Research Article
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Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage in Mersin Coastal Aquifer: A Pre-Feasibility Study

Year 2018, Volume: 2018 Issue: 1, 38 - 50, 21.06.2018


With the increasing awareness on environmental issues regarding the increasing greenhouse gas emissions, global warming and exploitation of earth’s resources due to the fossil fuel consumption, techniques on the utilization of renewable sources such as geothermal, solar and wind energy gained importance in recent years. Especially in the European Countries, there is an increasing amount of research on the utilization of heat potential available in shallow soils and aquifers in the recent decade. In this direction, Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage Systems (ATES), one of the accepted underground thermal energy storage techniques, was considered as an alternative for sustainable energy supply. Application and use of ATES technique may lead to reduction in fossil fuel consumption by providing sustainable air conditioning in our buildings in association with seasonal underground heat storage. Within the scope of this study, the potential application of ATES technique in Mersin Coastal Aquifer located in the Mersin Province towards fulfilling air conditioning needs of the buildings around the region was investigated. For this purpose, results of previous numerical modeling and thermal performance studies on ATES technique were considered to evaluate the application potential of the mentioned technique.


  • [1]. Hall, S. J. and Raymond, J. R. (1992). In Proceedings of the Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference: “Geohydrologic characterization for aquifer thermal energy storage”, San Diego, Calif., 3–4 August 1992. Edited by E.A. Jeanne. Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, Pa. pp. 75–81.
  • [2]. Vail, W. L. and Jenne, E. V. (1994) In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage: “Optimizing the design and operation of ATES systems”, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 14–15 November 1994. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. pp. 9–14.
  • [3]. IF Technology (1995). Underground thermal energy storage: state of the art 1994. IF Technology, Anhen, the Netherlands.
  • [4]. Sanner, B. (2003). Integrated use of geothermal and other renewable energy sources – heat pumps, solar thermal, combined heat and power. In Course notes of The United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme, Reyjavik, Iceland, September 2003. The United Nations University, Tokyo. pp. 79–98.
  • [5]. Bridger, D. W. and Allen, D. M. (2005). Designing aquifer thermal energy storage systems. ASHRAE Journal, 47(9): Pg.32–37.
  • [6]. IEA-ECES (2009). Underground thermal energy storage [online]. International Energy Agency – Energy Conservation through Energy Storage. Available from
  • [7]. Yan, Q. S. and Woo, T. F. (1981). The development and application of aquifer storage in China. STES Newsletter, III: 4–5.
  • [8]. Midkiff, K. C. and Brett, C. E. (1994). In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage: “Long-term experience with an ATES-based air conditioning system”, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 14–15 November 1994. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. pp. 29–40.
  • [9]. Paksoy, H.O., Andersson, O., Abaci, S., Evliya, H. and Turgut, B. 2000. Heating and cooling of a hospital using solar energy coupled with seasonal thermal energy storage in an aquifer. Renewable Energy, 19(1–2): 117–122.
  • [10]. Bartels, J. and Kabus, F. (2003). In Proceedings of Futurestock: “Seasonal aquifer solarheat storage at Rostock-Brinckmanshoe – first operational experience and aquifer simulation”. 9th International Conference on Thermal Energy Storage, Warsaw, Poland, 1–4 September 2003. Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland. pp. 53–58.
  • [11]. Eggen, G. and Vangsnes, G. (2005). In Proceedings of the 8th IEA Heat Pump Conference: “Heat pump for district cooling and heating at Oslo Airport, Gardermoen”, Las Vegas, Nev., 30 May – 2 June 2005. IEA Heat Pump Programme, Paris.
  • [12]. Seibt, O. and Kabus, F. (2006). In Proceedings of ECOSTOCK 2006: “Aquifer thermal energy storage – projects implemented in Germany”. Conference on Energy Storage Technology, Pomona, N. J. , 31 May – 2 June 2006.
  • [13]. Phernambucq, I. H., Contaminant spreading in areas with a high density of Seasonal Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (SATES) Systems, M. Sc. Thesis, University Utretch, 2015.
  • [14]. Sommer, W., Valstar, J. and Leusbrock, I., (2015). Optimization and spatial pattern of large-scale aquifer thermal energy storage. Applied Energy, 137: 322-337.
  • [15]. Possemiers, M., Huysmans, M. and Batelaan, O., (2014). Influence of aquifer thermal energy storage on groundwater quality: A review illustrated by seven case studies from Belgium. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 2: 20-34.
  • [16]. Bloemendal, M., Olsthoorn, T., and Boons, F., (2014). How to achieve optimal and sustainable use of the subsurface for aquifer thermal energy storage. Energy Policy. 66: 104-114.
  • [17]. Bonte. M., (2013). Impacts of shallow geothermal energy on groundwater quality - a hydrochemical and geomicrobial study of the effects of ground source heat pumps and aquifer thermal energy storage. Department of Earth Sciences. PhD, 175.
  • [18]. Benno Drijver Niels Hartog, Inez Dinkla and Matthijs Bonte, (2013). Field assessment of the impacts of aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) systems on chemical and microbial groundwater composition. In European Geothermal Congress. Palazzo dei Congressi-Pisa, Italy.
  • [19]. Zhou, X., Gao, Q., and Chen, X., (2015). Developmental status and challenges of GWHP and ATES in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 42: 973-985.
  • [20]. Xu, J., Wang, R. Z. and Li, Y (2014). A review of available technologies for seasonal thermal energy storage. Solar Energy, 103: 610-638.
  • [21]. K. S. Lee (2010). A review on concepts, applications, and models of aquifer thermal energy storage systems. Energies. 3(6): 1320-1334.
  • [22]. Hesaraki, A., Holmberg, S. and Haghighat, F., (2015). Seasonal thermal energy storage with heat pumps and low temperatures in building projects—a comparative review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 43: 1199-1213.
  • [23]. Andersson, O., (2007). Aquifer thermal energy storage. In Thermal Energy Storage for Sustainable Energy Consumption, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 155-176.
  • [24]. Bakr, M., Oostrom, N., Sommer, W., (2013). Efficiency of and interference among multiple aquifer thermal energy storage systems; a Dutch case study. Renewable Energy, 60: 53-62.
  • [25]. W. Sommer, J. Valstar, P. Van Gaans, et al. (2013). The impact of aquifer heterogeneity on the performance of aquifer thermal energy storage. Water Resources Research. 49(12): 8128-8138.
  • [26]. Rosen, M. A., (1999). Second-law analysis of aquifer thermal energy storage systems. Energy, 24(2): 167-182.
  • [27]. Dincer, I. (2002). Thermal energy storage systems as a key technology in energy conservation. International Journal of Energy Research, 26(7): 567-588.
  • [28]. Rosen, M. A., I. Dincer, I. (2003). Exergy methods for assessing and comparing thermal storage systems. International Journal of Energy Research, 27(4): 415-430.
  • [29]. Ferguson, G., Woodbury, A. D., (2006). Observed thermal pollution and post-development simulations of low-temperature geothermal systems in Winnipeg, Canada. Hydrogeology Journal. 14(7): 1206-1215.
  • [30]. Ghaebi, H., Bahadori, M. N. and Saidi, M. H. (2014). Performance analysis and parametric study of thermal energy storage in an aquifer coupled with a heat pump and solar collectors, for a residential complex in Tehran, Iran. Applied Thermal Engineering. 62(1): 156-170.
  • [31]. Sommer, W. T., Doornenbal, P. J. and Drijver, B. C. et al. (2014). Thermal performance and heat transport in aquifer thermal energy storage. Hydrogeology Journal. 22(1): 263-279.
  • [32]. AlZahrani, A. A., Dincer, I. (2016). Performance assessment of an aquifer thermal energy storage system for heating and cooling applications. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME. 138(1).
  • [33]. Gao, L., Zhao, J., An, Q., Wang, J. and Liu, X. (2017). A review on system performance studies of aquifer thermal energy storage. Energy Procedia, 142, 3537-3545.
  • [34]. Hatipoglu, Z., Louis H. Motz, ve Bayari, C. S. (2009). Characterization of the groundwater flow system in the hillside and coastal aquifers of the Mersin-Tarsus region (Turkey)., Hydrogeology journal 17.7, 1761.
  • [35]. Bloemendal, M., & Hartog, N. (2018). Analysis of the impact of storage conditions on the thermal recovery efficiency of low-temperature ATES systems. Geothermics, 71, 306-319.
  • [36]. Hatipoğlu, Z., Hydrogeochemistry of Mersin-Tarsus Coastal Aquifer, Ph. D. Thesis, Mersin University, Mersin, 2004.
Year 2018, Volume: 2018 Issue: 1, 38 - 50, 21.06.2018



  • [1]. Hall, S. J. and Raymond, J. R. (1992). In Proceedings of the Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference: “Geohydrologic characterization for aquifer thermal energy storage”, San Diego, Calif., 3–4 August 1992. Edited by E.A. Jeanne. Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, Pa. pp. 75–81.
  • [2]. Vail, W. L. and Jenne, E. V. (1994) In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage: “Optimizing the design and operation of ATES systems”, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 14–15 November 1994. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. pp. 9–14.
  • [3]. IF Technology (1995). Underground thermal energy storage: state of the art 1994. IF Technology, Anhen, the Netherlands.
  • [4]. Sanner, B. (2003). Integrated use of geothermal and other renewable energy sources – heat pumps, solar thermal, combined heat and power. In Course notes of The United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme, Reyjavik, Iceland, September 2003. The United Nations University, Tokyo. pp. 79–98.
  • [5]. Bridger, D. W. and Allen, D. M. (2005). Designing aquifer thermal energy storage systems. ASHRAE Journal, 47(9): Pg.32–37.
  • [6]. IEA-ECES (2009). Underground thermal energy storage [online]. International Energy Agency – Energy Conservation through Energy Storage. Available from
  • [7]. Yan, Q. S. and Woo, T. F. (1981). The development and application of aquifer storage in China. STES Newsletter, III: 4–5.
  • [8]. Midkiff, K. C. and Brett, C. E. (1994). In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage: “Long-term experience with an ATES-based air conditioning system”, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 14–15 November 1994. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. pp. 29–40.
  • [9]. Paksoy, H.O., Andersson, O., Abaci, S., Evliya, H. and Turgut, B. 2000. Heating and cooling of a hospital using solar energy coupled with seasonal thermal energy storage in an aquifer. Renewable Energy, 19(1–2): 117–122.
  • [10]. Bartels, J. and Kabus, F. (2003). In Proceedings of Futurestock: “Seasonal aquifer solarheat storage at Rostock-Brinckmanshoe – first operational experience and aquifer simulation”. 9th International Conference on Thermal Energy Storage, Warsaw, Poland, 1–4 September 2003. Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland. pp. 53–58.
  • [11]. Eggen, G. and Vangsnes, G. (2005). In Proceedings of the 8th IEA Heat Pump Conference: “Heat pump for district cooling and heating at Oslo Airport, Gardermoen”, Las Vegas, Nev., 30 May – 2 June 2005. IEA Heat Pump Programme, Paris.
  • [12]. Seibt, O. and Kabus, F. (2006). In Proceedings of ECOSTOCK 2006: “Aquifer thermal energy storage – projects implemented in Germany”. Conference on Energy Storage Technology, Pomona, N. J. , 31 May – 2 June 2006.
  • [13]. Phernambucq, I. H., Contaminant spreading in areas with a high density of Seasonal Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (SATES) Systems, M. Sc. Thesis, University Utretch, 2015.
  • [14]. Sommer, W., Valstar, J. and Leusbrock, I., (2015). Optimization and spatial pattern of large-scale aquifer thermal energy storage. Applied Energy, 137: 322-337.
  • [15]. Possemiers, M., Huysmans, M. and Batelaan, O., (2014). Influence of aquifer thermal energy storage on groundwater quality: A review illustrated by seven case studies from Belgium. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 2: 20-34.
  • [16]. Bloemendal, M., Olsthoorn, T., and Boons, F., (2014). How to achieve optimal and sustainable use of the subsurface for aquifer thermal energy storage. Energy Policy. 66: 104-114.
  • [17]. Bonte. M., (2013). Impacts of shallow geothermal energy on groundwater quality - a hydrochemical and geomicrobial study of the effects of ground source heat pumps and aquifer thermal energy storage. Department of Earth Sciences. PhD, 175.
  • [18]. Benno Drijver Niels Hartog, Inez Dinkla and Matthijs Bonte, (2013). Field assessment of the impacts of aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) systems on chemical and microbial groundwater composition. In European Geothermal Congress. Palazzo dei Congressi-Pisa, Italy.
  • [19]. Zhou, X., Gao, Q., and Chen, X., (2015). Developmental status and challenges of GWHP and ATES in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 42: 973-985.
  • [20]. Xu, J., Wang, R. Z. and Li, Y (2014). A review of available technologies for seasonal thermal energy storage. Solar Energy, 103: 610-638.
  • [21]. K. S. Lee (2010). A review on concepts, applications, and models of aquifer thermal energy storage systems. Energies. 3(6): 1320-1334.
  • [22]. Hesaraki, A., Holmberg, S. and Haghighat, F., (2015). Seasonal thermal energy storage with heat pumps and low temperatures in building projects—a comparative review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 43: 1199-1213.
  • [23]. Andersson, O., (2007). Aquifer thermal energy storage. In Thermal Energy Storage for Sustainable Energy Consumption, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 155-176.
  • [24]. Bakr, M., Oostrom, N., Sommer, W., (2013). Efficiency of and interference among multiple aquifer thermal energy storage systems; a Dutch case study. Renewable Energy, 60: 53-62.
  • [25]. W. Sommer, J. Valstar, P. Van Gaans, et al. (2013). The impact of aquifer heterogeneity on the performance of aquifer thermal energy storage. Water Resources Research. 49(12): 8128-8138.
  • [26]. Rosen, M. A., (1999). Second-law analysis of aquifer thermal energy storage systems. Energy, 24(2): 167-182.
  • [27]. Dincer, I. (2002). Thermal energy storage systems as a key technology in energy conservation. International Journal of Energy Research, 26(7): 567-588.
  • [28]. Rosen, M. A., I. Dincer, I. (2003). Exergy methods for assessing and comparing thermal storage systems. International Journal of Energy Research, 27(4): 415-430.
  • [29]. Ferguson, G., Woodbury, A. D., (2006). Observed thermal pollution and post-development simulations of low-temperature geothermal systems in Winnipeg, Canada. Hydrogeology Journal. 14(7): 1206-1215.
  • [30]. Ghaebi, H., Bahadori, M. N. and Saidi, M. H. (2014). Performance analysis and parametric study of thermal energy storage in an aquifer coupled with a heat pump and solar collectors, for a residential complex in Tehran, Iran. Applied Thermal Engineering. 62(1): 156-170.
  • [31]. Sommer, W. T., Doornenbal, P. J. and Drijver, B. C. et al. (2014). Thermal performance and heat transport in aquifer thermal energy storage. Hydrogeology Journal. 22(1): 263-279.
  • [32]. AlZahrani, A. A., Dincer, I. (2016). Performance assessment of an aquifer thermal energy storage system for heating and cooling applications. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the ASME. 138(1).
  • [33]. Gao, L., Zhao, J., An, Q., Wang, J. and Liu, X. (2017). A review on system performance studies of aquifer thermal energy storage. Energy Procedia, 142, 3537-3545.
  • [34]. Hatipoglu, Z., Louis H. Motz, ve Bayari, C. S. (2009). Characterization of the groundwater flow system in the hillside and coastal aquifers of the Mersin-Tarsus region (Turkey)., Hydrogeology journal 17.7, 1761.
  • [35]. Bloemendal, M., & Hartog, N. (2018). Analysis of the impact of storage conditions on the thermal recovery efficiency of low-temperature ATES systems. Geothermics, 71, 306-319.
  • [36]. Hatipoğlu, Z., Hydrogeochemistry of Mersin-Tarsus Coastal Aquifer, Ph. D. Thesis, Mersin University, Mersin, 2004.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Environmentally Sustainable Engineering
Journal Section Conference Proceeding

Nihan Aydın Ertuğrul This is me

Zübeyde Hatipoğlu Bağcı This is me

Özgür Lütfi Ertuğrul This is me

Publication Date June 21, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2018 Issue: 1


APA Aydın Ertuğrul, N., Hatipoğlu Bağcı, Z., & Ertuğrul, Ö. L. (2018). Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage in Mersin Coastal Aquifer: A Pre-Feasibility Study. Dünya Multidisipliner Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2018(1), 38-50.


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