İstanbul Kent Ormanında Arazi Kullanım Yoğunluğuna Bağlı Toprak Özelliklerinin Değişimi
Year 2021,
, 899 - 914, 25.04.2021
Murat Sargıncı
Zeynep Bengisu Yeşil
Abdullah Hüseyin Dönmez
Oktay Yıldız
Bu çalışmada rekreasyon alanlarında orman toprağının farklı kullanım koşullarına bağlı fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerindeki değişim araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda İstanbul Hekimbaşı Kent Ormanı içerisinde bulunan farklı kullanım şekillerinin olduğu alanlardan iki farklı toprak derinliğinde toprak örneklemesi ve toprak yüzeyinden ölü örtü örneklemesi yapılmıştır. Sahadaki yoğun kullanıma bağlı olarak toprak hacim ağırlığı, iskelet miktarı, toprak reaksiyonu (pH) ve kum oranının arttığı, topraktaki inorganik karbon (IOC), organik karbon (OC), organik madde (OM), azot (N) oranları ve hektardaki toplam miktarları ile birlikte katyon değişim kapasitesinin (KDK) ve ölü örtü miktarının azaldığı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak insan kullanımının daha yoğun olduğu alanlarda toprağın verimliliği ve sürdürülebilirliği üzerinde olumsuz etkilere neden olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu etkilerin en aza indirilmesi için alanın taşıma kapasitesinin toprak özelliklerine en az düzeyde zarar verecek şekilde planlanması gerekmektedir. İnsanların tam alan yerine sahadaki belirli noktaları kullanması, yürüyüş yolları dışındaki alanlara insan girişlerinin azaltılması en başta alınacak önlemler olarak düşünülmektedir.
Supporting Institution
TÜBİTAK 2209-A Üniversite Öğrencileri Araştırma Projeleri Destekleme Programı
Project Number
Bu çalışma Tübitak 2209-A Üniversite Öğrencileri Araştırma Projeleri Destekleme Programı tarafından desteklenmiştir (Proje başvuru no: 1919B011900176).
- [1] E. P. Odum ve G.W. Barret, Ekolojinin Temel İlkeleri, Kani IŞIK, Ed., 5. baskı,Ankara, Türkiye: Palme Yayıncılık, 2008.
- [2] O. Yıldız, M. Sarginci, D. Eşen ve K. Jr. Cromack, “Effects of vegetation control on nutrient removal and Fagus orientalis, Lipsky regeneration in the Western Black Sea region of Turkey,” For. Ecol. Manage. c. 240 ss. 186-194, 2007.
- [3] S. Uzun, “Uludağ Milli Parki’ndaki rekreasyonel kullanimlarin ekosistemin bazi bileşenleri üzerine etkileri,” Doktora tezi, Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Düzce Üniversitesi, Düzce, Türkiye, 2012.
- [4] L. Van-Camp, B. Bujarrabal, A. R. Gentile, R. J. A. Jones, L. Montanarella, C. Olazabal ve S. K. Selavaradjou, “Reports Of The Technical Working Groups Established Under The Thematic Strategy For Soil Protection,” Office for Official Publication of the European Communities, Luxemburg, EUR 21319 EN/6, 2004.
- [5] B. Turgut, “Ormanlık alanlarda toprak sıkışması sorunu,” SDÜ Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 1, s. 13, ss. 66-73, 2012.
- [6] B. D. Soane ve C. Van Ouwerkerk, “Soil Compaction In Crop Production,” Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, 2013.
- [7] W. R. Whalley, E. Dumitru ve A. R. Dexter, “Biological effects of soil compaction,” Soil and Tillage Research, c. 35 s. 1-2, ss. 53-68, 1995.
- [8] A. Gomez, R. F. Powers, M. J. Sınger ve W. R. Horwath, “Soil compaction effects on growth of young ponderosa pine following litter removal ın California's Sierra Nevada,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, c. 66, s. 4, ss. 1334–1343, 2002.
- [9] O. Yildiz, E. Altundağ, B. Çeti̇n, Ş. T. Güner, M. Sarginci ve B. Toprak, “Afforestation restoration of saline-sodic soil in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey using gypsum and sulfur,” Silva Fennica, c. 51 s. 1B, ss.1-17, 2017.
- [10] M. J. Liddle, Recreation Ecology: The Ecological İmpact Of Outdoor Recreation And Ecotourism,Springer, 1997, ss. 639.
- [11] A. Gül ve M. Akten, “Korunan doğal alanlarda rekreasyonel taşıma kapasitesi ve kavramsal yaklaşımlar”, Korunan Doğal Alanlar Sempozyumu, Isparta, Türkiye, 2005, ss. 485-494.
- [12] M. Çakır, E. Makineci ve M. Kumbaslı, “Comparative study on soil properties in a picnic and undisturbed area of Belgrad forest, İstanbul,” Journal of Environmental Biology, c. 31 ss. 125-128, 2010.
- [13] C. M. Pickering, W. Hill, D. Newsomeb ve Y.F. Leung, “Comparing Hiking, Mountain Biking And Horse Riding ımpacts on vegetation and soils ın Australia and The United States Of America,” Journal of Environmental Management, c. 91, s. 3, ss. 551–562, 2010.
- [14] F. Koçak ve V. Balcı, “Doğada yapılan sportif etkinliklerde çevresel sürdürülebilirlik,” Ankara Üniversitesi Çevrebilimleri Dergisi, c. 2, s. 2, ss. 213-222, 2010.
- [15] M. Ö. Karaöz, “Belgrad Ormanı'nda bazı iğne yapraklı ve geniş yapraklı orman ekosistemlerine ait toprak özelliklerinin bir metreküp hacimdeki değerlere göre karşılaştırılması,” İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 41, s. 1, ss. 61-66, 1991.
- [16] R. F. Kuss ve A. R. Grafe, “Effects of recreation trampling on natural area vegetation.” J. Leisure Res.,c. 17 ss. 165-183, 1985.
- [17] G. W. Kearsley, “Tourism development and users’ perception of wilderness in Southern New Zealand.” Aust. Geogr. c. 21, ss. 127-140, 1990.
- [18] Ümraniye Belediyesi Kent Ormanı ve İzci Kampı. (2019, 25 Mart). [Online]. Erişim:
- [19] İstanbul Hekimbaşı Kent OrmanıGoogle Maps Uydu Görüntüsü.(2020, 1 Eylül). [Online].
- [20] P. R. Day, “Particle fractionation and particle size-analysis,” in Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 1, Madison, Wisconsin, USA: American Society of Agronomy, 1965, ss. 545–567.
- [21] D. L. Sparks, A. L. Page, P. A. Helmke, R. H. Loepert, P. N. Soltanpour, M. A. Tabatabai, C. T. Johnston ve M. E. Sumner, “Chemical methods,” in Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3. Madison, Wisconsin, USA: Soil Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy, 1996, ss. 961-1010.
- [22] USDA, “Soil mechanics level I. Module 3–USDA textural soil classification study guide,” National Employee Development Staff, Soil Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, 1987.
- [23] R. K. Schofield ve A. W. Taylor, “The measurement of soil pH,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, c. 19, s. 2, ss.164–167, 1955.
- [24] M. K. Conyers ve B. G. Davey, “Observations on some routine methods for soil pH determination,” Soil Science, c. 145, s. 1, ss. 29–36, 1988.
- [25] G.W. Thomas, “Soil pH and soil acidity,” in Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3. Madison, Wisconsin, USA: Soil Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy, 1996, ss. 475-490.
- [26] J. D. Rhoades, “Salinity: Electrical Conductivity And Total Dissolved Solids,” in Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3. Madison, Wisconsin, USA: Soil Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy, 1996, ss. 417–436.
- [27] M. G. Berg ve E. H. Gardner, “Methods Of Soil Analysis Used In The Soil Testing Laboratory At Oregon State University,” Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA, Special Report 321, 1978.
- [28] M. E. Sumner ve W. P. Miller, 1996. “Cation exchange capacity and exchange coefficients,” in Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3. Madison, Wisconsin, USA: Soil Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy, 1996, ss. 1201–1229.
- [29] R. Margesin ve F. Schinner, “Manual Of Soil Analysis. Monitoring And Assessing Soil Bioremediation,” Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Science & Business Media, 2005.
- [30] A. Güneş, M. Alpaslan ve A. Inal, “Bitki Besleme ve Gübreleme,” Ankara, Türkiye:Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Toprak Bölümü Ders Kitabı, Yayın No: 1539, 2004.
- [31] F. Gülçur, “Toprağın Fiziksel ve Kimyasal Analiz Metodları,” İstanbul, Türkiye: İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Yayınları İ. Ü. Yayın No: 1970, O. F. Yayın No: 201 Kutulmuş Matbaası, 1974, ss. 205.
- [32] J. M. Bremner, “Nitrogen—Total,” in Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3. Madison, Wisconsin, USA: Soil Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy, 1996, ss. 1085–1121.
- [33] SAS Institute, Inc., SAS/STAT Users Guide, Version 6.12. SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina, 1996.
- [34] D. N. Cole, “Research on soil and vegetation in wilderness: A state-ofknowledge review.” In: Proceeding. National Wilderness Research Conference: Issue, State-of-knowledge, Future Directions; 1985 July 23}26; Fort Collins, CO. Gen Tech Rep INT-220. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. ss. 135-177, 1987.
- [35] P. Kutiel, H. Zhevelev ve R. Harrison, “The effect of recreational impacts on soil and vegetation of stabilised Coastal Dunes in the Sharon Park, Israel,” Ocean Coast. Manage., c. 42, ss. 1041-1060, 1999.
- [36] M. Andres-Abellan, J. B. Del Alamo, T. Landete-Castillejos, F. R. LopezSerrano, F. A. Garcia-Morote ve A. Del Cerro-Barja, “Impact of visitors on soil and vegetation of the recreational area “Nachimiento Del Rio Mundo” (Castilla-La Mancha, Spain).” Environ. Monit. Assess., c. 101, ss. 55-67, 2005.
- [37] P. Kutiel, H. Zhevelev ve H. Lavee, “Coastal dune ecosystems: Management for conservation objective. III. Soil response to three vegetation types to recreational use.” J. Mediterr. Ecol., c. 1, ss. 171-179, 2000.
- [38] A. Duyar ve S. Kiniş, “The effects of trekking activities on physical soil properties in the Bolu-Aladağ fir forests,” Forestist, c. 68, s. 1, ss. 36-41, 2018
- [39] B. Ş. Güngör, “Cultural ecosystem services and recreational use: a review study in Belgrad Forest, Istanbul,’’ Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Sustainability. c. 1, s. 1, ss. 30–55, 2018.
- [40] S. Y. Korkanç, “Impacts of recreational human trampling on selected soil and vegetation properties of Aladag Natural Park, Turkey,” Catena, c. 113, ss.219-225, 2014.
- [41] S. A. Lei, “Soil compaction from human trampling, biking, and off-roadmotor vehicle activity in a blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) shrubland,” Western North American Naturalist, c. 64, s.1, ss. 125–130, 2004.
- [42] T. T. Kozlowski, “Soil compaction and growth of woody plants,” Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, c. 14, ss. 596–619, 1999.
- [43] P. Sarah ve H. M. Zhevelev, “Effect of visitors’ pressure on soil and vegetation in several different micro-environments in urban parks in Tel Aviv.” Landscape Urban Plan., c. 83, ss. 284-293, 2007.
- [44] J. M. Arocena, K. N. Sanjay, M. Rutherford, “Visitor-induced changes in the chemical composition of soils in backcountry areas of Mt Robson Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada.” J. Environ. Manage., c. 79, ss. 10-19, 2006.
- [45] M. J. Liddle ve P. J. Greigh-Smith, “A Survey of tracks and paths in a sand dune ecosystem. II. Vegetation,” J. Appl. Ecol., c. 12 ss. 899-908, 1975.
- [46] J. L., Marion ve D. N. Cole, “Spatial and temporal variation in soil and vegetation impacts on campsites,” Ecological Applications, c.6,ss.520-530, 1996.
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- [48] M. Kissling, K. T. Hegetschweiler, H. P. Rusterholz ve B. Baur, “Short-term and longterm effects of human trampling on above-ground vegetation, soil density, soil organic matter and soil microbial processes in suburban beech forests,” Applied Soil Ecology, c. 42, ss. 303–314, 2009.
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- [50] P. Kutiel ve H. Zhevelev, “Recreational use impact on soil and vegetation at picnic sites in Aleppo pine forest on Mount Carmel, Israel,” Isr. J. Plant Sci., c. 49, ss. 49-56, 2001.
- [51] D. Sun ve M. J. Liddle, “A survey of trampling effects on vegetation and soil in eight tropical and subtropical sites,” Environ. Manage., c. 17, ss. 497-510, 1993.
- [52] H. Müderrisoğlu, M. Sargıncı, B. Toprak ve S. Uzun, “Effects of recreational usage-type and density on forest floor organic matter ın Abant Nature Park,” 1st International Turkey & Japan Environment and Forestry Symposium, Trabzon, Turkey, 2010, ss.1562-1574.
- [53] D. Tolunay ve A.Çömez, “Türkiye ormanlarında toprak ve ölü örtüde depolanmış organik karbon miktarları,” Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Ulusal Sempozyumu, Hatay, Türkiye, 2008, ss.750-765.
- [54] J. M. Arocena, “cations ın solution from forest soils subjected to forest floor removal and compaction treatments,” Forest Ecology Management, c. 133, s. 1-2, ss. 71-80, 2000.
- [55] T. A. Breland ve S. Hansen, “Nitrogen mineralization and microbial biomass as affected by soil compaction,” Soil Biology and Biochemistry, c. 28, s. 4-5, ss. 655–663, 1996.
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Changes of Soil Properties Due to Land Use Intensity in Istanbul Urban Forest
Year 2021,
, 899 - 914, 25.04.2021
Murat Sargıncı
Zeynep Bengisu Yeşil
Abdullah Hüseyin Dönmez
Oktay Yıldız
In this study, changes in physical and chemical properties of forest soil due to different usage conditions in recreation areas is investigated. In this context, soil sampling at two different depths of soil and litter sampling from the soil surface from areas with different uses in the Istanbul Hekimbaşı Urban Forest were made. It was determined that soil bulk density, stoniness amount, soil reaction (pH) and sand ratio were increased and inorganic carbon (IOC), organic carbon (OC), organic matter (OM), nitrogen (N) ratios and total amounts per hectare, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the amount of litter were decreased in more intensively used areas. As a result, it has been determined that it causes negative effects on the fertility and sustainability of the soil in areas where human use is more intense. In order to minimize these effects, the carrying capacity of the area should be planned in a way that will cause the least damage to the soil properties. It is considered as the first measures tobe taken by people is using certain points on the field instead of the full area, and reducing human entry to areas other than walkways
Project Number
- [1] E. P. Odum ve G.W. Barret, Ekolojinin Temel İlkeleri, Kani IŞIK, Ed., 5. baskı,Ankara, Türkiye: Palme Yayıncılık, 2008.
- [2] O. Yıldız, M. Sarginci, D. Eşen ve K. Jr. Cromack, “Effects of vegetation control on nutrient removal and Fagus orientalis, Lipsky regeneration in the Western Black Sea region of Turkey,” For. Ecol. Manage. c. 240 ss. 186-194, 2007.
- [3] S. Uzun, “Uludağ Milli Parki’ndaki rekreasyonel kullanimlarin ekosistemin bazi bileşenleri üzerine etkileri,” Doktora tezi, Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Düzce Üniversitesi, Düzce, Türkiye, 2012.
- [4] L. Van-Camp, B. Bujarrabal, A. R. Gentile, R. J. A. Jones, L. Montanarella, C. Olazabal ve S. K. Selavaradjou, “Reports Of The Technical Working Groups Established Under The Thematic Strategy For Soil Protection,” Office for Official Publication of the European Communities, Luxemburg, EUR 21319 EN/6, 2004.
- [5] B. Turgut, “Ormanlık alanlarda toprak sıkışması sorunu,” SDÜ Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 1, s. 13, ss. 66-73, 2012.
- [6] B. D. Soane ve C. Van Ouwerkerk, “Soil Compaction In Crop Production,” Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, 2013.
- [7] W. R. Whalley, E. Dumitru ve A. R. Dexter, “Biological effects of soil compaction,” Soil and Tillage Research, c. 35 s. 1-2, ss. 53-68, 1995.
- [8] A. Gomez, R. F. Powers, M. J. Sınger ve W. R. Horwath, “Soil compaction effects on growth of young ponderosa pine following litter removal ın California's Sierra Nevada,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, c. 66, s. 4, ss. 1334–1343, 2002.
- [9] O. Yildiz, E. Altundağ, B. Çeti̇n, Ş. T. Güner, M. Sarginci ve B. Toprak, “Afforestation restoration of saline-sodic soil in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey using gypsum and sulfur,” Silva Fennica, c. 51 s. 1B, ss.1-17, 2017.
- [10] M. J. Liddle, Recreation Ecology: The Ecological İmpact Of Outdoor Recreation And Ecotourism,Springer, 1997, ss. 639.
- [11] A. Gül ve M. Akten, “Korunan doğal alanlarda rekreasyonel taşıma kapasitesi ve kavramsal yaklaşımlar”, Korunan Doğal Alanlar Sempozyumu, Isparta, Türkiye, 2005, ss. 485-494.
- [12] M. Çakır, E. Makineci ve M. Kumbaslı, “Comparative study on soil properties in a picnic and undisturbed area of Belgrad forest, İstanbul,” Journal of Environmental Biology, c. 31 ss. 125-128, 2010.
- [13] C. M. Pickering, W. Hill, D. Newsomeb ve Y.F. Leung, “Comparing Hiking, Mountain Biking And Horse Riding ımpacts on vegetation and soils ın Australia and The United States Of America,” Journal of Environmental Management, c. 91, s. 3, ss. 551–562, 2010.
- [14] F. Koçak ve V. Balcı, “Doğada yapılan sportif etkinliklerde çevresel sürdürülebilirlik,” Ankara Üniversitesi Çevrebilimleri Dergisi, c. 2, s. 2, ss. 213-222, 2010.
- [15] M. Ö. Karaöz, “Belgrad Ormanı'nda bazı iğne yapraklı ve geniş yapraklı orman ekosistemlerine ait toprak özelliklerinin bir metreküp hacimdeki değerlere göre karşılaştırılması,” İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 41, s. 1, ss. 61-66, 1991.
- [16] R. F. Kuss ve A. R. Grafe, “Effects of recreation trampling on natural area vegetation.” J. Leisure Res.,c. 17 ss. 165-183, 1985.
- [17] G. W. Kearsley, “Tourism development and users’ perception of wilderness in Southern New Zealand.” Aust. Geogr. c. 21, ss. 127-140, 1990.
- [18] Ümraniye Belediyesi Kent Ormanı ve İzci Kampı. (2019, 25 Mart). [Online]. Erişim:
- [19] İstanbul Hekimbaşı Kent OrmanıGoogle Maps Uydu Görüntüsü.(2020, 1 Eylül). [Online].
- [20] P. R. Day, “Particle fractionation and particle size-analysis,” in Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 1, Madison, Wisconsin, USA: American Society of Agronomy, 1965, ss. 545–567.
- [21] D. L. Sparks, A. L. Page, P. A. Helmke, R. H. Loepert, P. N. Soltanpour, M. A. Tabatabai, C. T. Johnston ve M. E. Sumner, “Chemical methods,” in Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3. Madison, Wisconsin, USA: Soil Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy, 1996, ss. 961-1010.
- [22] USDA, “Soil mechanics level I. Module 3–USDA textural soil classification study guide,” National Employee Development Staff, Soil Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, 1987.
- [23] R. K. Schofield ve A. W. Taylor, “The measurement of soil pH,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, c. 19, s. 2, ss.164–167, 1955.
- [24] M. K. Conyers ve B. G. Davey, “Observations on some routine methods for soil pH determination,” Soil Science, c. 145, s. 1, ss. 29–36, 1988.
- [25] G.W. Thomas, “Soil pH and soil acidity,” in Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3. Madison, Wisconsin, USA: Soil Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy, 1996, ss. 475-490.
- [26] J. D. Rhoades, “Salinity: Electrical Conductivity And Total Dissolved Solids,” in Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3. Madison, Wisconsin, USA: Soil Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy, 1996, ss. 417–436.
- [27] M. G. Berg ve E. H. Gardner, “Methods Of Soil Analysis Used In The Soil Testing Laboratory At Oregon State University,” Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA, Special Report 321, 1978.
- [28] M. E. Sumner ve W. P. Miller, 1996. “Cation exchange capacity and exchange coefficients,” in Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3. Madison, Wisconsin, USA: Soil Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy, 1996, ss. 1201–1229.
- [29] R. Margesin ve F. Schinner, “Manual Of Soil Analysis. Monitoring And Assessing Soil Bioremediation,” Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Science & Business Media, 2005.
- [30] A. Güneş, M. Alpaslan ve A. Inal, “Bitki Besleme ve Gübreleme,” Ankara, Türkiye:Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Toprak Bölümü Ders Kitabı, Yayın No: 1539, 2004.
- [31] F. Gülçur, “Toprağın Fiziksel ve Kimyasal Analiz Metodları,” İstanbul, Türkiye: İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Yayınları İ. Ü. Yayın No: 1970, O. F. Yayın No: 201 Kutulmuş Matbaası, 1974, ss. 205.
- [32] J. M. Bremner, “Nitrogen—Total,” in Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 3. Madison, Wisconsin, USA: Soil Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy, 1996, ss. 1085–1121.
- [33] SAS Institute, Inc., SAS/STAT Users Guide, Version 6.12. SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina, 1996.
- [34] D. N. Cole, “Research on soil and vegetation in wilderness: A state-ofknowledge review.” In: Proceeding. National Wilderness Research Conference: Issue, State-of-knowledge, Future Directions; 1985 July 23}26; Fort Collins, CO. Gen Tech Rep INT-220. Ogden, UT: USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. ss. 135-177, 1987.
- [35] P. Kutiel, H. Zhevelev ve R. Harrison, “The effect of recreational impacts on soil and vegetation of stabilised Coastal Dunes in the Sharon Park, Israel,” Ocean Coast. Manage., c. 42, ss. 1041-1060, 1999.
- [36] M. Andres-Abellan, J. B. Del Alamo, T. Landete-Castillejos, F. R. LopezSerrano, F. A. Garcia-Morote ve A. Del Cerro-Barja, “Impact of visitors on soil and vegetation of the recreational area “Nachimiento Del Rio Mundo” (Castilla-La Mancha, Spain).” Environ. Monit. Assess., c. 101, ss. 55-67, 2005.
- [37] P. Kutiel, H. Zhevelev ve H. Lavee, “Coastal dune ecosystems: Management for conservation objective. III. Soil response to three vegetation types to recreational use.” J. Mediterr. Ecol., c. 1, ss. 171-179, 2000.
- [38] A. Duyar ve S. Kiniş, “The effects of trekking activities on physical soil properties in the Bolu-Aladağ fir forests,” Forestist, c. 68, s. 1, ss. 36-41, 2018
- [39] B. Ş. Güngör, “Cultural ecosystem services and recreational use: a review study in Belgrad Forest, Istanbul,’’ Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Sustainability. c. 1, s. 1, ss. 30–55, 2018.
- [40] S. Y. Korkanç, “Impacts of recreational human trampling on selected soil and vegetation properties of Aladag Natural Park, Turkey,” Catena, c. 113, ss.219-225, 2014.
- [41] S. A. Lei, “Soil compaction from human trampling, biking, and off-roadmotor vehicle activity in a blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) shrubland,” Western North American Naturalist, c. 64, s.1, ss. 125–130, 2004.
- [42] T. T. Kozlowski, “Soil compaction and growth of woody plants,” Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, c. 14, ss. 596–619, 1999.
- [43] P. Sarah ve H. M. Zhevelev, “Effect of visitors’ pressure on soil and vegetation in several different micro-environments in urban parks in Tel Aviv.” Landscape Urban Plan., c. 83, ss. 284-293, 2007.
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