Research Article
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Samsun İli Kanola Üretim Alanlarda Enfeksiyon Oluşturan Virüslerin Belirlenmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 390 - 399, 26.01.2024


Brassicaceae familyasına ait bir tür olan kanola (Brassica napus), önemli bir yağ bitkisidir. Bafra Ovası ülkemizin önemli kanola üretim alanlarından birisi konumundadır. Samsun ilinde kanola üretim alanlarında virüslerin yaygınlık durumunu belirlemek amacıyla 2021-2022 yılında sürveyler yapılmıştır. Arazide gözlemler sırasında bazı kanola bitkilerinde karakteristik virüs simptomları gözlenmiştir. Yapılan sürveyler sırasında, kanola üretim alanlarından yaprak örnekleri toplanmış ve bu örnekler virüs-spesifik ticari poliklonal antiserumlar kullanılarak Double antibody-Sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) yöntemi ile Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) için analiz edilmiştir. Serolojik analizler sonucunda kanola örneklerinin %4.83’ünün CaMV, %3.22’sinin TSWV olmak üzere virüsle enfekteli (%8.06) olduğu belirlenirken, analiz edilen kanola örneklerinde CMV ve TuMV enfeksiyonuna rastlanmamıştır.

Supporting Institution

Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi

Project Number



Bu çalışma, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi, Proje Yönetim Ofisi (PYO) tarafından (PYO.ZRT.1901.20.005) desteklenmiştir. Desteklerinden dolayı OMÜ-PYO teşekkür ederiz.


  • [1] A. Doğru, “Kolza bitkisine (Brassica napus L.) genel bir bakış,” Uluslararası Anadolu Ziraat Mühendisliği Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 2 s. 2 ss. 30-36, 2020.
  • [2] H. Baydar, "Isparta koşullarında kanola (Brassica napus L.) çeşitlerinin verim ve kalite özellikleri,” Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 9, s. 3, ss. 1-6, 2009.
  • [3] M. F. Baran, İ. S. Dalmış ve B. Kayişoğlu, “Kanola bitkisinin parçalanmaya yönelik bazı mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi,” Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, c. 2, s. 5, ss. 143-148, 2016.
  • [4] TÜİK, [Online] Available:, 2022.
  • [5] S. Nooh, “An Overview of Oilseed Rape (canola) Virus Diseases in Iran,” International Research Journal of Microbiology, vol. 3, no. 1 pp. 24-28, 2012.
  • [6] S. Farzadfar, A.R. Golnaraghi, R. Pourrahim, Plant viruses of Iran. Tehran, Iran: Saman Company Publication, pp. 203, 2003.
  • [7] S. Farzadfar, R. Pourrahim, A.R. Golnaraghi, A. Ahounmanesh, “Occurrence of Cauliflower mosaic virus in different cruciferous plants in Iran,” Plant Pathology, vol.54 pp. 810, 2005.
  • [8] S. Farzadfar, R. Pourrrahim, “Characterization of Turnip mosaic virus from the Asian-BR Population in Iran,” Journal of Phytopathology, vol. 162, pp. 824–828, 2014.
  • [9] T. Ghotbi, N. Shahraeen, S. Winter, “Occurrence of tospoviruses in ornamental and weed species in Markazi and Tehran provinces in Iran,” Plant Disease, vol. 89, no. 4, pp. 425-429, 2005.
  • [10] N. Shahraeen, S. Farzadfar, D.E. Lesemann, “Incidence of viruses infecting winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. olifera) in Iran,” Journal of Phytopathology, vol.151, pp. 614-616, 2003.
  • [11] A. Z. Tabarestani, M. Shamsbakhsh, N. Safaei, ” Distribution of three important aphid borne canola viruses in Golestan province,” Iranian journal of Plant Protection Science, vol. l41 no. 2, pp. 112-118, 2011.
  • [12] N. Pitzalis, K. Amari, S. Graindorge, D. Pflieger, L. Donaire, M. Wassenegger, C. Llave M. Heinlein, M. Heinlein, “Turnip mosaic virus in oilseed rape activates networks of sRNA-mediated interactions between viral and host genomes,” Communications Biology, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2020.
  • [13] Q. Chesnais, M. Verdier, M. Burckbuchler, V. Brault, M. Pooggin, M. Drucker, “Cauliflower mosaic virus protein P6‐TAV plays a major role in alteration of aphid vector feeding behaviour but not performance on infected Arabidopsis,” Molecular Plant Pathology, vol. 22, pp. 911–920, 2021.
  • [14] S. Korkmaz, S. Onder, Y. Tomitaka, K. Ohshima, “First report of Turnip mosaic virus on Brassicaceae crops in Turkey,” Plant Pathology, vol. 56 no. 4, pp. 720-720, 2007.
  • [15] S. Korkmaz, Y. Tomitaka, S. Onder, K. Ohshima, “Occurrence and molecular characterization of Turkish isolates of Turnip mosaic virus, Plant Pathology, vol. 57, no .6, pp. 1155-1162, 2008.
  • [16] A. Karanfil, S. Korkmaz, “Çanakkale ili kanola (Brassica napus L.) üretim alanlarında Şalgam mozaik virüsü (Turnip mosaic virus; TuMV) enfeksiyonunun tanılanması ve karakterizasyonu,” Bitki Korum Bülteni, s. 56, c. 2, ss. 185- 197, 2016.
  • [17] R. Yasaka, H. D. Nguyen, S. Y. Ho, S. Duchene, S. Korkmaz, N. Katis, H. Takahashi, A. J. Gibbs, K. Ohshima, “The temporal evolution and global spread of Cauliflower mosaic virus, a plant pararetrovirus,” PloS one, vol.9, no. 1, 2014.
  • [18] R. J. Shephard, “Cauliflower mosaic virus,” AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses, no. 243, 1981.
  • [19] M.H.V. Van Regenmortel, C.M. Fauquet, D.H.L. Bishop, E.B. Carstens, M.K. Estes, S.M. Lemon, J. Moniloff, M.A. Mayo, D.J. McGeoch, C.R. Pringle, R.B. Wickner, Virus taxonomy, Seventh Report of the ICTV, New York: Academic Press, pp. 599-621, 2000.
  • [20] A. Moreno, C. De Blas, R. Biurrun, M. Nebreda, I Palacios, M. Duque, A. Fereres, “The incidence and distribution of viruses infecting lettuce, cultivated Brassica and associated natural vegetation in Spain,” Annals Applied Biology, vol. 144, pp. 339-346, 2004.
  • [21] S. Erkan, M. Gümüş, İ.C. Paylan, İ. Duman, M. Ergün, “İzmir ili ve çevresindeki bazı kışlık sebzelerde görülen viral etmenlerin saptanması,” Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 50, s. 3, ss. 311-322, 2013. [22] J.F. Uhrig, T.R. Soellick, C.J. Minke, C. Philipp, J.W. Kellmann, P.H. Schreier, “Homotypic interaction and multimerization of nucleocapsid protein of Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus: Identification and characterization of two interacting domains,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 55-60, 1999. [23] M. Tsompana, J. Abad, M. Purugganan, W. Moyer, “The molecular population genetics of the Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) genome,” Molecular Ecology, vol. 14 pp. 53-66, 2005.
  • [24] S. Adkins, “Tomato spotted wilt virus- positive steps towards negative success,” Molecular Plant Pathology, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 151-157, 2000.
  • [25] K. B. G. Scholthof, S. Adkins, H. Czosnek, P. Palukaitis, E. Jacquot, T. Hohn, B. Hohn, K. Saunders, T. Candresse, P. Ahlquist, C. Hemenway, G.D. Foster, “Top 10 plant viruses in molecular plant pathology,” Molecular Plant Pathology, vol. 12, pp. 938-954, 2011.
  • [26] S.H. Farzadfar, G. H. Mosahebi, A. Ahounmanesh, H. D. Kouhi, K. Ohshima, R. Pourrahim , A.R. Golnaraghi, “Distribution and some biological and molecular properties of Cauliflower mosaic virus isolates from cauliflower fields in Iran,” Applied Entomology and Phytopathology, vol. 75 no. 2, pp. 1- 25, 2008.
  • [27] M. R. Clark, A. M. Adams, “Characteristics of the microplate method of enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of plant viruses,” Journal of General Virology, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 475-483, 1977.
  • [28] I. Stankovic, K. Zecevic, G. Delibasic, L. Ivanovic, D. Milosevic, M. Marcic, B. Krstic, “Molecular characterization of turnip yellows virus isolates from canola in Serbia,” Acta Agriculturae Serbica, vol. 27, no. 53, 31‒37, 2022.
  • [29] H. D. Nguyen, Y. Tomitaka, S.Y.W. Ho, S. Duchene, H.J. Vetten, D. Lesemann, K. Ohshima, “Turnip mosaic potyvirus probably first spread to Eurasian Brassica crops from wild orchids about 1000 years ago,” PLoS One, vol.8 no. 2, 1-13, 2013.
  • [30] M. A. Sevik, “Viruses infecting Brassica crops in the Black Sea Region of Turkey,” Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil & Plant Science, vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 553-557, 2016.
  • [31] C. Akcura, M. A. Sevik, “Samsun ili yaprak lahana üretim alanlarında görülen virüslerin belirlenmesi,” Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 26, s. 2, ss. 196-201, 2016.
  • [32] M. A. Sevik, “Viruses infecting cool season crops in the northern Turkey,” Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, vol. 91, no. 3, 2019.
  • [33] M. A. Sevik, “Sebze üretimini tehdit eden viral hastalık etmeni: Domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü (Tomato spotted wilt virüs-TSWV),” Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 5, s. 2, ss. 17-23, 2015.
  • [34] A. Şeker, A. Çıtır, “Trakya Bölgesi’ndeki kanola (Brassıca napus L.) tarlalarında görülen abiyotik sorunlar ve Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), Turnıp mosaic virus (TuMV)’lerinin DAS-ELISA ile saptanması,” Yüksek Lisans Tezi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Tekirdağ, Türkiye, 2015.
  • [35] A. Karanfil, S. Korkmaz, “Çanakkale ve Tekirdağ illeri kanola üretim alanlarında önemli virüs hastalıklarının tanılanması ve karakterizasyonu. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 57, s. 1, ss. 53-62, 2020.
  • [36] A. Karanfil, S. Korkmaz, “Detection and molecular characterization of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) infection on canola grown in Çanakkale, Turkey. 2nd International Balkan Agriculture Congress. 16-18 May, Tekirdağ, Turkey, 2017.
  • [37] B. A. Coutts, R. A. C. Jones, “Viruses ınfecting canola (Brassica napus) in SouthWest Australia: Incidence, distribution, spread and infection reservoir in wild radish (Raphanus raphinistrum),” Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 51 no. 7, pp.925-936, 2000.
  • [38] L. Zhao, C. Feng, X. Hao, R. Wang, L. Hu, Q Wang, Y. Wu, “Detection and molecular variability of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) in Shaanxi, China,” Journal of Phytopathology, vol. 162 no.7-8, pp. 519-522, 2013.
  • [39] A. F. Raybould, L. C. Maskell, M. L. Edwards, J. I. Cooper, A. J. Gray, “The prevalence and spatial distribution of viruses in natural populations of Brassica oleracea” New Phytologist, vol. 141, pp. 265–275, 1999.

Detection of Viruses in Oilseed Rape (Canola) in Samsun Province

Year 2024, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 390 - 399, 26.01.2024


Oilseed rape, a member of the Brassicaceae, is one of the most important oil plants. Bafra Plain is one of the most important oilseed rape producing areas in Turkey. Surveys were done to determine the distribution of viruses in oilseed rape cultivated areas in Samsun province in 2021 and 2022. According to the results of field surveys, characteristic virus symptoms were observed on some oilseed rape plants. Leaf samples was collected from oilseed rape fields in Bafra Plain- Samsun province and tested for the presence of Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), and Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) by DAS-ELISA using commercial polyclonal antiserum. Result of serological tests showed that 8.06% of these samples were infected with CaMV (4.83%), and TSWV (3.22%). However, CMV and TuMV were not determined in canola samples.

Project Number



  • [1] A. Doğru, “Kolza bitkisine (Brassica napus L.) genel bir bakış,” Uluslararası Anadolu Ziraat Mühendisliği Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 2 s. 2 ss. 30-36, 2020.
  • [2] H. Baydar, "Isparta koşullarında kanola (Brassica napus L.) çeşitlerinin verim ve kalite özellikleri,” Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 9, s. 3, ss. 1-6, 2009.
  • [3] M. F. Baran, İ. S. Dalmış ve B. Kayişoğlu, “Kanola bitkisinin parçalanmaya yönelik bazı mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi,” Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, c. 2, s. 5, ss. 143-148, 2016.
  • [4] TÜİK, [Online] Available:, 2022.
  • [5] S. Nooh, “An Overview of Oilseed Rape (canola) Virus Diseases in Iran,” International Research Journal of Microbiology, vol. 3, no. 1 pp. 24-28, 2012.
  • [6] S. Farzadfar, A.R. Golnaraghi, R. Pourrahim, Plant viruses of Iran. Tehran, Iran: Saman Company Publication, pp. 203, 2003.
  • [7] S. Farzadfar, R. Pourrahim, A.R. Golnaraghi, A. Ahounmanesh, “Occurrence of Cauliflower mosaic virus in different cruciferous plants in Iran,” Plant Pathology, vol.54 pp. 810, 2005.
  • [8] S. Farzadfar, R. Pourrrahim, “Characterization of Turnip mosaic virus from the Asian-BR Population in Iran,” Journal of Phytopathology, vol. 162, pp. 824–828, 2014.
  • [9] T. Ghotbi, N. Shahraeen, S. Winter, “Occurrence of tospoviruses in ornamental and weed species in Markazi and Tehran provinces in Iran,” Plant Disease, vol. 89, no. 4, pp. 425-429, 2005.
  • [10] N. Shahraeen, S. Farzadfar, D.E. Lesemann, “Incidence of viruses infecting winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. olifera) in Iran,” Journal of Phytopathology, vol.151, pp. 614-616, 2003.
  • [11] A. Z. Tabarestani, M. Shamsbakhsh, N. Safaei, ” Distribution of three important aphid borne canola viruses in Golestan province,” Iranian journal of Plant Protection Science, vol. l41 no. 2, pp. 112-118, 2011.
  • [12] N. Pitzalis, K. Amari, S. Graindorge, D. Pflieger, L. Donaire, M. Wassenegger, C. Llave M. Heinlein, M. Heinlein, “Turnip mosaic virus in oilseed rape activates networks of sRNA-mediated interactions between viral and host genomes,” Communications Biology, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2020.
  • [13] Q. Chesnais, M. Verdier, M. Burckbuchler, V. Brault, M. Pooggin, M. Drucker, “Cauliflower mosaic virus protein P6‐TAV plays a major role in alteration of aphid vector feeding behaviour but not performance on infected Arabidopsis,” Molecular Plant Pathology, vol. 22, pp. 911–920, 2021.
  • [14] S. Korkmaz, S. Onder, Y. Tomitaka, K. Ohshima, “First report of Turnip mosaic virus on Brassicaceae crops in Turkey,” Plant Pathology, vol. 56 no. 4, pp. 720-720, 2007.
  • [15] S. Korkmaz, Y. Tomitaka, S. Onder, K. Ohshima, “Occurrence and molecular characterization of Turkish isolates of Turnip mosaic virus, Plant Pathology, vol. 57, no .6, pp. 1155-1162, 2008.
  • [16] A. Karanfil, S. Korkmaz, “Çanakkale ili kanola (Brassica napus L.) üretim alanlarında Şalgam mozaik virüsü (Turnip mosaic virus; TuMV) enfeksiyonunun tanılanması ve karakterizasyonu,” Bitki Korum Bülteni, s. 56, c. 2, ss. 185- 197, 2016.
  • [17] R. Yasaka, H. D. Nguyen, S. Y. Ho, S. Duchene, S. Korkmaz, N. Katis, H. Takahashi, A. J. Gibbs, K. Ohshima, “The temporal evolution and global spread of Cauliflower mosaic virus, a plant pararetrovirus,” PloS one, vol.9, no. 1, 2014.
  • [18] R. J. Shephard, “Cauliflower mosaic virus,” AAB Descriptions of Plant Viruses, no. 243, 1981.
  • [19] M.H.V. Van Regenmortel, C.M. Fauquet, D.H.L. Bishop, E.B. Carstens, M.K. Estes, S.M. Lemon, J. Moniloff, M.A. Mayo, D.J. McGeoch, C.R. Pringle, R.B. Wickner, Virus taxonomy, Seventh Report of the ICTV, New York: Academic Press, pp. 599-621, 2000.
  • [20] A. Moreno, C. De Blas, R. Biurrun, M. Nebreda, I Palacios, M. Duque, A. Fereres, “The incidence and distribution of viruses infecting lettuce, cultivated Brassica and associated natural vegetation in Spain,” Annals Applied Biology, vol. 144, pp. 339-346, 2004.
  • [21] S. Erkan, M. Gümüş, İ.C. Paylan, İ. Duman, M. Ergün, “İzmir ili ve çevresindeki bazı kışlık sebzelerde görülen viral etmenlerin saptanması,” Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 50, s. 3, ss. 311-322, 2013. [22] J.F. Uhrig, T.R. Soellick, C.J. Minke, C. Philipp, J.W. Kellmann, P.H. Schreier, “Homotypic interaction and multimerization of nucleocapsid protein of Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus: Identification and characterization of two interacting domains,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 55-60, 1999. [23] M. Tsompana, J. Abad, M. Purugganan, W. Moyer, “The molecular population genetics of the Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) genome,” Molecular Ecology, vol. 14 pp. 53-66, 2005.
  • [24] S. Adkins, “Tomato spotted wilt virus- positive steps towards negative success,” Molecular Plant Pathology, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 151-157, 2000.
  • [25] K. B. G. Scholthof, S. Adkins, H. Czosnek, P. Palukaitis, E. Jacquot, T. Hohn, B. Hohn, K. Saunders, T. Candresse, P. Ahlquist, C. Hemenway, G.D. Foster, “Top 10 plant viruses in molecular plant pathology,” Molecular Plant Pathology, vol. 12, pp. 938-954, 2011.
  • [26] S.H. Farzadfar, G. H. Mosahebi, A. Ahounmanesh, H. D. Kouhi, K. Ohshima, R. Pourrahim , A.R. Golnaraghi, “Distribution and some biological and molecular properties of Cauliflower mosaic virus isolates from cauliflower fields in Iran,” Applied Entomology and Phytopathology, vol. 75 no. 2, pp. 1- 25, 2008.
  • [27] M. R. Clark, A. M. Adams, “Characteristics of the microplate method of enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of plant viruses,” Journal of General Virology, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 475-483, 1977.
  • [28] I. Stankovic, K. Zecevic, G. Delibasic, L. Ivanovic, D. Milosevic, M. Marcic, B. Krstic, “Molecular characterization of turnip yellows virus isolates from canola in Serbia,” Acta Agriculturae Serbica, vol. 27, no. 53, 31‒37, 2022.
  • [29] H. D. Nguyen, Y. Tomitaka, S.Y.W. Ho, S. Duchene, H.J. Vetten, D. Lesemann, K. Ohshima, “Turnip mosaic potyvirus probably first spread to Eurasian Brassica crops from wild orchids about 1000 years ago,” PLoS One, vol.8 no. 2, 1-13, 2013.
  • [30] M. A. Sevik, “Viruses infecting Brassica crops in the Black Sea Region of Turkey,” Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil & Plant Science, vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 553-557, 2016.
  • [31] C. Akcura, M. A. Sevik, “Samsun ili yaprak lahana üretim alanlarında görülen virüslerin belirlenmesi,” Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 26, s. 2, ss. 196-201, 2016.
  • [32] M. A. Sevik, “Viruses infecting cool season crops in the northern Turkey,” Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, vol. 91, no. 3, 2019.
  • [33] M. A. Sevik, “Sebze üretimini tehdit eden viral hastalık etmeni: Domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü (Tomato spotted wilt virüs-TSWV),” Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 5, s. 2, ss. 17-23, 2015.
  • [34] A. Şeker, A. Çıtır, “Trakya Bölgesi’ndeki kanola (Brassıca napus L.) tarlalarında görülen abiyotik sorunlar ve Beet western yellows virus (BWYV), Turnıp mosaic virus (TuMV)’lerinin DAS-ELISA ile saptanması,” Yüksek Lisans Tezi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Tekirdağ, Türkiye, 2015.
  • [35] A. Karanfil, S. Korkmaz, “Çanakkale ve Tekirdağ illeri kanola üretim alanlarında önemli virüs hastalıklarının tanılanması ve karakterizasyonu. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 57, s. 1, ss. 53-62, 2020.
  • [36] A. Karanfil, S. Korkmaz, “Detection and molecular characterization of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) infection on canola grown in Çanakkale, Turkey. 2nd International Balkan Agriculture Congress. 16-18 May, Tekirdağ, Turkey, 2017.
  • [37] B. A. Coutts, R. A. C. Jones, “Viruses ınfecting canola (Brassica napus) in SouthWest Australia: Incidence, distribution, spread and infection reservoir in wild radish (Raphanus raphinistrum),” Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 51 no. 7, pp.925-936, 2000.
  • [38] L. Zhao, C. Feng, X. Hao, R. Wang, L. Hu, Q Wang, Y. Wu, “Detection and molecular variability of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) in Shaanxi, China,” Journal of Phytopathology, vol. 162 no.7-8, pp. 519-522, 2013.
  • [39] A. F. Raybould, L. C. Maskell, M. L. Edwards, J. I. Cooper, A. J. Gray, “The prevalence and spatial distribution of viruses in natural populations of Brassica oleracea” New Phytologist, vol. 141, pp. 265–275, 1999.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Ali Şevik 0000-0002-8895-7944

Abdullah Baltacı 0000-0002-0309-5215

Project Number PYO.ZRT.1901.20.005
Publication Date January 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA Şevik, M. A., & Baltacı, A. (2024). Samsun İli Kanola Üretim Alanlarda Enfeksiyon Oluşturan Virüslerin Belirlenmesi. Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology, 12(1), 390-399.
AMA Şevik MA, Baltacı A. Samsun İli Kanola Üretim Alanlarda Enfeksiyon Oluşturan Virüslerin Belirlenmesi. DUBİTED. January 2024;12(1):390-399. doi:10.29130/dubited.1222867
Chicago Şevik, Mehmet Ali, and Abdullah Baltacı. “Samsun İli Kanola Üretim Alanlarda Enfeksiyon Oluşturan Virüslerin Belirlenmesi”. Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology 12, no. 1 (January 2024): 390-99.
EndNote Şevik MA, Baltacı A (January 1, 2024) Samsun İli Kanola Üretim Alanlarda Enfeksiyon Oluşturan Virüslerin Belirlenmesi. Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology 12 1 390–399.
IEEE M. A. Şevik and A. Baltacı, “Samsun İli Kanola Üretim Alanlarda Enfeksiyon Oluşturan Virüslerin Belirlenmesi”, DUBİTED, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 390–399, 2024, doi: 10.29130/dubited.1222867.
ISNAD Şevik, Mehmet Ali - Baltacı, Abdullah. “Samsun İli Kanola Üretim Alanlarda Enfeksiyon Oluşturan Virüslerin Belirlenmesi”. Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology 12/1 (January 2024), 390-399.
JAMA Şevik MA, Baltacı A. Samsun İli Kanola Üretim Alanlarda Enfeksiyon Oluşturan Virüslerin Belirlenmesi. DUBİTED. 2024;12:390–399.
MLA Şevik, Mehmet Ali and Abdullah Baltacı. “Samsun İli Kanola Üretim Alanlarda Enfeksiyon Oluşturan Virüslerin Belirlenmesi”. Duzce University Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 12, no. 1, 2024, pp. 390-9, doi:10.29130/dubited.1222867.
Vancouver Şevik MA, Baltacı A. Samsun İli Kanola Üretim Alanlarda Enfeksiyon Oluşturan Virüslerin Belirlenmesi. DUBİTED. 2024;12(1):390-9.