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Kedilerde Karşılaşılan Göz Hastalıklarının Değerlendirilmesi: Retrospektif Bir Çalışma (2020-2023)

Year 2023, , 108 - 111, 31.12.2023


Göz, dış etkenlere, enfeksiyonlara, metabolik bozukluklara duyarlı bir duyu organıdır ve göz hastalıkları cerrahi hastalıklar içerisinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu çalışmada Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Hastanesine son 4 yıl içinde (2020-2023) getirilen kedilerde karşılaşılan göz hastalıklarının dağılımını bildirmek ve veteriner pratiğe katkı sağlamak amaçlandı. Çalışma materyalini Ocak 2020 ile Eylül 2023 yılları arasında Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Hayvan Hastanesi getirilen göz hastalığı teşhisi konan farklı yaş, cinsiyet ve ırktaki 291 kedi oluşturdu. Anamnezi takiben kedilerin detaylı göz muayeneleri yapıldı ve teşhis edilen göz problemi kayıt altına alındı. Çalışma kapsamına alınan kedilerde konjunktivitis (%21.15), keratitis (%19.59), kornea ülseri (%14.09), keratokonjunktivitis sikka (%9.62), glokom (%3.44), uveitis (%4.12), iris stafilomu (%4.12), simbleferon (%3.78), panoftalmi (%3.44), kornea nekrozu (%3.09), membrana niktitans protrüzyonu (%1.72), şemozis (%1.72), entropion (%1.37), katarakt (%1.03), hipopion (%0.69), proptozis (%0.34), lokal retinal ayrılma (%.34) ve kist dermoid (%0.34) vakaları görüldü. Sonuç olarak kedilerde yaygın olarak konjunktiva ve kornea hastalıkları ile karşılaşıldı. Görme işlevinin bozulmaması için rutin göz muayenelerinin aksatılmaması, hastalıkların erken tanı ve tedavisinin yapılması önemlidir.

Ethical Statement

The study protocol was approved by the Dicle University Health Sciences Application and Research Center Local Ethics Committee (E-35582840-020-577736).


  • Kurup KR, Parikh PV, Mahla JK, Ratnu DA. (2017). Optimized Ophthalmic: Advances in the Treatment of Ocular Diseases in Animals. Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research. 1(6):1617-1620.
  • Han MC, Sağlıyan A, Polat E, İstek Ö. (2019). Bazı Evcil Hayvanlarda Karşılaşılan Göz Hastalıklarının Değerlendirilmesi: Retrospektif Bir Çalışma: 278 Olgu: (2002- 2013). Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 8(1):104-107.
  • Şirin ÖŞ, Çetin MN, Neyse B. (2023). Evaluation of Eye Diseases in Cats and Dogs: A Retrospective Study: 200 Cases (2021-2022). Veterinary Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. 8(1):44-49.
  • Deveci MZY, Kırgız Ö, İşler C, Yurtal Z, Altuğ M, Gönenci R. (2020). Kedi ve Köpeklerde Göz ve Göz Kapağı Hastalıklarının Prevalansı: 201 Olguda Retrospektif Çalışma (2015-2019). Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 34(3):173-177.
  • La Croix NC. (2005). Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Disease in Cats. Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice. 20(2):121-128.
  • Parlak K, Akyol ET, Zamirbekova N, Songül A, Kayacık S, Çayırlı ÜFB, Tanırlı Y, Sulu K, Alkan F. (2021). Eye Injuries in Cats with Head Trauma. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal. 14(4):482-491.
  • Ollivier FJ, Plummer CE, Barrie KP. (2013). Göz Muayenesi ve Tanısal Işlemler. In Gelatt KN. (Eds). Temel Veteriner Oftalmoloji (1.Baskı.3-26). Medipress.
  • Schaer M, Brooks DE, Burrows CF, Frod RB, Fox SM, Herrtage ME, Philip GA. (2006). Kedi ve Köpeklerin Klinik Hekimliği. In: O. Deprem, T. Y. (Eds). Sistemik Hastalıklarda Göz Bulguları. 821-876.
  • Kim SE, Lee MK, Seo K. (2018). Clinical Application of Serum Eye Drops for Herpetic Keratitis in Cats: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine. 16(3):221-225.
  • Demir A, Altundağ Y, Karagözoğlu GS. (2020). Surgical Management of Infectious and Noninfectious Melting Corneal Ulcers in Cats. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Animal Sciences. 44(4):934-944.
  • Uzunlu EO, Songül A, Zamirbekova N, Akyol ET, Arıcan M. (2020). Kedi ve Köpeklerde Görülen Yaygın Göz Hastalıkları: Retrospektif Çalışma (2018-2019). Bozok Veterinary Sciences. 1(1-2):17-22.
  • Kumar T, Punia M., Agnihotri D, Sindhu N, Jain VK. (2018). Incidence of Ophthalmic Affections in Dogs–A Short Study. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.7(9):560-1565. 709,187.
  • Akinrinmade JF, Ogungbenro OI. (2015). Incidence, Diagnosis and Management of Eye Affections in Dogs. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences. (13):9-13. https://doi. org/10.4314/sokjvs.v13i3.2
  • Radhy AM. (2023). Detection of Some Causes of Feline Eye Infections in Baghdad City. Archives of Razi Institute. 78(1): 25-29.
  • O’Neill DG, Church DB, McGreevy PD, Thomson PC, Brodbelt DC. (2014). Prevalence of Disorders Recorded in Cats Attending Primary-Care Veterinary Practices in England. Vet J. 202: 286-291.
  • Mitchell N. (2006). Feline Ophthalmology Part 2: Clinical Presentation and Aetiology of Common Ocular Conditions. Irish Veterinary Journal. 59(4):223-232.

Evaluation of Eye Diseases Encountered in Cats: A Retrospective Study (2020-2023)

Year 2023, , 108 - 111, 31.12.2023


The eye is a sensory organ sensitive to external factors, infections, and metabolic disorders, and eye diseases have a very important place among surgical diseases. This study aimed to report the distribution of eye diseases encountered in cats brought to Dicle University Veterinary Faculty Hospital in the last 4 years (2020-2023) and to contribute to veterinary practice. The study material consisted of 291 cats of different ages, genders and breeds diagnosed with eye disease, brought to Dicle University Veterinary Faculty Animal Hospital between January 2020 and September 2023. Following the history of the cats, a detailed eye examination was performed and the diagnosed eye problem was recorded. In the cats included in the study, conjunctivitis (21.15%), keratitis (19.59%), corneal ulcer (14.09%), keratoconjunctivitis sicca (9.62%), glaucoma (3.44%), uveitis (4.12%), iris staphyloma (4.12%), symblepharon (3.78%), panophthalmitis (3.44%), corneal necrosis (3.09%), nictitans protrusion into the membrane (1.72%), chemosis (1.72%), entropion (1.37%), cataract (1.03%), hypopion (0.69%), proptosis (0.34%), local retinal detachment (0.34%) and dermoid cyst (0.34%) were seen. As a result, conjunctiva and corneal diseases were commonly encountered in cats. In order to prevent visual impairment, it is important not to neglect routine eye examinations and to diagnose and treat diseases early.


  • Kurup KR, Parikh PV, Mahla JK, Ratnu DA. (2017). Optimized Ophthalmic: Advances in the Treatment of Ocular Diseases in Animals. Biomedical Journal of Scientific and Technical Research. 1(6):1617-1620.
  • Han MC, Sağlıyan A, Polat E, İstek Ö. (2019). Bazı Evcil Hayvanlarda Karşılaşılan Göz Hastalıklarının Değerlendirilmesi: Retrospektif Bir Çalışma: 278 Olgu: (2002- 2013). Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. 8(1):104-107.
  • Şirin ÖŞ, Çetin MN, Neyse B. (2023). Evaluation of Eye Diseases in Cats and Dogs: A Retrospective Study: 200 Cases (2021-2022). Veterinary Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University. 8(1):44-49.
  • Deveci MZY, Kırgız Ö, İşler C, Yurtal Z, Altuğ M, Gönenci R. (2020). Kedi ve Köpeklerde Göz ve Göz Kapağı Hastalıklarının Prevalansı: 201 Olguda Retrospektif Çalışma (2015-2019). Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 34(3):173-177.
  • La Croix NC. (2005). Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Disease in Cats. Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice. 20(2):121-128.
  • Parlak K, Akyol ET, Zamirbekova N, Songül A, Kayacık S, Çayırlı ÜFB, Tanırlı Y, Sulu K, Alkan F. (2021). Eye Injuries in Cats with Head Trauma. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal. 14(4):482-491.
  • Ollivier FJ, Plummer CE, Barrie KP. (2013). Göz Muayenesi ve Tanısal Işlemler. In Gelatt KN. (Eds). Temel Veteriner Oftalmoloji (1.Baskı.3-26). Medipress.
  • Schaer M, Brooks DE, Burrows CF, Frod RB, Fox SM, Herrtage ME, Philip GA. (2006). Kedi ve Köpeklerin Klinik Hekimliği. In: O. Deprem, T. Y. (Eds). Sistemik Hastalıklarda Göz Bulguları. 821-876.
  • Kim SE, Lee MK, Seo K. (2018). Clinical Application of Serum Eye Drops for Herpetic Keratitis in Cats: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine. 16(3):221-225.
  • Demir A, Altundağ Y, Karagözoğlu GS. (2020). Surgical Management of Infectious and Noninfectious Melting Corneal Ulcers in Cats. Turkish Journal of Veterinary Animal Sciences. 44(4):934-944.
  • Uzunlu EO, Songül A, Zamirbekova N, Akyol ET, Arıcan M. (2020). Kedi ve Köpeklerde Görülen Yaygın Göz Hastalıkları: Retrospektif Çalışma (2018-2019). Bozok Veterinary Sciences. 1(1-2):17-22.
  • Kumar T, Punia M., Agnihotri D, Sindhu N, Jain VK. (2018). Incidence of Ophthalmic Affections in Dogs–A Short Study. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.7(9):560-1565. 709,187.
  • Akinrinmade JF, Ogungbenro OI. (2015). Incidence, Diagnosis and Management of Eye Affections in Dogs. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences. (13):9-13. https://doi. org/10.4314/sokjvs.v13i3.2
  • Radhy AM. (2023). Detection of Some Causes of Feline Eye Infections in Baghdad City. Archives of Razi Institute. 78(1): 25-29.
  • O’Neill DG, Church DB, McGreevy PD, Thomson PC, Brodbelt DC. (2014). Prevalence of Disorders Recorded in Cats Attending Primary-Care Veterinary Practices in England. Vet J. 202: 286-291.
  • Mitchell N. (2006). Feline Ophthalmology Part 2: Clinical Presentation and Aetiology of Common Ocular Conditions. Irish Veterinary Journal. 59(4):223-232.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research

Emine Çatalkaya 0000-0001-7884-5407

Berna Ersöz Kanay 0000-0001-5165-0618

Sadık Yayla 0000-0001-6734-421X

Nahit Saylak 0000-0003-2008-5403

Ahmet Bayat 0000-0003-1336-3196

Early Pub Date December 28, 2023
Publication Date December 31, 2023
Acceptance Date November 10, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Çatalkaya, E., Ersöz Kanay, B., Yayla, S., Saylak, N., et al. (2023). Evaluation of Eye Diseases Encountered in Cats: A Retrospective Study (2020-2023). Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 108-111.
AMA Çatalkaya E, Ersöz Kanay B, Yayla S, Saylak N, Bayat A. Evaluation of Eye Diseases Encountered in Cats: A Retrospective Study (2020-2023). Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. December 2023;16(2):108-111. doi:10.47027/duvetfd.1373419
Chicago Çatalkaya, Emine, Berna Ersöz Kanay, Sadık Yayla, Nahit Saylak, and Ahmet Bayat. “Evaluation of Eye Diseases Encountered in Cats: A Retrospective Study (2020-2023)”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16, no. 2 (December 2023): 108-11.
EndNote Çatalkaya E, Ersöz Kanay B, Yayla S, Saylak N, Bayat A (December 1, 2023) Evaluation of Eye Diseases Encountered in Cats: A Retrospective Study (2020-2023). Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16 2 108–111.
IEEE E. Çatalkaya, B. Ersöz Kanay, S. Yayla, N. Saylak, and A. Bayat, “Evaluation of Eye Diseases Encountered in Cats: A Retrospective Study (2020-2023)”, Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 108–111, 2023, doi: 10.47027/duvetfd.1373419.
ISNAD Çatalkaya, Emine et al. “Evaluation of Eye Diseases Encountered in Cats: A Retrospective Study (2020-2023)”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16/2 (December 2023), 108-111.
JAMA Çatalkaya E, Ersöz Kanay B, Yayla S, Saylak N, Bayat A. Evaluation of Eye Diseases Encountered in Cats: A Retrospective Study (2020-2023). Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2023;16:108–111.
MLA Çatalkaya, Emine et al. “Evaluation of Eye Diseases Encountered in Cats: A Retrospective Study (2020-2023)”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 16, no. 2, 2023, pp. 108-11, doi:10.47027/duvetfd.1373419.
Vancouver Çatalkaya E, Ersöz Kanay B, Yayla S, Saylak N, Bayat A. Evaluation of Eye Diseases Encountered in Cats: A Retrospective Study (2020-2023). Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2023;16(2):108-11.