2000). How do adolescents process advertisiments? The influence of ad characteristics, processing objective and gender. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 450–463.
  • FISCHER E., ve ARNOLD S. J. (1990). More than a labor of love: Gender roles and christmas gift shopping. Journal of Consumer Research, 17 (Dec), 333–345.
  • FRY J. N. (1971). Personality variables and cigarette brand choice. Journal of Marketing Research, 8, 298–304.
  • GARST J., ve BODENHAUSEN G. V. (1997). Advertising’s effects on men’s gender role attitudes. Sex Roles, 36 (9/10), 551–572.
  • GRIER S. A., ve DESHPANDE R. (2001). Social dimensions of consumer distinctiveness: The influence of social status on group identity and advertising persuasion. Journal of Marketing Research, May, 38 (2), 216–224.
  • HOGG K.M., ve GARROW J. (2003). Gender, identitiy, and the consumption of advertising. Qualitative Market Research, 6 (3), 160–174.
  • HUPFER M. (2002). Communicating with the agentic woman and the communal man: Are stereotypic advertising appeals still relevant. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 6, 1–14.
  • HWAI L. Y. (2000). Manipulating ad message involvement through information expectancy: Effects on attitude evaluation and confidence. Journal Of Advertising, 29 (2), 29–43.
  • JAFFE L. J., (1994). The unique predictive ability of sex role identity in explaining women’s response to advertising. Psychology and Marketing, 11 (September- October), 467–482.
  • KALAYCIOĞLU S., KARDAM F., Tüzün S., ve ULUSOY M. (1998). Türkiye için bir sosyoekonomik statü ölçütü geliştirme yönünde yaklaşım ve denemeler. Toplum Dergisi, Mart-Nisan, 13 (2), 126–137.
  • KOCABAŞ F., ELDEN M., ve YURDAKUL N. (1999). Reklam ve halkla ilişkilerde hedef kitle. İstanbul: İletişim.
  • KOTLER P. (2000). Pazarlama yönetimi. (Çev.Nejat Muallimoğlu) İstanbul: Beta.
  • LORD K. R., LEE M., ve SAUER P. S. (1995). The combined influence hypothesis: Central and peripheral antecedents of attitude toward the ad. Journal of Advertising, 24 (1), 73–85.
  • MEYERS-LEVY J. (1988). Influence of sex roles on judgement. Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (March), 522–530.
  • ÖZKAN T., LAJUNEN T. (2005). Masculinity, femininty and the bem sex role inventory in turkey. Sex Roles, 52 (1–2), 103–110.
  • PALAN K. M. (2001). Gender identity in consumer behavior research: A literature review and research agenda. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 10, 1–31.
  • PALAN K. M., CHARLES A. S., ve KIECKER P. (1999). Reexamining masculinity, femininty, and gender identity scales. Marketing Letters, 10 (4), 363–377.
  • PİRA A., ve ELGÜN A. (2004). Toplumsal cinsiyeti inşa eden bir kurum olarak medya; reklamlar aracılığıyla ataerkil ideolojinin yeniden üretilmesi. Erişim Tarihi:21.12.2007,, Anadolu Üniversitesi Communication in the Millennium Veritabanı.
  • PRAKASH V. (1992). Sex roles and advertising preferences. Journal of Advertising Research, 32 (May-June), 43–52.
  • PUTREVU S. (2001). Exploring the origins and information processing differences between men and women: Implicaitons for advertisers. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 20, 1–14. (2004).
  • PUTREVU S. (2004). Communicating with the sexes: males and female responses to print advertisements. Journal of Advertising, 33 (3) (Fall ), 51–62.
  • SHIV B., EDELL A.J., ve PAYNE W.J. (1997). Factors affecting the impact of negatively and positively framed ad messages. Journal Of Consumer Research, 24 (Dec), 285–294.
  • Sosyo-ekonomik statü 2006 projesi sonuç raporu (2006), İstanbul, Araştırmacılar Derneği.
  • SPENCE J. T. (1993). Gender-related traits and gender ideology evidence for a multifactorial theory. Journal of Personality abd Social Psychology, 64 (April), 624–635.
  • TWENGE J. M. (1997). Changes in masculine and feminine traits over time: A meta analysis. Sex Roles, 36 (5/6), 305–325.
  • WORTH L. T., SMITH J., ve MACKIE D. M. (1992). Gender schemacity and preference for gender-typed products. Psychology Marketing, 9(1), 17–30.
  • ARAŞTIRMACILAR DERNEĞİ, (2006), Sosyo-ekonomik statü 2006 projesi sonuç raporu, İstanbul, Araştırmacılar Derneği.
  • İSTANBUL TİCARET ODASI YAYINLARI, (2006), İşletmelerin tüketici odaklı marka stratejisi, İstanbul, İstanbul Ticaret Odası.


Year 2010, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 138 - 155, 01.01.2010


Gender is a segmentation criterion which has been used for a long time especially for the analyses of consumer behavior in traditional marketing. However an obligation has aroused to digress the traditional patterns in order to understand consumer behavior in our rapidly changing world. At this point, “gender identity role” concept which is frequently encountered in the literature reminded may help researchers in understanding complex consumer buying behavior. In this study, consumer’s gender identity’s impact on their response to advertisements and whether their socio-economic status levels’ effect their gender identities or not have been analyzed and some significant relations have been found


  • AIKEEN L. R. (1963). The relationship of dress to selected measures of personality in undergraduate women. The Journal of Social Psychology, 59, 119–128.
  • BALCI A. (2006). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma, yöntem, teknik ve ilkeler ( Ankara: Pegema.
  • BEM S. L. (1974). The measurement of psychological androgny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42 (April), 155–162.
  • BEM S. L. (1981). Gender schema theory: A cognitive account of sex typing. Psychological Review, 88 (July), 354–364.
  • BOZKURT İ. (2004). İletişim odaklı pazarlama: Tüketiciden müşteri yaratmak. İstanbul: MediaCat Akademi.
  • COLEMAN R. P. (1983). The continuing significance of social class to marketing. Journal of Consumer Research, 10 (Dec) , 265–280.
  • COUGHLIN M., ve O’CONNOR P.J. (1985). Gender role portrayals in advertising: An individual differences analysis. Association for Consumer Research, 12, 238–241.
  • DÖKMEN Z. Y. (1991). Bem cinsiyet rolü envanterinin geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Ankara Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(1), 81–89.
  • EAGLY A. H. (1987). Sex differences in social behavior: A social role interpretation. Hillsdale: Erlbaum.
  • EDENA K. M., ve MCCORMICK C. B. (2000). How do adolescents process advertisiments? The influence of ad characteristics, processing objective and gender. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 450–463.
  • FISCHER E., ve ARNOLD S. J. (1990). More than a labor of love: Gender roles and christmas gift shopping. Journal of Consumer Research, 17 (Dec), 333–345.
  • FRY J. N. (1971). Personality variables and cigarette brand choice. Journal of Marketing Research, 8, 298–304.
  • GARST J., ve BODENHAUSEN G. V. (1997). Advertising’s effects on men’s gender role attitudes. Sex Roles, 36 (9/10), 551–572.
  • GRIER S. A., ve DESHPANDE R. (2001). Social dimensions of consumer distinctiveness: The influence of social status on group identity and advertising persuasion. Journal of Marketing Research, May, 38 (2), 216–224.
  • HOGG K.M., ve GARROW J. (2003). Gender, identitiy, and the consumption of advertising. Qualitative Market Research, 6 (3), 160–174.
  • HUPFER M. (2002). Communicating with the agentic woman and the communal man: Are stereotypic advertising appeals still relevant. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 6, 1–14.
  • HWAI L. Y. (2000). Manipulating ad message involvement through information expectancy: Effects on attitude evaluation and confidence. Journal Of Advertising, 29 (2), 29–43.
  • JAFFE L. J., (1994). The unique predictive ability of sex role identity in explaining women’s response to advertising. Psychology and Marketing, 11 (September- October), 467–482.
  • KALAYCIOĞLU S., KARDAM F., Tüzün S., ve ULUSOY M. (1998). Türkiye için bir sosyoekonomik statü ölçütü geliştirme yönünde yaklaşım ve denemeler. Toplum Dergisi, Mart-Nisan, 13 (2), 126–137.
  • KOCABAŞ F., ELDEN M., ve YURDAKUL N. (1999). Reklam ve halkla ilişkilerde hedef kitle. İstanbul: İletişim.
  • KOTLER P. (2000). Pazarlama yönetimi. (Çev.Nejat Muallimoğlu) İstanbul: Beta.
  • LORD K. R., LEE M., ve SAUER P. S. (1995). The combined influence hypothesis: Central and peripheral antecedents of attitude toward the ad. Journal of Advertising, 24 (1), 73–85.
  • MEYERS-LEVY J. (1988). Influence of sex roles on judgement. Journal of Consumer Research, 14 (March), 522–530.
  • ÖZKAN T., LAJUNEN T. (2005). Masculinity, femininty and the bem sex role inventory in turkey. Sex Roles, 52 (1–2), 103–110.
  • PALAN K. M. (2001). Gender identity in consumer behavior research: A literature review and research agenda. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 10, 1–31.
  • PALAN K. M., CHARLES A. S., ve KIECKER P. (1999). Reexamining masculinity, femininty, and gender identity scales. Marketing Letters, 10 (4), 363–377.
  • PİRA A., ve ELGÜN A. (2004). Toplumsal cinsiyeti inşa eden bir kurum olarak medya; reklamlar aracılığıyla ataerkil ideolojinin yeniden üretilmesi. Erişim Tarihi:21.12.2007,, Anadolu Üniversitesi Communication in the Millennium Veritabanı.
  • PRAKASH V. (1992). Sex roles and advertising preferences. Journal of Advertising Research, 32 (May-June), 43–52.
  • PUTREVU S. (2001). Exploring the origins and information processing differences between men and women: Implicaitons for advertisers. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 20, 1–14. (2004).
  • PUTREVU S. (2004). Communicating with the sexes: males and female responses to print advertisements. Journal of Advertising, 33 (3) (Fall ), 51–62.
  • SHIV B., EDELL A.J., ve PAYNE W.J. (1997). Factors affecting the impact of negatively and positively framed ad messages. Journal Of Consumer Research, 24 (Dec), 285–294.
  • Sosyo-ekonomik statü 2006 projesi sonuç raporu (2006), İstanbul, Araştırmacılar Derneği.
  • SPENCE J. T. (1993). Gender-related traits and gender ideology evidence for a multifactorial theory. Journal of Personality abd Social Psychology, 64 (April), 624–635.
  • TWENGE J. M. (1997). Changes in masculine and feminine traits over time: A meta analysis. Sex Roles, 36 (5/6), 305–325.
  • WORTH L. T., SMITH J., ve MACKIE D. M. (1992). Gender schemacity and preference for gender-typed products. Psychology Marketing, 9(1), 17–30.
  • ARAŞTIRMACILAR DERNEĞİ, (2006), Sosyo-ekonomik statü 2006 projesi sonuç raporu, İstanbul, Araştırmacılar Derneği.
  • İSTANBUL TİCARET ODASI YAYINLARI, (2006), İşletmelerin tüketici odaklı marka stratejisi, İstanbul, İstanbul Ticaret Odası.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Mehmet İsmail Yağcı This is me

Neslihan İlarslan This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 11 Issue: 1
