Research Article
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Year 2022, , 1130 - 1149, 20.12.2022


İnsanın Yer sisteminin işleyişini değiştiren bir jeolojik kuvvet olduğunu ve yeryüzündeki etkinliği sayesinde artık yeni bir çağa geçildiğini savlayan Antroposen düşüncesi, özellikle yeni binyılın başından itibaren bir dizi tartışmaya konu olmaktadır. Söz konusu tartışmaların birden fazla boyutu olmakta birlikte, Antroposen olarak adlandırılacak yeni bir devrenin başlangıç zamanına yönelik olarak getirilen önerilerin birbirinden farklı içerimlere sahip olması, Antroposen’le ilgili tartışmalara politik bir bağlam da kazandırmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda bu çalışmada, Antroposen’in ne zaman başladığına ilişkin öne sürülmüş temel görüşler tanımlanmış ve her bir düşüncenin ne türlü politik imalara sahip olduğu irdelenmiştir. Antroposen’in başlangıcına yönelik öne sürülen hipotezler, esasında, Homo sapiens’in geçmişte deneyimlediği dört büyük geçiş dönemini milat olarak almaktadır (Lewis ve Maslin, 2020). Bunlardan birincisi “tarım devrimi”, ikincisi 15. yüzyıldan itibaren Yeni Dünya ile Eski Dünya’nın karşılaşmasını ifade eden “küreselleşme 1.0”, üçüncüsü “sanayi devrimi” ve dördüncüsü ise İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra küresel örgütlenme, büyüme ve verimlilikteki olağanüstü dönüşümleri imleyen “büyük hızlanma”dır. Bunlardan tarım devrimi ile sanayi devrimi enerji kullanımındaki, küreselleşme 1.0 ile büyük hızlanma ise örgütlenmedeki büyük değişimi yansıtmaktadır. Bunlardan birincisinde (Erken Antroposen hipotezi), Antroposen dünyasını ortaya çıkaran gelişme, uygarlığa geçişin -belki istenmeyen ama- doğal bir sonucudur ve küresel değişimin sorumluluğu insana aittir. İkincisinde (Orbis hipotezi ve sanayi devrimi hipotezi), bir buzularası dönemin sahip olduğu doğal sinyaller kolonyalizmle ya da sanayi devrimiyle aşılmıştır. Bu bakımdan tümüyle farklı bir çalışma moduna sıçramış olan bir dünyanın yaratılmasının sorumluluğu (beyaz, eril, Hristiyan olan) Batı Avrupalılara aittir. Üçüncüsünde ise (büyük hızlanma hipotezi), her ne kadar Antroposen dünyasını yapılandıran gelişmeler sanayi devriminden itibaren yaşanmaya başlamış olsa da, Yer sistemindeki fiziksel-kimyasal-biyolojik mekanizmalarda gözlenen olağanüstü değişimler İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra gerçekleşmiştir ve bu doğrultuda, Antroposen’in etik ve politik sorumluluğunu gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler paylaşmak durumundadır.


  • Autin, W., Holbrook, J. M. (2012). Is the Anthropocene an Issue of Stratigraphy or Pop Culture?. GSA Today, 22, 60-61.
  • Barry, A., Maslin, M. (2016). The Politics of the Anthropocene: A Dialogue. Geo: Geography and Environment, 3, 1-12.
  • Bartoli, G., Sarnthein, M., Weinelt, M., Erlenkeuser, H., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Lea, D. W. (2005). Final Closure of Panama and the Onset of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237, 33-44.
  • Bell, M., Walker, M. J. C. (2005). Late Quaternary Environmental Change: Physical and Human Perspectives. New York: Pearson Prencitice Hall.
  • Castree, N. (2014). The Anthropocene and Geography I: The Back Story. Geography Compass, 8, 436-449.
  • Church, J. A., Gregory, J. M. (2001). Intergovernmental panel on climate change third assessment report. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Crutzen, P. J. (2006). The “Anthropocene”. E. Ehlers, T. Krafft (Ed), Earth System Science in the Anthropocene: Emerging Issues and Problems içinde (s. 13-18). New York: Springer.
  • Crutzen, P. J., Stoermer, E. F. (2000). The Anthropocene. Global Change Newsletter, 41, 17–18.
  • Çelik, E. E. (2019). Antroposen ve Posthuman: İnsan Çağı’nda İnsan Sonrası Olmak. Cogito, 95-96, 145-160.
  • Finney, S. C., Edwards, L. E. (2016). The Anthropocene Epoch: Scientific Decision or Political Statement? GSA Today, 26, 4-10.
  • Gradstein, F. M., Ogg, J. G., Schmitz, M. D., Ogg, G. M. (2012). The Geologic Time Scale 2012. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Hamilton, C. (2016). The Anthropocene as Rupture. The Anthropocene Review, 3, 1-14.
  • Hamilton, C., Grinevald, J. (2015). Was the Anthropocene Anticipated? The Anthropocene Review, 2, 59-72.
  • Haraway, D. (2015). Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Making Kin. Environmental Humanities, 6, 159-165.
  • Hua, Q. (2009). Radiocarbon: A Chronological Tool For the Recent Past. Quaternary Geochronology, 4, 378-390.
  • JMO. (2019). Jeolojik zaman çizelgesi. Ankara: TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası.
  • Karakaş, Ö. (2021). Antroposen, Kapitalosen ve İnsan Sonrası Düşünce. Pasajlar, 7, 145-169.
  • Latour, B. (2015). Telling Friends From Foes in the Time of the Anthropocene. C. Hamilton, C. Bonneuil, F. Gemenne (Ed). The Anthropocene and the Global Environmental Crisis: Rethinking Modernity in a New Epoch içinde (s. 145-155). Oxon: Routledge.
  • Lewis, S. L., Maslin, M. A. (2015). Defining the Anthropocene. Nature, 519, 171-180.
  • Lewis, S. L., Maslin, M. A. (2020). Gezegeni Dönüştüren Güç: Homo Sapies (A. E. Cankur, Çev.). İstanbul: Panama.
  • Lowe, J. J., Walker, M. J. C. (2015). Reconstructing Quaternary Environments. London: Routledge.
  • Lowenthal, D. (2016). Origins of Anthropocene Awareness. The Anthropocene Review, 3, 52-63.
  • Milanković, M. (1998). Canon of Insolation and the Ice-Age Problem. Beograd: Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva.
  • Petit, J. R., Jouzel, J., Raynaud, D., Barkov, N. I., Barnola, J. M., Basile, I., Bender, M., Chappellaz, J., Davis, M., Delaygue, G., Delmotte, M., Kotlyakov, V. M., Legrand, M., Lipenkov, V. Y., Lorius, C., Pepin, L., Ritz, C., Saltzman, E., Stievenard, M. (1999). Climate and Atmospheric History of the Past 420,000 Years From the Vostok Ice Core, Antarctica. Nature, 399, 429–436.
  • Rockström, J., W. Steffen, K. Noone, Å. Persson, F. S. Chapin III, E. F. Lambin, T. M. Lenton, M. Scheffer, C. Folke, H. J. Schellnhuber, B. Nykvist, C. A. de Wit, T. Hughes, S. van der Leeuw, H. Rodhe, S. Sörlin, P. K. Snyder, R. Costanza, U. Svedin, M. Falkenmark, L. Karlberg, R. W. Corell, V. J. Fabry, J. Hansen, B. Walker, D. Liverman, K. Richardson, P. Crutzen, and J. A. Foley. (2009). A Safe Operating Space for Humanity. Nature, 461, 472-475.
  • Ruddiman, W. F. (2003). The Atmospheric Greenhouse Era Began Thousands of Years Ago. Climate Change, 61, 261-293.
  • Ruddiman, W. F. (2008). Earth’s Climate: Past and Future. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.
  • Ruddiman, W. F. (2013). The Anthropocene. The Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 41, 45-68.
  • Smith, N. (2017). Eşitsiz Gelişim: Doğa, Sermaye ve Mekanın Üretimi (E. Soğancılar, Çev). İstanbul: Sel.
  • Smith, V. C. (2014). Volcanic Markers For Dating the Onset of the Anthropocene. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 395, 283-299.
  • Steffen, W., Crutzen, P. J., McNeill, J. R. (2007). The Anthropocene: Are Humans Now Overwhelming the Great Forces of Nature? Ambio, 36, 614-621.
  • Steffen, W., Grinevald, J., Crutzen, P., McNeill, J. (2011). The Anthropocene: Conceptual and Historical Perspectives. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 369, 842-867.
  • Sümer, Ö., Alak, A., Tekin, A. (2020). Antropojen ve Antroposen Kavramlarının Tarihsel Gelişimine Yerbilimsel Bir Bakış. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 63, 1-20.
  • Walker, M., Gibbard, P., Lowe, J. (2015). Comment On “When Did the Anthropocene Begin? A Mid-Twentieth Century Boundary Is Stratigraphically Optimal” by Jan Zalasiewicz et al. (2015), Quaternary International, 383, 196-203. Quaternary International, 383, 204-207.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2021). “Antroposen”. Pasajlar, 7, 110-111.
  • Yokoyama, Y., Lambeck, K., Deckker, P. D., Johnston, P., Fifield, L. K. (2000). Timing of the Last Glacial Maximum From Observed Sea-Level Minima. Nature, 406, 713-716.
  • Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Smith, A., Barry, T.L., Coe, A.L., Bown, P.R., Brenchley, P., Cantrill, D., Gale, A., Gibbard, P., Gregory, F.J., Hounslow, M., Kerr, A.C., Pearson, P., Knox, R., Powell, J.,Waters, C., Marshall, J., Oates,M., Rawson, P., Stone, P. (2008). Are We Now Living in the Anthropocene? Geological Society of America Today, 18, 4-8.
  • Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Steffen, W., Crutzen, P. (2010). The New World of the Anthropocene. Environmental Science & Technology, 4, 2228-2231.
  • Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Fortey, R., Smith, A., Barry, T. L., Coe, A. L., Bown, P. R., Rawson, P .F., Gale, A., Gibbard, P., Gregory, E. J., Hounslow, M . W., Kerr, A. C., Pearson, P., Knox, R., Powell, J., Waters, C., Marshall, J., Oates, M., Stone, P. (2011). Stratigraphy of the Anthropocene. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 369, 1036-1055.
  • Zalasiewicz, J., Waters, C. N., Williams, M., Barnosky, A. D., Cearreta, A., Crutzen, P., Ellis, E., Ellis, M. A., Fairchild, I. J., Grinevald, J., Haff, P. K., Hajdas, I., Leinfelder, R., McNeill, J., Odada, E. O., Poirer, C., Richter, D., Steffen, W., Summerhayes, C., Syvitski, J. P. M., Vidas, D., Wagerich, M., Wing, S. L., Wolfe, A. P., Zhisheng, A., Oreskes, N. (2015). When Did the Anthropocene Begin? A Mid-Twentieth Century Boundary Level Is Stratigraphically Optimal. Quaternary International, 383, 196-203.
  • Žižek, S. (2012). Antroposen’e Hoşgeldiniz (M. Budak, Çev.). İstanbul: Encore.


Year 2022, , 1130 - 1149, 20.12.2022


The Anthropocene idea, which asserts that man is a geological force that changes the functioning of the Earth's system and that a new era has now been passed thanks to its activity on earth, is the subject of a number of discussions, especially since the beginning of the new millennium. Although the debates in question have multiple dimensions, the fact that the proposals for the beginning of a new period, which will be called the Anthropocene, have different implications, also adds a political context to the discussions about the Anthropocene. In this direction, the main ideas that were put forward about when the Anthropocene began were defined and the political implications of each thought were examined. The hypotheses put forward for the beginning of the Anthropocene, in fact, take the four major transition periods that Homo sapiens experienced in the past. The first of these is the "agricultural revolution", the second is "globalization 1.0", which expresses the encounter of the New World and the Old World since the 15th century, the third is the "industrial revolution" and the fourth is the extraordinary transformations in global organization, growth and productivity after the Second World War, that is "big acceleration". Of these, the agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution reflect the great change in energy use, and the great acceleration with globalization 1.0 reflects the great change in organization. In the first of these (Early Anthropocene hypothesis), the development that gave rise to the Anthropocene world is a -perhaps undesirable- natural consequence of the transition to civilization and the responsibility for global change belongs to humans. In the second (the Orbis hypothesis and the industrial revolution hypothesis), the natural signals of an interglacial period were overcome by colonialism or the industrial revolution. In this respect, the responsibility for the creation of a world that has leapt into an entirely different mode of operation rests with Western (white, masculine, Christian) Europeans. In the third (great acceleration hypothesis), although the developments that shaped the Anthropocene world began to be experienced since the industrial revolution, the extraordinary changes observed in the physical-chemical-biological mechanisms in the Earth system took place after the Second World War, and accordingly, developed and developing countries have to share their political and ethical responsibility.


  • Autin, W., Holbrook, J. M. (2012). Is the Anthropocene an Issue of Stratigraphy or Pop Culture?. GSA Today, 22, 60-61.
  • Barry, A., Maslin, M. (2016). The Politics of the Anthropocene: A Dialogue. Geo: Geography and Environment, 3, 1-12.
  • Bartoli, G., Sarnthein, M., Weinelt, M., Erlenkeuser, H., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Lea, D. W. (2005). Final Closure of Panama and the Onset of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 237, 33-44.
  • Bell, M., Walker, M. J. C. (2005). Late Quaternary Environmental Change: Physical and Human Perspectives. New York: Pearson Prencitice Hall.
  • Castree, N. (2014). The Anthropocene and Geography I: The Back Story. Geography Compass, 8, 436-449.
  • Church, J. A., Gregory, J. M. (2001). Intergovernmental panel on climate change third assessment report. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Crutzen, P. J. (2006). The “Anthropocene”. E. Ehlers, T. Krafft (Ed), Earth System Science in the Anthropocene: Emerging Issues and Problems içinde (s. 13-18). New York: Springer.
  • Crutzen, P. J., Stoermer, E. F. (2000). The Anthropocene. Global Change Newsletter, 41, 17–18.
  • Çelik, E. E. (2019). Antroposen ve Posthuman: İnsan Çağı’nda İnsan Sonrası Olmak. Cogito, 95-96, 145-160.
  • Finney, S. C., Edwards, L. E. (2016). The Anthropocene Epoch: Scientific Decision or Political Statement? GSA Today, 26, 4-10.
  • Gradstein, F. M., Ogg, J. G., Schmitz, M. D., Ogg, G. M. (2012). The Geologic Time Scale 2012. Oxford: Elsevier.
  • Hamilton, C. (2016). The Anthropocene as Rupture. The Anthropocene Review, 3, 1-14.
  • Hamilton, C., Grinevald, J. (2015). Was the Anthropocene Anticipated? The Anthropocene Review, 2, 59-72.
  • Haraway, D. (2015). Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Making Kin. Environmental Humanities, 6, 159-165.
  • Hua, Q. (2009). Radiocarbon: A Chronological Tool For the Recent Past. Quaternary Geochronology, 4, 378-390.
  • JMO. (2019). Jeolojik zaman çizelgesi. Ankara: TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası.
  • Karakaş, Ö. (2021). Antroposen, Kapitalosen ve İnsan Sonrası Düşünce. Pasajlar, 7, 145-169.
  • Latour, B. (2015). Telling Friends From Foes in the Time of the Anthropocene. C. Hamilton, C. Bonneuil, F. Gemenne (Ed). The Anthropocene and the Global Environmental Crisis: Rethinking Modernity in a New Epoch içinde (s. 145-155). Oxon: Routledge.
  • Lewis, S. L., Maslin, M. A. (2015). Defining the Anthropocene. Nature, 519, 171-180.
  • Lewis, S. L., Maslin, M. A. (2020). Gezegeni Dönüştüren Güç: Homo Sapies (A. E. Cankur, Çev.). İstanbul: Panama.
  • Lowe, J. J., Walker, M. J. C. (2015). Reconstructing Quaternary Environments. London: Routledge.
  • Lowenthal, D. (2016). Origins of Anthropocene Awareness. The Anthropocene Review, 3, 52-63.
  • Milanković, M. (1998). Canon of Insolation and the Ice-Age Problem. Beograd: Zavod za udzbenike i nastavna sredstva.
  • Petit, J. R., Jouzel, J., Raynaud, D., Barkov, N. I., Barnola, J. M., Basile, I., Bender, M., Chappellaz, J., Davis, M., Delaygue, G., Delmotte, M., Kotlyakov, V. M., Legrand, M., Lipenkov, V. Y., Lorius, C., Pepin, L., Ritz, C., Saltzman, E., Stievenard, M. (1999). Climate and Atmospheric History of the Past 420,000 Years From the Vostok Ice Core, Antarctica. Nature, 399, 429–436.
  • Rockström, J., W. Steffen, K. Noone, Å. Persson, F. S. Chapin III, E. F. Lambin, T. M. Lenton, M. Scheffer, C. Folke, H. J. Schellnhuber, B. Nykvist, C. A. de Wit, T. Hughes, S. van der Leeuw, H. Rodhe, S. Sörlin, P. K. Snyder, R. Costanza, U. Svedin, M. Falkenmark, L. Karlberg, R. W. Corell, V. J. Fabry, J. Hansen, B. Walker, D. Liverman, K. Richardson, P. Crutzen, and J. A. Foley. (2009). A Safe Operating Space for Humanity. Nature, 461, 472-475.
  • Ruddiman, W. F. (2003). The Atmospheric Greenhouse Era Began Thousands of Years Ago. Climate Change, 61, 261-293.
  • Ruddiman, W. F. (2008). Earth’s Climate: Past and Future. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.
  • Ruddiman, W. F. (2013). The Anthropocene. The Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 41, 45-68.
  • Smith, N. (2017). Eşitsiz Gelişim: Doğa, Sermaye ve Mekanın Üretimi (E. Soğancılar, Çev). İstanbul: Sel.
  • Smith, V. C. (2014). Volcanic Markers For Dating the Onset of the Anthropocene. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 395, 283-299.
  • Steffen, W., Crutzen, P. J., McNeill, J. R. (2007). The Anthropocene: Are Humans Now Overwhelming the Great Forces of Nature? Ambio, 36, 614-621.
  • Steffen, W., Grinevald, J., Crutzen, P., McNeill, J. (2011). The Anthropocene: Conceptual and Historical Perspectives. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 369, 842-867.
  • Sümer, Ö., Alak, A., Tekin, A. (2020). Antropojen ve Antroposen Kavramlarının Tarihsel Gelişimine Yerbilimsel Bir Bakış. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni, 63, 1-20.
  • Walker, M., Gibbard, P., Lowe, J. (2015). Comment On “When Did the Anthropocene Begin? A Mid-Twentieth Century Boundary Is Stratigraphically Optimal” by Jan Zalasiewicz et al. (2015), Quaternary International, 383, 196-203. Quaternary International, 383, 204-207.
  • Yılmaz, M. (2021). “Antroposen”. Pasajlar, 7, 110-111.
  • Yokoyama, Y., Lambeck, K., Deckker, P. D., Johnston, P., Fifield, L. K. (2000). Timing of the Last Glacial Maximum From Observed Sea-Level Minima. Nature, 406, 713-716.
  • Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Smith, A., Barry, T.L., Coe, A.L., Bown, P.R., Brenchley, P., Cantrill, D., Gale, A., Gibbard, P., Gregory, F.J., Hounslow, M., Kerr, A.C., Pearson, P., Knox, R., Powell, J.,Waters, C., Marshall, J., Oates,M., Rawson, P., Stone, P. (2008). Are We Now Living in the Anthropocene? Geological Society of America Today, 18, 4-8.
  • Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Steffen, W., Crutzen, P. (2010). The New World of the Anthropocene. Environmental Science & Technology, 4, 2228-2231.
  • Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Fortey, R., Smith, A., Barry, T. L., Coe, A. L., Bown, P. R., Rawson, P .F., Gale, A., Gibbard, P., Gregory, E. J., Hounslow, M . W., Kerr, A. C., Pearson, P., Knox, R., Powell, J., Waters, C., Marshall, J., Oates, M., Stone, P. (2011). Stratigraphy of the Anthropocene. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 369, 1036-1055.
  • Zalasiewicz, J., Waters, C. N., Williams, M., Barnosky, A. D., Cearreta, A., Crutzen, P., Ellis, E., Ellis, M. A., Fairchild, I. J., Grinevald, J., Haff, P. K., Hajdas, I., Leinfelder, R., McNeill, J., Odada, E. O., Poirer, C., Richter, D., Steffen, W., Summerhayes, C., Syvitski, J. P. M., Vidas, D., Wagerich, M., Wing, S. L., Wolfe, A. P., Zhisheng, A., Oreskes, N. (2015). When Did the Anthropocene Begin? A Mid-Twentieth Century Boundary Level Is Stratigraphically Optimal. Quaternary International, 383, 196-203.
  • Žižek, S. (2012). Antroposen’e Hoşgeldiniz (M. Budak, Çev.). İstanbul: Encore.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Erdem Bekaroglu 0000-0003-0920-9225

Publication Date December 20, 2022
Submission Date March 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Bekaroglu, E. (2022). ANTROPOSEN: KÜRESEL DEĞİŞİMİN POLİTİĞİ. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 62(2), 1130-1149.

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