Year 2016,
Issue: 47, 36 - 46, 21.01.2016
Özer Özçelik
Hüseyin Önder
study examines terror risk on defence expenditures using multiple regression
model. To perform this, terrorist incidents which has occurred in previous
years were used as an indicator of terrorist risk of the country.The number of
soldiers, population, surface area and GNP are used as control variables and
defence expenditures as the dependent variable of the multiple regression
model. Our sample consist of 126 countries and the model result from this
sample shows us that defence expenditures rises with the rise of terror risk.
Productive and welfare enhancing resources are transferring to the defence
- ABADIE, Alberto ve Javier, GARDEAZABAL (2008), “Terrorism and the World Economy”, European Economic Review, Vol: 52, Issue: 1, pp. 1-27.
- ANDERSON, Ross J. (2008), Security Engineering – A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, Second Edition, Wiley Publishing Inc. USA.
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- FREDERIKSEN, P.C. ve E. Robert, LOONEY, (1983), “Defense and Expenditures and Economic Growth in Developing Countries”, Armed Forces and Society, Vol:9, No:4, pp.633-645.
- GEYER, Michael (2003), “The Uses of Terror in Offensive and Defensive Warfare: The German Example”, in ed. Michael Geyer, War and Terror in Historical and Comparative Perspective, Harry & Helen Gray Humanities Program Series, Volume 14, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, pp. 47-69.
- HUDSON, Rex A. (1999), The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism: Who Becomes A Terrorist and Why?, Federal Research Division Library of Congress Washington, D.C., USA.
- KILLIAN, Andrew (1998) "Determinants of Military Spending in Developing African Countries," Res Publica - Journal of Undergraduate Research, Vol: 3, pp.51-58.
- KNIGHT, Malcolm, Norman, LOAYZA, ve Delano VILLANUEVA (1996), “The Peace Dividend: Military Spending Cuts and Economic Growth”, Staff Papers - International Monetary Fund , Vol: 43, No: 1.
- KRUEGER, Alan B. ve Jitka, MALECKOVA (2003), “Education, Poverty and Terrorism: Is There a Causal Connection?”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol:17, No:4, pp. 119–144.
- LOONEY, E. Robert ve P.C., FREDERIKSEN (1990), “The Economic Determinants of Military Expenditure in Selected East Asian Countries”, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol:11, No.4, pp.265-277.
- MIPT, Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, Terrorism Database, http://www.mipt.org/ (Erişim Tarihi: 15/11/2010).
- ÖNDER, Kübra (2009), “Türkiye’de Savunma Harcamalarının Ekonomiye Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma” Uluslararası Davraz Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Isparta, ss.2660-2671.
- RUBY, Charles L. (2002), “The Definition of Terrorism”, Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, Vol:2, Issue:1, pp. 9–14.
- SEZGIN, Selami ve Jülide, YILDIRIM (2002), “The Demand for Turkish Defence Expenditure”, Defence and Peace Economics, Vol: 13, No: 2, pp. 121–128
- SEZGİN, Selami (2001), "An Empirical Analysis of Turkey's Defence-Growth Relationship with a Multi Equation Model (1956-1994), Defence and Peace Economics, Special Issue on Economic Aspects of Defence in Turkey and Greece, Vol:12, No:1, pp. 69-86.
- SUN Qian ve Qiao, YU (1999), “Determinants of China's Military Expenditures: 1965-93”, Journal of Peace Research, Vol: 36, No:1, pp. 23-33.
- SÜMER, Kutluk Kağan (2005), “Savunma Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi”, Stratejik Araştırmalar Enstitüsü Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, Cilt:1, Sayı:1, ss. 82-91.
- TAMBUDZAI, Zachary, (2005), “Determinants of Zimbabwe’s Military Expenditure, 1980-2003”, ESSA Biennial Conference, Durban, September. http://www.essa.org.za/download/2005Conference/Tambudzai.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 24/11/2010).
- TILLY, Charles (2004), “Terror, Terrorism, Terrorists”, Sociological Theory, Vol:22, No:1, March, pp.5-13.
- WDI, World Development Indicators, http://ddp-ext.worldbank.org/ext/DDPQQ/, (Erişim Tarihi: 15/11/2010).
- YILDIRIM, Jülide, Selami, SEZGİN ve Nadir, ÖCAL (2005), “Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Middle Eastern Countries: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis”, Defence and Peace Economics, Vol: 16, Issue: 4, pp.283-295.
Year 2016,
Issue: 47, 36 - 46, 21.01.2016
Özer Özçelik
Hüseyin Önder
Bu çalışma terör riskinin savunma
harcamaları üzerindeki etkisini çoklu doğrusal regresyon modeli ile
incelemektedir. Bunu gerçekleştirebilmek için savunma harcamalarının bağımlı
değişken olduğu çoklu doğrusal regresyon modelinde asker sayısı, nüfus, yüzölçümü
ve GSMH gibi kontrol değişkenlerinin yanında ülkenin terör riskini göstermek
üzere daha önceki yıllarda meydana gelen terör olayları kullanılmıştır. Örneklem
olarak alınan 126 ülke üzerinde test edilen modelin sonuçları terör riskinin
artması ile savunma harcamalarının arttığını ispatlamaktadır. Üretken ve
toplumun refahını arttırmaya yönelik kullanılabilecek kaynaklar savunma
sanayini aktarılmaktadır.
- ABADIE, Alberto ve Javier, GARDEAZABAL (2008), “Terrorism and the World Economy”, European Economic Review, Vol: 52, Issue: 1, pp. 1-27.
- ANDERSON, Ross J. (2008), Security Engineering – A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems, Second Edition, Wiley Publishing Inc. USA.
- BEL, Germà ve Ferran ELIAS-MORENO (2009), “Institutional Determinants of Military Spending”, Research Institute of Applied Economics, Working Papers 2009/22.
- BENOIT, Emile (1978), “Growth and Defense in Developing Countries”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol:26, Issue:2, pp.271-280.
- DEGER, Saadet (1986), “Economic Development and Defense Expenditure”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol:35, Issue:1, pp:179-196.
- DEGER, Saadet ve Ron, SMITH (1983), “Military Expenditure and Growth in Less Developed Countries”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol: 27, No: 2, pp. 335-353.
- FREDERIKSEN, P.C. ve E. Robert, LOONEY, (1983), “Defense and Expenditures and Economic Growth in Developing Countries”, Armed Forces and Society, Vol:9, No:4, pp.633-645.
- GEYER, Michael (2003), “The Uses of Terror in Offensive and Defensive Warfare: The German Example”, in ed. Michael Geyer, War and Terror in Historical and Comparative Perspective, Harry & Helen Gray Humanities Program Series, Volume 14, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, pp. 47-69.
- HUDSON, Rex A. (1999), The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism: Who Becomes A Terrorist and Why?, Federal Research Division Library of Congress Washington, D.C., USA.
- KILLIAN, Andrew (1998) "Determinants of Military Spending in Developing African Countries," Res Publica - Journal of Undergraduate Research, Vol: 3, pp.51-58.
- KNIGHT, Malcolm, Norman, LOAYZA, ve Delano VILLANUEVA (1996), “The Peace Dividend: Military Spending Cuts and Economic Growth”, Staff Papers - International Monetary Fund , Vol: 43, No: 1.
- KRUEGER, Alan B. ve Jitka, MALECKOVA (2003), “Education, Poverty and Terrorism: Is There a Causal Connection?”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol:17, No:4, pp. 119–144.
- LOONEY, E. Robert ve P.C., FREDERIKSEN (1990), “The Economic Determinants of Military Expenditure in Selected East Asian Countries”, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol:11, No.4, pp.265-277.
- MIPT, Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, Terrorism Database, http://www.mipt.org/ (Erişim Tarihi: 15/11/2010).
- ÖNDER, Kübra (2009), “Türkiye’de Savunma Harcamalarının Ekonomiye Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma” Uluslararası Davraz Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Isparta, ss.2660-2671.
- RUBY, Charles L. (2002), “The Definition of Terrorism”, Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, Vol:2, Issue:1, pp. 9–14.
- SEZGIN, Selami ve Jülide, YILDIRIM (2002), “The Demand for Turkish Defence Expenditure”, Defence and Peace Economics, Vol: 13, No: 2, pp. 121–128
- SEZGİN, Selami (2001), "An Empirical Analysis of Turkey's Defence-Growth Relationship with a Multi Equation Model (1956-1994), Defence and Peace Economics, Special Issue on Economic Aspects of Defence in Turkey and Greece, Vol:12, No:1, pp. 69-86.
- SUN Qian ve Qiao, YU (1999), “Determinants of China's Military Expenditures: 1965-93”, Journal of Peace Research, Vol: 36, No:1, pp. 23-33.
- SÜMER, Kutluk Kağan (2005), “Savunma Harcamalarının Ekonomik Büyüme Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi”, Stratejik Araştırmalar Enstitüsü Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, Cilt:1, Sayı:1, ss. 82-91.
- TAMBUDZAI, Zachary, (2005), “Determinants of Zimbabwe’s Military Expenditure, 1980-2003”, ESSA Biennial Conference, Durban, September. http://www.essa.org.za/download/2005Conference/Tambudzai.pdf (Erişim Tarihi: 24/11/2010).
- TILLY, Charles (2004), “Terror, Terrorism, Terrorists”, Sociological Theory, Vol:22, No:1, March, pp.5-13.
- WDI, World Development Indicators, http://ddp-ext.worldbank.org/ext/DDPQQ/, (Erişim Tarihi: 15/11/2010).
- YILDIRIM, Jülide, Selami, SEZGİN ve Nadir, ÖCAL (2005), “Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Middle Eastern Countries: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis”, Defence and Peace Economics, Vol: 16, Issue: 4, pp.283-295.