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Year 2020, Volume: 60 Issue: 2, 534 - 561, 01.01.2020


Çağdaş Fransız yazınının en üretken isimlerinden biri olan Didier Daeninckx, özellikle kara roman türünde verdiği eserleriyle Fransa'nın yakın geçmişini mercek altına alır. XX. yüzyılın tarihsel kilometre taşları sayılabilecek II. Dünya Savaşı, Yahudi Soykırımı, Sömürgesizleştirme Dönemi, Cezayir Savaşı ve 1968 Mayıs Olayları gibi hadiselerin ve dönemlerin karanlık yönlerini kendi yaşamından ve tanıklıklarından yola çıkarak anlatır. Daeninckx, eserlerinde söz konusu olayların bireyler üzerindeki etkilerini ortaya koymak için, öncelikle bu olayların bilinmeyen yönlerini romanlarına bir arka plan olarak seçer. Bir tarihçi titizliğiyle karanlık yönlerini aydınlatmaya çalışır. Bireylerin büyük Tarih karşısındaki konumlarının sorguya açıldığı bu romanlarda yazar, mikrotarih yöntemini kullanmıştır. Söz konusu yöntem bireylerin geçmişlerini şekillendiren bu olayların şimdileri üzerindeki etkisini incelemeyi olanaklı kılmıştır. Yazarın olay kurgusunun merkezine koyduğu “sorunlu geçmiş” kavramı Fransa'nın ulusal hafıza sorunuyla açıklanır. Bu çalışmada, Didier Daeninckx'in “La mort n'oublie personne” 1989 başlıklı romanında sıradan karakterler üzerinden İşgal ve Direniş kavramlarına, direnişçilerin faaliyetlerine, işgalle fiziksel olarak bölünen Fransa'nın manevi olarak nasıl iki tarafa bölündüğüne değinmeye çalışılacaktır. Çalışmada, Fransa'nın Pas-de-Calais bölgesindeki sıradan maden işçilerinin oluşturduğu, işgalcilerle birlikte hareket eden Fransızlara karşı mücadele veren küçük direniş gruplarının faaliyetlerinin kimi suçlar için bir kılıf haline gelmesinin Direniş hareketi algısını zamanla nasıl değiştirdiğine odaklanılacaktır. Nazi kamplarının bireysel hafızalarda yarattığı tahribata ve lekelenen Direniş hareketinin savaş sonrası dönemde adalet karşısındaki konumuna değinilirken, II. Dünya Savaşı Fransası'nın bir panoramasının çıkartılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda Michael Rothberg, Olivier Wieviorka, Marianne Hirsch gibi araştırmacıların görüşlerinin Fransız ulusal hafızasında derin izler bırakan bu büyük savaşın bireysel hafızalarda sebep olduğu travmaları açığa çıkarmada çalışmaya ışık tutması düşünülmektedir.


  • Azéma, Jean-Pierre ve Olivier Wieviorka. Vichy 1940-1944. Paris: Perrin, 1997.
  • Barel, Efrat ve diğerleri. “Surviving the Holocaust: A Meta-analysis of the Long-term sequelae of a Genocide.” Psychological Bulletin 136.5 (2010): 677-98.
  • Bergeron, Serge. "L’évolution du roman policier." Québec Français 72 (December 1988): 71–73. Web: 11 Mart 2020
  • Daeninckx, Didier. La Mort N' Oublie Personne. Paris: Denoël, 1989.
  • Daeninckx, Didier ve Thierry Maricourt. Daeninckx Par Daeninckx. Paris: Cherche midi, 2009.
  • Forsdick, Charles. “‘Direction Les Oubliettes de l’histoire’: Witnessing the Past in the Contemporary French Polar.” French Cultural Studies 12. 36 (Oct. 2001): 333- 350.
  • Geldof, Koen. “Une écriture de la résistance. Histoire et fait divers dans l’œuvre de Didier Daeninckx.” Écrire l’insignifiant: Dix études sur le fait divers dans le roman contemporain. Ed. Paul Pelckmans ve Bruno Tristmans. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 2000.135-154.
  • Ginzburg, Carlo ve Carlo Poni. “Il Nome e Il Come: Scambio Ineguale e Mercato Storiografico.” Quaderni Storici 40.1 (1979): 181-190. Web. 3 Nisan 2010.
  • Gordon, Bertram M. Historical Dictionary of World War II France: The Occupation, Vichy, and the Resistance 1938-1946. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1998.
  • Gorrara, Claire. The Roman Noir in Post-War French Culture: Dark Fictions. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 2011.
  • Grenard, Fabrice. “Les implications politiques du ravitaillement en France sous l'Occupation.” Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire 94. 2 (2007): 199-215.
  • --. “La Résistance en accusation: Les procès d’anciens FFI et FTP en France dans les années d’après-guerre.” Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire, 130. 2 (2016): 121- 136.
  • Hirsch, Marianne. Family Frames: Photography Narrative and Postmemory. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1997.
  • Joly, Laurent. “La Délation antisémite sous l'Occupation.” Vingtième Siècle. Revue D'histoire 96.4 (2007): 137–149.
  • Kahana, Boaz ve diğerleri. "A Framework for Understanding the Chronic Stress of Holocaust Survivors." Coping with Chronic Stress. Ed. Benjamin H. Gottlieb. Boston, MA.: The Springer Series on Stress and Coping. Springer, 1997: 315- 342. Web. 17 Mayıs 2020.
  • Laborie, Pierre. Les mots de 39-45. Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2006.
  • Mandel, Ernest. Meurtres exquis: Une histoire sociale du roman policier. Montreuil: PEC, 1986.
  • Mathier, Irène, Charles Heimberg ve Noëlla Rouget. Entre mémoire collective et mémoire familiale: L'héritage d'un trauma collectif lié à la violence totalitaire. Genève: Éditions ies, 2017.
  • Miquel, Pierre. La Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Paris: Fayard, 1986.
  • Muir, Edward ve Guido Ruggiero. Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe. Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University, 1991.
  • Müller, Elfriede ve Alexander Ruoff. Le Polar Français: Crime et Histoire. Paris: La Fabrique Éd, 2002.
  • Neiman, Susan. Modern Düşüncede Kötülük: Alternatif Bir Felsefe Tarihi. Çev. Ayhan Sargüney. İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2006.
  • Robben, Antonius C. G. M. “How Traumatized Societies Remember: the Aftermath of Argentina's Dirty War.” Cultural Critique Telos Press 59.1 (2005): 120-164.
  • Rouquet, François. “Une Corporation Administrative Face a La Collaboration: Sociologie D'une Épuration Symbolique.” Guerres Mondiales Et Conflits Contemporains 165.1 (1992): 119-144.
  • Rothberg, Michael. Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization. Palo Alto: ABD: Stanford University Press, 2009.
  • Rousso, Henry. The Vichy Syndrome: History and Memory in France Since 1944. 1991.
  • Rudavsky, Joseph. To Live with Hope, to Die with Dignity: Spiritual Resistance in the Ghettos and Camps. Lanham: Jason Aronson, Inc, 1997.
  • Wieviorka, Olivier. Histoire De La Résistance: 1940-1945. ABD: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2018.
  • Wieviorka, Olivier ve Jane M. Todd. The French Resistance. ABD: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2016.
  • Winter, Jay. “The Generation of Memory: Reflections on The “Memory Boom” in Contemporary Historical Studies.” Canadian Military History 10.3 (2001): 363- 397.


Year 2020, Volume: 60 Issue: 2, 534 - 561, 01.01.2020


Didier Daeninckx, one of the most productive writers of contemporary French literature, put recent period French history under the microscope especially in his roman noirs. Based upon his testimonies and own life story, he narrates the dark sides of historical milestones of XXth century, which had local or global effects and caused social upheavals such as World War II, Holocaust, Decolonization, Algerian War, Cold War and events of May 1968. To reveal the effects of the annihilation and the problems on individuals caused by these events, he chooses them as background for his fictions and tries to enlighten their sides in shadows like an historian who works meticulously. In his works where he examines the positions of the ordinary individual against History, Daeninckx uses microhistory as method. This method enables the researches focusing on the effects of historical events on their presents. The “troubled past” notion, which is in the center of every fiction, is explained by alluding to French national memory problem. We will try to focus on the notions of Occupation and Résistance, resistants' activities and how France was divided materially and spiritually during World War II through ordinary characters of his novel La mort n'oublie personne 1989 . It is aimed to to reveal how the actions of small resistant groups formed by ordinary miners of Pas-de-Calais, mining basin of northern France, in fighting against collaborators who are taking joint action with the occupants become a cover for individual crimes and how it changed the perception of Résistance movement in post-war period. While mentioning the destruction caused by Nazi concentration camps on individual memory and the position of “stained” Résistance movement in post-war period in the presence of “justice”, the aim is to paint a panorama of France during World War II. It is thought that works and ideas of researchers as Michael Rothberg, Olivier Wieviorka and Marianne Hirsch help us to better understand the traumas in personal memories and dark sides of this great war which becomes soulshattering for French national memory.


  • Azéma, Jean-Pierre ve Olivier Wieviorka. Vichy 1940-1944. Paris: Perrin, 1997.
  • Barel, Efrat ve diğerleri. “Surviving the Holocaust: A Meta-analysis of the Long-term sequelae of a Genocide.” Psychological Bulletin 136.5 (2010): 677-98.
  • Bergeron, Serge. "L’évolution du roman policier." Québec Français 72 (December 1988): 71–73. Web: 11 Mart 2020
  • Daeninckx, Didier. La Mort N' Oublie Personne. Paris: Denoël, 1989.
  • Daeninckx, Didier ve Thierry Maricourt. Daeninckx Par Daeninckx. Paris: Cherche midi, 2009.
  • Forsdick, Charles. “‘Direction Les Oubliettes de l’histoire’: Witnessing the Past in the Contemporary French Polar.” French Cultural Studies 12. 36 (Oct. 2001): 333- 350.
  • Geldof, Koen. “Une écriture de la résistance. Histoire et fait divers dans l’œuvre de Didier Daeninckx.” Écrire l’insignifiant: Dix études sur le fait divers dans le roman contemporain. Ed. Paul Pelckmans ve Bruno Tristmans. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 2000.135-154.
  • Ginzburg, Carlo ve Carlo Poni. “Il Nome e Il Come: Scambio Ineguale e Mercato Storiografico.” Quaderni Storici 40.1 (1979): 181-190. Web. 3 Nisan 2010.
  • Gordon, Bertram M. Historical Dictionary of World War II France: The Occupation, Vichy, and the Resistance 1938-1946. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1998.
  • Gorrara, Claire. The Roman Noir in Post-War French Culture: Dark Fictions. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 2011.
  • Grenard, Fabrice. “Les implications politiques du ravitaillement en France sous l'Occupation.” Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire 94. 2 (2007): 199-215.
  • --. “La Résistance en accusation: Les procès d’anciens FFI et FTP en France dans les années d’après-guerre.” Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire, 130. 2 (2016): 121- 136.
  • Hirsch, Marianne. Family Frames: Photography Narrative and Postmemory. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1997.
  • Joly, Laurent. “La Délation antisémite sous l'Occupation.” Vingtième Siècle. Revue D'histoire 96.4 (2007): 137–149.
  • Kahana, Boaz ve diğerleri. "A Framework for Understanding the Chronic Stress of Holocaust Survivors." Coping with Chronic Stress. Ed. Benjamin H. Gottlieb. Boston, MA.: The Springer Series on Stress and Coping. Springer, 1997: 315- 342. Web. 17 Mayıs 2020.
  • Laborie, Pierre. Les mots de 39-45. Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Mirail, 2006.
  • Mandel, Ernest. Meurtres exquis: Une histoire sociale du roman policier. Montreuil: PEC, 1986.
  • Mathier, Irène, Charles Heimberg ve Noëlla Rouget. Entre mémoire collective et mémoire familiale: L'héritage d'un trauma collectif lié à la violence totalitaire. Genève: Éditions ies, 2017.
  • Miquel, Pierre. La Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Paris: Fayard, 1986.
  • Muir, Edward ve Guido Ruggiero. Microhistory and the Lost Peoples of Europe. Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University, 1991.
  • Müller, Elfriede ve Alexander Ruoff. Le Polar Français: Crime et Histoire. Paris: La Fabrique Éd, 2002.
  • Neiman, Susan. Modern Düşüncede Kötülük: Alternatif Bir Felsefe Tarihi. Çev. Ayhan Sargüney. İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2006.
  • Robben, Antonius C. G. M. “How Traumatized Societies Remember: the Aftermath of Argentina's Dirty War.” Cultural Critique Telos Press 59.1 (2005): 120-164.
  • Rouquet, François. “Une Corporation Administrative Face a La Collaboration: Sociologie D'une Épuration Symbolique.” Guerres Mondiales Et Conflits Contemporains 165.1 (1992): 119-144.
  • Rothberg, Michael. Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization. Palo Alto: ABD: Stanford University Press, 2009.
  • Rousso, Henry. The Vichy Syndrome: History and Memory in France Since 1944. 1991.
  • Rudavsky, Joseph. To Live with Hope, to Die with Dignity: Spiritual Resistance in the Ghettos and Camps. Lanham: Jason Aronson, Inc, 1997.
  • Wieviorka, Olivier. Histoire De La Résistance: 1940-1945. ABD: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2018.
  • Wieviorka, Olivier ve Jane M. Todd. The French Resistance. ABD: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2016.
  • Winter, Jay. “The Generation of Memory: Reflections on The “Memory Boom” in Contemporary Historical Studies.” Canadian Military History 10.3 (2001): 363- 397.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Özkan This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 60 Issue: 2


APA Özkan, A. (2020). DIDIER DAENINCKX’İN “LA MORT N’OUBLIE PERSONNE” BAŞLIKLI ROMANINDA İŞGAL, DİRENİŞ VE ADALET. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 60(2), 534-561.

Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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