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Electroencephalography and Electrooculography in Dogs

Year 2023, , 51 - 58, 30.06.2023


Electroencephalography (EEG) is an important examination method for the evaluation of functional central nervous system disorders. The purpose of this article is to review the use of EEG in dogs, explain the techniques and provide practical application in veterinary medicine. In addition, the relationships on the EEG model with the electrooculography (EOG) data are emphasized. It is also aimed to gain a different perspective on the fields of canine cognition and sleep research that have been developing recently. Applications of the techniques described in the article have already been made in a variety of dogs. The mentioned methods have an important role in the investigation of nerve diseases and functional activity of the brain which are among the most difficult areas of small animal medicine. These techniques will become more and more informative with the development of fields such as physiology, biophysics and computer science.


  • Pellegrino FC, Sica RE. (2004). Canine Electroencephalographic Recording Technique: Findings in Normal and Epileptic Dogs. Clinical Neurophysiology, 115(2), 477-487.
  • Karpiński M, Kotyra S, Goleman M, Wojtaś J, Garbiec A, Krupa W, Zieliński D, Czyżowski P. (2022). EEG Readings in Dogs Depending on Their Living Condition And Training. Preliminary Study. Journal of Veterinary Behavior. 50(1), 53-9.
  • Barea R, Boquete L, Mazo M, López E. (2002). System for Assisted Mobility Using Eye Movements Based on Electrooculography. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 10(4), 209-218.
  • Schubert TA, Chidester RM, Chrisman CL. (2011) Clinical Characteristics, Management and Long‐Term Outcome of Suspected Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behaviour Disorder in 14 Dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice. 52(2), 93-100.
  • Ozer K, Ozer S, Devecioglu Y. (1998). Kedi ve Köpeklerde Elektroensefalografi, 6.Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi Fırat Üniversitesi, 25-28 Haziran, Elazığ-Türkiye.
  • Parmentier R, Bricout D, Brousseau E, Giboulot T. (2006). Dog EEG for Wake‐Promotion Studies. Current Protocols in Pharmacology, 34(1), 5-43.
  • Singh YN, Singh SK, Ray AK. (2012). Bioelectrical Signals as Emerging Biometrics: Issues and Challenges. International Scholarly Research Notices.
  • Wrzosek M. (2016). Electroencephalography as a Diagnostic Technique for Canine Neurological Diseases. Journal of Veterinary Research, 60(2), 181-187.
  • Croft PG. (1962). The EEG as an Aid to Diagnosis of Nervous Diseases in The Dog and Cat. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 3(4), 205-213.
  • Utsugi S, Saito M, Sato T, Kunimi M. (2020). Relationship Between Interictal Epileptiform Discharges Under Medetomidine Sedation and Clinical Seizures in Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy. Veterinary Record, 187(2), 67-67.
  • Kis A, Szakadát S, Kovács E, Gácsi M, Simor P, Gombos F, Bódizs R. (2014). Development of a Non-invasive Polysomnography Technique for Dogs (Canis familiaris). Physiology & Behavior, 130, 149-156.
  • Iotchev IB, Kis A, Bódizs R, van Luijtelaar G, Kubinyi E. (2017). EEG Transients in The Sigma Range During non-REM Sleep Predict Learning in Dogs. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-11.
  • Wauquier A, De Ryck M, Van den Broeck W, Van Loon J, Melis W, Janssen P. (1988). Relationships Between Quantitative EEG Measures and Pharmacodynamics of Alfentanil in dogs. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 69(6), 550-560.
  • Komsuoglu SŞ, Selekler HM, Alemdar M. (2008). Olgu Sunumları ile Klinik EEG Atlası. 1. Baskı, Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri,İstanbul.
  • Steiss JE. (1988). A Survey of Current Techniques in Veterinary Electrodiagnostics: EEG, Spinal Evoked and Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential Recording. Veterinary Research Communications, 12(4), 281-288.
  • Risio LD, Platt S. (2014). Canine and Feline Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management. Canine and Feline Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management.
  • Berendt M, Høgenhaven H, Flagstad A, Dam M. (1999). Electroencephalography in Dogs with Epilepsy: Similarities Between Human and Canine Findings. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 99(5), 276-283.
  • Törnqvist H, Kujala, MV, Somppi S, Hänninen L, Pastell M, Krause CM, Vainio O. (2013). Visual Event-Related Potentials of Dogs: a Non-Invasive Electroencephalography Study. Animal Cognition, 16(6), 973-982.
  • Reicher V, Kis A, Simor P, Bódizs R, Gácsi M. (2021). Interhemispheric Asymmetry During NREM Sleep in The Dog. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-10.
  • Rong G, Mendez A, Assi EB, Zhao B, Sawan M. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Review and Prediction Case Studies. Engineering, 6(3), 291-301.
  • James FMK, Cortez MA, Monteith G, Jokinen TS, Sanders S, Wielaender F, Lohi H. (2017). Diagnostic Utility of Wireless Video‐Electroencephalography in Unsedated Dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 31(5), 1469-1476.
  • Kovács E, Kosztolányi A, Kis A. (2018). Rapid Eye Movement Density During REM Sleep in Dogs (Canis familiaris). Learning & Behavior, 46(4), 554-560.
  • Bassett L, Troncy E, Pouliot M, Paquette D, Ascah A, Authier S. (2014). Telemetry Video-Electroencephalography (EEG) in Rats, Dogs and Non-Human Primates: Methods in Follow-up Safety Pharmacology Seizure Liability Assessments. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, 70(3), 230-240.
  • Bulling A, Ward JA, Gellersen H, Tröster G. (2010). Eye Movement Analysis for Activity Recognition Using Electrooculography. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine İntelligence, 33(4), 741-53.
  • Steiss JE. (1988). A Survey of Current Techniques in Veterinary Electrodiagnostics: EEG, Spinal Evoked and Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential Recording. Veterinary Research Communications. 12(4), 281-8.
  • Chen YJ, Lin YS, Chiueh H. (2016). EEG Recording Frontend Circuitry For Epileptic Seizure Detection Headband. IEEE Healthcare Innovation Point-Of-Care Technologies Conference 42-45.
  • Kennedy MJ, Smith LJ. (2015) A Comparison of Cardiopulmonary Function, Recovery Quality, And Total Dosages Required for Induction and Total Intravenous Anesthesia with Propofol Versus a Propofol‐Ketamine Combination in Healthy Beagle Dogs. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 42(4), 350-9.
  • Michael JA, Wang M, Kaur M, Fitzgerald PB, Fitzgibbon BM, Hoy KE. (2021) EEG Correlates of Attentional Control in Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review of Error-Related Negativity and Correct-Response Negativity Findings. Journal of Affective Disorders. 291, 140-53.
  • Pfurtscheller G. Da Silva FL. (1999) Event-related EEG/MEG Synchronization and Desynchronization: Basic Principles. Clinical Neurophysiology. 110(11), 1842-1857.
  • Taylor SM. (2020) Seizures and other Paroxysmal Events. Small Animal Internal Medicine, 5th ed.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1093-1108.
  • Polat K, Güneş S. (2007) Classification of Epileptiform EEG Using a Hybrid System Based on Decision Tree Classifier and Fast Fourier Transform. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 187(2), 1017-1026.
  • Yu KH, Beam AL, Kohane IS. (2018) Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2(10), 719-731.

Köpeklerde Elektroensefalografi ve Elektrookülografi

Year 2023, , 51 - 58, 30.06.2023


Elektroensefalografi (EEG), fonksiyonel merkezi sinir sistemi bozukluklarının değerlendirilmesi için önemli bir muayene yöntemidir. Bu makalenin amacı, EEG’nin köpeklerde kullanımını gözden geçirmek ve tekniklerinin açıklanarak veteriner hekimlik uygulanmalarının pratikleştirilmesini sağlamaktır. Ayrıca, elektrookülografi (EOG) verileri ile birlikte EEG modeli ilişkisi üzerinde durulmaktadır. Son zamanlarda gelişmekte olan köpek bilişi ve uyku araştırmaları alanlarına yönelik farklı bakış açısı kazandırılması da hedeflenmektedir. Makale içeriğinde değinilen teknikler halihazırda çeşitli birçok köpekte uygulanmıştır. Değinilen yöntemler, küçük hayvan tıbbının en zor alanlarından biri olan sinir hastalıklarının ve beynin fonksiyonel aktivitesinin araştırılmasında önemli role sahiptirler. Bu teknikler fizyoloji, biyofizik ve bilgisayar bilimleri gibi alanların da gelişimiyle her geçen gün daha fazla bilgi verir hale gelecektir.


  • Pellegrino FC, Sica RE. (2004). Canine Electroencephalographic Recording Technique: Findings in Normal and Epileptic Dogs. Clinical Neurophysiology, 115(2), 477-487.
  • Karpiński M, Kotyra S, Goleman M, Wojtaś J, Garbiec A, Krupa W, Zieliński D, Czyżowski P. (2022). EEG Readings in Dogs Depending on Their Living Condition And Training. Preliminary Study. Journal of Veterinary Behavior. 50(1), 53-9.
  • Barea R, Boquete L, Mazo M, López E. (2002). System for Assisted Mobility Using Eye Movements Based on Electrooculography. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 10(4), 209-218.
  • Schubert TA, Chidester RM, Chrisman CL. (2011) Clinical Characteristics, Management and Long‐Term Outcome of Suspected Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behaviour Disorder in 14 Dogs. Journal of Small Animal Practice. 52(2), 93-100.
  • Ozer K, Ozer S, Devecioglu Y. (1998). Kedi ve Köpeklerde Elektroensefalografi, 6.Ulusal Veteriner Cerrahi Kongresi Fırat Üniversitesi, 25-28 Haziran, Elazığ-Türkiye.
  • Parmentier R, Bricout D, Brousseau E, Giboulot T. (2006). Dog EEG for Wake‐Promotion Studies. Current Protocols in Pharmacology, 34(1), 5-43.
  • Singh YN, Singh SK, Ray AK. (2012). Bioelectrical Signals as Emerging Biometrics: Issues and Challenges. International Scholarly Research Notices.
  • Wrzosek M. (2016). Electroencephalography as a Diagnostic Technique for Canine Neurological Diseases. Journal of Veterinary Research, 60(2), 181-187.
  • Croft PG. (1962). The EEG as an Aid to Diagnosis of Nervous Diseases in The Dog and Cat. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 3(4), 205-213.
  • Utsugi S, Saito M, Sato T, Kunimi M. (2020). Relationship Between Interictal Epileptiform Discharges Under Medetomidine Sedation and Clinical Seizures in Canine Idiopathic Epilepsy. Veterinary Record, 187(2), 67-67.
  • Kis A, Szakadát S, Kovács E, Gácsi M, Simor P, Gombos F, Bódizs R. (2014). Development of a Non-invasive Polysomnography Technique for Dogs (Canis familiaris). Physiology & Behavior, 130, 149-156.
  • Iotchev IB, Kis A, Bódizs R, van Luijtelaar G, Kubinyi E. (2017). EEG Transients in The Sigma Range During non-REM Sleep Predict Learning in Dogs. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 1-11.
  • Wauquier A, De Ryck M, Van den Broeck W, Van Loon J, Melis W, Janssen P. (1988). Relationships Between Quantitative EEG Measures and Pharmacodynamics of Alfentanil in dogs. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 69(6), 550-560.
  • Komsuoglu SŞ, Selekler HM, Alemdar M. (2008). Olgu Sunumları ile Klinik EEG Atlası. 1. Baskı, Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri,İstanbul.
  • Steiss JE. (1988). A Survey of Current Techniques in Veterinary Electrodiagnostics: EEG, Spinal Evoked and Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential Recording. Veterinary Research Communications, 12(4), 281-288.
  • Risio LD, Platt S. (2014). Canine and Feline Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management. Canine and Feline Epilepsy: Diagnosis and Management.
  • Berendt M, Høgenhaven H, Flagstad A, Dam M. (1999). Electroencephalography in Dogs with Epilepsy: Similarities Between Human and Canine Findings. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 99(5), 276-283.
  • Törnqvist H, Kujala, MV, Somppi S, Hänninen L, Pastell M, Krause CM, Vainio O. (2013). Visual Event-Related Potentials of Dogs: a Non-Invasive Electroencephalography Study. Animal Cognition, 16(6), 973-982.
  • Reicher V, Kis A, Simor P, Bódizs R, Gácsi M. (2021). Interhemispheric Asymmetry During NREM Sleep in The Dog. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-10.
  • Rong G, Mendez A, Assi EB, Zhao B, Sawan M. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Review and Prediction Case Studies. Engineering, 6(3), 291-301.
  • James FMK, Cortez MA, Monteith G, Jokinen TS, Sanders S, Wielaender F, Lohi H. (2017). Diagnostic Utility of Wireless Video‐Electroencephalography in Unsedated Dogs. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 31(5), 1469-1476.
  • Kovács E, Kosztolányi A, Kis A. (2018). Rapid Eye Movement Density During REM Sleep in Dogs (Canis familiaris). Learning & Behavior, 46(4), 554-560.
  • Bassett L, Troncy E, Pouliot M, Paquette D, Ascah A, Authier S. (2014). Telemetry Video-Electroencephalography (EEG) in Rats, Dogs and Non-Human Primates: Methods in Follow-up Safety Pharmacology Seizure Liability Assessments. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, 70(3), 230-240.
  • Bulling A, Ward JA, Gellersen H, Tröster G. (2010). Eye Movement Analysis for Activity Recognition Using Electrooculography. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine İntelligence, 33(4), 741-53.
  • Steiss JE. (1988). A Survey of Current Techniques in Veterinary Electrodiagnostics: EEG, Spinal Evoked and Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential Recording. Veterinary Research Communications. 12(4), 281-8.
  • Chen YJ, Lin YS, Chiueh H. (2016). EEG Recording Frontend Circuitry For Epileptic Seizure Detection Headband. IEEE Healthcare Innovation Point-Of-Care Technologies Conference 42-45.
  • Kennedy MJ, Smith LJ. (2015) A Comparison of Cardiopulmonary Function, Recovery Quality, And Total Dosages Required for Induction and Total Intravenous Anesthesia with Propofol Versus a Propofol‐Ketamine Combination in Healthy Beagle Dogs. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 42(4), 350-9.
  • Michael JA, Wang M, Kaur M, Fitzgerald PB, Fitzgibbon BM, Hoy KE. (2021) EEG Correlates of Attentional Control in Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review of Error-Related Negativity and Correct-Response Negativity Findings. Journal of Affective Disorders. 291, 140-53.
  • Pfurtscheller G. Da Silva FL. (1999) Event-related EEG/MEG Synchronization and Desynchronization: Basic Principles. Clinical Neurophysiology. 110(11), 1842-1857.
  • Taylor SM. (2020) Seizures and other Paroxysmal Events. Small Animal Internal Medicine, 5th ed.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1093-1108.
  • Polat K, Güneş S. (2007) Classification of Epileptiform EEG Using a Hybrid System Based on Decision Tree Classifier and Fast Fourier Transform. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 187(2), 1017-1026.
  • Yu KH, Beam AL, Kohane IS. (2018) Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2(10), 719-731.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Review

Çağın Çevik 0000-0001-8509-8382

Ezgi Kaya 0000-0001-8948-2824

Bikem Turanoğlu 0000-0002-5529-972X

Duygu Tarhan 0000-0002-0878-5709

Bengü Bilgiç 0000-0002-6952-2937

Alev Ercan 0000-0002-4533-4907

Erman Or 0000-0002-8764-1956

Early Pub Date June 24, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Acceptance Date January 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Çevik, Ç., Kaya, E., Turanoğlu, B., Tarhan, D., et al. (2023). Köpeklerde Elektroensefalografi ve Elektrookülografi. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(1), 51-58.
AMA Çevik Ç, Kaya E, Turanoğlu B, Tarhan D, Bilgiç B, Ercan A, Or E. Köpeklerde Elektroensefalografi ve Elektrookülografi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. June 2023;16(1):51-58. doi:10.47027/duvetfd.1168673
Chicago Çevik, Çağın, Ezgi Kaya, Bikem Turanoğlu, Duygu Tarhan, Bengü Bilgiç, Alev Ercan, and Erman Or. “Köpeklerde Elektroensefalografi Ve Elektrookülografi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16, no. 1 (June 2023): 51-58.
EndNote Çevik Ç, Kaya E, Turanoğlu B, Tarhan D, Bilgiç B, Ercan A, Or E (June 1, 2023) Köpeklerde Elektroensefalografi ve Elektrookülografi. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16 1 51–58.
IEEE Ç. Çevik, “Köpeklerde Elektroensefalografi ve Elektrookülografi”, Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 51–58, 2023, doi: 10.47027/duvetfd.1168673.
ISNAD Çevik, Çağın et al. “Köpeklerde Elektroensefalografi Ve Elektrookülografi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16/1 (June 2023), 51-58.
JAMA Çevik Ç, Kaya E, Turanoğlu B, Tarhan D, Bilgiç B, Ercan A, Or E. Köpeklerde Elektroensefalografi ve Elektrookülografi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2023;16:51–58.
MLA Çevik, Çağın et al. “Köpeklerde Elektroensefalografi Ve Elektrookülografi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 16, no. 1, 2023, pp. 51-58, doi:10.47027/duvetfd.1168673.
Vancouver Çevik Ç, Kaya E, Turanoğlu B, Tarhan D, Bilgiç B, Ercan A, Or E. Köpeklerde Elektroensefalografi ve Elektrookülografi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2023;16(1):51-8.