Research Article
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Year 2003, Issue: 005, 61 - 68, 15.12.2003


The annual averages of total lipid, total fatty acid and the ratios of fatty acids in

muscle and liver lipids of pikeperch from Lake Egirdir were determined. The quality

of muscle and liver lipids with respect to the ratio of n-3 fatty acids was evaluated.

Total lipid contend was found 0.617r in male muscle. 0.56'7rin female muscle.

5.7191- in male Iiver and 5.147(' in female Iiver. Total fatty acids composed of more

than half of total lipid in muscle and liver in both sexes. Palmitic acid (16:0) in

saturated fatty acids (SF A), oleic acidt 18: 1) in monounsaturated fatty

acids(M UF A),docosahexaenoic(22 :6n-3). eicosapentaenoic(10:5 n- 3) and

arachidonic(20:4n-6) acids in polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA) were predominant.

The n-3 fatty acids ratios were found 15.52'7(' in male muscle. 16.71 '7C'infemale

muscle, 12.02C'k in male liver and 11.26'7c in female liver. Although total lipid

contend is very low, pikeperch may be a source of n-3 fatty acids for the people who

have constantly consumption habits because the ratio ofn-3/n-6 is relatively high.


  • [1] Ackman, R.G., 1967. "Characteristics of the Fatty Acid Composition and Biochemistry of Some Freshwater Fish Oils and Lipids in Comparison with Marine Oils and Lipids" Compo Biochem. Physiol., 22, 907-922.
  • [2] Agren, 1., Muje, P., Hanninen, 0., Herranen, I., Penrnla, I., 1987. "Seasonal Variations of Lipid Fatty Acids of Boreal Freshwater Fish Species" Compo Biochem. Physiol., 88,905-909.
  • [3] Ahlgren, G., 1996. "Fatty Acid Content of Some Freshwater Fish in Lakes of Different Trophic Levels" Ecol. Freshwater Fish, 5 (1), 15-27.
  • [4] Andrade, A.P., 1995. "Omega3 Fatty Acids in Freshwater Fish From South Brazil" lour. of the American Oil Chemists, 72 (10),1207-1210.
  • [5] Bligt, E.G., and Dyer, I.M., 1959. "A Rapid Medhod of Total Lipid Extraction and Purification" Can. Jour. Biochem. and Physiol., 37,911-917.
  • [6] Carlson, S.E., Salem, N., 1990. "Essentiality of Omega3 Fatty Acids in Growth and Development of Infants" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 74-86.
  • [7] Deng, I.e., Orthefer, F.T., Dennison, R.L., Watson, M., 1976. "Lipids and Fatty Acids in Mullet (Mugil cephalus): Seasonal and Locational Variations" Jour. of Food Science, 4,1479-1483.
  • [8] Dyerberg, 1., 1990. "Conference Summary and Future Directions" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66,16-19.
  • [9] Folch, I., Lees, M., Stanley, G.H., 1956. "A Simple Method for the Isolation and Purification of Total Lipids From Animal Tissues" The lour. BioI. Chern., 2261, 497-509.
  • [10] Fraster, D.1., Morman, A.. Dyer, W.J., 1961. "Proximate Composition of Canadian Atlantic Fish. III. Sectional Differences in the Flesh of a Species of Chondrostei, one of Chimaerae and of some Miscelloney Teleosts" Jour. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 18 (6), 893-905.
  • [11] Galli, c., Butrum, R 1990. "Dietary Omega3 Fatty Acids and Cancer" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics., 66,446-461.
  • [12] Gibson, RA, Kneebone, R, and Kneebone, G.M., 1984. "Comparative Levels of Arachidonic Acid and Eicosapentaenoic Acid in Malaysian Fish" Compo Biochem. Physiol., 78, 325-328.
  • [13] Harris, W.S., 1985. "Healty Effects of Omega3 Fatty Acids" Contemporary Nutrition, lO, 155-161.
  • [14] Henninger, M., Ulberth, F,1997. "Fatty Acid Composition of Domestic Freshwater Fish, Marine Fish and Fish Oil Capsules" Deutsche-Lebensmittel- Rundschav, 93 (6), 178-183.
  • [15] Huss, H., 1988. "Fresh Fish Quality and Quality Changes" Ministery of Fisheries Technical University Press, Copanhagen, Denmark.
  • [16] Jhaveri, S.N., Karakoltsidis, P.A., Constantinides, S.M.,1984. "Chemical Composition and Protein Quality of Some Southern New England Marine Species" Jour. of Food Science, 49,11 0-113.
  • [17] Kanders, B., Kowalchuk, M., 1990. "Omega3 Fatty Acids and Cancer Metostasis in Humans" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 477-487.
  • [18] Leaf, A., Weber, P.c., 1988. "Cardiovascular Effects of n-3 Fatty Acids" Journal of Medicine, 318, 549-557.
  • [19] Li, X., Steiner, M., 1990. "Fish Oil, a Potent Inhibitor of Flatelet Adhesiveness" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 562-563.
  • [20] Medford, B.A, Mackay, W.c., 1978. "Protein and Lipid Content of Gonads, Liver And Muscle of Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in Relation to Gonad Growth" Jour. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 35, 213-219.
  • [21] Moss, C.W., Lambert, M.A. Merwin, W.H., 1974. "Cornparision of Rapid Medhods for Analysis of Bacterial Fatty Acids" Applied Microbiology, 28, 80- 85.
  • [22] Namara, DJ., 1992. "Dietary Fatty Acid, Lipoproteins and Cardiovascular Dis-use" Advantures in Food and Nutrition Research, 36,254-334.
  • [23] Rudman, D., Cohan, M.E., 1990. "Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and The Health of The Elderly" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66,161-165.
  • [24] Sinclair, AJ., O'dea, K.O., 1990. "History of Fat in The Human Diet" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 511-512.
  • [25] Suzuki, H., 1986. "Influence of Commercial Dietary Fatty Acids on Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids of Cultured Freshwater Fish and Comparision With Those of Wild Fish of the Same Species" Jour. Agric. Food Chem., 34, 58-60.
  • [26] Vanhoutte, P.M., Shimokawa, H., 1990. "Fish Oil and The Platelet-Blood Vessel Wall Interaction" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 233-244.
  • [27] Wang, Y.J., Miller, L.A, Perren, M., Addis, P.B., 1990. "Omega3 Fatty Acids in Lake Superior Fish" Jour. of Food Science, 55, 72-73.
  • [28] Weber, P.c., Leaf, A, 1990. "Cardiovascular Effects of n-3 Fatty Acids" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 218-232.
  • [29] Young, V.. 1990. "The Usage ofFish Oils in Food" Lipid Technology, 2, 7-10.
  • [30] Ziboh, V.A., 1990. "(1)3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Constituents of Fish oil and the Management of Skin Intlammatory and Scaly Disorders" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 425-435.


Year 2003, Issue: 005, 61 - 68, 15.12.2003


Egirdir Golu'nde yasatan sudak baliklannm kas ve karaciger IlfJ."c:rmin yillrk

ortalama total lipit, total yag asidi ve yag asidi oranlan tespit edilrnistir. n-3 yag

asitleri orarn ile ilgili olarak da kas ve karaciger lipit kalitesi degerlendirilmistir.

Total lipid icerigi erkeklerin kas dokusunda % 0.61, disilerin kas dokusunda %0.56,

erkeklerin karacigerinde %5.71, disilerin karacigerinde %5.14 bulunmustur, Her iki

eseyde de total lipit iceriginin yansmdan fazlasm: total yag asitleri olusturrnustur.

Doymus yag asitlerinden(SF A) palmitik as it, tek cift bagl: doyrnarms yag

asitlerinden(MUF A) oleik asit, cok doyrnarms yag asitlerinden (PUF A)

dokosaheksaenoik (22:6n-3), okosapentaenoik (20:5n-3) ve arasidonik (20:4n-6)

asitler en cok bulunan yag asitleridir. n-3' yag asitleri oraru erkeklerin kas

dokusunda %15.52, karacigerinde %12.02, disilerin kas dokusunda %16.71.

kareacigerinde % 11.26 bulunmustur, Total lipit icerigi cok dusuk olmasma ragmen

n-3/n-6 orarn nisbeten yuksek oldugundan sudak baliklan surekli tUketim ahskanligi

olanlar icin bir n-3 yag asidi kaynagi alabilir.


  • [1] Ackman, R.G., 1967. "Characteristics of the Fatty Acid Composition and Biochemistry of Some Freshwater Fish Oils and Lipids in Comparison with Marine Oils and Lipids" Compo Biochem. Physiol., 22, 907-922.
  • [2] Agren, 1., Muje, P., Hanninen, 0., Herranen, I., Penrnla, I., 1987. "Seasonal Variations of Lipid Fatty Acids of Boreal Freshwater Fish Species" Compo Biochem. Physiol., 88,905-909.
  • [3] Ahlgren, G., 1996. "Fatty Acid Content of Some Freshwater Fish in Lakes of Different Trophic Levels" Ecol. Freshwater Fish, 5 (1), 15-27.
  • [4] Andrade, A.P., 1995. "Omega3 Fatty Acids in Freshwater Fish From South Brazil" lour. of the American Oil Chemists, 72 (10),1207-1210.
  • [5] Bligt, E.G., and Dyer, I.M., 1959. "A Rapid Medhod of Total Lipid Extraction and Purification" Can. Jour. Biochem. and Physiol., 37,911-917.
  • [6] Carlson, S.E., Salem, N., 1990. "Essentiality of Omega3 Fatty Acids in Growth and Development of Infants" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 74-86.
  • [7] Deng, I.e., Orthefer, F.T., Dennison, R.L., Watson, M., 1976. "Lipids and Fatty Acids in Mullet (Mugil cephalus): Seasonal and Locational Variations" Jour. of Food Science, 4,1479-1483.
  • [8] Dyerberg, 1., 1990. "Conference Summary and Future Directions" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66,16-19.
  • [9] Folch, I., Lees, M., Stanley, G.H., 1956. "A Simple Method for the Isolation and Purification of Total Lipids From Animal Tissues" The lour. BioI. Chern., 2261, 497-509.
  • [10] Fraster, D.1., Morman, A.. Dyer, W.J., 1961. "Proximate Composition of Canadian Atlantic Fish. III. Sectional Differences in the Flesh of a Species of Chondrostei, one of Chimaerae and of some Miscelloney Teleosts" Jour. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 18 (6), 893-905.
  • [11] Galli, c., Butrum, R 1990. "Dietary Omega3 Fatty Acids and Cancer" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics., 66,446-461.
  • [12] Gibson, RA, Kneebone, R, and Kneebone, G.M., 1984. "Comparative Levels of Arachidonic Acid and Eicosapentaenoic Acid in Malaysian Fish" Compo Biochem. Physiol., 78, 325-328.
  • [13] Harris, W.S., 1985. "Healty Effects of Omega3 Fatty Acids" Contemporary Nutrition, lO, 155-161.
  • [14] Henninger, M., Ulberth, F,1997. "Fatty Acid Composition of Domestic Freshwater Fish, Marine Fish and Fish Oil Capsules" Deutsche-Lebensmittel- Rundschav, 93 (6), 178-183.
  • [15] Huss, H., 1988. "Fresh Fish Quality and Quality Changes" Ministery of Fisheries Technical University Press, Copanhagen, Denmark.
  • [16] Jhaveri, S.N., Karakoltsidis, P.A., Constantinides, S.M.,1984. "Chemical Composition and Protein Quality of Some Southern New England Marine Species" Jour. of Food Science, 49,11 0-113.
  • [17] Kanders, B., Kowalchuk, M., 1990. "Omega3 Fatty Acids and Cancer Metostasis in Humans" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 477-487.
  • [18] Leaf, A., Weber, P.c., 1988. "Cardiovascular Effects of n-3 Fatty Acids" Journal of Medicine, 318, 549-557.
  • [19] Li, X., Steiner, M., 1990. "Fish Oil, a Potent Inhibitor of Flatelet Adhesiveness" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 562-563.
  • [20] Medford, B.A, Mackay, W.c., 1978. "Protein and Lipid Content of Gonads, Liver And Muscle of Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in Relation to Gonad Growth" Jour. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 35, 213-219.
  • [21] Moss, C.W., Lambert, M.A. Merwin, W.H., 1974. "Cornparision of Rapid Medhods for Analysis of Bacterial Fatty Acids" Applied Microbiology, 28, 80- 85.
  • [22] Namara, DJ., 1992. "Dietary Fatty Acid, Lipoproteins and Cardiovascular Dis-use" Advantures in Food and Nutrition Research, 36,254-334.
  • [23] Rudman, D., Cohan, M.E., 1990. "Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and The Health of The Elderly" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66,161-165.
  • [24] Sinclair, AJ., O'dea, K.O., 1990. "History of Fat in The Human Diet" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 511-512.
  • [25] Suzuki, H., 1986. "Influence of Commercial Dietary Fatty Acids on Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids of Cultured Freshwater Fish and Comparision With Those of Wild Fish of the Same Species" Jour. Agric. Food Chem., 34, 58-60.
  • [26] Vanhoutte, P.M., Shimokawa, H., 1990. "Fish Oil and The Platelet-Blood Vessel Wall Interaction" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 233-244.
  • [27] Wang, Y.J., Miller, L.A, Perren, M., Addis, P.B., 1990. "Omega3 Fatty Acids in Lake Superior Fish" Jour. of Food Science, 55, 72-73.
  • [28] Weber, P.c., Leaf, A, 1990. "Cardiovascular Effects of n-3 Fatty Acids" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 218-232.
  • [29] Young, V.. 1990. "The Usage ofFish Oils in Food" Lipid Technology, 2, 7-10.
  • [30] Ziboh, V.A., 1990. "(1)3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Constituents of Fish oil and the Management of Skin Intlammatory and Scaly Disorders" World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, 66, 425-435.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Kazım Uysal This is me

M.yaşar Aksoylar This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003 Issue: 005


APA Uysal, K., & Aksoylar, M. (2003). EGiRDiR GOLU’NDE YASAYAN SUDAK (Stizostedion lucioperca) BALIKLARININ 0-3 YAG ASİTLERi ORANI VE SAGLIK UZERiNE ETKisiNiN DEGERLENDiRiLMESi. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(005), 61-68.

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