In the period referred to as the digital era, technological products dominate almost all facets of human life. While technology facilitates human life on one hand, it threatens health with electromagnetic radiation on the other. This study investigate the effects of electromagnetic radiation on health complaints and psychological anxiety and, accordingly, shopping malls were selected as areas of application because the electromagnetic radiation is high at such venues. In this study, the health and psychological complaints of employees working at shopping malls where the electromagnetic radiation is considered to be relatively high and of employees working in similar sectors outside of shopping malls were measured and comparatively analysed. The study sample is composed of 347 employees in total, 174 of whom are employed at shopping malls in Adana province, and 173 employed in stores located outside of shopping malls. It is seen that there is no statistically significant difference between the employees working inside and outside of the shopping malls in terms of health complaints (p=.945>.050) and psychological complaints (p=.122>.050). But the scale points related to the health complaints of those working at shopping malls is slightly higher. The models set up in relation to the effect of the number of years worked by employees working at shopping malls on "psychological complaints" and "health complaints" were found statistically significant (F=8.234; F=4.174; p<.05). It is important to make measurements in shopping malls and to increase the practices to prevent personnel from having health and psychological problems.