In order for the invited reviewers (by e-mail) to participate in a peer review, they must first log into their individual accounts from the DergiPark System and accept the reviewer invitation. Thus, the reviewers who accept the invitation can download or view the relevant manuscript from the system.
Reviewers can directly assist the authors in their corrections by adding explanations to the relevant parts of the manuscript (the file in word format) they have reviewed. This file, on which the review is made, can be uploaded to the DergiPark system as a process file by the reviewers. In order to complete the peer review process, the “DUFED Referee Evaluation Form” of our journal on the DergiPark System must be filled in by the reviewers.
In the peer review; the reviewers are expected
to be objective and express their views with supporting evidence,
to report important relevant studies that should be cited,
to guide the authors in citing a previously reported statement,
to notify problems they perceived about the ethical rules to the field editor,
to bring to the attention of the field editor the important similarities and overlaps between the manuscript they reviewed and any article,
to inform the field editor with their justifications when they detect the presence of serious flaws during the peer review,
to state in the "DUFED Referee Evaluation Form" that they want to review the manuscript again after the revision, if they request a major revision.
Reviewers must comply with COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers prepared by the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
For the ethical responsibilities of the reviewers, please review the ethical principles of our journal.
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