Research Article
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Year 2002, Issue: 003, 29 - 37, 15.05.2002


Performance evaluation and debugging of parallel systems rely on instrumentation that

traces or profiles program behavior. Software instrumentation that is statically inserted into

the program source, run-time libraries, or Operating System can gather redundant

information. The overhead incurred during run time to process and record this information

can increase the execution time of the program and can even change program behavior.

Static configuration of instrumentation, although simple, is not in general efficient in terms

of information gathered to overhead introduced. Information content of instrumentation

data typically depends on uncertainty of associated event to occur. This paper presents a

dynamic algorithm for software instrumentation to measure the amount of information

content of instrumentation data to be collected. This makes intelligent data collection for a

software monitoring system possible. The algorithm can be used in software

instrumentation to make monitoring system less intrusive looking at the information

content of instrumentation data before collected.


  • Hollingsworth, J.K., Miller B.P. ve Callaghan, M.D., “The Paradyn Parallel Performance Tools and PVM”, SIAM Press, 1994.
  • Jones, D.S. “Elementary Information Theory”, Claredon Press, Oxford, 1979.
  • Lim, S.J., “Two Dimensional Signal and Image Processing”, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1990
  • Özmen, A., “A Minimal Overhead Instrumentation System”, In Proceedings o f the Fifteenth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS XV), Istanbul, Turkey, October 2000.
  • Özmen, A., “Paralel Gözlemleme (monitör) Sistem Mimarisi”, In ELECO 2000 - Elektrik- Elektronik-Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Bursa, Turkey, November 2000.
  • Özmen, A. and Lumpp, J., “Dynamic Configuration of Software Instrumentation in Parallel Systems”. Proceeding o f The Twelfth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS XII), Antalya, Ekim 1997.
  • Schwartz, L.S., “The Principals of Coding, Filtering and Information Theory”, Cleaver- Hume Press, 1963.
  • Shannon, C.E., “The Mathematical Theory of Communication”, The University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1963.
  • Yan, J. “Performance Tuning with AIMS-An Automated Instrumentation and Monitoring System for Multicomputers”, In Proceedings o f the 27th HICS, Wailea, Hawaii, January 1994.

Paralel Monitörlerde Modifıye Edilmiş Entropi Algoritması

Year 2002, Issue: 003, 29 - 37, 15.05.2002


Paralel sistemlerin izlenmesinde ve program davranışının belirlenmesinde yapılan

performans analizi ve problem giderilmesi çalışmaları enstrumentasyona bağlıdır. Statik

olarak programa, kütüphaneye veya işletim sistemine ilave edilerek yapılan yazılım

enstrumantasyonu lüzumsuz bilgi toplayabilir. Çalışma anında; bu verileri toplarken, diske

kaydederken programın icra süresi artabilir, hatta davranışı bile değişebilir. Statik

enstrumantasyon kontrolü kolay olmasına rağmen, toplanan bilginin harcanan zamana oranı

dikkate alındığında pek verimli değildir. Bir enstrumantasyon verisinin taşıdığı bilgi, o

olayın olup olmayacağının kesin olmamasına bağlıdır. Bu çalışmada, yazılım

enstrumantasyonu sistemlerinde toplanan performans verilerinin değerlendirildiği dinamik

bir algoritma sunulmuştur. Böylece yazılım monitörleri için akıllı veri toplama sistemleri

mümkün olacaktır. Bu algoritma yazılım enstrumantasyon sistemlerinde kullanılarak

performans verisinin içeriğine bakılmak süratiyle, program icrasını daha az rahatsız eden

monitör sistemler yapılabilir.


  • Hollingsworth, J.K., Miller B.P. ve Callaghan, M.D., “The Paradyn Parallel Performance Tools and PVM”, SIAM Press, 1994.
  • Jones, D.S. “Elementary Information Theory”, Claredon Press, Oxford, 1979.
  • Lim, S.J., “Two Dimensional Signal and Image Processing”, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1990
  • Özmen, A., “A Minimal Overhead Instrumentation System”, In Proceedings o f the Fifteenth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS XV), Istanbul, Turkey, October 2000.
  • Özmen, A., “Paralel Gözlemleme (monitör) Sistem Mimarisi”, In ELECO 2000 - Elektrik- Elektronik-Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Sempozyumu, Bursa, Turkey, November 2000.
  • Özmen, A. and Lumpp, J., “Dynamic Configuration of Software Instrumentation in Parallel Systems”. Proceeding o f The Twelfth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS XII), Antalya, Ekim 1997.
  • Schwartz, L.S., “The Principals of Coding, Filtering and Information Theory”, Cleaver- Hume Press, 1963.
  • Shannon, C.E., “The Mathematical Theory of Communication”, The University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1963.
  • Yan, J. “Performance Tuning with AIMS-An Automated Instrumentation and Monitoring System for Multicomputers”, In Proceedings o f the 27th HICS, Wailea, Hawaii, January 1994.
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Özmen This is me

Publication Date May 15, 2002
Published in Issue Year 2002 Issue: 003


APA Özmen, A. (2002). A MODIFIED ENTROPY ALGORITHM FOR PARALLEL MONITORING. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(003), 29-37.

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