Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 64 Issue: 2, 1228 - 1256


Ankara goat has been bred by Turks since the earliest times when they settled in Anatolia (Asia Minor). Over time, the Turks developed mohair processing techniques and achieved significant success in the weaving of mohair fabrics. However, the fact that Ankara goats were taken from Turkey to other countries of the world and bred with high yields led to the loss of the Turkish monopoly on this animal. Thus, Anatolia, the cradle of Angora goat breeding in the world, lost its superiority in this field. Consequently, Anatolia, the cradle of Angora goat breeding on a global scale, has relinquished its preeminence in this field. It is a historically remarkable event that Angora goats were taken from Türkiye to other countries and thus enriched these countries with a new industry. This historical research based on document analysis reveals the importance of Ankara goat by giving historical examples of efforts to breed Ankara goat outside Anatolia through various sources from England, Germany, Austria, Australia and the United States. According to the results of the research, the first recorded attempt to breed Angora goats in Europe was made by the Spanish government in 1765. This was followed by various attempts in other European countries. The year 1908, the year in which the study was limited, refers to the efforts to breed Angora goats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was then under the occupation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In addition, the first Angora goats were imported to Australia in 1833, South Africa in 1838 and the United States of America in 1849. In the 19th century, attempts to breed Angora goats, particularly in South Africa and the United States, were highly successful. The introduction of Angora goats contributed to the economic development of these countries through the establishment of a new industry.


  • Ak, M. (2021). Batılı Gezginlerin Gözlem ve Değerlendirmelerinde Ankara Keçisi. Akademik Bakış 14(28), 267-302. Doi:10.19060/gav.948971.
  • “Angora doe kid, bred and owned by J. B. Stump Monmouth. Oregon” (1901, 5 September). The Ranch.
  • “Angora Goat Breedinng” (1901, 14 December, no: 323). The Gundagai Independent and Pastoral, Agricultural and Mining Advocate.
  • “Angora Goat in Africa” (1897, 11 December). The Union, 10(45).
  • “Angora Goat Raising in America” (1914, 25 June). The Gazette –Times. Home and Farm Magazine Section.
  • “Angora Goat Raising Quite Profitable” (1914, 6 June). The Spanish American, 11(20).
  • “Angora Goats” (December 1901). Queensland Country Life, 2(22).
  • “Angora-Ziege (Hircus angorensis)” (1906, 18 August). Haus Hof Garten (Wochenbeilage zum Berliner Tageblatt).
  • “Angora-Ziegen” (1901, 30 May, no: 270). Leipziger Tageblatt und Anzeiger.
  • “Angoras “Poor man’s Friend” (1906, 6 September). The Gem State Rural, 11(39).
  • Cronwright-Schreiner, S. C. (1898). The Angora Goat and a Paper on the Ostrich. New York and Bombay.
  • “Die Angoraziege” (1840, 5 March, no: 38). Die Warte an der Donau: Oesterreichische Zeitschrift für Verstand und Gemüth, zur Belehrung, Grheiterung und Verbreitung gemeinnütziger Kenntniffe.
  • “Die Ausfuhr von Ziegen wird mit Zuchthaus bestraft” (1909, 21 January, no: 17). Bielefelder General-Anzeiger.
  • “Die Versuche der Acclimatisation der Angora und Kaschmir-Ziege” (1897, 16 June, no: 48). Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung.
  • “Die Wollproduktion des Kaplandes” (1880, 26 September, no: 450). Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (Morgen-Ausgabe).
  • “Die Ziegenzucht in alter Zeit” (1914, 7 February, no: 2). Der Gemeinnützige.
  • Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P. (2009). Educational Research. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
  • Gönenç, S. (2020). Ankara (Tiftik) Keçilerinin Yitiriliş Öyküsünden Bir Kesit. Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 253-267. Doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.40412.
  • Jirku, R. (1935). Die Haarpräpration. Friseur und Fortschritt.
  • “Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaften” (1850). Ökonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen.
  • “Long-Haired Angora Goat” (1853, 12 November). Morning Advertiser.
  • Mayring, P. (2011). Nitel Sosyal Araştırmaya Giriş. Ankara: BilgeSu.
  • “Natal” (1902, 4 June, no: 27). Leipziger Tageblatt und Anzeiger.
  • Plumb, C. S. (1906). Types and Breeds of Farm Animals. Boston-New York-Chicago-London: Ginn & Company.
  • “Raising Angora Goats for Profit in This Country” (1901, 23 February). Waterbury Democrat, 14(68).
  • Rüdiger, E. (1888, 14 November, no: 91). Angoraziege. Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung.
  • Schröder-Charlottenburg, Wilh. (1912, 8 June). Angoratiere im Haushalt. Wochenbeilage zum Berliner Tageblatt. Haus Hof Garten.
  • Staffe. (1920, 27 November, no: 94/95). Antworten und Briefwechsel. Angoraziege. Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung.
  • Stejepanovic, L. (1909, 18 August, no: 66). Die Angoraziege in Bosnien und der Herzegowina. Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung.
  • Şahin, G. (2013). Türkiye’de Ankara Keçisi (Capra Hircus Ancryrensis) Yetiştiriciliğinin Dünü Bugünü ve Yarını. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(2), 338-352.
  • Tamur, E. (2003). Ankara Keçisi ve Ankara Tiftik Dokumacılığı. Tükenen Bir Zenginliğin ve Çöken Bir Sanayinin Tarihsel Öyküsünden Kesitler. Ankara: Ankara Ticaret Odası.
  • Tan, S. (2014). XIX. Yüzyılda Anadolu’dan Güney Afrika’ya Tiftik Keçisinin Yasal ve Kaçak Sevkiyatı, OTAM, 35, 137-152. Doi: 10.1501/OTAM_0000000639.
  • “The Angora Goat” (1901, 16 November). The Queenslander.
  • “The Angora Goat” (1901, 12 January). Lyon County Times, 43(2).
  • “The Angora Goat” (1900, 13 September). Ranche and Range, 16(41).
  • “The Angora Goat” (1898, 14 July, no: 2315). Otago Witness.
  • “The Angora Goat. First Brought to America by a South Carolinian” (1916, 8 June). The Bamberg Herald. “The Angora in Australia” (1913, 29 July).The Daily Post, 6(179).
  • “Uncle Sam’s New Agency for Clearing Mountain Land-Herds of Angora Goats” (1905, 19 March). The Saint Paul Globe.
  • “Value of the Angora Goat” (1904, 1 June). The Ranch, 21(11).


Year 2024, Volume: 64 Issue: 2, 1228 - 1256


Ankara keçisi, Türklerin Anadolu’ya (Küçük Asya) yerleştikleri en eski dönemlerden beri Türkler tarafından yetiştirilmektedir. Zaman içinde tiftik işleme teknikleri geliştiren Türkler, tiftik kumaşlarının dokunmasında da önemli başarılar elde etmişlerdir. Ancak Ankara keçilerinin Türkiye’den dünyanın başka ülkelerine götürülerek, yüksek verimle yetiştirilmeleri, bu canlı üzerindeki Türk tekelinin kaybolmasına neden olmuştur. Böylece dünyada Ankara keçisi yetiştiriciliğinin beşiği olan Anadolu, bu alandaki üstünlüğünü kaybetmiştir. Ankara keçilerinin Türkiye’den diğer ülkelere götürülmesi ve bu ülkelerin yeni bir endüstri ile zenginleşmelerini sağlaması ise tarihsel olarak dikkate değer bir olaydır. Doküman incelemesine dayanan bu tarihsel araştırma Ankara keçisinin önemini; İngiltere, Almanya, Avusturya, Avusturalya ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nden çeşitli kaynaklar üzerinden Anadolu dışında Ankara keçisi yetiştirme çabalarından tarihsel örnekler vererek ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, Avrupa’da tiftik keçisi yetiştirmek için kayıtlara geçen ilk girişim 1765’te İspanyol hükûmeti tarafından yapılmıştır. Bunu diğer Avrupa ülkelerindeki çeşitli denemeler izlemiştir. Çalışmanın sınırlandırıldığı 1908 yılı, o sırada Avusturya-Macaristan İmparatorluğu işgali altında bulunan Bosna-Hersek’teki tiftik keçisi yetiştirme çabalarını ifade etmektedir. Bununla birlikte, ilk Ankara keçileri Avusturalya’ya 1833’te, Güney Afrika’ya 1838’de, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ne ise 1849’da nakledilmiştir. 19. yy’da özellikle Güney Afrika ve Amerika’da Ankara keçisi yetiştirme girişimleri oldukça başarılı olmuş ve Ankara keçileri bu ülkelerin yeni bir endüstri ile zenginleşmelerine katkıda bulunmuştur.


  • Ak, M. (2021). Batılı Gezginlerin Gözlem ve Değerlendirmelerinde Ankara Keçisi. Akademik Bakış 14(28), 267-302. Doi:10.19060/gav.948971.
  • “Angora doe kid, bred and owned by J. B. Stump Monmouth. Oregon” (1901, 5 September). The Ranch.
  • “Angora Goat Breedinng” (1901, 14 December, no: 323). The Gundagai Independent and Pastoral, Agricultural and Mining Advocate.
  • “Angora Goat in Africa” (1897, 11 December). The Union, 10(45).
  • “Angora Goat Raising in America” (1914, 25 June). The Gazette –Times. Home and Farm Magazine Section.
  • “Angora Goat Raising Quite Profitable” (1914, 6 June). The Spanish American, 11(20).
  • “Angora Goats” (December 1901). Queensland Country Life, 2(22).
  • “Angora-Ziege (Hircus angorensis)” (1906, 18 August). Haus Hof Garten (Wochenbeilage zum Berliner Tageblatt).
  • “Angora-Ziegen” (1901, 30 May, no: 270). Leipziger Tageblatt und Anzeiger.
  • “Angoras “Poor man’s Friend” (1906, 6 September). The Gem State Rural, 11(39).
  • Cronwright-Schreiner, S. C. (1898). The Angora Goat and a Paper on the Ostrich. New York and Bombay.
  • “Die Angoraziege” (1840, 5 March, no: 38). Die Warte an der Donau: Oesterreichische Zeitschrift für Verstand und Gemüth, zur Belehrung, Grheiterung und Verbreitung gemeinnütziger Kenntniffe.
  • “Die Ausfuhr von Ziegen wird mit Zuchthaus bestraft” (1909, 21 January, no: 17). Bielefelder General-Anzeiger.
  • “Die Versuche der Acclimatisation der Angora und Kaschmir-Ziege” (1897, 16 June, no: 48). Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung.
  • “Die Wollproduktion des Kaplandes” (1880, 26 September, no: 450). Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (Morgen-Ausgabe).
  • “Die Ziegenzucht in alter Zeit” (1914, 7 February, no: 2). Der Gemeinnützige.
  • Gay, L. R., Mills, G. E., & Airasian, P. (2009). Educational Research. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
  • Gönenç, S. (2020). Ankara (Tiftik) Keçilerinin Yitiriliş Öyküsünden Bir Kesit. Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 253-267. Doi: 10.5505/jas.2020.40412.
  • Jirku, R. (1935). Die Haarpräpration. Friseur und Fortschritt.
  • “Landwirthschafts-Gesellschaften” (1850). Ökonomische Neuigkeiten und Verhandlungen.
  • “Long-Haired Angora Goat” (1853, 12 November). Morning Advertiser.
  • Mayring, P. (2011). Nitel Sosyal Araştırmaya Giriş. Ankara: BilgeSu.
  • “Natal” (1902, 4 June, no: 27). Leipziger Tageblatt und Anzeiger.
  • Plumb, C. S. (1906). Types and Breeds of Farm Animals. Boston-New York-Chicago-London: Ginn & Company.
  • “Raising Angora Goats for Profit in This Country” (1901, 23 February). Waterbury Democrat, 14(68).
  • Rüdiger, E. (1888, 14 November, no: 91). Angoraziege. Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung.
  • Schröder-Charlottenburg, Wilh. (1912, 8 June). Angoratiere im Haushalt. Wochenbeilage zum Berliner Tageblatt. Haus Hof Garten.
  • Staffe. (1920, 27 November, no: 94/95). Antworten und Briefwechsel. Angoraziege. Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung.
  • Stejepanovic, L. (1909, 18 August, no: 66). Die Angoraziege in Bosnien und der Herzegowina. Wiener Landwirtschaftliche Zeitung.
  • Şahin, G. (2013). Türkiye’de Ankara Keçisi (Capra Hircus Ancryrensis) Yetiştiriciliğinin Dünü Bugünü ve Yarını. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(2), 338-352.
  • Tamur, E. (2003). Ankara Keçisi ve Ankara Tiftik Dokumacılığı. Tükenen Bir Zenginliğin ve Çöken Bir Sanayinin Tarihsel Öyküsünden Kesitler. Ankara: Ankara Ticaret Odası.
  • Tan, S. (2014). XIX. Yüzyılda Anadolu’dan Güney Afrika’ya Tiftik Keçisinin Yasal ve Kaçak Sevkiyatı, OTAM, 35, 137-152. Doi: 10.1501/OTAM_0000000639.
  • “The Angora Goat” (1901, 16 November). The Queenslander.
  • “The Angora Goat” (1901, 12 January). Lyon County Times, 43(2).
  • “The Angora Goat” (1900, 13 September). Ranche and Range, 16(41).
  • “The Angora Goat” (1898, 14 July, no: 2315). Otago Witness.
  • “The Angora Goat. First Brought to America by a South Carolinian” (1916, 8 June). The Bamberg Herald. “The Angora in Australia” (1913, 29 July).The Daily Post, 6(179).
  • “Uncle Sam’s New Agency for Clearing Mountain Land-Herds of Angora Goats” (1905, 19 March). The Saint Paul Globe.
  • “Value of the Angora Goat” (1904, 1 June). The Ranch, 21(11).
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Late Modern History (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Senem Gönenç 0000-0002-3267-7580

Early Pub Date December 18, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date August 2, 2024
Acceptance Date September 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 64 Issue: 2


APA Gönenç, S. (2024). THE ANGORA GOATS IN HİSTORY (1765-1908). Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 64(2), 1228-1256.

Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Languages and History-Geography

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