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Year 2015, Volume: 55 Issue: 1, 263 - 282, 01.01.2015


Örgütsel yaşamın önemli bir parçası olan örgütsel iletişimin çalışanların işe yönelik tutum ve davranışlarıyla ilişkili olduğu bilinmektedir. Bağlılık konusunda yapılan araştırmalar bağlılığın duygusal, normatif ve devamlılık bağlılığı olmak üzere üç farklı boyuttan meydana geldiğini ve çalışanların çalıştıkları kurumun dışında birlikte çalıştıkları yönetici ve iş grubu gibi farklı hedeflere de bağlılık geliştirebileceğini göstermektedir. Diğer taraftan yakın zamanda yapılan bazı görgül çalışmalar çalışanların sahip oldukları farklı benlik türlerinin bağlılığın farklı boyut ve hedefleriyle ilişkili olabileceği görüşünü desteklemektedir. Bu bağlamda, bu kuramsal çalışmada bir model önerilmekte ve çalışanların yöneticileriyle ve iş grubundaki arkadaşlarıyla iletişimlerinin bu iki farklı hedefe duygusal ve normatif bağlılıklarını yordamada çalışanların sahip oldukları benlik kavramı düzeyinin ilişkisel ya da kolektif benlik düzenleyici değişken rolü oynayabileceği öngörülmektedir. Önerilen modelde ayrıca, yöneticiye ve iş grubuna duygusal ve normatif bağlılığın işten ayrılma niyetinin hem doğrudan hem de örgütsel bağlılık üzerinden dolaylı yordayıcıları olacağı ileri sürülmektedir.


  • AJZEN, Icek, ve MartinFishbein. "Attitude-Behavior Relations: A Theoretical Analysis and Review of Empirical Research."Psychological Bulletin 84. 5 (1977): 888-918.
  • AKPİNAR, Ali Talip, EhlinazTorun, Mehmet Emin Okur, ve Onur Akpinar. "The Effect of Organizational Communication and Job Satisfaction On Organizational Commitment in Small Businesses."Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business 3.04 (2013): 27-32.
  • ALLEN, MyriaWatkins. "Communication and Organizational Commitment: Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediating Factor."Communication Quarterly 40. 4 (1992): 357-67.
  • ALLEN, Natalie J. "Examining Organizational Commitment in China." Journal of Vocational Behavior 62 (2003): 511-15.
  • ALLEN, Natalie J.,ve John P.Meyer. "The Measurement and Antecedents of Affective, Continuance and Normative Commitment to the Organization." Journal of Occupational Psychology 63 (1990): 1-18.
  • ANDERSEN, Susan M., ve Serena Chen. "The Relational Self: An Interpersonal Social-Cognitive Theory." Psychological Review 109. 4 (2002): 619-45.
  • BECKER, Howard S. "Notes on the Concept of Commitment." American Journal of Sociology 66(1960): 32-40.
  • BECKER, Thomas E., ve Mary C.Kernan."Matching Commitment to Supervisors and Organizations to In-Role and Extra-Role Performance."Human Performance16.4 (2003): 327-48.
  • BECKER,Thomas E.,ve Robert S.Billings."Profiles of Commitment: An Empirical Test."Journal of Organizational Behavior14 (1993): 177-90.
  • BENTEIN, Kathleen, Florence Stinglhamber, ve ChristianVandenberghe. "Organization-, Supervisor-, and Workgroup-Directed Commitments and Citizenship Behaviours: A Comparison of Models." European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 11. 3 (2002): 341-62.
  • BISHOP, James W., K. DowScott,ve Susan M. Burroughs."Support, Commitment, and Employee Outcomes in a Team Environment." Journal of Management 26. 6: (2000): 1113-32.
  • BİTMİŞ, M. Gökhan, Semra Güney, ve HilalDemirel. "İletişim Doyumu Verimlilik İlişkisinde Örgütsel Bağlılık ve İş Tatmininin Rolü: Çoklu Aracılı Bir Model Testi."H.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 32. 2 (2014): 57-74.
  • BREWER, Marilynn B., ve Wendi Gardner. "Who Is This ‘‘We’’? Levels of Collective Identity and Self-Representations."Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 71 (1996): 83-93.
  • BRUNETTO, Yvonne, ve Rod Farr-Wharton."Does the Talk Affect Your Decision to Walk." ManagementDecision 42. 3/4 (2004): 579-600.
  • CHEN, Zhen Xiong, ve Anne MarieFrancesco. "The Relationship Between the Three Components of Commitment and Employee Performance in China."Journal of Vocational Behavior 62 (2003): 490-510.
  • CHENG, Bor-Shiuan, Ding-Yu Jiang, ve, Jean H. Riley."Organizational Commitment, Supervisory Commitment, and Employee Outcomes in the Chinese Context: Proximal Hypothesis or Global Hypothesis? " Journal of Organizational Behavior 24. 3 (2003): 313-34.
  • CHENG, Yuqiu, ve Margaret S. Stockdale."The Validity of The Three-Component Model of Organizational Commitment in A Chinese Context."Journal of Vocational Behavior 62 (2003): 465-89.
  • CLUGSTON, Michael, Jon P. Howell, ve Peter W. Dorfman."Does Cultural Socialization Predict Multiple Bases and Foci of Commitment?" Journal of Management 26. 1 (2000): 5-30.
  • COOPER-HAKIM, Amy, ve ChockalingamViswesvaran. "The Construct of Work Commitment: Testing an Integrative Framework."Psychological Bulletin 131.
  • ELLEMERS, Naomi, Dick de Gilder, ve Henriettevan den Heuvel. "Career-Oriented versus Team-Oriented Commitment and Behavior at Work." Journal of Applied Psychology 83. 5 (1998): 717-30.
  • GORIS, José R., Bobby C.Vaught, ve John D. Pettit, JR."Effects of Communication Direction on Job Performance and Satisfaction: A Moderated Regression Analysis."Journal of Business Communication 37. 4 (2000): 348-68.
  • GRIFFETH, Rodger W., Peter W. Hom, ve Stefan Gaertner. "A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents and Correlates of Employee Turnover: Update, Moderator Tests, and Research İmplications for the Next Millennium." Journal of Management 26. 3 (2000): 463-88.
  • HREBINIAK, Lawrence G., ve Joseph A. Alutto. "Personal and Role-Related Factors in the development of Organizational Commitment." Administrative Science Quarterly 17. 4 (1972): 555-73.
  • JACKSON, Erin M., ve Russell E. Johnson."When Opposites Do (and Do Not) Attract: Interplay of Leader and Follower Self-Identities and Its Consequences for Leader-Member Exchange."The Leadership Quarterly 23 (2012): 488-501.
  • JOHLKE, Mark C. ve Dale F.Duhan."Supervisor Communication Practices and Service Employee Job Outcomes."Journal of Service Research 3. 2 (2000): 154-65.
  • JOHNSON, Russell E., Christopher Selenta, ve Robert G. Lord."When Organizational Justice and the Self-Concept Meet: Consequences for the Organization and Its Members."Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 99(2006): 175-201.
  • JOHNSON, Russell E., ve Chu-Hsiang Chang. "‘‘I’’ is to Continuance as ‘‘We’’ is to Affective: The Relevance of the Self-Concept for Organizational Commitment."Journal of Organizational Behavior 27(2006): 549-70.
  • JOHNSON, Russell E., Chu-Hsiang (Daisy) Chang, ve Liu-Qin Yang. "Commitment and Motivation at Work: The Relevance of Employee Identity and Regulatory Focus."Academy of Management Review 35.2 (2010): 226-45.
  • KO, Jong-Wook, James L. Price, ve Charles W. Mueller."Assessment of Meyer and Allen’s Three-Component Model of Organizational Commitment in South Korea." Journal of Applied Psychology 82. 6 (1997): 961-73.
  • LEE, Kibeom, Natalie J.Allen, John P. Meyer, ve Kyung-Yong Rhee. "The Three- Component Model of Organisational Commitment: An Application to South Korea." Applied Psychology: An International Review 50. 4 (2001): 596-614.
  • MARKUS, Hazel, ve Elissa Wurf."The Dynamic Self-Concept: A Social Psychological Perspective."Annual Review of Psychology 38(1987): 299-337.
  • MATHIEU, John E., ve Dennis M. Zajac. "A Review and Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents, Correlates, and Consequences of Organizational Commitment." Psychological Bulletin 108. 2 (1990): 171-94.
  • MAYFIELD, Jacqueline, ve MiltonMayfield. "Leader Communication Strategies Critical Paths to Improving Employee Commitment."American Business Review(2002): 89-94.
  • MEYER, John. P., David J.Stanley, Lynne Herscovitch, ve LaryssaTopolnytsky. "Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization: A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents, Correlates, and Consequences." Journal of Vocational Behavior 61(2002): 20-52.
  • MEYER, John P., Natalie J.Allen. "A Three-Component Conceptualization of Organizational Commitment." Human Resource Management Review 1(1991): 69-89.
  • MEYER, John P., Natalie J.Allen, ve Catherine A. Smith. "Commitment to Organizations and Occupations: Extension and Test of a Three-Component Conceptualization." Journal of Applied Psychology78 (1993): 538-51.
  • MEYER, John P., ve LynneHerscovitch. "Commitment in the Workplace: Toward A General Model." Human Resource Management Review 11. 3 (2001): 299-326.
  • MEYER, John P., ve Natalya M. Parfyonova."Normative Commitment in the Workplace: A Theoretical Analysis and Re-Conceptualization."Human Resource Management Review 20 (2010): 283-94.
  • NEVES, Pedro, ve Robert Eisenberger. "Management Communication and Employee Performance: The Contribution of Perceived Organizational Support."Human Performance 25(2012): 452-64.
  • O’REILLY III, Charles, ve Jennifer Chatman."Organizational Commitment and Psychological Attachment: The Effects of Compliance, Identification, and Internalization on Prosocial Behavior." Journal of Applied Psychology 71 (1986): 492-99.
  • POSTMES, Tom, Martin Tanis, ve Boudewijn de Wit."Communication and Commitment in Organizations: A Social Identity Approach."Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 4. 3 (2001): 227-46.
  • PUTTI, Joseph M., Samuel Aryee, ve Joseph Phua. "Communication Relationship Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment."Group & Organization Management 15. 1 (1990): 44-52.
  • REICHERS, Arnon E. "A Review and Reconceptualization of Organizational Commitment."Academy of Management Review 10. 3 (1985): 465-76.
  • RHOADES, Linda, Robert Eisenberger, ve Stephen Armeli. "Affective commitment to the organization: The contribution of perceivedorganizational support."Journal of Applied Psychology 86. 5 (2001): 825-36.
  • SCOTT, Craig R.,ve ark. "The Impacts of Communication and Multiple Identifications on Intent to Leave: A MultimethodologicalExploration."Management Communication Quarterly 12.
  • SIAS, Patricia M. "Workplace Relationship Quality and Employee Information Experiences. Communication Studies 56. 4 (2005): 375-95.
  • SIAS, Patricia M., ve Fredrick M. Jablin."Differential Superior-Subordinate Relations, Perceptions of Fairness, and Coworker Communication."Human Communication Research 22. 1 (1995): 5-38.
  • SJÖBERG, Anders, ve Magnus Sverke. "The Interactive Effect of Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment on Job Turnover Revisited: A Note on the Mediating Role of Turnover Intention."Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 41 (2000): 247-52.
  • SLATTERY, Jeffrey P., ve T. T. RajanSelvarajan. "Antecedents to Temporary Employee’s Turnover Intention." Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 12. 1 (2005): 53-66.
  • SLUSS, David M., ve Blake E. Ashforth. "Relational identity and identification: defining ourselves through work relationships." Academy of Management Review 32. 1 (2007): 9-32.
  • SMIDTS, Ale, Ad TH. H. Pruyn, ve Cees B. M. Van Riel."The Impact of Employee Communication and Perceived External Prestige on Organizational Identification."Academy of Management Journal 49. 5 (2001): 1051-62.
  • SNAPE, Ed, Andy W.Chan, ve Tom Redman. "Multiple Commitments in the Chinese Context: Testing Compatibility, Cultural, and Moderating Hypotheses."Journal of Vocational Behavior69 (2006): 302-14.
  • STINGLHAMBER, Florence, Kathleen Bentein, ve Christian Vandenberghe. "Extension of the Three-Component Model of Commitment to Five Foci: Development of Measures and Substantive Test."European Journal of Psychological Assessment 18. 2 (2002): 123-38.
  • STINGLHAMBER, Florence, ve ChristianVandenberghe. "Organizations and Supervisors as Sources of Support and Targets of Commitment: A Longitudinal Study."Journal of Organizational Behavior 24 (2003): 251-70.
  • TETT, Robert P.,ve John P. Meyer."Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention, and Turnover: Path Analyses Based on Meta-Analytic Findings." Personnel Psychology 46 (1993): 259-92.
  • VANDENBERGHE, Christian, Kathleen Bentein, ve FlorenceStinglhamber. "Affective Commitment to the Organization, Supervisor, and Work Group: Antecedents and Outcomes." Journal of Vocational Behavior 64 (2004): 47-71.
  • VARONA, Federico. "Relationship Between Communication Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Three GuatemalanOrganizations."Journal of Business Communication 33. 2(1996): 111-40.
  • WASTI, S. Arzu. "Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intentions and the Influence of Cultural Values." Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 76(2003): 303-21.
  • WASTI, S. Arzu, ve Özge Can. "Affective and Normative Commitment to Organization, Supervisor, and Coworkers: Do Collectivist Values Matter?" Journal of Vocational Behavior 73(2008): 404-13.
  • WIENER, Yoash. "Commitment in Organizations: A Normative View." Academy of Management Review 7. 3 (1982): 418-28.

Variables that are related to Commitment to Supervisor and Workgroup: The Moderator Role of Self-Concept Levels

Year 2015, Volume: 55 Issue: 1, 263 - 282, 01.01.2015


As being an important aspect of organizational life, organizational communication is known as related to employees’ attitudes and behaviors toward work. Research on commitment indicated that commitment consists of three components as affective, normative, and continuance and beside developing commitment to their organization, employees may also develop commitment to different targets such as supervisors and workgroup. On the other hand, recent empirical studies supported the view that different self-concept levels that employees have may be related to different components and targets of commitment. In this theoretical paper, a model is proposed and in the prediction of affective and normative commitment to both supervisors and workgroup through communication with supervisor and workgroup, employee self-concepts relational or collective self are proposed as moderator variables. Moreover, in the proposed model afective and normative commitment to supervisor and the workgroup are proposed as both direct and indirect predictors of turnover intention via organizational commitment.


  • AJZEN, Icek, ve MartinFishbein. "Attitude-Behavior Relations: A Theoretical Analysis and Review of Empirical Research."Psychological Bulletin 84. 5 (1977): 888-918.
  • AKPİNAR, Ali Talip, EhlinazTorun, Mehmet Emin Okur, ve Onur Akpinar. "The Effect of Organizational Communication and Job Satisfaction On Organizational Commitment in Small Businesses."Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business 3.04 (2013): 27-32.
  • ALLEN, MyriaWatkins. "Communication and Organizational Commitment: Perceived Organizational Support as a Mediating Factor."Communication Quarterly 40. 4 (1992): 357-67.
  • ALLEN, Natalie J. "Examining Organizational Commitment in China." Journal of Vocational Behavior 62 (2003): 511-15.
  • ALLEN, Natalie J.,ve John P.Meyer. "The Measurement and Antecedents of Affective, Continuance and Normative Commitment to the Organization." Journal of Occupational Psychology 63 (1990): 1-18.
  • ANDERSEN, Susan M., ve Serena Chen. "The Relational Self: An Interpersonal Social-Cognitive Theory." Psychological Review 109. 4 (2002): 619-45.
  • BECKER, Howard S. "Notes on the Concept of Commitment." American Journal of Sociology 66(1960): 32-40.
  • BECKER, Thomas E., ve Mary C.Kernan."Matching Commitment to Supervisors and Organizations to In-Role and Extra-Role Performance."Human Performance16.4 (2003): 327-48.
  • BECKER,Thomas E.,ve Robert S.Billings."Profiles of Commitment: An Empirical Test."Journal of Organizational Behavior14 (1993): 177-90.
  • BENTEIN, Kathleen, Florence Stinglhamber, ve ChristianVandenberghe. "Organization-, Supervisor-, and Workgroup-Directed Commitments and Citizenship Behaviours: A Comparison of Models." European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 11. 3 (2002): 341-62.
  • BISHOP, James W., K. DowScott,ve Susan M. Burroughs."Support, Commitment, and Employee Outcomes in a Team Environment." Journal of Management 26. 6: (2000): 1113-32.
  • BİTMİŞ, M. Gökhan, Semra Güney, ve HilalDemirel. "İletişim Doyumu Verimlilik İlişkisinde Örgütsel Bağlılık ve İş Tatmininin Rolü: Çoklu Aracılı Bir Model Testi."H.Ü. İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 32. 2 (2014): 57-74.
  • BREWER, Marilynn B., ve Wendi Gardner. "Who Is This ‘‘We’’? Levels of Collective Identity and Self-Representations."Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 71 (1996): 83-93.
  • BRUNETTO, Yvonne, ve Rod Farr-Wharton."Does the Talk Affect Your Decision to Walk." ManagementDecision 42. 3/4 (2004): 579-600.
  • CHEN, Zhen Xiong, ve Anne MarieFrancesco. "The Relationship Between the Three Components of Commitment and Employee Performance in China."Journal of Vocational Behavior 62 (2003): 490-510.
  • CHENG, Bor-Shiuan, Ding-Yu Jiang, ve, Jean H. Riley."Organizational Commitment, Supervisory Commitment, and Employee Outcomes in the Chinese Context: Proximal Hypothesis or Global Hypothesis? " Journal of Organizational Behavior 24. 3 (2003): 313-34.
  • CHENG, Yuqiu, ve Margaret S. Stockdale."The Validity of The Three-Component Model of Organizational Commitment in A Chinese Context."Journal of Vocational Behavior 62 (2003): 465-89.
  • CLUGSTON, Michael, Jon P. Howell, ve Peter W. Dorfman."Does Cultural Socialization Predict Multiple Bases and Foci of Commitment?" Journal of Management 26. 1 (2000): 5-30.
  • COOPER-HAKIM, Amy, ve ChockalingamViswesvaran. "The Construct of Work Commitment: Testing an Integrative Framework."Psychological Bulletin 131.
  • ELLEMERS, Naomi, Dick de Gilder, ve Henriettevan den Heuvel. "Career-Oriented versus Team-Oriented Commitment and Behavior at Work." Journal of Applied Psychology 83. 5 (1998): 717-30.
  • GORIS, José R., Bobby C.Vaught, ve John D. Pettit, JR."Effects of Communication Direction on Job Performance and Satisfaction: A Moderated Regression Analysis."Journal of Business Communication 37. 4 (2000): 348-68.
  • GRIFFETH, Rodger W., Peter W. Hom, ve Stefan Gaertner. "A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents and Correlates of Employee Turnover: Update, Moderator Tests, and Research İmplications for the Next Millennium." Journal of Management 26. 3 (2000): 463-88.
  • HREBINIAK, Lawrence G., ve Joseph A. Alutto. "Personal and Role-Related Factors in the development of Organizational Commitment." Administrative Science Quarterly 17. 4 (1972): 555-73.
  • JACKSON, Erin M., ve Russell E. Johnson."When Opposites Do (and Do Not) Attract: Interplay of Leader and Follower Self-Identities and Its Consequences for Leader-Member Exchange."The Leadership Quarterly 23 (2012): 488-501.
  • JOHLKE, Mark C. ve Dale F.Duhan."Supervisor Communication Practices and Service Employee Job Outcomes."Journal of Service Research 3. 2 (2000): 154-65.
  • JOHNSON, Russell E., Christopher Selenta, ve Robert G. Lord."When Organizational Justice and the Self-Concept Meet: Consequences for the Organization and Its Members."Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 99(2006): 175-201.
  • JOHNSON, Russell E., ve Chu-Hsiang Chang. "‘‘I’’ is to Continuance as ‘‘We’’ is to Affective: The Relevance of the Self-Concept for Organizational Commitment."Journal of Organizational Behavior 27(2006): 549-70.
  • JOHNSON, Russell E., Chu-Hsiang (Daisy) Chang, ve Liu-Qin Yang. "Commitment and Motivation at Work: The Relevance of Employee Identity and Regulatory Focus."Academy of Management Review 35.2 (2010): 226-45.
  • KO, Jong-Wook, James L. Price, ve Charles W. Mueller."Assessment of Meyer and Allen’s Three-Component Model of Organizational Commitment in South Korea." Journal of Applied Psychology 82. 6 (1997): 961-73.
  • LEE, Kibeom, Natalie J.Allen, John P. Meyer, ve Kyung-Yong Rhee. "The Three- Component Model of Organisational Commitment: An Application to South Korea." Applied Psychology: An International Review 50. 4 (2001): 596-614.
  • MARKUS, Hazel, ve Elissa Wurf."The Dynamic Self-Concept: A Social Psychological Perspective."Annual Review of Psychology 38(1987): 299-337.
  • MATHIEU, John E., ve Dennis M. Zajac. "A Review and Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents, Correlates, and Consequences of Organizational Commitment." Psychological Bulletin 108. 2 (1990): 171-94.
  • MAYFIELD, Jacqueline, ve MiltonMayfield. "Leader Communication Strategies Critical Paths to Improving Employee Commitment."American Business Review(2002): 89-94.
  • MEYER, John. P., David J.Stanley, Lynne Herscovitch, ve LaryssaTopolnytsky. "Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization: A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents, Correlates, and Consequences." Journal of Vocational Behavior 61(2002): 20-52.
  • MEYER, John P., Natalie J.Allen. "A Three-Component Conceptualization of Organizational Commitment." Human Resource Management Review 1(1991): 69-89.
  • MEYER, John P., Natalie J.Allen, ve Catherine A. Smith. "Commitment to Organizations and Occupations: Extension and Test of a Three-Component Conceptualization." Journal of Applied Psychology78 (1993): 538-51.
  • MEYER, John P., ve LynneHerscovitch. "Commitment in the Workplace: Toward A General Model." Human Resource Management Review 11. 3 (2001): 299-326.
  • MEYER, John P., ve Natalya M. Parfyonova."Normative Commitment in the Workplace: A Theoretical Analysis and Re-Conceptualization."Human Resource Management Review 20 (2010): 283-94.
  • NEVES, Pedro, ve Robert Eisenberger. "Management Communication and Employee Performance: The Contribution of Perceived Organizational Support."Human Performance 25(2012): 452-64.
  • O’REILLY III, Charles, ve Jennifer Chatman."Organizational Commitment and Psychological Attachment: The Effects of Compliance, Identification, and Internalization on Prosocial Behavior." Journal of Applied Psychology 71 (1986): 492-99.
  • POSTMES, Tom, Martin Tanis, ve Boudewijn de Wit."Communication and Commitment in Organizations: A Social Identity Approach."Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 4. 3 (2001): 227-46.
  • PUTTI, Joseph M., Samuel Aryee, ve Joseph Phua. "Communication Relationship Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment."Group & Organization Management 15. 1 (1990): 44-52.
  • REICHERS, Arnon E. "A Review and Reconceptualization of Organizational Commitment."Academy of Management Review 10. 3 (1985): 465-76.
  • RHOADES, Linda, Robert Eisenberger, ve Stephen Armeli. "Affective commitment to the organization: The contribution of perceivedorganizational support."Journal of Applied Psychology 86. 5 (2001): 825-36.
  • SCOTT, Craig R.,ve ark. "The Impacts of Communication and Multiple Identifications on Intent to Leave: A MultimethodologicalExploration."Management Communication Quarterly 12.
  • SIAS, Patricia M. "Workplace Relationship Quality and Employee Information Experiences. Communication Studies 56. 4 (2005): 375-95.
  • SIAS, Patricia M., ve Fredrick M. Jablin."Differential Superior-Subordinate Relations, Perceptions of Fairness, and Coworker Communication."Human Communication Research 22. 1 (1995): 5-38.
  • SJÖBERG, Anders, ve Magnus Sverke. "The Interactive Effect of Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment on Job Turnover Revisited: A Note on the Mediating Role of Turnover Intention."Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 41 (2000): 247-52.
  • SLATTERY, Jeffrey P., ve T. T. RajanSelvarajan. "Antecedents to Temporary Employee’s Turnover Intention." Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 12. 1 (2005): 53-66.
  • SLUSS, David M., ve Blake E. Ashforth. "Relational identity and identification: defining ourselves through work relationships." Academy of Management Review 32. 1 (2007): 9-32.
  • SMIDTS, Ale, Ad TH. H. Pruyn, ve Cees B. M. Van Riel."The Impact of Employee Communication and Perceived External Prestige on Organizational Identification."Academy of Management Journal 49. 5 (2001): 1051-62.
  • SNAPE, Ed, Andy W.Chan, ve Tom Redman. "Multiple Commitments in the Chinese Context: Testing Compatibility, Cultural, and Moderating Hypotheses."Journal of Vocational Behavior69 (2006): 302-14.
  • STINGLHAMBER, Florence, Kathleen Bentein, ve Christian Vandenberghe. "Extension of the Three-Component Model of Commitment to Five Foci: Development of Measures and Substantive Test."European Journal of Psychological Assessment 18. 2 (2002): 123-38.
  • STINGLHAMBER, Florence, ve ChristianVandenberghe. "Organizations and Supervisors as Sources of Support and Targets of Commitment: A Longitudinal Study."Journal of Organizational Behavior 24 (2003): 251-70.
  • TETT, Robert P.,ve John P. Meyer."Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention, and Turnover: Path Analyses Based on Meta-Analytic Findings." Personnel Psychology 46 (1993): 259-92.
  • VANDENBERGHE, Christian, Kathleen Bentein, ve FlorenceStinglhamber. "Affective Commitment to the Organization, Supervisor, and Work Group: Antecedents and Outcomes." Journal of Vocational Behavior 64 (2004): 47-71.
  • VARONA, Federico. "Relationship Between Communication Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Three GuatemalanOrganizations."Journal of Business Communication 33. 2(1996): 111-40.
  • WASTI, S. Arzu. "Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intentions and the Influence of Cultural Values." Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 76(2003): 303-21.
  • WASTI, S. Arzu, ve Özge Can. "Affective and Normative Commitment to Organization, Supervisor, and Coworkers: Do Collectivist Values Matter?" Journal of Vocational Behavior 73(2008): 404-13.
  • WIENER, Yoash. "Commitment in Organizations: A Normative View." Academy of Management Review 7. 3 (1982): 418-28.
There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Afife Başak Ok This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 55 Issue: 1



Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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