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Year 2019, Volume: 59 Issue: 1, 229 - 255, 01.01.2019


Eski Mezopotamya toplumunun inançları hakkında bilgi veren birincil kaynaklar çivi yazılı belgelerdir. Bu belgeler, III. Binyıl'dan I. Binyıl'a kadar farklı dönemlerde Sumerce ve Akadca olarak yazılmışlar ve Mezopotamya'daki farklı yerleşim yerlerinden çıkarılmışlardır. Konumuzla ilgili bilgi veren kaynaklar içerisinde hem edebi ve mitolojik metinler hem de tarihî metinler/mektuplar bulunmaktadır. Eski Mezopotamya kaynaklarında geçen rüyalar hakkında daha önceki yayınlarda çeşitli sınıamalar yapılmıştır. Burada söz konusu çalışmalar da dikkate alınarak çivi yazılı belgelerdeki rüya kayıtları incelenecek ve bu rüyaların mevcut türlerden hangisine girdiği tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Ayrıca bu rüyaların içerikleri hakkında bilgi sunulacaktır.


  • Abusch, Tzvi. “Witchcraft and the Anger of the Personal God.” Mesopotamian Magic: Textual, Historical, and Interpretive Perspectives. Ancient Magic and Divination, vol. 1. Ed. Tzvi Abusch ve Karel van der Toorn. Groningen: Styx, 1999. 83-121.
  • Abusch, Tzvi, Daniel Schwemer. Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-witchcraft Rituals, vol. 1. Ancient Magic and Divination 8/1. Leiden: Brill, 2011.
  • Abusch, Tzvi, Daniel Schwemer. Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-witchcraft Rituals, vol. 2. Ancient Magic and Divination 8/2. Leiden: Brill, 2016.
  • Alster, Bendt. Dumuzi's dream. Aspects of oral poetry in a Sumerian myth. Mesopotamia. Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology 1. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1972.
  • Black, Jeremy B. ve diğerleri. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1998–2006.
  • Butler, Sally Ann Louise. Mesopotamian Conceptions of Dreams and Dream Rituals. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1998.
  • Cooper, Jerrold S. The Curse of Agade. Baltimore, London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1983.
  • Cooper, Jerrold S. ve Wolfgang Heimpel. “The Sumerian Sargon Legend”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (1983): 67-82.
  • Durand, Jean-Marie. Archives Épistolaires de Mari, I/1. ARM 26/1. Paris: Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1988.
  • Edzard, Dietz Otto. Gudea and His Dynasty. The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Early Periods 3, 1. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 1997.
  • Eren, Metin. “Sembol Dilinin Bir Örneği Olarak Rüyalar: Türk Kültüründe Ölüme Yorulan Rüyalar.” Turkish Studies 5.4 (2010): 1074-1099.
  • Frayne, Douglas R. The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia volumes: Presargonic Period (2700–2350 BC). [RIME 1]. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008.
  • Geller, Markham J. Forerunners to Udug-Hul, Sumerian Exorcistic Incantations. Freiburger Altorientalische Studien 12, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1985.
  • George, Andrew R. The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic: Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • --. The Epic of Gilgamesh. The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Allen Lane The Penguin Press, 1999.
  • Heimpel, Wolfgang. Letters to the King of Mari: A New Translation, with Historical Introduction, Notes, and Commentary. Mesopotamian Civilizations 13. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2003.
  • Jacobsen, Thorkild. The Treasures of Darkness. A History of Mesopotamian Religion. New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 1976.
  • Klein, Jacob. "Sumerian Canonical Compositions. C. Individual Focus. 4. Pious Sufferer Compositions: ‘Man and His God’ (1.179)". The Context of Scripture, I: Canonical Compositions from the Biblical World. Ed. Hallo, William W. Leiden, New York, Köln: Brill, 1997. 573-575.
  • Krippner, Stanley, Fariba Bogzaran ve André P. de Carvalho. Extraordinary dreams and how to work with them. Albany: SuNy Press, 2002.
  • Ludlul bēl nēmeqi: The Standard Babylonian Poem of the Righteous Sufferer. Ed. Amar Annus, Alan Lenzi ve Simo Parpola. Helsinki, Winona Lake: The Neo- Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 2010.
  • Maul, Stefan Mario. Zukunftsbewältigung. Eine Untersuchung altorientalischen Denkens anhand der babylonisch-assyrischen Löserituale (Namburbi), Baghdader Forschungen Band 18. Mainz, 1994.
  • Oshima, Takayoshi. Babylonian Poems of Pious Sufferers. Ludlul Bēl Nēmeqi and the Babylonian Theodicy. Orientalische Religionen in der Antike 14. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014.
  • Parpola, Simo. Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 1993.
  • Ritter, Edith K. ve J. V. Kinnier Wilson. “Prescription for an Anxiety State: A Study of BAM 234.” Anatolian Studies 30 (1980): 23–30.
  • Schaudig, Hanspeter. Die Inschriften Nobonids von Babylon und Kyros' den Grossen. AOAT 256. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2001.
  • Scurlock, JoAnn. Magico-Medical Means of Treating Ghost-Induced Illnesses in Ancient Mesopotamia. Ancient Magic and Divination III. Leiden: Brill/Styx, 2006.
  • The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Ed.
  • Ignace J. Gelb ve diğerleri. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1956.
  • The Royal Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal and His Successors. Web. 25.02.2019.
  • Wilcke, Von Claus. “Dagan-nahmis Traum.” Die Welt des Orientes 17 (1986): 11-16.
  • Zgoll, Annette. Traum Und Welterleben Im Antiken Mesopotamien: Traumtheorie Und Traumpraxis Im 3.-1. Jahrtausend V. Chr. Als Horizont Einer Kulturgeschichte Des Träumens. Münster: Ugarit, 2006.
  • --. “The Creation of the First (Divinatory) Dream and Enki(g) as the God of Ritual Wisdom”. Ash-sharq 1.1 (2017): 155–161.


Year 2019, Volume: 59 Issue: 1, 229 - 255, 01.01.2019


Sumerian and Akkadian texts, which were found in several places of Mesopotamia, are primary sources providing information about beliefs of ancient Mesopotamian people. There are both literary and mythological texts as well as historical texts related to the topic. The classification of the ancient Mesopotamian dreams was studied in previous publications about the ancient Mesopotamian dreams. These publications will be taken into consideration and dream records will be examined in this paper. Thus, types of the ancient Mesopotamian dreams will be determined, and additionally information about the content of these dreams will be presented.


  • Abusch, Tzvi. “Witchcraft and the Anger of the Personal God.” Mesopotamian Magic: Textual, Historical, and Interpretive Perspectives. Ancient Magic and Divination, vol. 1. Ed. Tzvi Abusch ve Karel van der Toorn. Groningen: Styx, 1999. 83-121.
  • Abusch, Tzvi, Daniel Schwemer. Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-witchcraft Rituals, vol. 1. Ancient Magic and Divination 8/1. Leiden: Brill, 2011.
  • Abusch, Tzvi, Daniel Schwemer. Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-witchcraft Rituals, vol. 2. Ancient Magic and Divination 8/2. Leiden: Brill, 2016.
  • Alster, Bendt. Dumuzi's dream. Aspects of oral poetry in a Sumerian myth. Mesopotamia. Copenhagen Studies in Assyriology 1. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1972.
  • Black, Jeremy B. ve diğerleri. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1998–2006.
  • Butler, Sally Ann Louise. Mesopotamian Conceptions of Dreams and Dream Rituals. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 1998.
  • Cooper, Jerrold S. The Curse of Agade. Baltimore, London: The John Hopkins University Press, 1983.
  • Cooper, Jerrold S. ve Wolfgang Heimpel. “The Sumerian Sargon Legend”. Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (1983): 67-82.
  • Durand, Jean-Marie. Archives Épistolaires de Mari, I/1. ARM 26/1. Paris: Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, 1988.
  • Edzard, Dietz Otto. Gudea and His Dynasty. The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Early Periods 3, 1. Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 1997.
  • Eren, Metin. “Sembol Dilinin Bir Örneği Olarak Rüyalar: Türk Kültüründe Ölüme Yorulan Rüyalar.” Turkish Studies 5.4 (2010): 1074-1099.
  • Frayne, Douglas R. The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia volumes: Presargonic Period (2700–2350 BC). [RIME 1]. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008.
  • Geller, Markham J. Forerunners to Udug-Hul, Sumerian Exorcistic Incantations. Freiburger Altorientalische Studien 12, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1985.
  • George, Andrew R. The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic: Introduction, Critical Edition and Cuneiform Texts. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • --. The Epic of Gilgamesh. The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Allen Lane The Penguin Press, 1999.
  • Heimpel, Wolfgang. Letters to the King of Mari: A New Translation, with Historical Introduction, Notes, and Commentary. Mesopotamian Civilizations 13. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2003.
  • Jacobsen, Thorkild. The Treasures of Darkness. A History of Mesopotamian Religion. New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 1976.
  • Klein, Jacob. "Sumerian Canonical Compositions. C. Individual Focus. 4. Pious Sufferer Compositions: ‘Man and His God’ (1.179)". The Context of Scripture, I: Canonical Compositions from the Biblical World. Ed. Hallo, William W. Leiden, New York, Köln: Brill, 1997. 573-575.
  • Krippner, Stanley, Fariba Bogzaran ve André P. de Carvalho. Extraordinary dreams and how to work with them. Albany: SuNy Press, 2002.
  • Ludlul bēl nēmeqi: The Standard Babylonian Poem of the Righteous Sufferer. Ed. Amar Annus, Alan Lenzi ve Simo Parpola. Helsinki, Winona Lake: The Neo- Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 2010.
  • Maul, Stefan Mario. Zukunftsbewältigung. Eine Untersuchung altorientalischen Denkens anhand der babylonisch-assyrischen Löserituale (Namburbi), Baghdader Forschungen Band 18. Mainz, 1994.
  • Oshima, Takayoshi. Babylonian Poems of Pious Sufferers. Ludlul Bēl Nēmeqi and the Babylonian Theodicy. Orientalische Religionen in der Antike 14. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2014.
  • Parpola, Simo. Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian Scholars. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 1993.
  • Ritter, Edith K. ve J. V. Kinnier Wilson. “Prescription for an Anxiety State: A Study of BAM 234.” Anatolian Studies 30 (1980): 23–30.
  • Schaudig, Hanspeter. Die Inschriften Nobonids von Babylon und Kyros' den Grossen. AOAT 256. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2001.
  • Scurlock, JoAnn. Magico-Medical Means of Treating Ghost-Induced Illnesses in Ancient Mesopotamia. Ancient Magic and Divination III. Leiden: Brill/Styx, 2006.
  • The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Ed.
  • Ignace J. Gelb ve diğerleri. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1956.
  • The Royal Inscriptions of Ashurbanipal and His Successors. Web. 25.02.2019.
  • Wilcke, Von Claus. “Dagan-nahmis Traum.” Die Welt des Orientes 17 (1986): 11-16.
  • Zgoll, Annette. Traum Und Welterleben Im Antiken Mesopotamien: Traumtheorie Und Traumpraxis Im 3.-1. Jahrtausend V. Chr. Als Horizont Einer Kulturgeschichte Des Träumens. Münster: Ugarit, 2006.
  • --. “The Creation of the First (Divinatory) Dream and Enki(g) as the God of Ritual Wisdom”. Ash-sharq 1.1 (2017): 155–161.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ömer Kahya This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 59 Issue: 1


APA Kahya, Ö. (2019). SUMERCE VE AKADCA METİNLERDE RÜYA TÜRLERİ. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 59(1), 229-255.

Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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