Research Article
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Year 2003, Issue: 005, 1 - 13, 15.12.2003


In this study. the blood values of daghc sheep. a kind of fat tailed

sheep. which live in two different regions and is similer in the age. race and

growing features were compared. The values of leucocytes and Iymphoctytes

were foun strikingly higher than normal level (P-O.O I) of the sheep which were

gromn in the regions of dense pollution. On the other hand. the lower values

were obtained in the amounts and

indexes of erythrocyte and hemoglobin reaching 8 % to 79 % which did nor

arrive the considerable proportions in statistical meanings.

It is observed that 'the pollution of environment led the negati ve and

remarkable changes in the chemsitry of blood in sheep.


  • [1] Anonim 1995 Arch. Dis. Ahild. (Archives of Rivase in Chilhood) 1995 Nov; 73 (5): 418-22, Branchial Responsivereness, eosinoplia and short term exposureto air pollution.
  • [2] Anonim 1999 Kiitahya iIi Cevre Durum Raporu, 1999, s: 63, 163-164,54-55,65.68-69,71-72,276 s.
  • [3] Badman, D., Jaffe, E., 1996, Blood and air pollution, Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1996; 114: 205-8.
  • [4] Cinar A., Yoriik M, Merali., Kilicalp D., Koc A, Ertekin A., 1999 The Effectsof Carbon Tetracholoride (CCI4) Induced Experimontal Acute and Chronic Intoxcation on Hystological Structure of Liver and Some Hematoligical values and Electrocardiogram in Rabbits, TUrk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci 23,235-242
  • [5] Duncan D.R. 1955 Multiple range and multiple Ftests. Biometrics 11: 1-42
  • [6] Erbas, 0., 2001, Kiitahya'da Hava Kirliliginin Azaltilmasina Yonelik Cozum Onerileri ve Matematiksel Modelleme, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Dumlupmar Dniv. Makine Muhendisligi Bolumu, Kiitahya.
  • [7] Ergiin, N.O., Beyazit, N., Samsun-Tekkekoy Bolgesinde Hava Kirliligi ile Meteorolojik Parametreler arasmdaki Iliski, Turk. J. Environ. Sci., 20, (1996), 300-3005.
  • [8] Harvey W.R., 1987 Instructures for use of LSMLMM leastsquares and maximum likehaod general purpose program. Ohio state Uaiv. Colombus, U.S.A. Hizel, s., Coskun, t., 2000, Determinant of Brity Weight: Does Air Pollution Have an Influeventiol Effeccet?, Turk.J. Med.Sci., 30, (2000)47-54.
  • [9] Heinz, 1., Rainer, G., Stehle, P., Dilloon, D., 1998, Assessment of Lead Exposure in School children From Jakarta, http://I ehpnet 1. niehs. Nih. Gov/docs/1998/106 p 499-501 Heinzel/abstract. Html, Jakarta, Indonersia.
  • [10] Kose R. 1999 Termik Santraller ve Getirdigi Cevre Sorunlan. Kiitahya iIi cevre Durum Raporu S:244.
  • [11] Oruc, N., 1999 (a) Seyitomer Terrnik Santrelli'nin Cevreye Etkisi, 15t International Symposium on Protection of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karacam 23_25th September 1999 Kutahya/Turkiye, 604-610.
  • [12] Oruc, N .z, 1999 (b) Kiitahya TOGSAS Azot Fabrikasi Desarj Kanalmdaki Azot Birlesiklerinin derisimi (1994-95-96 ve 98 yillan) ve Bunun Porsuk Cayi acisindan Onerni, l " International Symposium on Protectionb of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karacam 23-25s, September 1999 Kutahya/Turkiye, 564-570.
  • [13] Syed, H., Khan, K.M., Rehman, K., Siddiqui, S., 2000, effect of Sulphurdixide pollution on immunglobulins of the Workers and Resident of Vicinity, Pakistan Journal of Biological Science Vol.3, No:5, 872-873.
  • [14] Tanyer G. 1985 Hometoloji ve Labratuvar. Ayyildiz Yaymlan 448p., 129-136:-340-361. ANKARA
  • [15] Tasdemir, Y., 2001 Winter Season S02 Measurement in Bursa and Comparison With Raral and Urban Area Values, Turk. J. Engin. Enviran. Sci., 25, (2001),279-287.
  • [16] Yarmk, A., Bentli, t, 1999, Komur Kullarnmma Bagh Cevre Sorunlan, Kiitahya lu Cevre Durum Raporu, s: 267-268.
  • [17] YUcel, E., oztiirk , M., Dogan, F., 1995, Kiitahya'da Hava Kirliligi Sorunu, Ekoloji Dergisi, Sayi: 15, s: 40-45.


Year 2003, Issue: 005, 1 - 13, 15.12.2003


Bu cahsrnada iki farkh bolgede bulunan yas, Irk ve yetisnrme ozellikleri

benzer olan daglic irki koyunlann kan ozellikleri karsilastmlrrusur. Yogun

kirlilik bolgesinde yetistirilen koyunlann lokosit, lenfosit degerleri cok onemli

(P-O.OI) olcude yuksek bulunurken eritrosit ve hemoglobin miktar ve

indekslerinde istatistik onem smmna ulasrnayan fakat % 8 ile % 79'lara varan

dusuk degerler tespit edilrnistir.

Cevre kirliliginin koyunlann kan kirnyasmda onernli ve olumsuz degisimlere

sebep oldugu belirlenrnistir.


  • [1] Anonim 1995 Arch. Dis. Ahild. (Archives of Rivase in Chilhood) 1995 Nov; 73 (5): 418-22, Branchial Responsivereness, eosinoplia and short term exposureto air pollution.
  • [2] Anonim 1999 Kiitahya iIi Cevre Durum Raporu, 1999, s: 63, 163-164,54-55,65.68-69,71-72,276 s.
  • [3] Badman, D., Jaffe, E., 1996, Blood and air pollution, Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1996; 114: 205-8.
  • [4] Cinar A., Yoriik M, Merali., Kilicalp D., Koc A, Ertekin A., 1999 The Effectsof Carbon Tetracholoride (CCI4) Induced Experimontal Acute and Chronic Intoxcation on Hystological Structure of Liver and Some Hematoligical values and Electrocardiogram in Rabbits, TUrk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci 23,235-242
  • [5] Duncan D.R. 1955 Multiple range and multiple Ftests. Biometrics 11: 1-42
  • [6] Erbas, 0., 2001, Kiitahya'da Hava Kirliliginin Azaltilmasina Yonelik Cozum Onerileri ve Matematiksel Modelleme, Yuksek Lisans Tezi, Dumlupmar Dniv. Makine Muhendisligi Bolumu, Kiitahya.
  • [7] Ergiin, N.O., Beyazit, N., Samsun-Tekkekoy Bolgesinde Hava Kirliligi ile Meteorolojik Parametreler arasmdaki Iliski, Turk. J. Environ. Sci., 20, (1996), 300-3005.
  • [8] Harvey W.R., 1987 Instructures for use of LSMLMM leastsquares and maximum likehaod general purpose program. Ohio state Uaiv. Colombus, U.S.A. Hizel, s., Coskun, t., 2000, Determinant of Brity Weight: Does Air Pollution Have an Influeventiol Effeccet?, Turk.J. Med.Sci., 30, (2000)47-54.
  • [9] Heinz, 1., Rainer, G., Stehle, P., Dilloon, D., 1998, Assessment of Lead Exposure in School children From Jakarta, http://I ehpnet 1. niehs. Nih. Gov/docs/1998/106 p 499-501 Heinzel/abstract. Html, Jakarta, Indonersia.
  • [10] Kose R. 1999 Termik Santraller ve Getirdigi Cevre Sorunlan. Kiitahya iIi cevre Durum Raporu S:244.
  • [11] Oruc, N., 1999 (a) Seyitomer Terrnik Santrelli'nin Cevreye Etkisi, 15t International Symposium on Protection of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karacam 23_25th September 1999 Kutahya/Turkiye, 604-610.
  • [12] Oruc, N .z, 1999 (b) Kiitahya TOGSAS Azot Fabrikasi Desarj Kanalmdaki Azot Birlesiklerinin derisimi (1994-95-96 ve 98 yillan) ve Bunun Porsuk Cayi acisindan Onerni, l " International Symposium on Protectionb of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karacam 23-25s, September 1999 Kutahya/Turkiye, 564-570.
  • [13] Syed, H., Khan, K.M., Rehman, K., Siddiqui, S., 2000, effect of Sulphurdixide pollution on immunglobulins of the Workers and Resident of Vicinity, Pakistan Journal of Biological Science Vol.3, No:5, 872-873.
  • [14] Tanyer G. 1985 Hometoloji ve Labratuvar. Ayyildiz Yaymlan 448p., 129-136:-340-361. ANKARA
  • [15] Tasdemir, Y., 2001 Winter Season S02 Measurement in Bursa and Comparison With Raral and Urban Area Values, Turk. J. Engin. Enviran. Sci., 25, (2001),279-287.
  • [16] Yarmk, A., Bentli, t, 1999, Komur Kullarnmma Bagh Cevre Sorunlan, Kiitahya lu Cevre Durum Raporu, s: 267-268.
  • [17] YUcel, E., oztiirk , M., Dogan, F., 1995, Kiitahya'da Hava Kirliligi Sorunu, Ekoloji Dergisi, Sayi: 15, s: 40-45.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

M.S. Özyurt This is me

H. Dayıoğlu This is me

A. Yamık This is me

İ.Ö. Ertürk This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003 Issue: 005


APA Özyurt, M., Dayıoğlu, H., Yamık, A., Ertürk, İ. (2003). KiRLi ÇEVRE ORTAMINDA YETiSTiRiLEN KOYUNLARDA BAZI KAN DEGERLERi. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(005), 1-13.

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