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Year 2018, Volume: 58 Issue: 2, 1667 - 1696, 01.01.2018


Otobiyografik anılara ulaşmada, doğrudan direct ve üretici generative geri çağırma olarak bilinen iki farklı mekanizma işlemektedir. Günümüze dek yapılan çalışmalarda, bu iki geri çağırma mekanızmasının neden olduğu farklar yalnızca istemli bir hatırlama süreci sonrasında elde edilen anıların karşılaştırılmasıyla incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, istemli ve istemsiz otobiyografik anıları karşılaştıran çalışmaların neredeyse tamamında geri çağırma mekanizmalarının etkisi dikkate alınmamıştır. Bu çalışma, istemsiz otobiyografik anılara da doğrudan geri çağırma mekanizmasıyla erişildiği kabulünden yola çıkarak istemsiz otobiyografik anıları İ-OA , doğrudan D+OA ve üretici geri çağırma Ü+OA ile erişilen istemli otobiyografik anılar ile grup-içi bir desende karşılaştıran ilk çalışmadır. İstemsiz anılar Uyanıklık Görevi, istemli anılar Galton-Crovitz anahtar sözcük yöntemi kullanılarak iki ayrı oturumda toplanmıştır. Bulgular, her iki oturuma da katılan 62 kişiden 44 kadın, 18 erkek elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, D+OA'lar istemli bir şekilde hatırlanıyor olmasına karşın, çoğu özelliği açısından aynı geri çağırma mekanizmasını kullanan İ-OA'lar ile benzerlik göstermektedir. Özetle, Ü+OA'lara kıyasla, hem D+OA'lar hem de İ-OA'lar daha kısa sürede hatırlanmıştır. Ayrıca, bu anılar daha belirgin ve duygusal etkileri daha yüksek olan anılar olmuştur. Aynı sözcükler ile tetiklenen istemli ve istemsiz anılar arasında belirginlik açısından anlamlı bir fark bulunmaması ise İ-OA'ların belirginlikteki üstünlüğünün kişisel olarak ayırt edici ipuçlarıyla tetiklenmelerinden kaynaklandığına işaret etmektedir. Ek olarak, yakın geçmişte yaşanmış bir olayın istemli ya da istemsiz hatırlanmasında çoğu fenomenolojik değerlendirme açısından fark bulunmamıştır. Kısaca, bulgular, istemli ve istemsiz anılar arasındaki farkların genel olarak, kasıtlı ya da kendiliğinden oluşan bir hatırlamadan ziyade, geri çağırma mekanizmalarından ileri geldiğine işaret etmektedir.


  • Addis, Donna Rose ve diğerleri. "Routes to the Past: Neural Substrates of Direct and Generative Autobiographical Memory Retrieval." Neuroimage 59.3 (2012):
  • Ball, Christopher T. "Can We Elicit Involuntary Autobiographical Memories in the Laboratory." Involuntary Memory Ed. John H. Mace. Malden, MA: Blackwell. 2007. 127-152.
  • Barzykowski, Krystian ve Agnieszka Niedźwieńska. "The Effects of Instruction on The Frequency and Characteristics of Involuntary Autobiographical Memories." PloS one 11.6 (2016): 1-15.
  • Barzykowski, Krystian ve Soren Rislov Staugaard. "Does Retrieval Intentionality Really Matter? Similarities and Differences Between Involuntary Memories and Directly and Generatively Retrieved Voluntary Memories." British Journal of Psychology 107.3 (2016): 519-536.
  • --."How Intention And Monitoring Your Thoughts Influence Characteristics of Autobiographical Memories." British Journal of Psychology 109.2 (2018): 321- 340.
  • Berntsen, Dorthe. Involuntary Autobiographical Memories: An Introduction To The Unbidden Past. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • --. "Involuntary Autobiographical Memories." Applied Cognitive Psychology 10.5 (1996): 435-454.
  • --. "The Unbidden Past: Involuntary Autobiographical Memories As A Basic Mode of Remembering." Current Directions in Psychological Science 19.3 (2010): 138- 142.
  • --. "Voluntary And Involuntary Access to Autobiographical Memory." Memory 6.2 (1998): 113-141.
  • Berntsen, Dorthe ve David C. Rubin. "Emotionally Charged Autobiographical Memories Across the Life Span: The Recall of Happy, Sad, Traumatic and Involuntary Memories." Psychology and Aging 17.4 (2002): 636-652.
  • --. "The Centrality of Event Scale: A Measure of Integrating a Trauma into One's İdentity Symptoms." Behaviour Research and Therapy 44.2 (2006): 219-231. Its Relation to
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Berntsen, Dorthe ve Anne Stærk Jacobsen. "Involuntary (Spontaneous) Mental Time Travel into The Past snd Future." Consciousness and cognition 17.4 (2008):
  • Berntsen, Dorthe ve Nicoline Marie Hall. "The Episodic Nature of Involuntary Autobiographical Memories." Memory & Cognition 32.5 (2004): 789-803.
  • Berntsen, Dorthe, Soren Rislov Staugaard ve Louise Maria Torp Sorensen. "Why Am I Remembering This Now? Predicting The Occurrence of Involuntary (Spontaneous) Episodic Memories." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142.2 (2013): 426-444.
  • Cole, Scott N. ve Dorthe Berntsen. "Do Future Thoughts Reflect Personal Goals? Current Concerns and Mental Time Travel into The Past and Future." The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69.2 (2016): 273-284.
  • Cole, Scott N., Soren R. Staugaard ve Dorthe Berntsen. "Inducing Involuntary and Voluntary Mental Time Travel Using A Laboratory Paradigm." Memory & Cognition 44.3 (2016): 376-389.
  • Conway, Martin A. "Sensory–Perceptual Episodic Memory and Its Context: Autobiographical Memory." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 356 (2001): 1375-1384.
  • --. "Memory and the self." Journal of Memory and Language 53.4 (2005): 594-628.
  • Conway, Martin A. ve Christopher W. Pleydell-Pearce. “The Construction of Autobiographical Memories in the Self-Memory System.” Psychological Review 107.2 (2000): 261-288.
  • Conway, Martin A. ve Debra A. Bekerian. “Organization in Autobiographical Memory.” Memory & Cognition 15.2 (1987): 119-132.
  • Göz, İlyas. Yazılı Türkçenin Kelime Sıklığı Sözlüğü. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu, 2003.
  • Harris, Celia B., Akira R. O’Connor ve John Sutton. "Cue Generation and Memory Construction in Direct And Generative Autobiographical Memory Retrieval." Consciousness and cognition 33 (2015): 204-216.
  • Hauer, Beatrijs J.A. ve diğerleri. "Autobiographical Memory Specificity After Manipulating Retrieval Cues in Adults Reporting Childhood Sexual Abuse." Journal of Abnormal Psychology 117.2 (2008): 444-453.
  • Hintzman, Douglas L. "Research Strategy in the Study of Memory: Fads, Fallacies, and the Search for The ‘Coordinates Of Truth’." Perspectives on Psychological Science 6.3 (2011): 253-271.
  • Jeunehomme, Olivier ve Arnaud D'Argembeau. "Prevalence And Determinants of Direct and Generative Modes of Production of Episodic Future Thoughts in the Word Cueing Paradigm." The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69.2 (2016): 254-272.
  • Johannessen, Kim Berg ve Dorthe Berntsen. "Current Concerns in Involuntary And Voluntary Autobiographical Memories." Consciousness and Cognition 19.4 (2010): 847-860.
  • Kvavilashvili, Lia ve Simone Schlagman. "Involuntary Autobiographical Memories in Dysphoric Mood: A Laboratory Study." Memory 19.4 (2011): 331-345.
  • Mace, John H. "Episodic Remembering Creates Access to Involuntary Conscious Memory: Demonstrating Involuntary Recall on A Voluntary Recall Task." Memory 14.8 (2006): 917-924.
  • Mace, John H. ve diğerleri. "Accuracy and Perspective in Involuntary Autobiographical Memory." Applied Cognitive Psychology 25.1 (2011): 20-28.
  • --."Voluntary Remembering: Elucidating The Mental Strategies Used to Recall the Past." Applied Cognitive Psychology 31.2 (2017): 156-163.
  • MacLeod, Colin M. "The Six R's of Remembering." Canadian Psychology 54.1 (2013): 38-49.
  • Plimpton, Benjamin, Priya Patel ve Lia Kvavilashvili. "Role of Triggers and Dysphoria in Mind-Wandering About Past, Present and Future: A Laboratory Study." Consciousness and Cognition 33 (2015): 261-276.
  • Power, Michael J. ve Tim Dalgleish. "Two Routes to Emotion: Some Implications of Multi-Level Theories of Emotion for Therapeutic Practice." Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 27.2 (1999): 129-141.
  • Rasmussen, Anne S. ve Dorthe Berntsen. "The Unpredictable Past: Spontaneous Autobiographical Memories Outnumber Autobiographical Memories Retrieved Strategically." Consciousness and Cognition 20.4 (2011): 1842-1846.
  • Rubin, David C. ve Dorthe Berntsen. "The Frequency of Voluntary And Involuntary Autobiographical Memories Across The Life Span." Memory & Cognition 37.5 (2009): 679-688.
  • Rubin, David C., Adriel Boals ve Dorthe Berntsen. "Memory in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Properties of Voluntary and Involuntary, Traumatic and Nontraumatic Autobiographical Memories in People With and Without Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 137.4 (2008): 591-614.
  • Rubin, David C., Robert W. Schrauf ve Daniel L. Greenberg. "Belief and Recollection of Autobiographical Memories." Memory & Cognition 31.6 (2003): 887-901.
  • Schlagman, Simone ve Lia Kvavilashvili. "Involuntary Autobiographical Memories in and Outside the Laboratory: How Different Are They from Voluntary Autobiographical Memories?." Memory & Cognition 36.5 (2008): 920-932.
  • Singer, Jefferson A. ve Pavel S. Blagov. Classification System and Scoring Manual For Self-Defining Autobiographical Memories. Connecticut College, 2000.
  • St. Jacques, Peggy L., Martin A. Conway ve Roberto Cabeza. "Gender Differences in Autobiographical Memory for Everyday Events: Retrieval Elicited by Sensecam Images versus Verbal Cues." Memory 19.7 (2011): 723-732.
  • Tekcan, Ali İ. ve İlyas Göz. Türkçe kelime normları. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 2003.
  • Tulving, Endel. Memory and Consciousness. Oxford: Oxford University Psychology Series No.2, 1983.
  • Uzer, Tuğba ve Norman R. Brown. "The Effect of Cue Content on Retrieval From Autobiographical Memory." Acta psychologica 172 (2017): 84-91.
  • Uzer, Tuğba, Peter J. Lee ve Norman R. Brown. "On the Prevalence of Directly Retrieved Autobiographical Memories." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38.5 (2012): 1296-1308.
  • Uzer, Tuğba. "Retrieving Autobiographical Memories: How Different Retrieval Strategies Associated with Different Cues Explain Reaction Time Differences." Acta psychologica 164 (2016): 144-150.
  • Vannucci, Manila ve diğerleri. "Modifying the frequency and characteristics of involuntary autobiographical memories." PloS one 9.4 (2014): 1-7.
  • Watson, Lynn Ann ve diğerleri. "The Characteristics of Involuntary and Voluntary Autobiographical Individuals." Consciousness and Cognition 21.3 (2012): 1382-1392. Memories in Depressed and Never Depressed
  • Williams, J. M. G., H. G. Healy ve Nick C. Ellis. "The Effect of Imageability and Predicability of Cues in Autobiographical Memory." The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 52.3 (1999): 555-579.
  • Williams, J. Mark G. ve diğerleri. "Retrieval of Autobiographical Memories: The Mechanisms and Consequences of Truncated Search." Cognition and Emotion 20.3-4 (2006): 351-382.


Year 2018, Volume: 58 Issue: 2, 1667 - 1696, 01.01.2018


Two distinct retrieval mechanisms were used in access to autobiographical memories, namely direct and generative retrieval. To date, previous studies predominantly compared memories accessed through direct and generative retrieval in only voluntary remembering context. In addition, nearly all studies comparing involuntary IAMs and voluntary VAMs autobiographical memories did not take this distinction into account. Since involuntary autobiographical memories IAMs were also argued to be accessed through direct retrieval, the present study is the first to compare IAMs with directly retrieved DR-VAMs and generated memories GEN-VAMs separately in a withinsubjects design. IAMs and VAMs were collected in two consecutive sessions by using Vigilance Task and Galton-Crovitz cue-word technique, respectively. 62 individuals 44 female, 18 male participated in both sessions. The results revealed that IAMs were similar to DR-VAMs in many aspects, although the latter was deliberately recalled. Specifically, both IAMs and DR-VAMs were retrieved faster than GEN-VAMs. They had more emotional impact on rememberer and they included more specic events, compared to GEN-VAMs. However, the difference in specificity was found to be caused by the personal relevance of the cues; when same cues were used to trigger IAMs and VAMs, higher specificity of IAMs disappeared. Additionally, it was observed that phenomenology of deliberate and spontaneous recollections of the same recent events were not different. Overall, the present findings suggest that most of the differences between IAMs and VAMs result from direct and generative retrieval distinction, rather than deliberate or spontaneous recall of memories.


  • Addis, Donna Rose ve diğerleri. "Routes to the Past: Neural Substrates of Direct and Generative Autobiographical Memory Retrieval." Neuroimage 59.3 (2012):
  • Ball, Christopher T. "Can We Elicit Involuntary Autobiographical Memories in the Laboratory." Involuntary Memory Ed. John H. Mace. Malden, MA: Blackwell. 2007. 127-152.
  • Barzykowski, Krystian ve Agnieszka Niedźwieńska. "The Effects of Instruction on The Frequency and Characteristics of Involuntary Autobiographical Memories." PloS one 11.6 (2016): 1-15.
  • Barzykowski, Krystian ve Soren Rislov Staugaard. "Does Retrieval Intentionality Really Matter? Similarities and Differences Between Involuntary Memories and Directly and Generatively Retrieved Voluntary Memories." British Journal of Psychology 107.3 (2016): 519-536.
  • --."How Intention And Monitoring Your Thoughts Influence Characteristics of Autobiographical Memories." British Journal of Psychology 109.2 (2018): 321- 340.
  • Berntsen, Dorthe. Involuntary Autobiographical Memories: An Introduction To The Unbidden Past. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • --. "Involuntary Autobiographical Memories." Applied Cognitive Psychology 10.5 (1996): 435-454.
  • --. "The Unbidden Past: Involuntary Autobiographical Memories As A Basic Mode of Remembering." Current Directions in Psychological Science 19.3 (2010): 138- 142.
  • --. "Voluntary And Involuntary Access to Autobiographical Memory." Memory 6.2 (1998): 113-141.
  • Berntsen, Dorthe ve David C. Rubin. "Emotionally Charged Autobiographical Memories Across the Life Span: The Recall of Happy, Sad, Traumatic and Involuntary Memories." Psychology and Aging 17.4 (2002): 636-652.
  • --. "The Centrality of Event Scale: A Measure of Integrating a Trauma into One's İdentity Symptoms." Behaviour Research and Therapy 44.2 (2006): 219-231. Its Relation to
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Berntsen, Dorthe ve Anne Stærk Jacobsen. "Involuntary (Spontaneous) Mental Time Travel into The Past snd Future." Consciousness and cognition 17.4 (2008):
  • Berntsen, Dorthe ve Nicoline Marie Hall. "The Episodic Nature of Involuntary Autobiographical Memories." Memory & Cognition 32.5 (2004): 789-803.
  • Berntsen, Dorthe, Soren Rislov Staugaard ve Louise Maria Torp Sorensen. "Why Am I Remembering This Now? Predicting The Occurrence of Involuntary (Spontaneous) Episodic Memories." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142.2 (2013): 426-444.
  • Cole, Scott N. ve Dorthe Berntsen. "Do Future Thoughts Reflect Personal Goals? Current Concerns and Mental Time Travel into The Past and Future." The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69.2 (2016): 273-284.
  • Cole, Scott N., Soren R. Staugaard ve Dorthe Berntsen. "Inducing Involuntary and Voluntary Mental Time Travel Using A Laboratory Paradigm." Memory & Cognition 44.3 (2016): 376-389.
  • Conway, Martin A. "Sensory–Perceptual Episodic Memory and Its Context: Autobiographical Memory." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 356 (2001): 1375-1384.
  • --. "Memory and the self." Journal of Memory and Language 53.4 (2005): 594-628.
  • Conway, Martin A. ve Christopher W. Pleydell-Pearce. “The Construction of Autobiographical Memories in the Self-Memory System.” Psychological Review 107.2 (2000): 261-288.
  • Conway, Martin A. ve Debra A. Bekerian. “Organization in Autobiographical Memory.” Memory & Cognition 15.2 (1987): 119-132.
  • Göz, İlyas. Yazılı Türkçenin Kelime Sıklığı Sözlüğü. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu, 2003.
  • Harris, Celia B., Akira R. O’Connor ve John Sutton. "Cue Generation and Memory Construction in Direct And Generative Autobiographical Memory Retrieval." Consciousness and cognition 33 (2015): 204-216.
  • Hauer, Beatrijs J.A. ve diğerleri. "Autobiographical Memory Specificity After Manipulating Retrieval Cues in Adults Reporting Childhood Sexual Abuse." Journal of Abnormal Psychology 117.2 (2008): 444-453.
  • Hintzman, Douglas L. "Research Strategy in the Study of Memory: Fads, Fallacies, and the Search for The ‘Coordinates Of Truth’." Perspectives on Psychological Science 6.3 (2011): 253-271.
  • Jeunehomme, Olivier ve Arnaud D'Argembeau. "Prevalence And Determinants of Direct and Generative Modes of Production of Episodic Future Thoughts in the Word Cueing Paradigm." The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69.2 (2016): 254-272.
  • Johannessen, Kim Berg ve Dorthe Berntsen. "Current Concerns in Involuntary And Voluntary Autobiographical Memories." Consciousness and Cognition 19.4 (2010): 847-860.
  • Kvavilashvili, Lia ve Simone Schlagman. "Involuntary Autobiographical Memories in Dysphoric Mood: A Laboratory Study." Memory 19.4 (2011): 331-345.
  • Mace, John H. "Episodic Remembering Creates Access to Involuntary Conscious Memory: Demonstrating Involuntary Recall on A Voluntary Recall Task." Memory 14.8 (2006): 917-924.
  • Mace, John H. ve diğerleri. "Accuracy and Perspective in Involuntary Autobiographical Memory." Applied Cognitive Psychology 25.1 (2011): 20-28.
  • --."Voluntary Remembering: Elucidating The Mental Strategies Used to Recall the Past." Applied Cognitive Psychology 31.2 (2017): 156-163.
  • MacLeod, Colin M. "The Six R's of Remembering." Canadian Psychology 54.1 (2013): 38-49.
  • Plimpton, Benjamin, Priya Patel ve Lia Kvavilashvili. "Role of Triggers and Dysphoria in Mind-Wandering About Past, Present and Future: A Laboratory Study." Consciousness and Cognition 33 (2015): 261-276.
  • Power, Michael J. ve Tim Dalgleish. "Two Routes to Emotion: Some Implications of Multi-Level Theories of Emotion for Therapeutic Practice." Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 27.2 (1999): 129-141.
  • Rasmussen, Anne S. ve Dorthe Berntsen. "The Unpredictable Past: Spontaneous Autobiographical Memories Outnumber Autobiographical Memories Retrieved Strategically." Consciousness and Cognition 20.4 (2011): 1842-1846.
  • Rubin, David C. ve Dorthe Berntsen. "The Frequency of Voluntary And Involuntary Autobiographical Memories Across The Life Span." Memory & Cognition 37.5 (2009): 679-688.
  • Rubin, David C., Adriel Boals ve Dorthe Berntsen. "Memory in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Properties of Voluntary and Involuntary, Traumatic and Nontraumatic Autobiographical Memories in People With and Without Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 137.4 (2008): 591-614.
  • Rubin, David C., Robert W. Schrauf ve Daniel L. Greenberg. "Belief and Recollection of Autobiographical Memories." Memory & Cognition 31.6 (2003): 887-901.
  • Schlagman, Simone ve Lia Kvavilashvili. "Involuntary Autobiographical Memories in and Outside the Laboratory: How Different Are They from Voluntary Autobiographical Memories?." Memory & Cognition 36.5 (2008): 920-932.
  • Singer, Jefferson A. ve Pavel S. Blagov. Classification System and Scoring Manual For Self-Defining Autobiographical Memories. Connecticut College, 2000.
  • St. Jacques, Peggy L., Martin A. Conway ve Roberto Cabeza. "Gender Differences in Autobiographical Memory for Everyday Events: Retrieval Elicited by Sensecam Images versus Verbal Cues." Memory 19.7 (2011): 723-732.
  • Tekcan, Ali İ. ve İlyas Göz. Türkçe kelime normları. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 2003.
  • Tulving, Endel. Memory and Consciousness. Oxford: Oxford University Psychology Series No.2, 1983.
  • Uzer, Tuğba ve Norman R. Brown. "The Effect of Cue Content on Retrieval From Autobiographical Memory." Acta psychologica 172 (2017): 84-91.
  • Uzer, Tuğba, Peter J. Lee ve Norman R. Brown. "On the Prevalence of Directly Retrieved Autobiographical Memories." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38.5 (2012): 1296-1308.
  • Uzer, Tuğba. "Retrieving Autobiographical Memories: How Different Retrieval Strategies Associated with Different Cues Explain Reaction Time Differences." Acta psychologica 164 (2016): 144-150.
  • Vannucci, Manila ve diğerleri. "Modifying the frequency and characteristics of involuntary autobiographical memories." PloS one 9.4 (2014): 1-7.
  • Watson, Lynn Ann ve diğerleri. "The Characteristics of Involuntary and Voluntary Autobiographical Individuals." Consciousness and Cognition 21.3 (2012): 1382-1392. Memories in Depressed and Never Depressed
  • Williams, J. M. G., H. G. Healy ve Nick C. Ellis. "The Effect of Imageability and Predicability of Cues in Autobiographical Memory." The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 52.3 (1999): 555-579.
  • Williams, J. Mark G. ve diğerleri. "Retrieval of Autobiographical Memories: The Mechanisms and Consequences of Truncated Search." Cognition and Emotion 20.3-4 (2006): 351-382.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Pınar Kurdoğlu Ersoy

Ali İzzet Tekcan This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 58 Issue: 2


APA Kurdoğlu Ersoy, P., & Tekcan, A. İ. (2018). İSTEMLİ VE İSTEMSİZ OTOBİYOGRAFİK ANILARA ULAŞMADA DOĞRUDAN VE ÜRETİCİ GERİ ÇAĞIRMANIN ROLÜ. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 58(2), 1667-1696.

Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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