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Year 2009, Issue: 25, - , 20.06.2015


Industrialization and globalization lowered the importance of traditional production methods such as animal breeding or agriculture in economies. The negative impacts of the free trade agreement and globalization have had negative effects on the social, cultural and economic conditions of rural areas. To improve the conditions in the rural areas that do not possess industry and technolgy governments and locals have begun to view the tourism as a tool for the economic development. The seaside tourism has showed that the tourism could be a perfect tool. Because the tourism industry can use natural, cultural and ecological attactions. Although every destination does not have enough natural or ecological attractions that can be used to draw the visitors, every place has its own and unique culture. However, as the tourism can create economis profits, it consumes natural and cultural resources. Therefore there are many inflıental factors and variables that have to be taken into consideration in tourism developments in rural areas. Today, there is a tendency to use both inherited and living cultural aspects as attractions all over the world. This paper aims to clarify the positive and negative features of the cultural tourism and discuss what its outcomes can be


  • ADRIANS, A ve DOWSETT, M. G., (2006). “Applications of SIMS to Cultural Heritage Studies”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 252.
  • ALTINAY, M., (1996).“Alternatif Turizm”, Türsab Dergisi, Sayı: 151.
  • AOĞLAN-KOZAK, M. ve BAHÇE, A. S. (2009). Özel İlgi Turizmi, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • BACHLAITNER, R. ve ZINS, A. H. (1999). “Cultural Tourism in Rural Communities: The Residents’ Perspective”, Journal of Business Research, 44: 199-209.
  • BEEHO, A. J. ve PRENTICE, R. C. (1997). “Conceptualizing the Experiences of Heritage Tourists: A Case Study of New Lanark World Heritage Village”, Tourism Management, 18-2: 75-87.
  • BRIEDEHAN, J. ve WICKENS, E. (2004). “Tourism Routes as a Tool for the Economic Development of Rural Areas- Vibrant Hope or Impossible Dream?”, Tourism Management, 25: 71-79 .
  • CAFFYN, A. ve LUTZ, J. (1999). “Developing the Heritage Tourism Product in Multi-Ethnic Cities”, Tourism Management, 20:213-221.
  • CANO, L. M. ve MYSYK, A. (2004). “Cultural Tourısm, The State, and Day of The Dead”, Annals of Tourism Research, 31-4: 879-898.
  • CAREY, S. GOUNTAS, Y. ve GILBERT, D. (1997). “Tour Operators and Destination Sustainability”, Tourism Management, 18-7: 425-431.
  • CAVE, J., RYAN, C. ve PENAKARA, C. (2003). “Residents’ Perceptions, Migrant Groups and Culture as an Attraction-The Case of a Proposed Pacific Island Cultural Centre in New Zealand”, Tourism Management, 24: 371-385.
  • CHHABRA, D., HEALY, R. ve SILLS, E. (2003). “Staged Authenticity and Heritage Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 30-3: 702-719.
  • DATZİRA-MMASIP, J. (2006). “Tourism Product Development: A Way to Create Value: The case of La Vall de Lord”, IV International Doctoral Tourism and Leisure Colloquium. ESADE.
  • FERNANDEZ, A. G. ve diğerleri, (2007). “Comperative Analysis of International Tourists in Inland Cultural Destinations: The Case of Castilla y Leon, Spain”, Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives, (Ed. Richards, G.), New York: The Howard Hospitality Press.
  • HAMPTON, P. M. (2005). “Heritage, Local Communities and Economic Development”, Annals of Tourism Research, 32-3: 735-759.
  • HOWARD, P. ve PINDER, D. (2003). “Cultural Heritage and Sustainability in the Coastal Zone: Experiences in South West England,” Journal of Cultural Heritage, 4: 57-68.
  • KIM, H. ve JAMAL,T. (2007). “Touristic Quest for Existential Authenticity”, Annals of Tourism Research, 34-1: 201-207.
  • KIM, S. S., WONG, K. F. ve CHO, M. (2007). “Assessing the Economic Value of A World Heritage Site and Willingness-to-Pay Determinants: A case of Changdeok Palace,” Tourism Management, 28: 317-322.
  • LAI, K., YIPING, L. ve FENG, X. (2006). “Gap between Tourism Planning and Implementation: A Case of China”, Tourism Management, 27-6: 1171-1180.
  • LUNDBERG, D. E. (1990). The Tourist Business, New York: Von Nostyrand Reınhold.
  • MACDONALD, R. ve JOLIFFE, L. (2003). “Cultural Rural Tourism Evidence from Canada”, Annals of Tourism Research, 30-2:308.
  • MASTER, H. ve PRIDEAUX, B. (2000). “Culture and Vacation Satisfaction: A Study of Taiwanise Tourists in South East Queensland”, Tourism Management, 21: 445-449.
  • MCKERCHER, B. ve Du CROSS, H. (2002). Cultural Tourism: The Partnership between Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management, New York: The Howard Hospitality Press.
  • MCKERCHER, B., HO, P. S. Y. ve Du CROSS, H. (2004). “Attributes of Popular Cultural Attractions in Hong Kong”, Annals of Tourism Research, 31-2: 393-407.
  • MCKERCHER, B., HO, P. S. Y. ve Du CROSS, H. (2005). “Relationship between Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management: Evidence from Hong Kong”, Tourism Management, 26: 539-548.
  • MEETHAN, K. (1998). “New Tourism for Old? Policy Developments in Cornwall and Evon”.Tourism Management, 19: 583-593.
  • MOREIRA, F., QUEIROZ, A. ve FRANCİSCO, A. (2006). “Restoration Principles Applied to Cultural Landscapes” Journal for Nature Conservation, 14: 217-224.
  • NIKNAMI, K. A. (2005). “Iran: Archaeological Heritage in Crisis Developing an Effective Management System for Archaeology”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 6: 345-350.
  • PLOG, S. (2001). “Why Destination Areas Rise and Fall in Popularity”, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Cornell University, 42-3: 13-24.
  • PIERACCINI, M., GUIDI. G. ve ATZENI, C. (2001). “3D Digitizing of Cultural Heritage”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2: 63-70.
  • PARIO, Y., BUTLER, R. ve Airey, D. (2001). “Clarifying Heritage Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 28- 4: 1047-1049.
  • RICHARDS, G. (2007). Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives, New York: The Howard Hospitality Pres.
  • RUSSO, P. A. ve VAN DER BORG, J. (2002). “Planning Considerations for Cultural Tourism: A Case Study of European Cities”, Tourism Management, 23: 631-637.
  • RYAN, C. (2002). “Tourism and Cultural Proximity Examples from New Zealand”, Annals of Tourism Research, 29-4: 952-971.
  • SALAMONE, F. A. (1997). “Authenticity in Tourism: The San Angel Inns”, Annals of Tourism Research, 24-2: 305-321.
  • SMITH, M. (2007). “Space, Place and Placeness in Culturally Regenerated City”, Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives, (Ed. Richards, G.), New York: The Howard Hospitality Pres.
  • TEO, P. ve YEOH, B. S. A. (1997). “Remakıng Local Herıtage For Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 24-1: 192-213.
  • WAITT, G. (2000). “Consuming Heritage: Perceived Historical Authenticity”, Annals of Tourism Research, 27- 4: 835-862.
  • Wang, N. (1999). “Rethinking Authenticity in Tourism Experience”, Annals of Tourism Research,. 26-2: 349-370
  • XIE, P. F. (2006). “Developing Industrial Heritage Tourism: A Case Study of the Proposed Jeep Museum in Toledo, Ohio”, Tourism Management, 27: 1321-1330.
  • (2006)


Year 2009, Issue: 25, - , 20.06.2015


Endüstrileşme ve teknoloji, hayvancılık ve tarım gibi geleneksel üretim yöntemlerinin önemini azaltmıştır. Serbest ticaret anlaşmaları ve küreselleşmenin olumsuz etkileri kırsal alanların sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik koşullarını olumsuz etkilemektedir. Teknoloji ve sanayisi olmayan kırsal alanlarda, koşulları iyileştirmek isteyen hükümetler ve yerel halk, turizmi ekonomik gelişim aracı olarak görmeye başlamışlardır. Kıyı turizmi gelişimi, turizmin ekonomik gelişim aracı olabileceğini göstermiştir. Turizm doğal, kültürel ve ekolojik çekicilikleri kullanabilmektedir. Her yörenin ziyaretçi çekmek için kullanılabilecek yeterli doğal veya ekolojik çekiciliği olmamakla beraber, kendisine ait ve özgün bir kültürü vardır. Ancak turizm ekonomik faydalar yarattığı gibi doğal ve kültürel kaynakları da tüketmektedir. Kırsal alanlarda turizm gelişiminde dikkate alınması gereken çok sayıda faktör ve değişken etkilidir. Dünya genelinde hem miras alınan hem de yaşayan kültürün unsurlarının çekicilik olarak kullanmaya yönelik bir eğilim vardır. Bu çalışmada, kültür turizminin olumlu ve olumsuz özelliklerinin sonuçları tartışılmakta ve altı aşamada uygulanması öngörülen bir Kırsal Alanlarda Kültür Turizmini Geliştirme Modeli önerilmektedir


  • ADRIANS, A ve DOWSETT, M. G., (2006). “Applications of SIMS to Cultural Heritage Studies”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 252.
  • ALTINAY, M., (1996).“Alternatif Turizm”, Türsab Dergisi, Sayı: 151.
  • AOĞLAN-KOZAK, M. ve BAHÇE, A. S. (2009). Özel İlgi Turizmi, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • BACHLAITNER, R. ve ZINS, A. H. (1999). “Cultural Tourism in Rural Communities: The Residents’ Perspective”, Journal of Business Research, 44: 199-209.
  • BEEHO, A. J. ve PRENTICE, R. C. (1997). “Conceptualizing the Experiences of Heritage Tourists: A Case Study of New Lanark World Heritage Village”, Tourism Management, 18-2: 75-87.
  • BRIEDEHAN, J. ve WICKENS, E. (2004). “Tourism Routes as a Tool for the Economic Development of Rural Areas- Vibrant Hope or Impossible Dream?”, Tourism Management, 25: 71-79 .
  • CAFFYN, A. ve LUTZ, J. (1999). “Developing the Heritage Tourism Product in Multi-Ethnic Cities”, Tourism Management, 20:213-221.
  • CANO, L. M. ve MYSYK, A. (2004). “Cultural Tourısm, The State, and Day of The Dead”, Annals of Tourism Research, 31-4: 879-898.
  • CAREY, S. GOUNTAS, Y. ve GILBERT, D. (1997). “Tour Operators and Destination Sustainability”, Tourism Management, 18-7: 425-431.
  • CAVE, J., RYAN, C. ve PENAKARA, C. (2003). “Residents’ Perceptions, Migrant Groups and Culture as an Attraction-The Case of a Proposed Pacific Island Cultural Centre in New Zealand”, Tourism Management, 24: 371-385.
  • CHHABRA, D., HEALY, R. ve SILLS, E. (2003). “Staged Authenticity and Heritage Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 30-3: 702-719.
  • DATZİRA-MMASIP, J. (2006). “Tourism Product Development: A Way to Create Value: The case of La Vall de Lord”, IV International Doctoral Tourism and Leisure Colloquium. ESADE.
  • FERNANDEZ, A. G. ve diğerleri, (2007). “Comperative Analysis of International Tourists in Inland Cultural Destinations: The Case of Castilla y Leon, Spain”, Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives, (Ed. Richards, G.), New York: The Howard Hospitality Press.
  • HAMPTON, P. M. (2005). “Heritage, Local Communities and Economic Development”, Annals of Tourism Research, 32-3: 735-759.
  • HOWARD, P. ve PINDER, D. (2003). “Cultural Heritage and Sustainability in the Coastal Zone: Experiences in South West England,” Journal of Cultural Heritage, 4: 57-68.
  • KIM, H. ve JAMAL,T. (2007). “Touristic Quest for Existential Authenticity”, Annals of Tourism Research, 34-1: 201-207.
  • KIM, S. S., WONG, K. F. ve CHO, M. (2007). “Assessing the Economic Value of A World Heritage Site and Willingness-to-Pay Determinants: A case of Changdeok Palace,” Tourism Management, 28: 317-322.
  • LAI, K., YIPING, L. ve FENG, X. (2006). “Gap between Tourism Planning and Implementation: A Case of China”, Tourism Management, 27-6: 1171-1180.
  • LUNDBERG, D. E. (1990). The Tourist Business, New York: Von Nostyrand Reınhold.
  • MACDONALD, R. ve JOLIFFE, L. (2003). “Cultural Rural Tourism Evidence from Canada”, Annals of Tourism Research, 30-2:308.
  • MASTER, H. ve PRIDEAUX, B. (2000). “Culture and Vacation Satisfaction: A Study of Taiwanise Tourists in South East Queensland”, Tourism Management, 21: 445-449.
  • MCKERCHER, B. ve Du CROSS, H. (2002). Cultural Tourism: The Partnership between Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management, New York: The Howard Hospitality Press.
  • MCKERCHER, B., HO, P. S. Y. ve Du CROSS, H. (2004). “Attributes of Popular Cultural Attractions in Hong Kong”, Annals of Tourism Research, 31-2: 393-407.
  • MCKERCHER, B., HO, P. S. Y. ve Du CROSS, H. (2005). “Relationship between Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management: Evidence from Hong Kong”, Tourism Management, 26: 539-548.
  • MEETHAN, K. (1998). “New Tourism for Old? Policy Developments in Cornwall and Evon”.Tourism Management, 19: 583-593.
  • MOREIRA, F., QUEIROZ, A. ve FRANCİSCO, A. (2006). “Restoration Principles Applied to Cultural Landscapes” Journal for Nature Conservation, 14: 217-224.
  • NIKNAMI, K. A. (2005). “Iran: Archaeological Heritage in Crisis Developing an Effective Management System for Archaeology”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 6: 345-350.
  • PLOG, S. (2001). “Why Destination Areas Rise and Fall in Popularity”, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Cornell University, 42-3: 13-24.
  • PIERACCINI, M., GUIDI. G. ve ATZENI, C. (2001). “3D Digitizing of Cultural Heritage”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2: 63-70.
  • PARIO, Y., BUTLER, R. ve Airey, D. (2001). “Clarifying Heritage Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 28- 4: 1047-1049.
  • RICHARDS, G. (2007). Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives, New York: The Howard Hospitality Pres.
  • RUSSO, P. A. ve VAN DER BORG, J. (2002). “Planning Considerations for Cultural Tourism: A Case Study of European Cities”, Tourism Management, 23: 631-637.
  • RYAN, C. (2002). “Tourism and Cultural Proximity Examples from New Zealand”, Annals of Tourism Research, 29-4: 952-971.
  • SALAMONE, F. A. (1997). “Authenticity in Tourism: The San Angel Inns”, Annals of Tourism Research, 24-2: 305-321.
  • SMITH, M. (2007). “Space, Place and Placeness in Culturally Regenerated City”, Cultural Tourism: Global and Local Perspectives, (Ed. Richards, G.), New York: The Howard Hospitality Pres.
  • TEO, P. ve YEOH, B. S. A. (1997). “Remakıng Local Herıtage For Tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 24-1: 192-213.
  • WAITT, G. (2000). “Consuming Heritage: Perceived Historical Authenticity”, Annals of Tourism Research, 27- 4: 835-862.
  • Wang, N. (1999). “Rethinking Authenticity in Tourism Experience”, Annals of Tourism Research,. 26-2: 349-370
  • XIE, P. F. (2006). “Developing Industrial Heritage Tourism: A Case Study of the Proposed Jeep Museum in Toledo, Ohio”, Tourism Management, 27: 1321-1330.
  • (2006)
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

A. Sadik Bahçe This is me

Publication Date June 20, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 25


APA Bahçe, A. S. (2015). KIRSAL GELİSİMDE KÜLTÜR (MİRASI) TURİZMİ MODELİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(25).
AMA Bahçe AS. KIRSAL GELİSİMDE KÜLTÜR (MİRASI) TURİZMİ MODELİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. June 2015;(25).
Chicago Bahçe, A. Sadik. “KIRSAL GELİSİMDE KÜLTÜR (MİRASI) TURİZMİ MODELİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 25 (June 2015).
EndNote Bahçe AS (June 1, 2015) KIRSAL GELİSİMDE KÜLTÜR (MİRASI) TURİZMİ MODELİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 25
IEEE A. S. Bahçe, “KIRSAL GELİSİMDE KÜLTÜR (MİRASI) TURİZMİ MODELİ”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 25, June 2015.
ISNAD Bahçe, A. Sadik. “KIRSAL GELİSİMDE KÜLTÜR (MİRASI) TURİZMİ MODELİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 25 (June 2015).
JAMA Bahçe AS. KIRSAL GELİSİMDE KÜLTÜR (MİRASI) TURİZMİ MODELİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2015.
MLA Bahçe, A. Sadik. “KIRSAL GELİSİMDE KÜLTÜR (MİRASI) TURİZMİ MODELİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, no. 25, 2015.
Vancouver Bahçe AS. KIRSAL GELİSİMDE KÜLTÜR (MİRASI) TURİZMİ MODELİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2015(25).

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