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Year 2013, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 213 - 229, 01.07.2013


Çalışmada Türkiye için günlük bazda bir finansal stres endeksi oluşturulmuştur. Endeks, 01.08.2002-31.01.2013 dönemini kapmakta ve Bankacılık Sektörü, Kamu Sektörü, Hisse Senedi Piyasası ve Döviz Piyasası için elde edilen stres seviyelerinin toplamından oluşmaktadır. Çalışmada sunulan finansal stres endeksi aracılığıyla, finansal kurumlar ile politika uygulayıcılara alt piyasalar ve toplam sektör üzerindeki finansal stresin algılanması ve para politikasının yönetilmesi konusunda günlük sıklığa sahip bir endeks sunulması amaçlanmıştır. Finansal Stres Endeksi aracılığıyla, Türkiye ekonomisi i yüksek stres dönemi ii normal stres dönemi iii küresel kriz dönemi iv düşük stres dönemi v yükselen stres dönemi vi azalan stres dönemi olmak üzere altı ayrı finansal stres dönemine ayrılmış ve ilgili dönemlerin analizlerine yer verilmiştir


  • ALPER, C.E., ONIS, Z. (2003). Emerging market crises and the IMF: rethinking the role of the IMF in the light of Turkey’s 2000-2001 financial crises. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 23 (3), pp.267-284.
  • BALAKRISHNAN, R., DANNINGER, S., ELEKDAG, S., TYTELL, I. (2009). The transmission of financial stress from advanced to emerging economies. IMF Working Paper, WP/09/133.
  • BERNANKE, B., GERTLER, M. (1995). Inside the black box: the credit channel of monetary policy transmission. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 9 (4), pp.27–48.
  • BORATAV, K., ERİNÇ Y. (2005). Turkey, 1980-2000: financial liberalization, macroeconomic (in)stability, and patterns of distribution. Chapter 14, in L.
  • TAYLOR (ed.) External liberalization in Asia, post-socialist Europe, and Brazil. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • CARDARELLI, R., ELEKDAG, S., LALL, S. (2009). Financial stress, downturns, and recoveries. IMF Working Paper. WP/09/100.
  • CBRT. (2005). General framework of inflation targeting regime and monetary and exchange rate Policy for 2006. December.
  • CBRT. (2009). Financial stability Report, 8, May.
  • CBRT. (2010). Monetary and exchange rate policy for 2011, December.
  • CBRT. (2010b). Monetary policy exit strategy, April.
  • CBRT. (2011). Monetary and exchange rate policy for 2012, December.
  • CBRT. (2013). Monetary and exchange rate policy for 2013, December.
  • DAVIS, E.P., FAGAN, G. (1997). Are financial spreads useful indicators of future inflation and output growth in EU countries?. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 12 (6). pp.701-14.
  • D‘ANTONIO, P. (2008). A view of the U.S. subprime crisis. EMA Special Report, Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Appendix, pages 26-28. in DiClemente, R. and K. Schoenholtz. September.
  • DUDLEY, W., HATZIUS, J., McKELVEY, E. (2005). Financial conditions need to tighten further. US Economics Analyst. Goldman Sachs Economic Research. April 8.
  • DUDLEY, W., HATZIUS, J. (2000). The Goldman Sachs financial conditions index: the right tool for a new monetary policy regime. Global Economics Paper, 44. June 8.
  • ELEKDAĞ, S., KANLI, İ., B., SAMANCIOĞLU, Z., SARIKAYA, Ç. (2010). Finansal stres ve iktisadi faaliyet. Central Bank Review. 10, pp.1-8.
  • ESTRELLA, A., HARDOUVELIS, G. (1991). The term structure as a predictor of real economic activity. Journal of Finance. 46, 555-576.
  • ESTRELLA, A., MISHKIN, F. (1998). Predicting U.S. recessions: financial variables as leading indicators. Review of Economics and Statistics. 80, pp.45-61.
  • FREEDMAN, C. (1994). The use of indicators and of the monetary conditions index in Canada. in T.J.T. BALINO and C. COTTARELLI (eds). Frameworks for monetary stability: policy issues and country experiences, 458-476, IMF, Washington, D.C.
  • FRIEDMAN, B., KUTTNER, K. (1992). Why does the paper-bill spread predict real economic activity?. in Business cycles, indicators and forecasting. J. STOCK and M. WATSON (eds.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • GUICHARD, S., TURNER, D. (2009). Quantifying the effect of financial conditions in the Euro area, Japan, United Kingdom and United States. OECD Economics Department Working Papers, 677.
  • HARVEY, C. (1988). The real term structure of and consumption growth. Journal of Financial Economics. 22, 305-333.
  • HAKKIO, C.S., KEETON W.R. (2009). Financial stress: what is it, how can it be measured, and why does it matter?. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Review.
  • HATZIUS, J., HOOPER, P., MISHKIN, F.S., SCHOENHOLTZ K.L., WATSON, M.W. (2010). Financial conditions indexes: a fresh look after the financial crisis. NBER Working Paper. 16150.
  • HOOPER, P., MAYER, T., SLOK, T., (2007). Financial conditions: central banks still ahead of markets. Deutsche Bank. Global Economic Perspectives. 11.
  • HOOPER, P., SLOK, T., DOBRIDGE C. (2010). Improving financial conditions bode well for growth. Deutsche Bank. Global Economic Perspectives.
  • KAYA, V., YILMAZ, Ö. (2007). Para krizleri öngörüsünde logit model ve sinyal yaklaşımının değeri: Türkiye tecrübesi. Turkish Economic Association Working Papers. 2007/1.
  • KİBRİTÇİOĞLU, B., KÖSE, B., UĞUR, G. (1999). A leading indicators approach to the predictability of currency crises: the case of Turkey. Hazine Dergisi, Working Paper No. 1998/12.
  • OET, M., V., EIBEN, R., BIANCO, T., GRAMLICH, D., ONG, S.J. (2011). The financial stress index: identification of systemic risk conditions. Working papers of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 11-30.
  • PLOSSER, C.I., ROUWENHORST, G.K. (1994). International term structures and real economic growth. Journal of Monetary Economics. 33. 133-155.
  • ROSENBERG, M. (2009). Financial conditions watch. Bloomberg. December 3.
  • STOCK, J., WATSON, M. (1989). New indexes of coincident and leading Economic. NBER Macroeconomics Annual. The University of Chicago Press.
  • TOSUNER, A. (2005). Finansal krizler ve kırılganlık: Türkiye için bir erken uyarı sistemi önerisi. İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 20, 235.
  • UYGUR, E. (2001). Krizden krize Türkiye: 2000 kasım ve 2001 şubat krizleri. Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu, Tartışma Metni.
  • ZARNOWITZ, V. (1992). Business cycles: theory, history, indicators and forecasting. University of Chicago Press, 316-356.


Year 2013, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 213 - 229, 01.07.2013


This study presents a financial stress index for Turkey on a daily basis. The index covers the time period between 01.08.2002 and 31.01.2013, and it presents the summation of stress levels collected through the Banking Sector, Public Sector, Stock Market and Foreign Exchange Market. So as to enable the financial institutions and policy makers to determine the financial stress on the sub-markets and financial sector, and manage the monetary policy, an indicator with high frequency was aimed to be provided. By use of the financial stress analysis, the Turkish Economy has been broken down into six different periods, namely i the high stress period ii the normal stress period iii the global crisis stress period iv the low stress period v the increasing stress period vi the decreasing stress period and the analyses related to each of these periods are presented.


  • ALPER, C.E., ONIS, Z. (2003). Emerging market crises and the IMF: rethinking the role of the IMF in the light of Turkey’s 2000-2001 financial crises. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 23 (3), pp.267-284.
  • BALAKRISHNAN, R., DANNINGER, S., ELEKDAG, S., TYTELL, I. (2009). The transmission of financial stress from advanced to emerging economies. IMF Working Paper, WP/09/133.
  • BERNANKE, B., GERTLER, M. (1995). Inside the black box: the credit channel of monetary policy transmission. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 9 (4), pp.27–48.
  • BORATAV, K., ERİNÇ Y. (2005). Turkey, 1980-2000: financial liberalization, macroeconomic (in)stability, and patterns of distribution. Chapter 14, in L.
  • TAYLOR (ed.) External liberalization in Asia, post-socialist Europe, and Brazil. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • CARDARELLI, R., ELEKDAG, S., LALL, S. (2009). Financial stress, downturns, and recoveries. IMF Working Paper. WP/09/100.
  • CBRT. (2005). General framework of inflation targeting regime and monetary and exchange rate Policy for 2006. December.
  • CBRT. (2009). Financial stability Report, 8, May.
  • CBRT. (2010). Monetary and exchange rate policy for 2011, December.
  • CBRT. (2010b). Monetary policy exit strategy, April.
  • CBRT. (2011). Monetary and exchange rate policy for 2012, December.
  • CBRT. (2013). Monetary and exchange rate policy for 2013, December.
  • DAVIS, E.P., FAGAN, G. (1997). Are financial spreads useful indicators of future inflation and output growth in EU countries?. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 12 (6). pp.701-14.
  • D‘ANTONIO, P. (2008). A view of the U.S. subprime crisis. EMA Special Report, Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Appendix, pages 26-28. in DiClemente, R. and K. Schoenholtz. September.
  • DUDLEY, W., HATZIUS, J., McKELVEY, E. (2005). Financial conditions need to tighten further. US Economics Analyst. Goldman Sachs Economic Research. April 8.
  • DUDLEY, W., HATZIUS, J. (2000). The Goldman Sachs financial conditions index: the right tool for a new monetary policy regime. Global Economics Paper, 44. June 8.
  • ELEKDAĞ, S., KANLI, İ., B., SAMANCIOĞLU, Z., SARIKAYA, Ç. (2010). Finansal stres ve iktisadi faaliyet. Central Bank Review. 10, pp.1-8.
  • ESTRELLA, A., HARDOUVELIS, G. (1991). The term structure as a predictor of real economic activity. Journal of Finance. 46, 555-576.
  • ESTRELLA, A., MISHKIN, F. (1998). Predicting U.S. recessions: financial variables as leading indicators. Review of Economics and Statistics. 80, pp.45-61.
  • FREEDMAN, C. (1994). The use of indicators and of the monetary conditions index in Canada. in T.J.T. BALINO and C. COTTARELLI (eds). Frameworks for monetary stability: policy issues and country experiences, 458-476, IMF, Washington, D.C.
  • FRIEDMAN, B., KUTTNER, K. (1992). Why does the paper-bill spread predict real economic activity?. in Business cycles, indicators and forecasting. J. STOCK and M. WATSON (eds.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • GUICHARD, S., TURNER, D. (2009). Quantifying the effect of financial conditions in the Euro area, Japan, United Kingdom and United States. OECD Economics Department Working Papers, 677.
  • HARVEY, C. (1988). The real term structure of and consumption growth. Journal of Financial Economics. 22, 305-333.
  • HAKKIO, C.S., KEETON W.R. (2009). Financial stress: what is it, how can it be measured, and why does it matter?. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Review.
  • HATZIUS, J., HOOPER, P., MISHKIN, F.S., SCHOENHOLTZ K.L., WATSON, M.W. (2010). Financial conditions indexes: a fresh look after the financial crisis. NBER Working Paper. 16150.
  • HOOPER, P., MAYER, T., SLOK, T., (2007). Financial conditions: central banks still ahead of markets. Deutsche Bank. Global Economic Perspectives. 11.
  • HOOPER, P., SLOK, T., DOBRIDGE C. (2010). Improving financial conditions bode well for growth. Deutsche Bank. Global Economic Perspectives.
  • KAYA, V., YILMAZ, Ö. (2007). Para krizleri öngörüsünde logit model ve sinyal yaklaşımının değeri: Türkiye tecrübesi. Turkish Economic Association Working Papers. 2007/1.
  • KİBRİTÇİOĞLU, B., KÖSE, B., UĞUR, G. (1999). A leading indicators approach to the predictability of currency crises: the case of Turkey. Hazine Dergisi, Working Paper No. 1998/12.
  • OET, M., V., EIBEN, R., BIANCO, T., GRAMLICH, D., ONG, S.J. (2011). The financial stress index: identification of systemic risk conditions. Working papers of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 11-30.
  • PLOSSER, C.I., ROUWENHORST, G.K. (1994). International term structures and real economic growth. Journal of Monetary Economics. 33. 133-155.
  • ROSENBERG, M. (2009). Financial conditions watch. Bloomberg. December 3.
  • STOCK, J., WATSON, M. (1989). New indexes of coincident and leading Economic. NBER Macroeconomics Annual. The University of Chicago Press.
  • TOSUNER, A. (2005). Finansal krizler ve kırılganlık: Türkiye için bir erken uyarı sistemi önerisi. İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 20, 235.
  • UYGUR, E. (2001). Krizden krize Türkiye: 2000 kasım ve 2001 şubat krizleri. Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu, Tartışma Metni.
  • ZARNOWITZ, V. (1992). Business cycles: theory, history, indicators and forecasting. University of Chicago Press, 316-356.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Aykut Ekinci This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Ekinci, A. (2013). FINANCIAL STRESS INDEX FOR TURKEY. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 14(2), 213-229.